Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


I stand by nothing that follows this. Like all words, it is inherently false. Anything that is not living, breathing, growing, changing, is false. Even for that which are, what they were, even a moment ago, is false. It is no more and will not be again. These false words are structured to hint at truths, experiences, which are and cannot be understood, held, or communicated. Life, truth, they are to be felt, and once felt, let go. By holding to the past you rob your future. Believe in the future more than the past. As uncertain and as changing, and as changeable, and as indefinite as anything could ever be, you need it more than you need your past and you exist in it more than in the past for though it too is fleeting, what has yet to happen, what only might happen, is more real than that which definitely did because it lies ahead, not past, and will be experienced or might be experienced, either way far more real than that which can only be remembered.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


My mind is like a tree destined to grow into a certain shape. It seeks out those experiences across time and places which will best help create that shape, and make it seem like a natural progression instead of an inevitable plan. 



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


A consciousness is like a mental black hole. It sucks many patterns into itself in an attempt to piece together or heal what was broken by the division of what existed previously into what we now call matter and time.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


To decide or embark upon anything is to set two roads before you. One where you are proven right or succeed, and one where you are wrong or fail. The more preference you show toward one outcome or the other, the more joy the Universe will seem to have in proving you wrong or seeing you fail. The wiser one is, the quicker one realizes not to want, to do without wanting either one outcome or the other, not to be adverse to what we perceive as failure or using pride to obscure the possibility of being wrong, to let the chips fall where they may. Life can be about educating you, or it can be about always pleasing you, but it rarely can be both at the same time. Accept what happens and learn from it without making it harder than it has to be by denying its right to turn out differently than you expect or prefer. 




Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


The human mind fixates on ideas. Says that this is so and that is not. If one is clever, one can will the necessary means to easily refute all arguments to the contrary and convince anyone if not entirely, that such is so and such is not, or it may well be that way. If one is clever enough one might never have to fear being proved wrong, yet might never be right either. Never let a single answer obscure the necessity of a question. The questions are far more important and enduring than the answers.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


Sometimes I feel that the Universe is this giant banquet and I have been made to sit at the less advanced species table. I want to complain, say there has been some kind of mistake, that I belong at a different table, the ones for species who perceive much more, exist in a much more undefined state with more control over a less static world and can transverse time and dimensions at will, and absorb not just experiences but many lifetimes worth of experiences of all beings on many different worlds. Yet I feel I know better than to complain, for whatever reason, something I did, something I might do, I might deserve no better than to be seated here, yet still perceive the other tables where the cooler species get to sit. Like being the oldest person at the children's table, feeling I should have been bumped up long ago, yet accepting that though the reasons for this seating are not known to me, they must exist, and try as best I can to enjoy the feast. 




Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


Reality is like a liquid, it has no shape of its own but instead takes the shape of its container. The container here is consciousness.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


Human curiosity drives one to want to know things we cannot know and still exist as we are. Why we are, where is here, what is its purpose. To know these things absolutely would be to shatter our connection to this level of existence. Erase and start over, erase and start over. Whether reincarnated or in the same lifetime endlessly redone over and over again until each different reality seems to spill over into each other. Once one senses these, it cannot help but hint at the falseness of the current run-through, just another to be played out only to be erased and started over, perhaps a little differently, perhaps much differently and only partially the same. The more one knows or remembers it, the less one experiences it as a current happening. To know it fully would be not to experience it at all, there would be no need. Experience comes from ignorance, absence, a void, and the attempt to fill it with something, and to learn, and learning requires that void, that ignorance. The road we travel has to exist all at once with our vision limited only to where we think we are or we are not there. If we perceive the whole road, we are the road and no longer travelers upon it. 



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


When one learns humility to the degree that they truly believe themselves to be nothing, less than worthless, and believe this with every cell and core of their being, they must also begrudingly accept that they are great. I find this path more preferable than its opposite, to be truly convinced one is great only having to then acknowledge that they are also nothing and worthless. The more or less one becomes of anything, especially of being, the more they must possess its opposite in another form. The Universe follows this pattern absolutely and without exception. The scale tipped down at one end must rise at the other and the only place it can come from is of itself. The more matter created, the larger the void, the absence of space must become to balance it, shifting back and forth in balance until both are in complete balance again, no light and dark, no matter and black holes, just nothingness and potential, all that there ever really was.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


