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Best of the Notes - Events

At least this collection is better than and not about trees, though it does have more sub-branches to it. Things seemed to be moving in Notes 3 toward an event based organizational factor for understanding existence, not a physical one of time or space, both of which use and require events, but events unite both space and time into knots. The fundamental aspect of events is a change, and that tied in well with focusing on change as an inverse to objects, a different way of perceiving, seeing the changes as the actual substances, and objects, what we think of substances, as transitory and unimportant, coming and going, but the changes, the processes, as all that is permanent and real.

Pushed out of time into multiple existences (from) one direction, pulled into time into a single existence from opposite direction 

Probability wave hitting inverse wave creates (an) event which from another point of view has not yet occurred (until both travel back to reach and/or create the sources) 

Objects through interaction create a solid common past between them and a definite future which will be common to and contain both in some fashion or another. Without interaction, no definite past or future (of one) is real to the other. 

Events of (with) knowledge, events without knowledge, causes events of fullness, simultaneity, and parallelism, and events of absence, lacking, unresolvedness, and incompleteness. Once EWOK's become known that event redefines the past parallel to that point as something else it wasn't or did not seem to be at the time. 

To exist simultaneously with something else in time and space, whether they were once the same and took different paths, or will combine at some point to create a common future, or run parallel to each other and never meet, to co-exist side by side is inexorably to share a common past and the destiny of one is always interlinked, contingent upon, and from a third point of view, the same, as the destiny of the other if you view time as having been and becoming a single thread of events

If space can curve away in a direction (equally) away from every single point in space both toward and away from itself simultaneously from another dimensional point of view, it is conceivable time may as well, therefore time would be running in both directions at once from an outside viewpoint and only expanding in the sense that all other points further away from you are further along the curvature of time, making them appear moving away from you when from an opposite angle they would be moving toward you simultaneously. 

Every moment in time becomes the beginning and the end, and all other points in time are moving away from that point bilaterally. 

Physical facts (are) unimportant, change is the only real existence, or happenings without manifestations, or creating their own. 

Trying to bookend people's lives conceptually from birth to death as a single object to "pick up" or absorb or look at by turning as a single object (life stories). 

You can't run away from something that is a part of you. Wherever you go, there it is. It is in a sense inside of you, and integral part of what you are. Everything that you have experienced, could have experienced, what you are experiencing now or might have been experiencing now, and all that you will experience or could possibly, all of this is a part of you. You can focus on some parts and forget others. Indeed, you cannot see all points from any one point anyway, but all and everything else you can and sometimes do affect by your existence, all this or these "other" things in your realities are all a part of you. Moreover, without them, you are not or nothing. How they all must fit together, the organizational structure you define them by, and they you by, is what connects which points to any others, or which "theres" you can get to or see, from which "heres". 

People's lives are attempts to transfer something, their experiences, their potential, into something concrete which will have existence outside of them or beyond them. A book, a painting, a formula or theory, a philosophy, a monument or sculpture, a building or park, their children, an heir philosophical, spiritual, or biological, all of these are attempts to pass on something inside yourself to exist outside of yourself for others, and which may survive beyond yourself. To see it as attempts at immortality is unduly coarse and vulgar. It is not wanting to let something good within you die with you or be forgotten unnecessarily. That is how to view it in its best light, though maybe not realized or always thought of in that context at the time by everyone, but equally how it can be seen by anyone toward anyone else's attempted achievements. The irony is that which is wished to be passed on can never be forgotten or lost anyway, nor is any externalization of that potential any more real than the potential of itself. 

Interlinkage of all events prior to and away from collisions 

Redefining your past in relation to or conjunction with another's or something else's to see them as related or coming together thus seeing both prior lines (of past events) as both branches (common roots) leading to common events and concurrent futures, if only for awhile, and only in one single chain of events or one branch of potential realities. 

From another point in space or in time, from another's perspective, our future exists already as their past. As put forth here, that the future and past are existent only as different perspectives upon their different presents, in which they are all the same present only seen from different angles (called space and time). The only thing confusing or complicated about seeing future events as co-existing with the present and past, is that there is no "the" future but many very different ones, just as there are many different pasts merging and overlapping in different ways at different angles further back away from each present. Complicating this even further is that there is no "the" present either, just a combination of more probable states seeming to overlap in a way that makes it differenciatable from less probable others from that particular point of view chosen to be taken by that "individual" and at that point in "space" and in "time", which is really just another organizational factor of everything else inextricably interconnected and the separateness itself is only a desired or chosen perspective upon and within it. 

