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Best of the Notes - Direction

The reasoning behind the grouping below of most of the times the word "direction" appears in the 5D notes is because things in them most recently have been moving toward showing momentum and direction as inversely proportional in potential in regards to time. Increasing momentum reduces potential for directional changes. Simple, but leads to some complicated inverse potential ideas, especially in regards to multidimensional versions of "spinning". In the earlier quotes, most of the times "direction" appeared was in regards to describing movement within higher dimensional environments (more than 3D)  and trying to relate that to the movement as we understand it in 2D and 3D. Some of those quotes may or may not make sense outside of that narrow context and may or may not make any sense anyway. Originally understanding the "second half" of curved 3D space (a different "globosphere" or "hemisphere" of 3D space if related to curved 2D space of a globe) was done by simply reversing directional movements related to the space around you (from the south pole, left would be right, up would be down away from you on the north pole, same with "away" from you in a separate "globe" (compared to two separate flat circular descriptions of different hemispheres of the earth, a separate "globosphere" showing the parts in the "second half" of curved 3D spaces furtherst away from you.) If you skip over all those usages which may or may not make sense to you, you will come to the "where space is not a place but a direction" parts, which as a concept is important for understanding movement through curved spaces relative to other points. And finally towards the bottom, direction and momentum are used in regards to identity, and carrying events  forward based on the momentum of that directional aspect of pushing the past templates onto the future and the future can only move away from that by degrees depending on how entrenched they are. Less strongly opinionated, greater lateral directional changes possible. All different, yet all tied to direction, and a few interesting offshoots going off in different directions ;-) not mentioned in this brief overview of why I thought a "direction" summary might be interesting and tie a few of the ideas in the 5D notes together in a different way.

Memories are a shadow in one direction only, life spreads out in all directions (away from present (not written, added when typing))

(series of drawings, various interlinked circles, some rejoining in chain fashion, some overlapping)(two circular balls in a donut shaped ring passing through each other rotating in different directions in ring/tube same width as balls) (arrow between 2 lines pointing upwards with two circles on outside of lines showing rotation of the circles upwards away from the lines) (similar drawing of an arrow between 2 lines pointing downwards with two circles on outside of the lines showing rotation of the circles downward and toward the lines) 

No matter how many dimensions you perceive there is really only one direction you can go, forward, since ultimately all roads lead back to the same spot. Thus time and space together are 1 directional only. You can travel only 1 way through both simultaneously, (but) at varying rates. 

Space extends outward from wherever you are in all directions coalescing twice forwards outwards, forwards inwards, backwards outwards, and backwards inwards, second verse, same as the first. Time also extends outward from wherever you are in all directions as well.

In 4D space or any curved space, what you are moving away from you are inevitably also moving toward and vice versa. In a sense, though they are one and the same thing, they are also two separate things as well, one lies ahead and one lies behind. At the antipole, they are one and the same thing, no longer 2 directions but one complete picture equally away in all directions. Forward and backward are the same, in a spacial sense, future and past the same in a time sense. If one could remain at that point, everything opposite it would be completely outside of it and inside of it at the same time. You would also be surrounding it at the same time, in its distant past and in its distant future. Only movement toward or way from it would break the symmetry into two separate halves, one lying before you and one lying behind. Venturing forward toward the object from the point of view of the object nearest to you, you would be entering positive space. And from the opposite side of the object, a different you would be moving away from it entering into negative space. 

Parraballs view in 2 directions at once: away from objects to the antipole and back, and into the objects center (antipole) and back. Put together (to) make (the) real double bubble.

Constantly passing or coming across the same ideas from different directions.

Speaking of semantics, I like the term "surround your problems". It means ideally to try to keep coming at your problem or flaw in your logic from every conceivable direction. When you can do that you might imagine a new angle where you don't run into it anymore. It literally describes adding a new dimension to your current or past ways of viewing the problem or situation. 

People love to be told how to be. From fashion, trends, movements, everyone likes to follow where they think everyone else is going or wants to be, though they are easily convinced that just the opposite is taking place. If they move or change direction quickly enough, they will be seen as the leaders or forerunners of where everyone else less trendy or "in touch" will eventually go or want to be. 

Pushed out of time into multiple existences (from) one direction, pulled into time into a single existence from opposite direction.

To reach the antipole in either direction would in a sense (in the negative time concept instead of the negative space idea) mean passing through the beginning of time into antitime to return back to the point you left from the other direction and through negative time.

4D space (is) simple with negative space or time being in 2 places at same time moving in 2 directions at once. 5D space (is) simple if you understand being in 2 places at same time 4 different ways or places at (the) same time, altogether 8 places at once, or combining 8 perspectives at once. 

Shows how movement "closed" 4D space is in 2 directions at once in time or space. In "open" 4D space movement is in 4 directions at once instead of 2, or through 4 triplanes of space at the same time. Understanding (the 2 of "closed") is the start of understanding the 4. 

