While living any life, whatever weirdness you come across, if it becomes constant and lasts long enough, it becomes normal. Normal is just what your past expectations make you think each new moment can be and ought to conform with or match those expectations. If you think you know life, what is normal, you will constantly be in for as much of a surprise as you can handle once you even cautiously admit you might not know after all. Expectations spin the ball in play.


You can't change things if most don't want them to change, or have been convinced they don't want them to, or that things cannot be any other way. That is like a stream which merely moves around whatever obstacle you put in its way. What people want or expect from life can be changed though. Changing that moves the whole river in a different direction.


The psychology of interaction of cultures is based upon whether the dominant, more powerful one is self-sufficient in its needs. When it is, advanced promotion of aid and interaction of equals is possible. When it isn't, exploitation will be couched over under as many layers of bullshit their culture needs to prevent them from acknowledging it as such.


The psychological merging of identity with different groups mimics the biological bonding of single to multi-cellular forms, yet occurs not in a single way or group at a time, and all combinations of mixed simultaneous pairings with multiple groups shifts over ones lifetime. The fusion of identities is more complex than one lifeform combining or adapting together with another, yet the purpose is the same. The need to do so is inherent in the biology.


It is within each individual within every group to want to control all else others need to survive so they depend on you and are willing to do whatever you say to survive. Every group around them are means to gain that end. The more ruthless and powerful the group, the more people will want to become members of it, because even if they cannot reach that goal by themselves, by backing the right horse, they believe they have obtained that objective through the group, and that will satisfy them for awhile, even if they will never be able to influence it and must conform themselves to it more than other groups which would allow them more freedom. They think that while that group lives and dominates, their life, even if not remembered or honored, its meaning will live on. 


Rather than trying for a universally accepted definition of terrorism, they ought to include more voices from around the world for a commonly accepted idea of freedom and independence, voices not listened to now. That would actually do more to end terrorism than any number of weapons or mass killings could ever hope to achieve.


If not what you want, the world is what you want to react to and with, always. When you understand why the world you want to interact with is less than the world you want, you are well on the way to understanding everything else, or even more, understanding yourself. 


It can be said that humanity is still savages beneath a thin veil of hypocrisy. My job is to make them strip the veil and force them to look at themselves naked for what they are. It is only that veil which allows them to become what they cannot stand to look at in the mirror.