Like "The Dance", this is a collection of poems skimmed from the 5 different
book/collections I have written, The Versatile Verse, Repetition, Triumvirum,
Quadranine, and Pentacle. Those in total constitute the bulk of the 400
some odd poems I have written. These poems are the long ones which were
more story based plus some shorter story type poems in between the long
ones. The first two here were the first two written by me of this type
and could pass as childrens books but the subject matters of these story
type poems became more complex and more adult oriented. Vestabur is hard
to classify since on one hand it is like the Illiad or the Odessey, but
on the other it has deeper meanings younger readers probably would not
comprehend, especially the ending which can challenge anyone's level of
(c) 1985-1992 by Jared DuBois