Notes on Growth
Notes on Growth: Updated Summer 2005 The human body and mind are constantly adapting to meet and master whatever goals are set before them. The more they adapt or grow today, the more they will be capable of being and growing tomorrow, next week, next month, and so on. The more they hold to not changing, adapting, and growing, the less they will be capable of changing, growing, adapting, and evolving tomorrow, next week, etc. Knowing what and how to be is important but you must always find a way not to let that stand in your way to becoming something more than you can expect or even think possible only today. All limits are in the end, illusionary, and all boundaries made for the sole purpose of trying to travel beyond or be surmounted again and again and again. Existence is a bargain or a partnership. It is a mutual agreement or a deal, but hopefully only for a limited time. Fools want to extend it indefinitely. Other fools would trash it without learning what it was. It is agreeing to be or become something in a world which for the moment agrees you can be that thing in it. That definition is not set in stone and changes continuously. Sometimes you feel a need to become something more or else, sometimes your environment dictates that you must. It is sad to be something for so long you can barely remember what it means or is like to be anything else. That static nature of reality is only one side of it. The means and requirements to keep moving to stay afloat makes all boredom and monotony really so hard to achieve requiring so much effort, such feelings are disingenuous. We either see the change and (the) inevitability about it and embrace it, or we hide our heads in the sand and clutch to the past keeping it seemingly in place and unchanging until we loose hold of it completely all at once, and lose any hope of building upon it. To remember the need to constantly change and be something new can make anything recyclable, and nothing exists that has not been endlessly recycled or will not be forever more into something new, wearing an old face or a new one. The question "what are you" and the answer, "growing", I understand now far more fully than a year ago. "What" needs to be open ended and undefined. "More" is sufficient, and all that can ever be (accurately) anticipated. ... I am defined by that past yet I am what is supposed to build upon that past and reinterpret it into the future. I am that past yet I am not that past, more than a sum of it, more than a continuation of it. I am something new determined to make that past and any future it may be up until now seemingly headed toward in a sense have to revolve around and make sense to, and contend with, whoever and however I am now... Being able or more able to step back a few steps conceptually speaking from your present time, culture, or world, new patterns come into focus that you could never see from within it, connecting more things and events that views only from within could never even begin to understand or explain how they could be connected to each other ... Viewed half from inside, half from outside. If you can apply that same dual point of view to your own existence in space and time, you have a more complete perspective upon it. Not seeing from such a perspective if it were or should verifiably become possible, could one day be considered deficient in perception. ... Every minute of every day is a chance for a new perspective on everything which you were until that point, always stepping back further into another frame outside of what you were before and a new perspective on that. I merely use that ability to a greater effect, constantly searching out all the possibilities of and for that new moment's potential outside perspective. Though it seems to increase exponentially, (doing that) is merely trying to match its potential for growth and trying to keep up with all that is possible to see at that given time which was not possible the previous moment, and what has changed in potential. The longer people think they have to live, the more selfish and self-centered they eventually become. If people believe they have very little time left, the more generous they become with themselves and (with) that more precious fewer (amount of) time. It is as if we know that feeling of selfless generosity cannot be maintained over the long run (so) we don't try and leave it for when we think the end is near. We should live everyday as if it is our last not because then we would think of ourselves foremost, but because it is then we truly understand, empathize with, and completely love all others. Each moment in time is retrofitting or remaking what came before to grow beyond what it was before. No matter what that is, an individual, a species, a planet of connected species in an ecosystem, a galaxy of connected matter of motion creating positive existences and negative spaces, it all can only be remade so many times before just starting over again and wiping the slate clean. If you knew something is always going to come after, you would not get so attached to the way things are and share a little of the joy the Universe feels when it gets to start over again on a new project, even if that is how to replace the old one that was or contained you. Everything is castles in the sand. Every concept you can think is part of a bigger concept, every biological life and the physical universe itself, is just one means or way to define existence by. Coming up with new ones is where the real fun of existence is found and in the creative stretching of the search. All truth matches experience. If beings could perceive the Universe differently, they would have different experiences and different notions about truth and how it operates. It is not that our views would be inadequate or even wrong, just not applicable. This does not mean our views are perfect either, even in our limited contexts. There are countless things we purposely leave out of our thinking and reasonings to build up what we wish to do. We can see further, but only when convinced we should. Seeing further is simply not omitting relationships between different parts of