Distance Closes In Distance closes in
The planet, being known
Infinity itself collapses
Waking Wherever went the mystery
Clutching at the past for clues
Again alive the umpteenth thousandth
Yet life is not to be bargained
with or upon
Down beneath the warm blue sea
Out beyond the reaches of space
People who search the cosmos beware,
The Sun
Beneath the sun I live
It is to me what it is to you
To have, to hold, to see,
Mine is the Sun Mine is the sun
Mine is the earth,
Mine is the life
Mine are the stars
In Ignorance In ignorance I look to the sky
In ignorance I live each day without fear
So to life leave mystery and to death leave the
Thinking meaning existed then, or when, or ever
The Immortals Beat fast oh heart of endless
Move quickly you who dare to
No future is real and the past
slips away,
Constant scurrying with nowhere
to go
Once is Me Once is me
Over and under,
Yet and then,
Once is me,
Motions Passing Motions passing, no one's asking
Onward time, leaving all behind
Empty places, last embraces
The Dance In borrowed suits in a rented hall
Where fate collides head on with chance
As it is As light as a feather
As warm as the color
As indefinable as the moment
As these and so much else,
Absence, Presence, and Promise Fulfilled Without love
With love
Within love
My Country Hail to thee, my country
May our God be as forgiving of we
Should all men be living free
My Mind is Free My mind is free
Free at last
Never again shall I
Enjoy your solemn walls
Social Repartee The verbal give and takes
It is said to converse
To attempt to profoundly speak
Yet at every new turn
Lexicon (language) Everyone anxiously jumps upon
Out from the multitude of paths
Those who are hurried share space
It brings together all and lets them share
On into the sunset Lexicon rides
Where within deceit Where within deceit lies profit,
Sword of the Slight
Outside of the mainstream
No one speaks of it,
They smile as they turn away
Living the life of a pariah
Cornered Back to the wall
No place beneath you
Be bold or be not
Own up to the darkness
The Haunting As I gaze
at the reflections
At the touch
of my hand they scatter
But these
faces that do haunt me
They are in
pools of rain and window panes
In My Prime I see myself in my mind's eye
Wary now, I seldom wander
Is ignorance bliss, I wonder
Contemplating Freedom Wondering where wistfulness went
Why is it now inconceivable to me
Where what becomes what for and why not,
The constraints are mine to have or have
Waiting Waiting for the perfect moment
Waiting while thousands pass
Waiting while wondering why
Waiting without even knowing
Tomorrow Tomorrow
I shall awake
Ever unexpectedly, joy Without
the fire in the belly,
unexpectedly, joy
easily confused
Without Warning
Smash! Our tepid little lives
Suddenly death is everywhere
Overnight chaos becomes the rule
Time Again Never is ever ever
Time becomes time
Mortal Rectitude Pushing ever towards the
Seeing ourselves decay
Doomed to eventual obscurity
Pegged into the fold,
The Dark Horse Built like a mighty fortress,
Relentlessly it surges forth
Bound by the truth of existence
Running to every corner of the land,
Excelsior One by one I shall cut the ties
I shall sit in the comfort of my airship
As I look down from my celestial throne
Over boarders and barriers I shall drift