To transcend reality through repetition of day to day experiences or lifetime to lifetime, becoming at one with the same experience until time blurs, now and then seem to merge into one experience across many moments. Quakers and Shakers, ancient religious groups and those of recent centuries, finding God through work and losing yourself into it, it is to court the same moments, or lifetimes of such limited variabilities where every moment becomes prescribed and preordained that they all seem to beat as one. The chanting of a sound, the repetition of a prayer, to repeat moments ad nauseum until they seem as one. There is no door out of existence, only perceiving what we call reality over and over again in all its variability until we know it from all angles and transcend beyond it, to know it without need to experience it, until it has no ability to surprise us. Until we know every possible thing which can be done, every word which can be spoken at every given moment in time. Long yes, unfathomably long, the age of trillions time trillions the age of our Universe, but finite nonetheless. And we have the time, with nowhere else to go and nothing else to do.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


We take implausible seemingly impossible ideas everyday and figure out some way of making them into realities. It is only when and while we cannot envision or explain how to take them from point A, an idea, to point B, a reality, that they can be called crazy. Once we know how to connect those points, it becomes our skepticism which proves in need of modifications.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


So many people think it is wrong to question everything. How dare you think this, how dare you question that. Yes, the fear that some of our beliefs will not withstand close scrutiny are justified, and therefore to some this will seem dangerous. This is a very real possible outcome. But they forget how joyous it can be by questioning to see the reasons behind truths we take for granted sometimes. To experience its necessity, not just to think or believe it but to experience it by knowing it completely or better by the reasoning and the need behind it.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


If Christians were actually to meet he who they call Jesus, they would not be happy with what they found. He would not be what today is the standard of being a nice guy. Even if he held many of the beliefs now attributed to him, he was a product of his times and though he did not necessarily fit in well there, for different reasons would not fit in well in more civilized worlds. The same is true of Mohammad, Abraham, Solomon, and most others. Religions survived back then by parents who would kill any child that would dare question the words of God, or doubt that they were the words of God. They were raised to behave that way as their parents did towards them, and this pattern survived thousands of years. Here and there doubters escaped into other societies and somewhat influenced them but for societies from whence them came to remain intact and unchanging over many generations required the utmost and unthinkable brutality and rules of behavior so strict, and treated internal opposition toward change with such a ferocity, it would appall most so-called “civilized” people of our day.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


When a person does what they think is right, that deserves by itself a certain degree of unquestioning honor and respect. We still though can question whether they gave enough care or the appropriate degree of thought in determining commitment to such courses of action. When such determinations are made lightly without due consideration of possible outcomes or consideration of alternative courses of action, we can perceive them to be at fault and prone to error. If they gave such determinations great or appropriate deliberation we can either, if we still do not agree, fault their data they used to reach their conclusions, or accept that their reasoning processes are not like our own. If the latter is ultimately found to be true, realize that common ground or agreement may never be reached.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


Every event for every possible being in any possible reality at any possible place anywhere in the Universe is always happening all at once. It is only through the miracle of perception that we are able to recognize a single being's existence and a single timeline of possible occurrences. Even with that single timeline of a single being, we leave open the possibility that the same events can be perceived at the same point in time in the same way by other beings perceived as separate beings, and can occur to other beings at other times in other ways yet still be in essence the same experiences, or even the same experience in different possible timelines of ones own experiences.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


If you knew for sure what you lived for or what you died for, its meaning and all its effects, there would be no such thing as being brave, confidence would be assured, a given. It is not knowing, or never being quite sure, this is the circumstance that sets up that state of being we call bravery. To do without knowing if it will matter.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


The closer one gets to a well-defined possible reality, the more one can draw upon that possible reality's tendency to exist and thus gain living in its past through helping it come to be. If no future reality were possible, no past realities would continue to exist in another form.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


My freedom is paid for by the slavery of others. My level of intelligence is considered intelligent because of its rarity in others. Whatever singular seemingly hard-to-achieve feats you might wish to one day achieve, remember what makes them valuable or notable is the failure of many others to do them. If everyone could do the same or was the same, your greatest achievements in life would be like being able to tie your shoes. Useful yes, but certainly nothing to cheer about. Without their shortcomings, your most difficult or outstanding successes would be commonplace or meaningless. They pay for others success.

