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Best of the Notes Parts 1 and 2

  In this case "All good things" continued a little while longer. You can also see Best of Notes 3 by clicking here.

Everything that exists is a figurehead, a beach head of much or everything else and nothing more. It is merely a part which for the moment and by one perspective has broken above something else's surface. Beneath they are always connected. All roots of anything and everything are intermingled, and reconnect ahead again. Only from angles within it do things seem separated, or as separate things. 

From another point in space or in time, from another's perspective, our future exists already as their past. As put forth here, that the future and past are existent only as different perspectives upon their different presents, in which they are all the same present only seen from different angles (called space and time). The only thing confusing or complicated about seeing future events as co-existing with the present and past, is that there is no "the" future but many very different ones, just as there are many different pasts merging and overlapping in different ways at different angles further back away from each present. Complicating this even further is that there is no "the" present either, just a combination of more probable states seeming to overlap in a way that makes it differenciatable from less probable others from that particular point of view chosen to be taken by that "individual" and at that point in "space" and in "time", which is really just another organizational factor of everything else inextricably interconnected and the separateness itself is only a desired or chosen perspective upon and within it. 

Time is like glass or water that distorts things further from it, and eventually curves back far beyond your sight. Space is the same in every dimensional sense you can imagine or know, also eventually curving back upon itself. The Universe is only definite as the present balance between the parts of it and yourself which you are aware of at which slide or slice of it you happen to be in, and which for the moment or at that moment seem beyond your reach or around corners you can't see. Eventually you may find that your blindness was intentional and desirable, and your wishes to see beyond it were just something to want to do. 

People should not use the phrase "think about *THE* future". If there is only one, you have no responsibility toward it, it will be what it will be. If there are many possible ones, then you have something worth thinking about other than preparing for it. You should then think about which one you would wish to inhabit or which you would prefer to think of as the right one for you to be in. It is a mistake to think that you control the ability to make anything occur which is not already pre-existent and always was. Think of it like driving. You control which route to take and what you will see on the way, but the roads must already be there waiting to be traveled upon. 

Center-periphery of time as well as space, any thing or event seen as the center, dual or multicenters in space connected by time, dual or multicenters in time connected by space

The leaf example: Each person is like a leaf on a tree, connected to the life of the tree in some way we cannot see or understand, living by and for the benefit of the tree that spawned us and we are never separate from it. Others are other leaves we are connected to by or looking backward in a direction we cannot see into the branches and roots which connect us still. Now imagine each of the leaves contains a seed of which a new tree can grow. Even the leaves after leaving the tree growing into their own trees which will spawn other leaves and other trees, each of these leave/seeds is still connected to their (originating) trees when observed through an angle we call time. No matter how separated you can imagine them (eventually) becoming, from another angle they are always connected and as one. 

Not just looking at something but being aware of what you are looking at, aware of looking, of the connection between both, how your consciousness is both here and there simultaneously trying to feed both locations, (both) objects (you and it), and (the) interactions (by perception) back into your mind at once as well as perceiving this process from yet a third viewpoint. The same can be done with perceiving how you are perceiving time. 

What is wanting and what is lacking are the same things. What is missing and what are found are never separated. What is giving and what is taking are the same things. What space and time seem to separate are never apart as either does not exist except seen from the eyes or point of view of the other. From a third point of view, they are the same thing. Since nothing can be separated except mentally or perceptually, nothing can ever be apart or lacking anything that is not a part of the process, beginnings and endings are the same thing, backwards or forwards, leaving or reuniting are never any different. They are merely the illusions of having something to do by breaking and reuniting something which can never exist apart from the other. When you can unite something and its opposite like zero and infinity or an object at one point in space and its opposite in backward space or time and see them both as the same thing, you can mentally connect all the points between to see that everything else between is exactly the same as its counterpart and every point of the circle between is no different than any other time or place. They are all mirrored, twinned, and also equal to the opposite in time, space, and perception. Perceiver, what is perceived, and the perception are one and the same. Two consciousnesses experiences and interaction breeds a third "God's eye" point of view outside of and framing their own. That view when seen or fulfilled or viewed creates a fourth view of the same thing, seen from or at another time or remembered, a fifth point of view of the same thing, multiplying ad infinitum. Every point of view outside of a process and within the process from separate angles are always different aspects of the same thing, the same view, not merely linked, but the same thing, inseparable, though seeming to have multiple and eventually infinite separate views upon it, yet none is different in the end than any other except in mind and time. At another point, each is as the other. 

Science and religion both fail (in) seeing a beginning and an end external to themselves. Every point and time in the Universe contains the beginning and end of every other. With that in mind, the same could be said of the potential of each and every consciousness. With each new life, the Universe itself is born again, and with each death, merely shifts the focus to something else, some new other way of seeing it or being it or being within it (though not you), being with it another way. 

There are no such things as objects. There are only relationships. Between what is the question. Space within space, twisting around and through itself and through time like a really twisted up oak tree, but what is the tree if all we can know are the branches, and the branches only connect to each other and only exist where they brush up against each other, who can say? 