Get over concurrent things, states, or events, from being any different to direct continuations or evolutions into new forms of the same things, states, or events (at other times). The paths of each ahead always circle back and stand concurrent with each of its seeming "itselfs" (prior causational branches) of each present. 

Events center multiple times and spaces

Co-happenings- where two events cause each other, neither and both doing or done to. 

New organizational factors, methods, and structures for consciousness linking seemingly disparate events in more creative ways. Everything potentially connects to everything else, new views or ways of seeing connections is always possible and growth is trying them out to see which you like or best frame what you want or think you have to do presently. 

If multiple parallel simultaneously existing Universes were to be the case, you can never really help or adversely affect another, all you can see is one version of events of how your potential and theirs could intersect or overlap, and maybe in or through that, how it could create other Universes (defnined or created by the interaction of potentials) between. 

Causality is kind of a ridiculous concept. If the Universe is billions of years old and there were many ways it could have formed, many species coming and going from the Earth, what happens to me now is a direct result of all of those countless events? Everything that happened at every moment in time before now caused the Universe to be exactly as it is now? What happens in the future or what will even be possible is completely dependent on everything happening now and has no control or influence over it whatsoever? I am not saying it is inconceivable, just a little hard to swallow. It makes predeterminism or some great plan of God sound better by comparison. Mutual causation or multiple pasts as well as multiple futures may be difficult to comprehend but that everything in the past being the sole source of the present and the present having complete control over all futures which might spring from it is way too simplistic. I can't say I disagree with causality completely. We seem to be able to perceive links between some things over time, but as an all encompassing maxim, causality is still I say a ridiculous concept. 

If you can understand the concept of seeing an event or collision from multiple angles in space at the same time, you should with some effort be able to comprehend seeing events from multiple angles of different timelines at the same time (or space) as different timelines converge and disperse from every present as different lines in space can be thought to spread away from each point or place in space. 

Changes as a "thing". Sequence of events, not any particular moment but change effected by time over a period of time. 

Important point made before in notes: All points in time away in all directions from present like all points in space (from wherever you are standing, sitting, etc.) How to envision this is not something we perceive yet. A different kind of seeing it takes. How overlap these (events?) coming from other times and spaces in-between and creating new conjunctions or timelines between each convergence relating to the events which lead to that convergence like a new ball of potential or new universe created at each new moment of space and time where convergences or overlaps occur (wordy and not said clearly but tries to tie things together, a bit blurrily yet, though. Blurrily, cool :-) 

If the past is necessitated and created by the future to the same extent as the future seems to be caused by the past events, freewill can still be understood in terms that more than one future could exist to have set up the present state of existences just as the past could have occurred many different ways yet still lead to the same or nearly identical circumstances and forms or existences. It seems less wide open and a more constrained variability than a definite single past and an "anything can happen whatsoever" view of the future, but within that model, variability and individual choice can exist, maybe not in terms of what eventually happens or must, but what route to take to get there. For a different future, choose a different past. Both spread out away from the present like a circle or ball yet both converge back again at that point, like the north to south pole or the antipole, in any number of directions, dimensions, senses, or ways and roads away lead not only to a universe of variances between that point and all else, but ultimately right back to that same point and time from every conceivable direction and into every existence in space and time back to itself and that point. 

Everyone’s life's events connect to and overlap everyone else’s. You can change around the times and the order, but not the substance. Things happen that must because they are part of what created you and why. Your thoughts, your aspirations, nothing is not influenced by this fact. How to find a space to yourself not linked to everyone else, is to retreat mentally into nothingness, the source of everything else and the potential of everything else, and then come back mentally to refocus on your own life, identity, and things you cannot change or change only because you were meant to and others will require it, and by consensus decide you must.

When distraction and irrelevant events becomes the point, you understand life. 

Understanding separate probabilities and different ways events can happen existing together simultaneously outside of perception can either be seen as stripping one of the ability to control what can happen or show what one is at any point is within an organizational structure beyond the perceiver/perceived. As said by others in the Many Worlds Theory, it becomes harder to define what connects what to anything else if every moment can and does become many different things yet is the same in all of them or each is the same, as potentially real as the others. Back to the end of Rel 3, we choose to find to believe something in between one definite reality and anything possible to come next, and a solid past and an uncertain future provides staticism with openness when fundamentally they are just interpretations on the same context. 