our environments and experiences. We are parts destined to see and experience other parts, but our minds are attempts to build wholes again. These wholes can take almost any form we choose to give them and that form is always determined first and foremost by the purpose we wish to achieve with it. To make people want to learn to do and to be more, you need to give them a greater sense of purpose and the rest will follow as a matter of course. Species' evolution are following patterns the same as any individual's growth. Seeing everything in terms of traits saying people's fingers get longer because long fingered people can survive better or breed more successfully is ridiculous. ... Everyday you are a different combination of new life and old. New cells being born, others dying. New memories being made, whether of whole new experiences or new memories (remembering) of old ones. What is new trying to find where it fits in to what has come before in both you and in relation to the rest of the world via what you or it was before, and creating in both, something, some new combination altogether and completely new, yet slowing giving ground to even newer combinations later today, and will be different again tomorrow. Life is change, not what form it takes at any given time, but what it is gaining and losing at any given time. ... All biology is about breeding. All organizations (churches, corporations, types of government, ideologies, economic systems) are about growing. Everything made up of living things is about becoming its own environment and remaking all else into food for itself to grow bigger and more dominant, and to survive at all costs. Reorganizations happen only when allowed or when necessary. ... Biological time event expectations of experiences, innate predispositional expectations of (for) experiences to be organized around, perceptual templates.... Whether you believe what survives and grows (increases) should, and what shouldn't, decreases or lessens in importance, appeal, or strength. If gone, (people or a society) merely searches out some new "other" to destroy or turn against (which was previously) now a part of "us" or what we previously thought good enough to promote or advance There is nothing about what is, even all that humanity is or is about at this point in time and its diversity or similarities, that I find worthy of any significant level of attention or interest other than what from this point's perspective one might imagine but cannot see or know what it will, could, or one day might have become. Me and the Universe are beginning to think alike. The present is only a means to an end and what exists is merely to set up what might happen which you have not yet figured out or decided what it will be next. Change is what is life, change is living, what exists now is already dead except for its capacity to become something else, only in that sense is what exists now still alive. Forms apart from how they are changing, growing, evolving into something completely different are already history, like rocks, long forgotten, irrelevant, and long ago deceased. The present and all points visible and predictable stemming from it no longer can capture my imagination or interest. I must keep resetting my sights further from it in all possible directions and locations away equally and search out new further points where those different directions merge and overlap again. What is easily knowable or attainable without constantly extending your reach in ways you cannot now yet imagine is worthless except to temporarily satisfy you, yet hinder your desire not to have more, that is greed and primitive, but from wanting to become more. My mind is constantly pushed from all directions to grow in ways I am not exactly always happy about. I control how to act and what I want to do with it, but what I am and its potentials are as externally created and defined to me as is everything else in my environment. It grows according to a pattern the same as your body grows according to a pattern written before you were born....Getting used to being thrown conceptually into new environments. Always a smaller person in a bigger room, or a smaller fish in a bigger pond, yet only also for giving a new greater domain to fill and far more room to grow into, move about in, and find existence within more at once by interaction with, and eventually becoming it. You are what you interact with as much as you are what you eat. ...Everyone and everything needs to find new ways to grow. You can take whatever you find in your environment, consume it, try to possess it, call it your own, and think because you can think you "own" it, you are becoming more or richer, that is a fool's version of growth. To think you understand it or know it, can explain all about it, that is another kind of foolish growth. To become it, to fuse your identity with it, to blur the lines between you and it, that is the end of growth. To accumulate memories of interactions between you and it, while still keeping separate, that is the only growth possible. Time and other (new) events drifts consciousnesses from wanting the same things as much as viewing things always the same way. Anyone who always wants the same things after many years, or if applicable centuries, lifetimes, or even the lifetime of Universes, is either extremely committed or extremely short-sighted. Our experiences make us think of things to want or wish for, yet hopefully new experiences enable that to change and shift in positive ways instead of the 1 dimensional "MORE!" attitude. Growth as change in expectations or desires is growth as well and should not be inflexible (growth) because of an inflexible or limited sense of identity. (All senses of identity are limited to what you can currently perceive or conceive of.) Events, people, everything,
are just actualized at a certain point by certain other events, and no
event is the beginning or end of anything else, just of perception of it
into and out of (by) new forms and new organizations of experiences. ...
unity not perceived, existence defining each other united in that purpose
of creating those events in time ...
