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PreNotes - Before the beginning to be read after the end.

Raw 5D Notes - Part One

Page 1

Everything that is living is made up of everything that is not or no longer or has yet to be alive. In a larger sense, I am a reflection of everything which is not me, interchangeably one then the other, over and over.

Foot in door

Feeding the machine

Page 2

5D viewpoint, 4D objects look flat

3D process = 4D object

Thinking long term, seeing things from a 4D perspective

Seeing all points in a 3D world equally away at the same time is a 4D viewpoint

Seeing all points in space and time simultaneously is a 5D viewpoint

6 alternate time

7 alternate consciousness

(relating to the graph)
The most important thing to keep in mind how a 4D 8 jump differs from a 6 jump is that the 3D block does not define the border between the tesseracts but is itself the border. The turning point between 2 squares is one dimensional, between 2 cubes, the border is 2 dimensional, between 2 tesseracts, 3 dimensional.

Proximity in time
Proximity is space
Proximity in experience

Same time, different place
Same place, different time
Same time and place, different consciousness

Time/space   matter/consciousness

Every atom in a rock senses and is effected by the presence
of every other atom within its whole

Hollow = positive sides, negative space
Solid = negative sides, positive space

The only place you can't go is where you already are

Page 3

Positive space, positive time
Positive space, negative time
Negative space, positive time
Negative space, negative time

Floating frame of reference problems...locked (in) dual orbits

All atoms within an object are in a state of flux

       1) Consciousness                                     <--
     2) time/alternate realities... Actual vs. Potential (2)  I
   3) Spacial dimensions (3)                                                I
 4) Space/time intermixes                                                    I
   3) Negative spacial dimensions                                      I
     2) Negative time / opposite of actual/potential          I
       1) Consciousness                                     <--

Everyone and everything at every new moment is the sum of everyone and everything at every other moment, is some ways prior, in other ways not limited to prior

Transdimensional geometry- connecting the rules which govern geometry of given numbers of dimensions into a coherent whole, patterns between them and fractal pattern of where new rules will appear in higher dimensions predictably upon the core fractal rule set

Inverse matter

Negative space

Frozen potential

Everything is also everything it isn't

Those who do not control what they know are machines    spoon fed

You are a part of everyone you meet and everything you see and everyone you meet and everything you see is a part of you

Clockwise- Forward time or space (next to arrow curving downward in circle from the left)

Counterclockwise- Backward time or space (next to arrow curving downward in circle from the right toward other arrow from left)

(also two balls side by side drawn below the circular arrows)

Pringles factor :-) (next to infinity symbol)

Parraballic (next to 2 circles side by side)

Cylindrical infinity

Donut wave

Ring of Bob 
All roads lead to Bob  (curved 1D)

Ball of Bob
(curved 2D)

(on sphere) 2 ways straight to Bob, many curved ways

If Bob is equally distant away, all roads lead to Bob

(Dot in center of 2 circles) (next to dot) you are here

(next to inner ring) Bob is here

(next to outer ring) you are here too

Blob of Bob
(next to small ring) you are here

(next to larger wavy oscillating ring around it) Bob is here

Elliptical Ball of Bob
(small circle surrounded by an oval offset, elliptical orbit)

(also two overlapping wavy rings like outer "Blob of Bob", and next to both different arrows pointing 2 ways and markings "you are here" next to one, and "Bob is here" next to other

The amount of potential in any one person's life is insignificantly different on any wide view terms than anyone else's as far as what can be done, realized, or achieved. Thus to judge anyone's life as worthless or less valuable is to judge all life the same for there is nothing really anyone can point to without bias to say how any others' life can be significantly greater or more valuable. Without retreating into your own bias and personal values or outlooks you can either build up all life's value as a whole or demean it all as a whole, but never one or one's at the expense of any others.