Life is different than matter. Life is a required SEQUENCE of events, i.e., having food, water at constant periodic intervals, adequate conditions for reproduction, etc. This sequence can be viewed as movement in time. Its potential "places" in time are locations which fall within the "spaces" that can be a continuation in line with the angular "perspective" or possible lines of sight along with each "points" "present" in that given sequences movements "forward". That sequence must involve multiple factors coming from multiple "directions" which must merge and overlap which creates possible "places" in time wherever the convergences (are) in lines with PERCIEVABLE movements. 

In the sense previously written here which I know well, that dragonslayers create their own dragons to slay, Judeo-Christian/Moslem notions of good vs. evil can be said to give rise to that perceived dichotomy. Good requires evil to define itself and to battle with. It is not that bad or unfortunate things might happen nor just that such notions give those who wish to do bad things a "god" of their own or framework or a blueprint of what is defined by that culture as all evil things to tap into or identify themselves with, but that the very belief that such supernatural forces exist and one of them being very negative, creates, sustains, or enforces them. People ought to balance that tendency to view everything in black and white, good vs. evil terms, with Chuang Tsu's treatise on who can say what is good or bad (the horse running away), on how it can be a matter of perspective in context of events which have yet to happen which may put it into another light. By believing negative things have a cause or some external influence other than the one true "God" or force which creates you, you empower (that other) with and through your beliefs in it or create it yourself, as do societies as a whole which subscribe to such notions in the same sense as the Romans' beliefs in their lesser than one supernatural powers (gods) could influence them and (those beliefs defined, gave context to, and) guided their lives as well. To make or see life in terms of a fight or struggle to do right, one must create or need an external personification to enable it (that struggle, to fight against), and in such psychology, make existence itself always a fight or conflict, and Earth a "noble" but constant and continuous battlefield. Such views court self-destruction. 

Following multiple streams, multiple lives, events intersecting at different times for each, enabling some, some preclude others, and every loss an opportunity for something else down the road. Making what will be remembered by each as seen from many points of view inside each and outside all. 

People who see death as a chance or opportunity to escape into something else, heaven, hell, another life, another dimension of existence, miss the entire target, not just the mark. You have to realize on a meta-physical level, you are not any one thing at one place at one point in time to be in the first place, never mind how to shift that into being or becoming something else outside yourself yet still retain that essential "you-ness". You are following mentally a perceptual stream interactively, seemingly, yet without absolute (definitive at any one point in time, only perception of different things, even yourself, strung together over time like beads on a string) substance existing at an absolute moment in time. Given that perceptualization may be your only reality, thinking how to become something else when there is little but memories to give you a sense of existence at all, you can resettle into the conclusion that you exist in and are only defined by your circumstances (a web or chain of events or possible events) and what you do, and outside of that not only can you (as you are defined now) have nothing, but for you, outside of that (boundary of potential *EVENTS*) exists nothing. What never was and can never be can never not be as well. Since your existence is experiential (involving others perceptions as well) beyond what is physical, it is (even now) as timeless, eternal, and lucent as a dream, and as subjective as well. 

Unlike most people who can be motivated by just giving them money or others who can be motivated by threatening them or their families, I have been brought to a point which neither could have gotten me to by a chain of events seemingly too complex to be set up, to want to learn things about the Universe I swore I did not want to know (or more accurately, one can substitute "know" with "actualize certain potential experiences of understanding"). That is why I believe even if there is freewill, something is controlling what happens, and what can grow inevitably will create the circumstances which not only permit it to reach its maximum potential, they will demand nothing less. 

I had previously used the term self-self-aware (actually it was "If not why self-aware" but the meaning to me was the same, meaning if not having the correct context to put your limited understanding of self-awareness within, if not knowing why you are self-aware or how that knowledge (awareness) and lack of knowledge fits into things and what will unfold. Gaining that context would be becoming self-self-aware or understanding how your seeming self-awareness and limited knowledge about things plugs into everything else, into events beyond yourself and creating or helping to cause those events. That is how condensed it gets when I write to myself. I boiled the whole Yoshoe/Yoshomee story down to remember it later with just "the dividing and recombining aspects of existence")in the notes with little comment about it. One can say (and many do ;-) mankind is self-aware when perceiving itself (individuals) as being separate from (their) environments and aware of freewill or choice, and has proclaimed itself, unfortunately, as sole (species?) in its environment in this regards. One becomes self-self-aware when one realizes that sense of identity or separateness is completely determined by factors outside oneself and events in and over time which solely constitutes that sense of identity. By moving perception of identity away from the physical self to the perception of EVENTS one is aware of oneself in the context with other things and not as separate at all but instead one view or perspective upon a whole of which you can never separate yourself from no matter what you may wish to think. 