If space can curve away in a direction (equally) away from every single point in space both toward and away from itself simultaneously from another dimensional point of view, it is conceivable time may as well, therefore time would be running in both directions at once from an outside viewpoint and only expanding in the sense that all other points further away from you are further along the curvature of time, making them appear moving away from you when from an opposite angle they would be moving toward you simultaneously. 

Imagine 3 balls with 2 inside the 3rd and 1 inside the second, or a ball within a ball within a ball. If more than one timeline can be real or equally or also may have been possible, imagine where and how you are now as a point on (the surface of) the middle ball. Every other point on the surface of the middle ball represents where else or how else you might have been or seemed at that moment in time. The smaller ball inside the ball of the present represents the past, or many interior balls within your present representing the path you took to where you stand in the present. Now look up to the outer ball around yours. That represents the future, or where and how you will be at some given point in the future. Depending on how far away it is, you can be at any point on that ball too, though obviously the points easiest and most probable are in (a) line, (either) the shortest distance directly above you, or in line with the path you have been following away from the center, if angled. Given enough time, you could reach even the point opposite of what is directly ahead (or above) you, if that future point lies far enough into the future that you can reach it by an angled ascent away from the center. If you have already been following an extremely angled path away from the center, that point further away from directly above or closest to you could in fact be the easiest to reach since you may already be following that path or curvature towards it. This is two different ways of viewing placement of things, distance and momentum. A comet may be heading toward the Earth or even a few kilometers away in distance at a point yet seem light years away from reaching it (figuratively speaking of course) because its path or momentum would not be able to be altered easily or at all for it to have ever been able to reach it at that point. An object many light years away (again figuratively speaking since comets don't travel that far away, in space anyway, it could still be light years away in time though) in the future farther off its path could be easier to hit with far less adjustments to its course because that minor change would compound itself in all subsequent timeframes eventually covering an enormous change in direction and greater volume of potential places to be ahead. However by another stranger measure of distance that object light years ahead would be actually be closer to the object than the Earth ahead of it by only a few kilometers because the course change to the object would be greater if not impossible for it to reach Earth, than a point light years off its present course light years ahead in the future. That point far away in space and time would indeed be closer to the comet than the Earth it passes by seemingly close in space and time yet much further out of reach. Thus with the outer ball above where you stand in the present, the point directly ahead or above you can indeed be the furthest away or hardest to reach depending on your direction (and speed) moving up from the past, and vice versa. The point furthest away from that point might be the closest and easiest to reach by the other way of figuring space, time, and distance, with momentum. Obviously were any comets capable of conquering forward momentum, they could become more capable of reaching more points in their nearer future spheres of potential. Slowing forward momentum may make points furthest away eventually harder to reach (and farther away), but can widen the circles of potential ways and how to be closer to the present, giving more sideways momentum closer to the point you are currently at. A dead stop, though it can never be achieved in time as we perceive it, would be like a straight line (or plane if you can think that high up) stretching to infinity and the future points as almost infinitely giant circles moving away (or giant balls in 3D) above and below you to be able to reach almost any point in the future by choosing almost any point in the past to be traveling from. Again, this is not achievable for us as we require a definite past for our present, but the line or plane between them remains in a sense curving away from us and our plane or line (representation) of the present, curving away both equally ahead into the future (from where we stand) and behind into the past viewed in as many dimensional representations of this as you can handle, ideally. Now imagine from that dead stop you can go in either direction, ahead to the future or back to the past, and again each will always be still curving away equally away from you both ahead and behind, but one path would emerge more and more as your momentum moves away from zero. Such is the concept of movement through curved time. 

All (of the 4D sculptures) ought to be made of glass to demonstrate the invertibility of curved space, or the inverse effect, visually and easily. That becomes so obvious (with glass), that the same view from all outside points (combined) looking inward through both spheres is exactly the same as the outward view from the center sphere looking outward in all directions (from its center point), that few could not be able to glimpse it. 

Everything in space and in time curves away from and toward you in opposite directions at the same time, possibly because the opposite directions are also the same places. 

Rehashing / recapping (again) Double bubble of space expanding in all directions, coalescing at 1/2 (way) mark to antipole, reexpanding again on the return trip, recoalesing at (the) 3/4 mark back but... 
Double double bubble (like inversion) (is) space extending inward (into) objects and outward away from them in all directions, passing each other at a point or antipole outside of our space or conception toward coming back from the direction of the other, the antipole would be here, then again to come back opposite direction where they came without turning around. 

When in combined overlapping space, neither part is the original, both are. Once a new combination is made, each point of view or starting place was the origin equally. You must constantly expand and redefine points and locations as being in more than one place equally before and both potential future locations in each space following the division again as being equally the same path's logical result based on each previous parts direction. Weird!