Measure all things



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


I worship no man nor any god. I hold no symbol, cloth, cup, wall, building, or place as holy. I cherish no words spoken or written by me nor by any other who ever lived nor ever will live for I know all words to be false, no matter what truths they are meant to represent. The only thing in all the Universe worth revering is life, the only thing that is holy and the only thing that is truth. And life, it is spent like currency, wasted to keep all that is false to be worshiped in its stead. The words, the symbols, the cloths, the cups, the walls, the buildings, and the places, none of these are living, none are made holy except by the wasteful blood spend by the living to keep them enshrined. I find their sacrifices in this regard as wasteful, even the very notion of sacrifice in all its connotations, merely as spending the valuable to make the worthless seem less worthless. God as a word is but another false god. It may as well be Satan, for that too is but another word. If your god is life, then worship life, worship ALL life, even those whom you might despise, and put aside your worshiping of words and symbols, of inanimate objects and unliving places, as a waste of time and an impediment to knowing the only living truth, life itself.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


Creating framework for a conscious reality capable of incorporating multiple corporeals experiences into a single outlook from many sources experienced across many different levels of awareness.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


We experience others consciousnesses on many different levels. As a physical presence, a concept of a physical presence, a memory of a past physical presence, either of oneself or another, an ideal encapsulated in or as the lifetime of represented by a past or present physical presence, a sensation of awareness of another person's futures or awareness of their potentiality, and as an understanding of the potentiality of another consciousness which was never realized, as well as an understanding of the experiences which were.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


It has been thought in the past that it is good enough for people to what is right even if for the wrong reasons. It should not be that way. People should know they have a real choice and that no undue harm will come to them for choosing wrongly and to trust them to do what is right. Only then will they have the world they deserve and only then will they deserve the credit for their own accomplishments. Help as needed to each individual who wants help, but for those who need to fail, let them fail, and believe that they are the best judges of their needs.

End of deconu



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


There are two different kinds of piety. That of high priests and priestesses who by virtue of circumstance of their positions must be open to questioning, interpreting, or amending the rules for behavior as need or times indicate, and that of all others discouraged from such questioning. All others can have and should have the questioning faith of the former group, and unquestioning faith left to die out as outgrown, treating would-be adults as children. This model has affixed itself to the political model, that lawmakers should and must be free to question current laws yet all others must blindly adhere to them or be considered criminals. Fewer voices ever heard and greater multitudes are silenced. To what kind of potential does such a model provide the common individual for growth?



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now
  should be playing god


To take on God, to challenge God for control of the Universe. Religions call such notions evil, to play the role of Satan. They like such interpretations since they anoint themselves in speaking for God and in interpreting His wishes, and this gives them a powerful lever for not having their own powers and edicts questioned. Each person ought to be raised to become wise enough to question all of supposed “God's” wills, purposes and intents, in their own ways and measure it by the standards God has created within them to be judged by. What positive use can believing in God have if not to have something greater to measure oneself by, something better to aspire to reach? What worse use can believing in a god unattainable, unquestionable, and remote, that to give a moral and political justification for always seeing oneself as a lowly subject, always beneath those who stand closer to God, who speak for God here on Earth, who know and what they know should not be questioned? How else to take back control of ones life than by questioning the very heart of this dogma designed to keep one down? Those who seek to be shepherds want all others to be sheep. We ought to groom ourselves to be worthy of sitting in that captain's chair of our own lives, to act out of our wisdoms and our ignorances, and dare to play God with our own lives and worlds. The responsibility to be true to ourselves and our own powers is tremendous, and crippling, and those who would strip it away from us, we eagerly support them for we do not want it. But we were born with it, and must one day accept the responsibility of deciding for ourselves how it ought best to be wielded.




Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


A person's body exists in a single reality in a single timeline. A person's mind exists in every reality possible to that individual unchanged in essence except for memories.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


If this happens then that will happen. If that happens, then this will happen. The mind breaks the future down to its component parts, potentiality as seen to be measured by probability.

Deconu prob.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


What is false is but truth which does not exist now as truth. All truths are potentially false and true only to that limited timeline which makes up ones reality. Experience is truth. Life is truth. The now is truth. All else is changing, shifting, rearranging, and inevitably from an absolutist point of view, false, or equally true even when diametrically opposed and mutually exclusive.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


Without being able to prove or disprove the veracity of what they oppose, the pious of whatever religions will go against the beliefs of others simply because they do not wish things to be seen that way, never acknowledging that what they really find offensive is that through others believing or interpreting it as such, they fear it may come to possess some validity. What they really say when not being able to prove unsettling opinions as false, is that though such things may be, we do not wish such things to be, and by convincing all to think otherwise, that they may succeed in proving it otherwise.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