My life is not in uncharted territory but in waters I have been precipitously trying to avoid since as long as I can remember. Warnings about this time were not unheeded, yet I know now as I did not then it is not motivated by self-interest, power, greed or anything else, for the moment, which can make it all for nothing. I am not worried for myself or anything which can be done to me, for that too would pass. Some places you must go, some events must happen eventually, and all doors must eventually be opened. Patience is all you ever really need, and try not to force events before you are ready for them, and never expect all else to wait until you are, for that would make it too easy. Throwing you into situations you are not yet ready for may suck for you but necessary to keep you from figuring out too much too quick and its all part of the game.

Understanding freewill and how it interplays with prophecy if it can be determined as existent, both, how they can co-exist. That it is possible to know how events outside of your sphere of influence will turn out which have not happened yet, how can that mesh with how others outside of yours who could conceivably know what you will do in advance. It is as if everything beyond your control or influence has already happened or will only happen one way, from your point of view when you can see it that way, yet you are locked within the same constraint of (being) an open book to those who cannot affect you, even if you are in their futures. Yet what happens if nothing lies outside of one's sphere of influence, can either exist to each other at all if no (one) way can happen any more than any other as having been or will be the case? Causality curves? 

Two wires stick out from under a table. Lift the table and you will see it is the same wire doubled-back. All objects and events beyond your sight disappear under a table. Lift the table and you will see they are all the same wire doubled-back. 

No matter which way my life goes, I always end up pushed back to the same events. I can't control what happens, merely shift the stage and change the time. The play was written before I was born to include whatever I might do, and all I control, if anything at all, is speeding it up, delaying it, and the venue. 

Focusing on and understanding your life as primarily events somewhat independent of matter only involving matter, as perspective, beads on string, of different "yous", different ideas of yourself at different stages, the flame that continues through different pieces of wood of your body different each day, different wood, and thousands of different each living cells of your body being born and dying each hour to keep that illusion of a static stable mostly unchanging body going, strung together mentally over time via memories only in the moment of other times, nothing is as important as this from earlier in the notes and cannot be stressed too often or too much, "Experience is all that world has to give or teach you and all you have to give or teach it." 

Packing dishes (Meaning when moving at first you can pack anything, but what you put off you will eventually be doing at some time, increasing in likelihood of happening next the longer it is not done. Some events can be done sooner or later but time will find you doing them at some point whether you like it or not. Best to like it then.) 

Sometimes we get the sense that it is we who cause certain events. It is nice sometimes to think that some things in life you can control or you are solely the cause of something. For legality, we must hold people (as) responsible for their own actions. However since everything comes together as it does from different sources, though never using this to evade responsibility, it is often just better to say, it happened and I was there. Some things' causes lie in how the cards were dealt, and sometimes the deck is stacked, done to far more than doing, when seeing further along ahead. 

Event AB creates a past, before AB, a future, after AB, and at least 3 perspectives. AB as seen from A, AB as seen from B, and AB as seen from outside of AB, and a future which includes AB's effects from the point of view of A and the point of view of B. It also creates side realities or a sideways means of differentiation besides creating or defining PRE and POST AB states. It also divides things up into those realities in which AB did occur and those realities in which AB did not occur. These are the easy definitions. More complicated is a sliding scale where AB occurred at different points in time in different realities. 

Playing with dolls. Learning to step outside oneself or view life from an outside perspective which those cultures and times without dolls did not have. To ascribe or imagine a point of view to an object, simulate its movements, imagine events happening to it seen from outside of it, and imagine its point of view within your own imagination, how those events would be seen by it. Complicated, but now instinctive. Putting part of you or your point of view into objects, imagining they have their own personalities or traits, and then interacting with them, both seeing both inside their "eyes" and from yours at once, viewing events from different perspectives (at once) as the Greeks imagined their Gods watched and manipulated us from an "above" outside perspective. 

Potential of/for experiences only, no substances. Experiences creating new potential for experiences. 

Experience involves objects but not into any one of them more than any other, through time but not in any one moment more than any other (combined only). 