The presence of pleasure leads to pain with its interruption. The presence of pain leads to pleasure with its interruption. The existence or emergence of a quality or thing creates an opposing principle in its absence, a time or state of what or how things are with it and how things are where or when one is without it. Everything in existence and every aspect of existence follows this. Where there is you or matter, this creates a place or time where there is no you or empty space or space that is not you and times you are not to put that where and when you or the Universe is into context. The constant presence of something becomes the norm of existence and its interruption or withdrawal becomes painful. Changing from one state to another is always painful. Life is adjusting to perceptual constants and seeing them as normal so they are no longer reasons to feel as pain. Matter is a way to define existence as apart from something it is not. Nothing is, on another level, apart from anything else but the (perceived) separation (in time) from what one is used to or comes to enjoy or appreciate becomes painful. To exist at all is to break away from everything else, ultimately painful and forever looking over your shoulder to reuniting with all of it or at least some other aspect of it. It may sound cliche but the presence of anything creates the non-
existence of that thing. Before its existence it was never absent, therefore always was. Only by existing can or does anything create its own non-existence (at another seeming point in time). Since both are mirrored opposites, they cancel each other out  eventually and are inevitably aspects of the same thing. The birth of something and the end of it and all points in-between are one, stretching space and time between, yet it is also a point seemingly unable to be stretched except perceptually, it always happens and never happens, or passes in an instant on one hand and an eternity on the other. 

In the context of the system - how surface actualities relate to higher level more penetrating potentialities they exist within the frame of. 

To be something more, always. To find new reasons or levels of explanation of my present and past existences to better define future ones. To discover the source of existences and experiences outside of myself yet seemingly inside myself at the same time. 

"Ok honey I see, I guess he's better than me" (Harry Chapin, WOLD), nothing, the absence of something, even me or what I wish can be or creates a positive for someone or something else (every positive a negative of potential for everything else, and vice versa.)(a positive of one type of experience, a negative of every possible other which could have been seen in its place or beyond its shadow in potential.) (To see beyond the reach of all its possible effects and states in time (around?) it to create a ball or universe around its existence, to see beyond it from seeing it from all points in space in time at once, no shadows, only the center out view reversed, negative center inwards, seeing all possibilities of its existence and its non- existence's potentials at the same time, supra-dimensional point of view of something’s potentialities in effects on everything else’s potentials.)

"Between" is always "by" (relational "by" not spacial). 

How beings shape their environments while being shaped by them. 

The Universe is far stranger than people have yet to imagine. Stay home, lock your doors, hide your head in the sand, close your mind off from everything else, and still you are everywhere at every time in every possible reality. Every door of perception we have is a wall, open at one point, closed at every other, yet both are that wall. The gaps and the non-gaps are parts of the same thing, and in time change places. Durations and intervals (of and between existence), walls and gaps, circling and never moving with all else moving around it in space and time. Earth is not the center Universe. Wherever you are standing is. 

People look without seeing what seeing is. People think without knowing what thinking is. Without an outside perspective upon perspective, people are as programmed as birds migration, fish to where they must spawn, whales to where they hope to go to die. 

In 2D, people can imagine and build a circle but not see the inside and the outside at the same time. In 3D, people can imagine and build a (hollow) ball or sphere but not see the inside and the outside at the same time. 

Everyday you are a different combination of new life and old. New cells being born, others dying. New memories being made, whether of whole new experiences or new memories (remembering) of old ones. What is new trying to find where it fits in to what has come before in both you and in relation to the rest of the world via what you or it was before, and creating in both, something, some new combination altogether and completely new, yet slowing giving ground to even newer combinations later today, and will be different again tomorrow. Life is change, not what form it takes at any given time, but what it is gaining and losing at any given time. 

Single moments in time do not exist. Objects as they appear at one moment in time are false, it is only across time through movement, perceptible or imperceptible moving in tandem, it does not matter, movement and streaming perception only. Spinning around oneself and orbiting around outside points, (are the) same thing.

Everything is a part of everything else and connects to everything else, and is inexorably intertwined with everything else, and understanding these underlying connections of each to everything else is awesome, but nothing exists apart from them, yourself included. You and anything have no existence save for the overlapping conjunctions and probabilities of how you can be seen by or affect others who also have no basis other than how they can be known to and by all others. It is like everyone and everything is pulling each other up with nothing supporting them but each other and the commonality they create by moving in tandem which creates a "ground" to support  them. Everything that exists is created by everything beyond itself which can affect it and be affected by it and for these mutual cross purposes. Choice if any, lies only if you can be many things at once, at the same point in time, and limit them down to only seeing or knowing each at a time. That, and making how you are seen by one or a few others your focal point or frame of reference for a period of time, also to limit and to gain more coherence than the diffuse sum of all possible others.

When where is not a place but a direction! If coming from... then this is... How where you were determines where you are, angle coming from is sole determinant of wherever here is. (key point)

In short, reducing the number of locations to directions is a more manageable way of understanding locations through multiple curvatures of time and space since they double back yet are different in correlation to the direction coming from and its destination. All directions equally extend to and from (the) same points so direction, since all objects exist only while in movement, is more useful than location which is subjective too, but more subjective than by relative movement in accordance with other objects, i.e., direction.

From one angle, we control time. From the other we are controlled by it. From outside of it, neither applies.

If you suddenly find yourself somewhere, it is only natural to work backwards on how you ended up there. The problem with the Universe is all of those factors work back into everyone else's lives and histories and are inseparably intertwined with theirs. Every event further into the past necessitates and causes you to be where you are when (you are), and ultimately "what" you are as well, if only by what you have to react to to shape your self-image, but most likely (in) more (ways) too.

In this case "All good things" continued a little while longer. You can also see Best of Notes 3 by clicking here.


© 2004 by Jared DuBois