Identifying yourself by, in, and through everyone's desires to achieve,
be, or experience anything equally. To be is to want to do. And to sympathize
all the more when even their simplest most modest dreams are limited, frustrated,
or obliterated. That is worse than even their deaths. Killing their hopes
and dreams can be to kill life itself more than just individuals, and justice
is finding ways to make the most overlapping non-mutually exclusive ones
to one day be realized for one and for all.
People believe what they want to believe and merely sift through history
to find the "proofs" to justify their wants. Once in power, they make sure
opposing "proofs" for other beliefs are discredited, and as much as possible,
removed from history, and as opposing ideas. If that is not possible, too
many recent facts to remove, the PR machine kicks into overdrive on how
such unpleasant unremovable clues are to be interpreted, laws on how they
can be discussed, and savage outright ostracism and financial ruin of anyone
who may think to voice a dissenting opinion.
Most people are captive to their notions of the past and who or what
their lives are about and staying true to that. There is nothing wrong
with that. I am pulled by what I wish to have be in the future which is
in many ways a part of my past, but I do not do so blindly. Some parts
may have to happen to connect the dots and tie up a few loose ends, but
only so that other branches not determined yet can begin in new directions
not yet a part of any pasts, not predictable, and that is the path of life,
into the unknown, pulled up by hopes of what is most important to achieve,
peace in ourselves, peace within ourselves as individuals as well as peace
between nations and other groupings. Like it or not, people will soon see
the past is little to stand upon and that chair will be pulled out constantly
and without warning more and more as we go along and must only look up
to where we need to climb, paying less attention to what we are currently
resting upon because it will not hold us up anymore, and must constantly
be searching out yet higher ground.
Humanity is best described as apes which are very good at building things
and at blowing things up (destroying things). The atomic bomb is really
humanity's pinnacle achievement. Millions of man-hours, scouring the globe
for resources, inventing and utilizing the very finest technologies (spending
billions of dollars) all for the sole purpose of blowing things and people
up. It combines the two best things people like to do, create and destroy,
into one item (both ends, creatively, destructively, on scales beyond imagination).
Freedom and an enlightened intelligent society do not always go hand
in hand harmoniously. If people are really free to believe whatever they
wish, many will choose to believe much illogical twisted shit. That everyone
will naturally automatically believe what is "right" or even agree what
is "true" is a fantasy. If people to some degree must be lead to believe
things for any social cohesion or agreement, it takes pains to keep the
notion of freedom from being completely overrun in the process, and the
current solution, the illusion of freedom without the substance, is not
an answer, only a putting off of trying to reconcile these often conflicting
aims and goals (of expectations and organization).
Power and freedom are opposite ends of the spectrum. Freedom is people
doing whatever they want to do. Power is people doing (only) whatever the
one who has it wants them to do. Worse is when people can be made to do
things against their own interests, through suggestive manipulation, media
control, or outright blackmail with no avenues that care. Until people
can be totally manipulated without their knowledge covertly, the middle
stage to getting there is the well worn path of secret police who are not
so secret, just their methods and the public's lack of ability to keep
check on their activities as even knowledge about it is criminal.
Groups forming to gain more control over their lives, seemingly gaining
it only to lose it a different way. New groups forming to gain more control
over their lives, seemingly gaining it only to lose it a different way.
Infinitely repeat. Whenever something is written down, there are innumerable
ways of getting around it and the race is on to find loopholes, gaps, or
new ways of getting people to do only what you want them to do. Broad principles
of human and civil rights become selectively enforced and new orders, new
rules sometimes not even written down become the new rules of the game.
Constitutions cannot weather the onslaught desires of others to control
others and quickly become moot for whatever one could not think of to guard
against, someone else will find a new way to exploit that and make everyone
only able to behave as they wish and make all written rights meaningless.
Freedom in any sense is provisional only while on the move or in motion.
Once you rest, once you think you have it, it is already as good as lost.
The desire to control others is in everyone and some will always have abilities
more than others to achieve it. That push will never go away or lessen,
so the counter push to constantly search how your freedoms are being undermined
and gains unknowingly stripped away must also be a constant force just
to keep them steady or intact. Conflicts only develop when those with power
are too ignorant of the rules of the game. Give people what they demand,
find a way to make it worthless. Give people what they demand, find a way
to make it worthless. Infinitely repeat.