Light cones in room scattered across floor moving laterally overlapping each other, time as rising from floor to ceiling, present as water rising from floor to ceiling, volume of air all possibilities outside of individual light cones. Replace places inside light cones with events. The air above the water line is all possible future events of all light cone individual perspectives. Under water (line) is all possible pasts of all possible individual point of views. Now imagine the waterline is only 1 mm deep spreading out like a soap bubble in curved space with what is above from another point of view is simultaneously also below as well at the same time, and time can only be perceived by keeping your line of sight level with the rising waterline, and only while locked into rising at the same pace with it. Each moment of the present while rising in step with it, it would seem thinnest, largest and furthest apart and all points above and below it from that points present would seem to be moving away and toward each other in the most distant past and most distant future, yet that is only the past and future of the soap bubble which is always a sphere of the same shape, and the events it moves through are neither only in the future nor in the past, but in both or outside of both, depending on what angle you view them from. 

Summary. Got hit by a car. Could not do math for awhile. Brain began working differently. Could think 4 dimensionally, again. Relearned or found rewired ways of doing math. Began remembering different (possible) futures, time roads. One seemed wider or could see further down it than others. Lead to interesting places and events. (Most of which have already happened, running out of track again, fortunately ;-) Figured WTF, no plans anyway, why not go that way. More preconceived than what I like but time has to become something anyway, in that way at least, that time must be made into something, in that there is no choice. For the moment what is defined, but as always I like the parts that are yet to be defined. More interesting. 

Waiting to be born - the answer given when 5 or 6 on where I was before I was born. The idea of not being able to comprehend there was a time before you existed I still believe is closer to the truth. An Earth, people, etc. existed but the potential of your existence, though not manifested yet to others, exists in some form. Time is a concept only understood book-ended with timelessness for everything is sandwiched between everything else in a circle or a rolodex (circular wheel of tabbed index cards). Events, people, everything, are just actualized at a certain point by certain other events, and no event is the beginning or end of anything else, just of perception of it into and out of (by) new forms and new organizations of experiences. 

Trinity - Competing (opposed), complimentary (alongside), and the same (unity not perceived, existence defining each other united in that purpose of creating those events in time). 

Everything that exists, everything that you experience or can, exists to make you wiser and to shape your own individual opinions and interpretations of them if you can, know how, and are permitted to do so. 

Most peoples' minds work like magnets, all pointing in the same direction, perceiving events in the same linear way and think this is, if not the only way to perceive things, it is the only correct way. My mind can perceive time as linear, yet also understand non-linear time concepts, sideways and backward time-like means of organization. Where most peoples' time perception is like a compass always pointing north, I have many different compasses, each for different purposes, yet remember which way is north according to others. That compass is not lost for me, yet it is not always the best indicator of what is going on. Other compasses sometimes show more pertinent patterns. 

Events as waves, broken into objects, broken into you. You carry around copies of your events with you, objects where events took place, other people, also retain copies of events from different perspectives. 

Until something exists or happens, it has no single existence over any other possible way it might have happened. After it occurs, it has no existence at all. Records are not the event, but are new events copied of the old event in a different form serving different purposes. 

Everyone and everything is an invention of everyone and everything else to be or give them what they cannot be or obtain by themselves. Experiences

Identity only as defined by events, by the people whom you might possibly meet, and potential interactions with and in regards/relation to their existences. 

No one should ever seek or find an explanation for what they are completely within others' words, explanations, or models for what a person or life is or is about. Each life is unique and all else exists to figure out that uniqueness and how best it can contribute to whatever else through expression of that uniqueness, never through mindless conformity. That is a denial of life. If who you are is to hide or run away from who you are, most societies could not love you more, but some will occasionally give you time to figure out who that is. Taking advantage of that opportunity is up to you. That uniqueness is not found in your life, that uniqueness **IS** your life and all events within it equally. 

All actualized past EVENTS of everyone and everything equals ones identity. All perceived potential future EVENTS peaks of all perceived (existing or) potential beings equals ones identity. One set of events is  what you are standing on dimensionally speaking. Forget the gravity analogy, standing (as in) locked into a 3D slice. The other set of events is what you think that is moving toward, i.e. direction, but since direction is inapplicable in a closed (curved) environment, which direction it is spinning (in a multidimensional sense, not left/right) compared to how you wish it to spin. 

Redefining everything in terms of events and potential of events. Forget things. Things are only sets of interactions between things and between (within) themselves over, and requiring, units of time. (made of time). 

Biological time event expectations of experiences, innate predispositionalexpectations of (for) experiences to be organized around, perceptual templates. 