Objects in overlapping space have seemingly multiple origin points. It is like a person's biological origins. The farther back you go, the more (precipatory factors) there are and what you are is the direct continuation of all of them. It is easy to see the future dispersing ahead and multiple points an object can go to, strange to see each location and state coming together (into one unit from multiple directions and states at once when) looking back. 

Central point of curved 3D space equivalent of core of the earth of a curved 2D plane, all points equal and opposite away in 3D space (in 2 directions at once, not one!) <- (was originally there) 

Balance quote in regards to objects existing as folded space oscillating omnidirectionally.

Correct 4D perspective - from inside out through in all 3 (axis) directions or outside in through all 3 (axis) directions at once back over the entire 3D plane.

Time's crystalline structure- the past, present and future are like a multidimensional jigsaw puzzle. The more pieces are in place, the greater numbers of pasts exist in an order, and the fewer number of patterns left to fit in the remaining pieces. Each moment is like an extra Universe, so each moment one perceives backward creating each present is like a greater number of pasts. The future is which pattern these will seem to fulfill or point to, and each present is deciding which pattern or which puzzle to create with the remaining pieces, thus redefining the past by deciding each now which puzzle was being built by those thens. The more pieces are in place, the fewer futures exist which can fit or fulfill, or connect, all of those previous pieces into a whole pattern. Each moment added must be fitted or connect to each previous other into a greater expanding outward structure. More pasts connect to fewer futures, (and) more futures necessitates fewer pasts. Since this is perceptual as well as physical, with each present reforming from multiple past directions converging the seemingly separating again, yet all paths always exist, we in a sense (seem to) create more futures by purging, denouncing, or denying the relevances and influences of our pasts. This we can understand conceptually, but it is a wonder to behold to see this in action physically. It is the process of life to seemingly devour each past moment and past existences to fuel or create new future ones, a shock wave, as is thought with light, waving only on, by, and through itself. As the wave reaches its outer edges, from another distant yet identical or identically valid perspective, that outer edge is or becomes the new inner circle or originating point, and every point to (there), in space and in time, is the potential originating point by some other perspective. 

Ball inside a ball bouncing around, dual curved plane multiple contacts, positive and negative pushes at (the) same time on each from different directions at once. Analogous to curved spaces, 2D, 3D, etc. making contact pressures or joining from internally to externally from an additional dimensional viewpoint (inner to outer) rather than stacked normally side by side in only 1 dimension higher. 

What I like to call my own point of view is actually parts of many different people's points of view from other eras (or now) interpreted or recombined into a whole pleasing or believable to me (now). What comprises my body is part's of (a continuation of) many different people's lives through living, mating, and how they altered or changed the patterns passed on by their lives actions. Mentally and physically we inherit what came before from a variety of different sources becoming one, and that one affecting a smaller part, moving or seen as ahead, but in (ever) greater 

numbers much further ahead, as with greater sources behind, more, yet more diluted as well. Which direction (past or future) creates something is only a matter of perspective of which moment and direction you choose to look at it from. 

Anyone can be easily convinced while growing up that they are ordinary, nothing special with no particular value to others, or that they are extraordinary, unique, and invaluable. What input they get can point to either, and it is only other's opinions and reactions which can push it in a definite direction one way or the other. From each individual's point of view they are the most ordinary, the norm, the standard by which to judge all else. All else is different, big, while they are just they themselves. On the other hand, everything else is everything else, while they are separate from it somehow, somehow unique and different. Others opinions, reactions, and instructions tell us how to interpret these two possible opinions we can take to how we judge our own self-worth. Beyond those around us, others opinions beyond theirs can make us reassess what we have been told on how we should view ourselves or what context we should place ourselves within. Also, if one's abilities begin to go beyond others who tell them that they have no value, they can begin to reassess their worth based upon that inconsistency on what they have been told.

Irregular curved space- where one or more dimensional directions is shorter or longer back to the same spot, like donuts or toruses, "flatter" versions of 2D, 3D, 4D, or more, higher in dimensions technically but pulled "in line" like one dimensional less "planes", similar to how galaxies and solar systems, asteroid fields, and planetary rings are pancake shaped. 

At every now- everything moving synchronously together though seemingly at different rates. Further away from every now, things paths diverge, circle from opposing directions, seemingly opposed to other nows, yet further along flowing together with other nows again. Riding any one's dimensional path, it is the others which seem to be diverging away from it. 

Point A- time and space curving away from it in all directions. Point B- time and space curving away from it in all directions. Between A and B, one direct line and more curved lines, yet (the) curvature arcs are limited else they no longer are paths between A and B, like magnetic field patterns between the north and south poles. Wanting to go from A to B, or being at A at one point in time and B at a different point in time collapses potential around the places in between (Like Universe Inc's probability waves) and a road forms between. 

