Since morality is seemingly unquestionably emotive decision making, then it would follow that all outlooks of life and on life which include some basic moral tenets would also be considered emotive in nature.  I feel that it is the consciousness' feelings toward life which create morality. (likewise any point of view, government, or person, which diminishes or lessens the value of others' lives (be they in another country or of a different culture) or "justfies" the taking of many lives for others comfort, security, or well-being, cannot help but be immoral in nature and any religious leaders who attempts to justify any loss of life especially for the benefit, safety, and security of a specific group above others, and by not speaking out on the strongest terms possible against such taking of life, now widespread and increasingly routine and accepted, now have become proponents of immoral relgions, or such persons are attempting to subvert whatever morality is to be found in their own religions, and are pushing those they preach to in an immoral direction. They deserve no respect, salutations, but only contempt. They get great financial rewards and wealth from taking such views, weild much political influence by propagandizing that such actions are not against their religions, but they have undermined and destroyed both their own credibility and souls as well as the credibility and souls of the religions to which they are attached and represent by having done so without being greatly challenged by others within them as well).