Biology and biological drives define how and why you interpret events and experiences, as well as what purposes you hope to achieve through them or through the processing of them. The propagation of something, yourself, others, ideas, values, or organizations, motivates and therefore provides the context in how events are interpreted. Whether you believe what survives and grows (increases) should, and what shouldn't, decreases or lessens in importance, appeal, or strength. If gone, (people or a society) merely searches out some new "other" to destroy or turn against (which was previously) now a part of "us" or what we previously thought good enough to promote or advance. Find a new alien to define ourselves in opposition to, for the purpose of remaking them into something else. 

Everything in the Universe is under the momentum of events. Ideas of self, what they are, what they want, all set up to include them and all they can be, see, and know. Can only alter courses along preset prescribed ways or directions. I contemplate dead stop, reset button, where any direction of anything becomes possible. Direction is not only physical dimensions, but (also) tracks of events which are probable because of how the board is set and the pieces senses of identity, goals, and purposes.

Just as everything outside yourself is an externalization of yourself in regards to the potential for experience (of it) and interaction with it in the time definition of yourself or what it means to be you, so too are you internalized within everyone you might meet in regards to their times events to define themselves through experiences with you.

Take a human out of time to study it. Oops, can't, it is a process which changes shape and form over time and cannot be understood unless as a successions of times sequentially. Take a human out of its environment to study it. Oops, you can't. A human is so intertwined with its environment, without air, heat, moisture, it will die. Keep the environment but study it separate from others of its kind. Oops, you can't do that either, though getting closer. People are defined by their interactions over time within their environments in how they relate to it and others of their kind, their social environments. These interactions are that person as much as, no more, than their physical forms at any given point in time. If life is an experience, a series of moments (which cannot stand apart from others moments) defined by interactions requiring an external environment and others to interact with, it is best viewed as a closed system which can be seen from within the individual, or outside the individual also within the system, or the system as a whole with the individuals and all else within the environments as essentially the same thing, different parts, yet distinguishable only from their own points of view. When you take a time view over a physical view of reality, micro-events, not particles, are the building blocks of all else, and all else is made up of the sums of these events combined, not the sums of matter. Everything becomes event distances away.

Planet-comet collision, seeing future unalterable events as having already occurred.

Timeline synchronizing events.

Wanting to achieve something, wanting to be remembered equally pressures to act upon ones environment, wanting something from it in terms of others. (to gain more existence through their existences, experiences, and life's events.)

The more time between when something did or didn't happen, the less difference it makes as bumps smooth out and different streams of events merge and flow as one, where the differences disperse (away) from only in the center of your here and now, actual as well as perceptual as both (are) the center of distortion and what it distorts around, as a bubble of seeming variability in otherwise total predictability.

You literally can't tell a person what their mind does not wish to hear. The question is, does that mean all you say is? Probably not as truth or believed, but as an experience, yes.

Experiences of others to you, experiences of you to others, experiences of others to others.

The more time between when something did or didn't happen, the less difference it makes as bumps smooth out and different streams of events merge and flow as one, where the differences disperse (away) from only in the center of your here and now, actual as well as perceptual as both (are) the center of distortion and what it distorts around, as a bubble of seeming variability in otherwise total predictability. 

Seeing everything from outside of it. How worlds, matter, and species form. How consciousness and spirit form. What they hope to achieve in events in their limited times. What future orders they hope will arise and try to contribute to. How their senses of identity form and are shaped. Experiences first, foremost, and exclusively. Shaped, molded, grown. Lives as objects, objects as experience and potential for experiences only.  Seeing your own life from outside of it and within the same context as others without attachment enables seeing others lives from within to without as well. Each outside view is anothers, all others, potential inside view. 

Seeing 360- seeing where you are in terms of experiences only, what you think you have experienced, what you think you might experience in the future, and what you would prefer to experience in the future. Your body, your planet, your species, the entire Universe up until now was merely from this ideal vantage point, merely to set this viewpoint up, and your history as well, only to set up each "new" moment, which are as unique and special as you wish to make them if you can, and remember how. Every set of events is merely to create a new perspective, and to be used by others after experienced as a history or guidepost of what can be experienced.

Events at 3, events at 6, spinning out and back in

The difference between the mind and soul is a soul is simultaneous across different times and different minds. It is the expectations and anticipations of events which will not be accessible to the mind until near occurring or actually occurring, and must be constantly preserved and refreshed by the mind to be recalled after that. The soul, if existent, cuts across many different timelines equally in any time and is in the events, not in the mind (not in how the mind remembers or perceive those events). How to interact is in the expectations of both minds, and by interacting come to agreement at that time on what had occurred at that time, and what purpose it should serve to each.

© 2003-2005 by Jared DuBois