Parallel universes of consciousness- that even if you connect all of the dots of experience of all you have lived through and all that you only potentially might have seen or lived through, that each and every other you come into contact with lives in a different perceptual universe coming from and going to a different direction, with different starting points and (different) ending points, and differing ranges of potential in between. 

That which is stronger wishes to dominate. It is within everyone's genes to wish to dominate and establish their own offspring as the new norm. Frustrating that diverts it (its energies, potential or direction) into other areas of conquest outside of direct physical continuation or biological predetermined aspirations of dominance and ensured survival of its pattern into the future. 

The term "old soul" is not applicable in a formal sense as if some have been around or in more lives than others. Some may have access more directly or clearer to others' lives in the past, present, future, or sides, but age in such contexts combined together with concepts of timelessness is at oppositional directional angles of logic. 

The leaf example: Each person is like a leaf on a tree, connected to the life of the tree in some way we cannot see or understand, living by and for the benefit of the tree that spawned us and we are never separate from it. Others are other leaves we are connected to by or looking backward in a direction we cannot see into the branches and roots which connect us still. Now imagine each of the leaves contains a seed of which a new tree can grow. Even the leaves after leaving the tree growing into their own trees which will spawn other leaves and other trees, each of these leave/seeds is still connected to their (originating) trees when observed through an angle we call time. No matter how separated you can imagine them (eventually) becoming, from another angle they are always connected and as one. 

Dimensions are like the faces of a polygon or geodesic. Which ones face you are which reality of it are real in relation to your existence or the time or reality in which you can meet or affect it. What other aspects or sides it has facing realities not (in potential crossing) your own ('s potentials), you can never understand except from the perspective inside it outward (of?) all its possible realities it pushes itself into. From inside one to the inside of another is a directional understanding not as simple as knowing all possibilities of one outward into all of its possible realities (it affects), and is a dimensional understanding further away than even knowing every 
possible reality (open to) oneself. 

Gravity = force of traveling through time (or 4D space) similar to centrifical force inverted from inverse view of objects in space. (i.e. big things expanding faster (moving through time in a direction we can imagine only as expanding or contracting though it is neither and both) in positive regions, empty space expanding faster in negative regions. If you don't understand negative regions of curved space in relation to the region where you are, you are an idiot.) 

Anything not in motion is a myth. You are either moving along side it, spinning in every possible way along with it, or moving perpendicular to it in at least one direction, dimension, or in time. 

Gravity = acceleration in another dimension. Simplest example, since movement away from a given dimension (meant for away from a dimensional world, a world of a given number of dimensions but seems also applicable as is written) makes everything APPEAR to get smaller, think of movement through that dimension as everything in the Universe getting larger and because it loops back (in that other dimension you can't see or in a curvature), this can seemingly have no limits. If everything expands at the same rate, no one would notice anything. If bigger objects and larger voids get bigger faster, this (seemingly) pulls other objects to them and the space between appears to constantly shrink. Thus standing on the earth, you are riding that movement forwards away from the center (of the earth) in all directions into a new region of space or a dimension you cannot visualize or comprehend as anything other than a pull. 

Halfway point in space between distant objects, common point of reference in time, center of bow-tie increasing and decreasing towards and backwards away in time away from that point depending on direction travelling in. 

Nothing that exists is provable beyond perception. No order exists beyond perceived relations. All objects in space and time are always theoretical, and real only to the extent of their potential upon or to affect any other at that time. If all moments in time connect to every other in all directions away, like all spaces connect (Sequentially) to every other point in all directions away, nothing is ever able to affect anything beyond their potential to be affected by other, as all possible effects IN BOTH DIRECTIONS always exist. People perceive time as a one dimensional line away, or a funnel with one line away. It is as wide away from each point in many directions as space is. 

I don't like that people are becoming automatons. I don't like that they will likely have their very thoughts monitored once that becomes possible. The slow roll in that direction, almost unquestionable and unstoppable in the terms and ways they are pushing it, working against that by simply running counter to desired expectations is the only dent or pause I can create, and hope others will wake up to what it is they are being herded towards, the mind "slavery" of future generations for their "protection" from harm. 

What seemingly from one point of view slows you down or limits your movement also from another point of view is what not only defines them but makes them possible. Try running a hundred yard dash in 1/2 gravity. Life is about the redirection of energy, not the creation of it. The Universe already has an over supply and everything that exists is to even out the balance. 

Said before in the notes, but collisions rewrite the past and future between each. Each overlap sends info and effects forwards and backwards away from it simultaneously. That is why paradoxes of causation appear with faster than or near light speed if looped back. Each point affects all others, and sequentially is but one view in one direction or aspect or perspective upon it. From any other view the cause and effects can be different or even reversed. 