To become one with all possible pasts and all possible presents and all possible futures. To replace the notion of a funnel of time with that of a fulcrum.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


Unless you are truly willing and open to accepting that your most cherished beliefs and truths could really be wrong or invalid, and see from that point of view as well, in the end you are only believing what you wish to believe.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


Brilliance is only born out of necessity. Where there are no extremely pressing circumstances which require it, it tends not to evolve for it is not required and generally detracts from appreciating life.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now

should be moment in the sun




Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


If I had lived thousands of years ago in what we call ancient Egypt, the prevailing experts at the time would have told me the sun was a god and required a lot of things from me, revering it, paying it a lot of attention, maybe sacrificing things to it to keep it happy, and so on. Because I live in the time and place I do, the prevailing experts tell me the sun is a condensed form of gaseous atoms burning in a continuous atomic inferno and quite indifferent to my opinions about it or my attitude towards it. Seeing as I will most likely not in this lifetime get a chance to go to it to test out either theory, I tend to like the latter explanation better since it requires less of me, not just because it has more facts to support it. Call me selfish, but I like the idea that it sits up there billions of miles away just shinning on like a 1970's smiley face button, oblivious to what I do, requiring nothing of me but to consider it occasionally and to have a nice day. To think of our sun only as a solid or gaseous burning star is not really giving it its due. It means far more to me than just that, and I feel an attachment and obligation to appreciate it since it does by no small measure make everything else in my life possible, though I certainly will not sacrifice anything to it nor run my life around what I think it wants of me. To know what it is, and to feel its significance to me, these are two very different things. What is matters, but what also matters is what it is to me, that relationship. Others may interpret God to demand much sacrifice, service, and obedience, others may think God is indifferent. To me God is much like the sun, though not the sun, nor the Earth, nor the water, nor the life, but like all of these or as all of these, as each does, making everything else for me possible, like the sun shining on and on equally for all and asking nothing in return, except maybe once in awhile to stop and to appreciate it, and to have a nice day.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


I feel creation on a very personal level. Not ponder, not cognicize, not understand, not know, but feel. While young I let my life go in a thousand different directions all at once out of pure need, instinct, and curiosity. Pushed the limits of understanding and experience and potentiality as best I could understand diversity and dimensions of time. Disparate and disordered, always chasing the 'what else' while barely retaining grasp of the 'what is' or 'what was'. Only now in my later days do I understand how it all is coming together, how walking many roads at once all lead to the same destination in the end, and all that is gained is a multitude of diverse perspectives. That end is always the same and divergence only occurs when seen as running backward in time. I understand through this feeling the need to walk an infinite number of paths, to divide oneself in an infinite number of timelines only to become whole once again, I feel it. The need to go, and the need to come back and process what you have learned. The need to become many different things to understand what you were all along. And the need to learn many things which don't really matter, for what really matters, we cannot forget. It is built into what we are. It is in being and it is in our beings.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


There are more correct interpretations for what the Universe is or was than there are beings who ever will have existed within it.



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now

It is very hard for the human mind to deal with abstracts, things which are not things, things you cannot touch, possess, own, have, or lose. Do souls exist? Absolutely, they exist as a concept, an ideal, an aspiration, and as an interpretation. Do they have form? Can they be possessed, lost, stolen, or traded? That depends on interpretation, on the meaning of the word or concept to the individual using the word. If souls exist as forms or having form, they could be interpreted by some as being able to be treated as commodities, bought, sold, traded, lost, found, but seeing as they are meant by most people's definitions to be the individuals themselves, one could not lose it and presumably exist apart from it.

Though most who believe in a human soul claim it not to be seen as a physical “thing”, or possess the attributes of physical things, many still cannot help but to think of it in any other terms, much as some cannot help but to think of Heaven as a place or God as an entity separate to oneself that you could stand next to and converse with, you here and God over there. All nice easily conceivable “things” occupying “places” and conversing across “time”. Try to think without such references and the human mind gets a flat tire so to speak.