Once you define for yourself all limiting aspects of the universe in how it defines you in time and space, how it limits what you can know or become, all the walls it keeps you from going beyond, all the preset limitations on what your life can be or do, how it keeps and defines you closed within it, your seeing all of these limiting and/or defining aspects are also learning to see beyond it. Once you know the size and shape of the time box, you see how it fits into the space around it. Both creating something in the future and being created by that state in the future. Feedback loops which can grow faster than time. Slower loops are what creates time itself. Consciousness can speed up that process and occasionally guide it, yet for what ends? Only fools think in terms of trying to keep their consciousness or any organizational structure intact forever. Time itself is writing in the sand. A good organization which lasts only a second is worth as much as one which lasts a billion years and affects a trillion lives. They are no different to those who really understand time. That is why improving is ALWAYS a far superior goal that surviving longer, even if it takes many years away from how long you could have survived without changing fundamentally. Seeing everything from outside of it. How worlds, matter, and species form. How consciousness and spirit form. What they hope to achieve in events in their limited times. What future orders they hope will arise and try to contribute to. How their senses of identity form and are shaped. Experiences first, foremost, and exclusively. Shaped, molded, grown. Lives as objects, objects as experience and potential for experiences only. Seeing your own life from outside of it and within the same context as others without attachment enables seeing others lives from within to without as well. Each outside view is anothers, all others, potential inside view. Seeing 360- seeing where you are in terms of experiences only, what you think you have experienced, what you think you might experience in the future, and what you would prefer to experience in the future. Your body, your planet, your species, the entire Universe up until now was merely from this ideal vantage point, merely to set this viewpoint up, and your history as well, only to set up each "new" moment, which are as unique and special as you wish to make them if you can, and remember how. Every set of events is merely to create a new perspective, and to be used by others after experienced as a history or guidepost of what can be experienced. ... We step outside the experience of curiosity and become curious of why we are curious about things. It is more introspective and in a sense gaining more control over oneself or others, this attempt to step outside ones own motivation to want to know of what one does not know, experience what lies outside current or past experiences, yet it is more conceptualizations built on grounds further from what originates the questioning, the beginning point, the feeling of curiosity or wonder of being in an environment with things going on all around you which you are unaware of on one hand, but are aware that things are going on which you are unaware of them... the desire to perceive, experience, and know must come first or all else (one finds) becomes meaningless to you and has no value whatsoever. Societies can train people while growing up what to aspire to or what to want, but that desire and imagined relevance must exist within them or it does not exist at all to or in relevance to them. Once knowing how their desires can be and are selected for them to want, they can gain a control over their lives which societies rarely wish to give up... The desire to push on in a given direction makes one blind to the new factors always developing in-between everything (else previously) slowly changing everything. Staying still makes it clear these new localities and (new) states of affairs keep where you are from remaining where you were (the location or concept itself has moved relative to environmental factors which themselves are always changing), always becoming islands of (illegible) further away (from each other) anyway. Nothing about anything ever remains what or how you remember it the same to be. Only the relationship if anything, to what you yourself were which exists not anymore as well, only that (relationship can) remains the same, so it always is by your choice for it to be seen as such (still the same only because if still seen as the same relationship of two now different things neither which being what it was you remember, yourself included). If you want to keep yourself alive, you can be or become bad by wanting to keep your current pattern existing too long at the expense of other better new patterns to come along you might steal accomplishments from or otherwise instead support or contribute to. If you want to die, you can be considered bad or selfish by wasting your greater ability to help others compared to when you were younger and less able to help others. Best to do as much good as you can while you can and not have any opinions about the length of the time frame you may seem to have had from (this) one lifetime's point of view to have operated within. Growth with and without height, with and without outside environment beings expectations (of what to grow into), with and without static environment rule changes in what is possible (changing or unchanging laws of nature). I look for truth, answers, and God, beneath each stone, in the lives, all events and experiences of the lives equally from the mightiest to the beggars and the lowest of the low's lives, experiences and events, and in other places down the road or on the other side of the Universe, in all these things, events, and places equally at once for they are no less important, all equally a part of my life and consciousness, my soul, God's soul, and the Universe's soul or essence, all are truth, all are divine. All of that is what is good and bad about existence, you are a part of what you need and want to be, and equally at the same time, ultimately what those around you need you and want you to be. I have been pushing for humanity to see and know it must change and grow its institutions and new ways of dealing with each other for the better soon if humanity is to survive other than in a perpetual hellish constant state of war Bush wants to make inevitable, or die trying. On both counts I seem to have failed miserably. Whether pre-existant or existent away = factors not yet come together for present experience to yourself, survive independently or exist to others without interference. Multiple (futures) with your interference (interacting with and varying reality)(and) one without, multiples without, or one of each? Life either confirms ones own best and highest aspirations or confirms ones own deepest and worst fears. Usually a mixture of both to keep it interesting. How and what creates that lateral movement between is interesting, if not yourself, but located externally within the environment. Life is about communicating your own life and perspective as best you can to live in others like telling others a dream even you will forget soon after waking, and needing others help to remember it for you and keep it real a little while longer, while knowing that continuation that is you, is your life, that which you call yourself, is that process of doing the same for those you have met and read about, and what you live to do for them, while you can and as best you can. Bird example Zombot The most important thing
for you to be today is to be not what you were yesterday. The most important
thing for you to do or to realize today is what you could not do or realize
yesterday. Remembering here is not there, now is not then, never you are
what you were (or remember being), and what you remember can never be again.
Going against that, holding the past, that is death. Working with it and
using constant change is to live and accept being constantly a new person
in a new place in new circumstances.
© 2004-2005 by Jared DuBois