Important point made before in notes: All points in time away in all directions from present like all points in space (from wherever you are standing, sitting, etc.) How to envision this is not something we perceive yet. A different kind of seeing it takes. How overlap these (events?) coming from other times and spaces in-between and creating new conjunctions or timelines between each convergence relating to the events which lead to that convergence like a new ball of potential or new universe created at each new moment of space and time where convergences or overlaps occur (wordy and not said clearly but tries to tie things together, a bit blurrily yet, though. Blurrily, cool :-) 

All points in space exist right now (actually if the universe is expanding that would not be true, but if defined by atoms of a set number only decreasing over time it would be true in regards to potential places defined by things in them, though they could be spread out more and create more thinner things but whatever, digressing a bit). All points in time exist right here. To move through both at the same time is to pull some (points/times) to you and others further away from you, yet that is (only) perspective as much further away in both directions (the angle and direction) is reversed. 

Say some species, lets not name names, was so messed up it detonated something which blows up the Universe. That event traveling at the speed of light would synchronize all timelines of all places in the Universe back to that event in all directions away from it at once. If the Universe's growth (expansion) is infinite and also travelling at the speed of light creating new matter in its wake, the end or death of it would also be chasing it forever like a dog chasing its tail. 

Everything must move in the Universe. Movement is one dimensional or takes one dimension away. Everything moving must move in a direction and that direction becomes forward. That direction may be imperceivable and in a dimensional sense beyond our conceptualization and involves time. Movement in space relative to other points mimics and increases or decreases primary movement in measure to its increase in another direction of space. At least 4D to 3D alignments.

If the past is necessitated and created by the future to the same extent as the future seems to be caused by the past events, freewill can still be understood in terms that more than one future could exist to have set up the present state of existences just as the past could have occurred many different ways yet still lead to the same or nearly identical circumstances and forms or existences. It seems less wide open and a more constrained variability than a definite single past and an "anything can happen whatsoever" view of the future, but within that model, variability and individual choice can exist, maybe not in terms of what eventually happens or must, but what route to take to get there. For a different future, choose a different past. Both spread out away from the present like a circle or ball yet both converge back again at that point, like the north to south pole or the antipole, in any number of directions, dimensions, senses, or ways and roads away lead not only to a universe of variances between that point and all else, but ultimately right back to that same point and time from every conceivable direction and into every existence in space and time back to itself and that point. 

2nd room - direction coming from changes everything. 

There is nothing about what is, even all that humanity is or is about at this point in time and its diversity or similarities, that I find worthy of any significant level of attention or interest other than what from this point's perspective one might imagine but cannot see or know what it will, could, or one day might have become. Me and the Universe are beginning to think alike. The present is only a means to an end and what exists is merely to set up what might happen which you have not yet figured out or decided what it will be next. Change is what is life, change is living, what exists now is already dead except for its capacity to become something else, only in that sense is what exists now still alive. Forms apart from how they are changing, growing, evolving into something completely different are already history, like rocks, long forgotten, irrelevant, and long ago deceased. The present and all points visible and predictable stemming from it no longer can capture my imagination or interest. I must keep resetting my sights further from it in all possible directions and locations away equally and search out new further points where those different directions merge and overlap again. What is easily knowable or attainable without constantly extending your reach in ways you cannot now yet imagine is worthless except to temporarily satisfy you, yet hinder your desire not to have more, that is greed and primitive, but from wanting to become more. 

How relevant is the future to the past, that is the question. Many see the past as relevant to the future, even precipatory and its predecessor or what creates it. If there are many possible versions of the future each past is different from each of the others each second away from each present going backwards, each with its own different corresponding more recent pasts. The further back you go, these different futures from now have more in common and seem to come together. Yet each second back  also provides a wider range of future destinations ahead toward the future. To reverse this, imagine any one point in the future far from now to be predestined or eventually must happen but the present is not as predetermined. The closer you get to that point in time, the more possible threads of the past must merge to create that point. The fulcrum ought to be viewed on the present in both directions, that each moment creates its own set of future points reachable away from it and is the conjunction of differing possible timelines back away from it which must merge and cancel each other out to define it as more  "actual". To view other potentially possible places and states of or for each present, nothing could be seen as the sole determinant of anything else. You could see many paths and opposed pasts leading to each present, many different strands coming together in different ways to create the same states and effects from completely different causes and directions of different pasts. Circular causational loops not only seem possible but practically inevitable further away from each present. Which present means having which futures and which possible paths (?) could create it. Having more than one future means (thinking backwards it is probable) more than one present for you to be in and more than one you could and would be in now. Which present you would perceive is which future you look back to see it from as much as which past you think you stand upon to look or move towards it. (Not the most coherent or inspired take on a theme elsewhere in the notes but more combined and adds an aspect or two sideways as well, side cones, plates.) 