A nice analogy exists in DNA. Every individual is unique but inherently made up of the same building blocks. Different combinations of the same amino acids gives you a unique body. Bodies seem separate from each other, can be lost, killed, stolen, enslaved, possessed, so without much modification, souls being a sort of other “body” can be thought of by some to be “things” the same way, existing apart from another or apart from God. However if you use the same example of DNA to view the soul you can get a different picture. Say souls are all made up of the same stuff as each other, but in different combinations. Therefore some of what makes a soul could exist in others in differing amounts, traits, tendencies, outlooks, but in different concentrations exerting themselves in different ways according to their own differing times, places, and circumstances. Differing combinations, but made up of common fundamentals in each and every and all. It does not occupy time, as souls are commonly thought to be eternal, as we ourselves understand time. Such a combination, were the analogy to be applicable and our souls are all indeed made up of the same “stuff” or similar in nature, such a combination would exist even if we had not, or this reality not been played out which included us, like a lottery number which has never come up, yet always potentially could have. It still must have some existence. Such a combination exists even if it never comes up to have effected anyone. From the beginning of time, it was always there. Unique yes. Different in nature, no. Potentially existent, always.

What that existent fact means differs in interpretation depending on the attitudes and perceptions of who it is exposed to, in what context, and at what time. Is any one individual's interpretation any truer than any others? No. Every interpretation is real to those who interpret them. Every viewpoint is just as valid regardless of the facts in this sense. Will anyone ever possess all the facts about another to perceive them fairly or completely? Life as we know it is making judgments without ever possessing all of the facts. Those judgments tend to fit the experiences and not necessarily are based on facts over perception. In life, perceptions are the facts, true or not. If someone's life is influenced by another''s life based on events which did not happen, such non-events become causations, have effects, in a sense, become reality. One fact, one life, one existence, becomes the foundations for countless interpretations, conceptions, misconceptions, all valid to those experiencing them or having them, and all valid in the terms of this 'different than actual' state of existence.

Far removed from the life or event, the reality ceases to matter. The perception is all that is left. Did the life or event create the reality, the perceptions, or were the perceptions simply searching for something to wrap themselves around, something close enough to what people wanted to believe which could be distorted into what was comfortable to think existed or exists? To know that, you need to know all of the questions, all the answers, to understand all the possible interpretations, all the combinations. Your combination, your existence lets you see and understand them from one point of view, always without having all the facts about whatever you find to have an opinion about, but from a certain point of view, that outlook though born of ignorance, is as valid as any other. It was formed through experience and was made real by being lived and affecting your life as well as others. The effects become the reality which matters and those effects need time in which to work. Beyond that existence is irrelevant, and time is unnecessary. 



Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


Hesitation is a myth. You know somewhere inside yourself what you will do if you have enough time to do it by the time you are ready to do it. If you do not have the time to do it by the time you are ready to do it, perhaps it ought not to have been done.




Mind tree
Mental blackhole
Always two roads
Necessity of a question
The banquet
Liquid reality
The whole road
In balance
From all angles
From A to B
Questioning all
Fitting in
What is right
Every time is now
Bravery out of ignorance
In another form
Paid for by
Heretic's prayer
Mental framework
Experiencing others consciousness
Right for wrong
Two kinds of piety
Playing God
Unchanged in essence
Odds and probabilities
Shifting forms
Containing thought
The fulcrum
What you wish to believe
Necessity creates
Moment in the sun
Have a nice day
Feeling creation
Conceptions and misconceptions
Counting time in timelessness
Start again now


If time runs in a circle, it is as if the entire Universe were to be starting again right now. Every moment now the beginning, and every moment else existing both ahead in the future and behind in the past.


  From the end of the notebook:

Evil to be afraid of is not the evil which may be done to you,
but the evil of what you might do because of it.

To gain perspective beyond just being the perspective that of a
person as any other who happened to be born in the 20th or 21st
or 19th or 22nd century, try to view your culture as it would be
viewed 20 years from now or a hundred. Then you are no longer just
being as you should, as you would be based upon what is known or
believed or popular in your time, you are moving one step beyond it.
I prefer the perspective of millions of years after humanity has gone.
What then would be thought of now, what then would what we do now
now still have meaning or worth or have mattered to anyone?

Within the mind there are as many doors to the past
as there are roads to the future.


Plan for tomorrow but live fully in every moment today
because today is the only day and today is everyday.

Evolve or die

Always look a few degrees above the horizon
(be aware of the world and life surrounding you but always focus on
trying to see what lies just beyond the next hill, the next time frame.)

Always remember you are not just in reality, you are creating reality.
(if nothing in the physical universe is real and experience is the
only reality, by choosing among experiences, you are defining what
reality will be for yourself and those around you.)

Always be open to the possibility that something unexpected
and wonderful can happen to you today.

Reality is full of truth you don't want to know and would rather not
think about. Enjoy your ignorances while they last, for someday you
will wish to know and think of them.

Hopefully that covers most of what was written now, for now.