Hawaiian Lyric of the Month  (Summer 2005) 
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"Change is a strange thing"
 "it cannot be denied"
 "It can help you find yourself"
 "or make you lose your pride"

 "Move with it slowly"
 "as on the road we go"
 "Please do not hold on to me"
 "we all must go alone"

Jerry Santos, Olomana, "Ku'u Home O Kahaluu"

        CRAP!!! This is the second time I could not make up my mind on which verse to use. This is the one I know I should have used, but the reasons to go with the other were just way too coincidental to ignore. When that many factors just line up accidentially, you kind of just go with it. The other verse I thought a lot about while sitting on my favorite spot at my favorite beach, but at least once or twice of someone specific in the future (maybe about 60-100 years) sitting in the same spot, thinking of the same song, and thinking back to me sitting there.  I hate those kind of loops, but they happen sometimes. There were other good reasons to use that other set of lyrics, "We're not the same color, we're not even the same kind", etc. but the coincidences are what made the final decision easy. I wanted a view of the world, kind of what you see underneath what I am typing or underneath what you are reading, depending on your point of view or mine. The only view I saw which I could use with a big mess of ocean was the off the West coast of the United States. It was too big to use the whole thing, and I needed to crop it to roughly the same size as the previous months' backgrounds were. After selecting it, testing out the lyric to see how it would look, I decided to try to figure out where Hawaii was. Not only was it under the lyrics, but the spot where I was sitting, the spot on Earth that the song lyric meant to me in particular, was right under "Long ago a young man sat in this place by the sea", AND right under the "p" in the word "place", with the letter "p" pretty much pointing to the spot, at least on my HTML editor. Thus that place and lyric to me I have imagined seeing both from another point in time, and from pretty much an "X" marks the spot by the lyric itself from far above it in space. Thus, I had to go with that lyric. This is the lyric I wanted to use more though. It has the whole thing about change not being able to be denied. How change can make you a better person than you are today, or, if you are not careful, slowly, little by little, piece by piece, become ashamed of who or what you are becoming because of life itself, where it takes you, and how you may end up regretting it or not being thrilled with who you are becoming. For which of course I might add, you would have no one else to blame but yourself, so GTF over it, and start doing and living by what you think is right, and as soon as possible. Right **cking now because tomorrow might be too late. Just my opinion. Your mileage may vary. Living by your own guide does not. That is bullshit proof, unless you lie to yourself. Many do. I don't. I know myself well enough to know when I am trying lie. :-)



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