Humanity, the offspring of rodents that we are. Don't like that analogy? Imagine how little our progeny millions of years from now should our and their children survive and reproduce that long like being compared to us. Those who think what we now call humans is the end result of evolution, that kind of thinking secretly or not-so-secretly wishes to stop it now or try to freeze it here. All species, like it or not, are evolving into new ones. What we are becoming is what we bring out in ourselves in how we choose to be and what we choose to become every moment hence. Choose wrong and the exit door for humanity is always only one step away. Ways forward, what we or they will become, will be horrific and will be more just, and either path can always be taken. What is within us, what it is our capacity to become defines and sometimes makes the choices for us, and that is always both evil and good. The only thing which can shift is where the middle, the median lies, and in which direction it is currently moving towards. It is never thought to be pushed in the wrong direction by those doing the pushing. The only way to compass which way is more just is to see it, to define it, by the most possible persons living perspectives at once. Only through ALL others eyes can we get any perspective on the value or worth of what we make of ourselves. 

When where is not a place but a direction! If coming from... then this is... How where you were determines where you are, angle coming from is sole determinant of wherever here is. (key point) 

A 5D version of the game can be made comprehensible by using colors to represent not locations but directions to include the fact the visible 3D spaces overlap at angles that soon become incomprehensible to most people as each space has an inverse angle in 4 dimensions where most can only imagine 3 and even those juxtapositions with great difficulty. 

All circular or global areas away from a large solid object mark the same points on a plane in curved space away from the object. That set of "places" also has a twin in movement or speed. Can be seen as possible locations or set of directions relative. Gravity in 2D (is a) good example. Interesting, connects in principle to electron location or direction, though (thinking) observation (determines it) is bullshit.

In short, reducing the number of locations to directions is a more manageable way of understanding locations through multiple curvatures of time and space since they double back yet are different in correlation to the direction coming from and its destination. All directions equally extend to and from (the) same points so direction, since all objects exist only while in movement, is more useful than location which is  subjective too, but more subjective than by relative movement in 

accordance with other objects, i.e., direction

I go right, all else goes left. I go up, all else goes down. You can't change anything from within. What creates you simply accounts for everything possible that you can do and nothing can exceed expectations or change fundamentally what will happen because whatever you think you can do to alter it is just another set of ways to the same ends. It counters everything. (Direction not mentioned but clearly in it).

Kneading dough in 4 dimensions. Instead of 2D (plane) doughnut twisting outside to in or inside to out looking down on it, knowing reverse view opposite you from table up is also applicable, in 4D all 3 directions at once, outside to in or inside to out, only appear along one line of sight and from opposite view of the "table" or "ground" 3 dimensions, would also apply at the same time. 

Deciding which way is "up" in 2D, 3D, and 4D determines the 90 degree spin equivalent of movement forward line, plane or triplane away pivot points. As movement parries spin, orientation internally to the system sets the direction of perceived rotation in forward momentum along curved spaces' axises. 

Life is different than matter. Life is a required SEQUENCE of events, i.e., having food, water at constant periodic intervals, adequate conditions for reproduction, etc. This sequence can be viewed as movement in time. Its potential "places" in time are locations which fall within the "spaces" that can be a continuation in line with the angular "perspective" or possible lines of sight along with each "points" "present" in that given sequences movements "forward". That sequence must involve multiple factors coming from multiple "directions" which must merge and overlap which creates possible "places" in time wherever the convergences (are) in lines with PERCIEVABLE movements. 

Knowing when random directions pass over each other from additional dimensional perspective. 

Your past notions, goals, and purposes are all that give you direction on one hand, and all that limit you or hold you back on the other. Both the limitations and the enabling (what you will do or what will happen) are the same thing. 

After the accident, my perception of time was briefly interrupted and began to wrap around itself coming away from the future and past equally at the same time, pushing some perceptions into somewhere equally away from both, yet forward in another direction impossible to place in current descriptional guidepoints. To see the future and past as both self-perpetuating creating itself out of itself and the other, you can see what they create themselves in outside of both, which are of course, the same thing. The "new" experiences this seems to create to me, also are in a sense, very old hat to me, ancient history, at the same time and I only bother to repeat it because it is far away as well as near, and it is something to do, and inevitably all I can do as well. Curved space and curved time are similar in this fashion. You are able to understand how the very far away (in all possible directions in space or all timelines in time) are the same place. Figuring out how to understand such an environment forces your mind to grow in new directions you did not have to deal with previous to perceiving things in a curved environment. These notes, Time Roads, Universe Inc.'s Paradoxes and Probability Waves, and 2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple were not accidental but the logical result of the grasping to come to terms with new means of perception pushing to new levels (to understand it) as the Universe itself is inevitably trying to always out-do and build upon itself as well, though it too already knows, has been there before, and always is there. The Yoshoe need to always keep it fresh, different, only works so far (against the Yoshomee desire for continuity), yet enough to make it worthwhile. 

Undercurrents under undercurrents moving in different directions on different levels downward away from this and each other reality. Most perceptions of most pointed only at the surface outward into empty space around them (like a cork floating on a 3D ocean (3D plane of existence),  link to Measure All Things Together's cork floating on a 2D plane), not sensing what holds them (up) there or where there is, smaller and inward (and backward in time). 

In studying Russian language which treats time somewhat differently, the question comes up as which is more correct, "tomorrow will be thursday", or the way I normally say it, "tomorrow is thursday". The first way may be more grammatically correct, but the second is more true. In a curved space/time Universe, the future must already exist as well as the past, as both must curve away from where you are in both directions just as physical dimensions would in a curved physical environment, therefore if tomorrow did not already exist (somewhere we cannot perceive yet), today could not as surely as we might think today cannot exist if  yesterday did not (somewhere we can only remember).

I ended up reapproaching my own life from an unfamiliar direction, off the map (note 2, swing, maps). Orientation (orientation within a system) is in flux because there is little point in deciding which way is up (figuratively speaking) when all directions are (up) equally and also simultaneously in a sense (seemingly to me somehow). Inner to outer in all directions at once (through everything) is the only measure of "up" left to orient myself by. 

My second point of reference further out than most, greater orbits, through all else in all directions outside of all points in space equally yet (still) forward in time, yet looping back in time as well simultaneously. 

Consciousness is in effect what it believes itself to be by what it perceives currently, and what it remembers currently, that itself a current perception. If it cannot grow or connect the dots in one direction, it will grow or connect them in another direction

Infinity symbol, closed loop doubled back, new road forming in middle, travelling both directions at once, new dimension forming to sort it out (how roads can intersect in addition to overlap), growing outside of space and time. (From imagining a circular figure 8 track with an intersection replacing an overpass and both directions become possible and both double back). 

Potential of/for experiences only, no substances. Experiences creating new potential for experiences. Car (a) potential for experiences created out of experiences of making it by others. People too. Changing the patterns of what can be experienced and how, see substances can be as imaginary as digital information, exists only as a pattern and potential for experiences to yourself or to others. Pyramids monuments of
experiences of countless others pointed in one direction made of experience to the Nth degree as well as stone. (the amount of experience put in)(<- meant to have been stuck in somewhere) 

All distances (of an equal distance) away from any point at speed of light are in fact the same place and also a ball in every direction similar to antipoles. Movement parries location, that is how a photon can seemingly be (simultaneously in all points) in a ball away from it (the light source) but collapse itself instantaneously at opposite ends of the universe depending on what it hits first because movement from that original location at that speed = all of those locations at the same time, they are all the same place. 

If an object moving in a direct line away from you (at the speed of light) at an exact moment in time's location equals all points on a (curved) plane (into a ball shape) away from you at all (equal) distances away from you like an antipole, (being) one location and every possible location an equal distance away, only objects moving through space at an equal speed in every possible direction as you can move in, (only then) can (it) have exact single locations in both time and space relative to your point of view and movement. Because gravity simulates movement, this also complicates things as each objects existence in and movement through gravity fields would have to be equal, otherwise each unit of time would equal more than one possible location for that object from your point of view (not only for speed of light but more extreme at that speed) (distance plotted relative to your location with a curvature margin of error of multiple places existing in or distortion of shapes), or each possible location would seem to exist in a multiple of timeframes at once depending on movements away from you and gravitational differences. Curved environments makes times and locations reverse fish-eyed lens-like either the further they are away from you, or relative to movements away from you in any possible direction away from you, as well as gravitational differences. 

Most peoples' minds work like magnets, all pointing in the same direction, perceiving events in the same linear way and think this is, if not the only way to perceive things, it is the only correct way. My mind can perceive time as linear, yet also understand non-linear time concepts, sideways and backward time-like means of organization. Where most peoples' time perception is like a compass always pointing north, I have many different compasses, each for different purposes, yet remember which way is north according to others. That compass is not lost for me, yet it is not always the best indicator of what is going on. Other compasses sometimes show more pertinent patterns. 

At a certain level of understanding, it is easy to get completely disinterested in this reality. You can see where the limits are of your influence in every possible reality, what you can change and what you cannot. At that point you become like a worker in a factory, just putting in the time, saying what you are expected to say, doing what you are expected to do, not because you can imagine nothing else, but because sooner or later you have to pick a direction for the future. After that, your choices are limited to what is along the way in that general direction. More predetermined, less choice, but further in reach in a given direction which matters less to you because you know it too well, and set your sights beyond it. 

Held or suspended locked in place in time by the rings of the future moving (spinning) in one direction, the past spinning counter, and the sides also moving opposing each other, yet all those circles within a greater circle encompassing them all. 

The furthest in every point away from the antipole (in a) circle, ball, or hypersphere is also within the middle spot of every point you measure way from and all else curves outward from that point in two directions at once, one way you can perceive in or with time and space, the other blurrily. 

The future and the past flow into each other from different directions passing through each other in the present. Your sense of identity is comprised of both, who or how you think you were, and who or how you think you might become. 

All actualized past EVENTS of everyone and everything equals ones identity. All perceived potential future EVENTS peaks of all perceived (existing or) potential beings equals ones identity. One set of events is what you are standing on dimensionally speaking. Forget the gravity analogy, standing (as in) locked into a 3D slice. The other set of events is what you think that is moving toward, i.e. direction, but since direction is inapplicable in a closed (curved) environment, which direction it is spinning (in a multidimensional sense, not left/right) compared to how you wish it to spin. 

The real boundaries of what you are, can be, or do are affected by others, what they need and how differing directions must mesh somehow. Everything approaches each second like trains all charging toward each other. Every second after is what survived, what was changed, and what new directions those collisions have set everything on now, only to recollide again and again and again. 

The stronger peoples' beliefs are, the longer they have had them, the more integrated they are into different aspects of their lives and relationships with others, it is like an object moving faster. It takes more time frames, longer, to change direction even when they see and know they are wrong, or leading them toward disaster. If those beliefs are so firmly a part of their identities, they will close their eyes to anything which might make them reevaluate the possibility they might be wrong, push it out of mind, and brace themselves for the tragic results they believe are unavoidable, because they are without the ability to rethink or question what is to them unquestionable. With more time or if they can be taught to slow down faster, they could adjust courses to miss collisions more quickly.

Everything in the Universe is under the momentum of events. Ideas of self, what they are, what they want, all set up to include them and all they can be, see, and know. Can only alter courses along preset prescribed ways or directions. I contemplate dead stop, reset button, where any direction of anything becomes possible. Direction is not only physical dimensions, but (also) tracks of events which are probable because of how the board is set and the pieces senses of identity, goals, and purposes.

Moving vs. stopping, potentials are inverses of the other's type of potential. One (is) of distance, the other of possible directions.

2 tweezers interlocked at right angles. From (inside) the middle "square", face one direction and see (a) pattern up/down, left/right, turn around and see the same pattern with up/down now left/right and left/right now up/down.

No history, memories are not real even when they are your own and fairly accurate. The past, even a moment ago is always gone. They are merely to give an order, define the present in a context, as a continuation of something, and (to) make what happens next predictable, (in a given direction,) logical, and serve some seeming purpose which can only be seen as a pattern connecting many times and many people. 

Two coins, wheels, etc. against each other, spin one faster than the other to cause friction around and away from the middle. Shift perspectives on that two each, and different spinning around them both, you see it is both spinning in the same direction at different speeds and, at the same, time, both moving in opposite directions depending on your point of view (your movement in relation to them). When applied to multi-dimensional spinning, you know both everything is moving in directions the same as everything else (and opposite it) even if you perceive things as static, though through many different perspectives, the movements are dependent upon an external point of view only visible from outside the system.

You can't change things if most don't want them to (change), or have been convinced they don't want them to, or that things cannot be any other way. That is like a stream which merely moves around whatever obstacle you put in its way. What people want or expect from life can be changed though. Changing that moves the whole river in a different direction

Ideology (especially damning in journalism) means you can only see in one direction, and are forgiven for failing to look in the opposite direction, or worse, in any other direction

Once you interfere and tip the balance of power within another society, or even in regards to another person's life, that balance may never again be in the same position again, and there is no telling where the new balance will be found, only that wherever it may be will be a temporary balance and will continue to keep shifting as long as they live, and each seeming status quo is a matter of perspective until you blink. Any "balance" in present circumstances is only due to constant overwhelming pressure from all sides offsetting each other. It always wants to unravel, it is just a matter of which direction

If you are not afraid of what others can do to you, would do or will do, then they can only impede you or get out of your way. Fear is all that can divert you. Ceding direction is to give up control over your own life. Do not believe in side-trips of any significant time. It is to be diverted, become lost, and ultimately to become someone else. 

The more you turn your back on the past and break the strings one by one, the more you know each and every one of them, and the way they pull you, hold you, define you, and its designs upon you. You cannot escape the past altogether, nor should you wish to, but you must learn all the strings one by one to know which ones to keep and which must stay cut to create the direction you think is the best to seem to go in. The more expectations the past has upon you, the more important it is to mentally take hold of it to make that past your own and not be its creation, but (be) your own master, and give the future that right of self-determination as well, rather than to fall into the trap as those in the past might have wished and wish to control or shape it as well. Guide it, yes, but guide it to run free. Free where others wouldn't dare, not out of (lack of) morals, but out of timidity and fear, and lack of imagination. You must trust others and you must trust yourself to know what is right for each different time. 

© 2003-2005 by Jared DuBois