Everything grown

Falling through... you are the mirror

Memories are a shadow in one direction only, life spreads out in all directions (away from present (not written, added when typing))

          /  \
         /    \
      (is)     (is)
<----------------     isn't

Page 4

Bob throwing balls in 4D and 5D

Moving toward simultaneous with moving away in negative space or (in) negative time

Hole at bottom of the world- turn inner to outer curvature (in) every step

(Future)<- Crossed out replaced with "Present"  completes the past  (next to 3 rings, two connected on side, third overlapping that   central point)

Speed increases size, decreases space shortens distance between areas not directly ahead

me, orange, rubber ball, rock


Alternate dimensions outside yourself, alternate dimensions within yourself

The higher up you go in multidimensional thinking, the more it is required to see or combine other things as aspects (of) or (as) interchangeable with itself. Time, space, location, objects, consciousness, all can and must be combined or seen as different aspects of the same thing but always also separated by what is and is not. Any aspect of what is becomes interchangeable with any other by one view or measure, but also must stand in contrast to what isn't by another. Nothing however about what something is is not also many other combinations of other things it seems not to be when viewed through another aspect of what it is not. Thus to understand what anything is, you must constantly be combining it and separating it interchangeably with every aspect or definition of what it is not, or seems not to be. It is like a dynamic measure with every aspect of its existence overlapping everything else seemingly separate, (by) one measure or view at a time. Combining all views one sees the interlinkages as shifting and the gaps mobile as well.

Time and space can be seen as interchangeable from rudimentary 4D thinking but they are not the same thing. With 5D and higher, time can always (seem to) take the place of an extra dimension but it is always fundamentally different. Time controls the intermix between is and isn't, is not a dimension per say, but (it) is within every dimensional viewpoint, (and) ought to always be understood as a horse of a different color.

Universe of increasing bandwidth

Increase in time or duration
Increase in size or space
Increase in...
   (succession or parallel)
   (quality or detail)

Desert Island

Just be

If not to get smarter, why bother to evolve?

Page 5

Closed loops


Doubling back

(series of drawings, various interlinked circles, some rejoining in chain fashion, some overlapping)

(two circular balls in a donut shaped ring passing through each other rotating in different directions in ring/tube same width as balls)

(arrow between 2 lines pointing upwards with two circles on outside of lines showing rotation of the circles upwards away from the lines)

(similar drawing of an arrow between 2 lines pointing downwards with two circles on outside of the lines showing rotation of the circles downward and toward the lines)

Page 6

IS VS. ISN'T   creates was / wasn't

"Together apart"

Shared separate realities creates new overlapping common realities

Something can be in multiple places at the same time so long as it creates a time when it isn't anywhere to balance it out. To create a time or state when it is not, it must have other things to be absent of itself.

Time and space are merely roads to travel to separate here from there, now from then, this from that.

Space only exists between objects. The speed of light as a constant depends on the flatness of space. Since there is no space outside of that defined by objects, there is no such thing as flat space for light to be a constant in, though it can be symmetric relative to the positive curvature of space, it is bending language a bit to call that a constant when it is always varying (relative to objects).

Events of (with) knowledge, events without knowledge, causes events of fullness, simultaneity, and parallelism, and events of absence, lacking, unresolvedness, and incompleteness. Once EWOK's become known that event redefines the past parallel to that point as something else it wasn't or did not seem to be at the time.

No such thing as 3D objects, all 3D objects (are) 4D processes. To understand how 4D objects move, i.e. interact with each other, you have to see the movement concurrently occurring in terms of 4 phases or views, positive space and positive time, positive space and negative time, negative space and positive time, and negative space and negative time. When you understand movement concurrent with these other dimensional descriptions of reality and how they line up and affect each other by existence and movement, you can begin to understand the interaction between time and space seemingly interacting by movement, or getting from here to there, though here and there are really the same place.

Page 7

double bubble

(of backward space overlapping normal space) <-() was already there

Leaving 3D object, reverse view becoming forward view

Everything which is is simultaneously creating an absence of itself somewhere some when, or an anti-version of itself. Only when these two are (conceptually) combined, what it is where/when it is and what is now not where/when it is not, is what anything is. This may be easier to envision than that everything is also simultaneously everything that it is not also.

At the end of each and every time road you can follow or choose to seem to have lived through or made real, every path you might have chosen, you will always be able, should you be to be able, to say "I have died." Far fewer will you be able to say, "I had lived." When in doubt choose life over mere subsistence, or prolonged stagnation. Life is growing, evolving, changing, improving, or risking all for the chance of improving, or it is already like death, only the longer road circling it, but with less to see or to show for the added time, in the end only wasted.

Basic Socrates: All the smartest people know they don't really understand anything. It is simplistic and stupid to believe you truly understand anything. The more you do (think that), the further you move away from understanding it.

Cost of production vs. copyright

New cheaper means of distribution ignored

Golden age of education, cost no longer a barrier to educate unless constructed to be one

It's a wonder why people even go to universities when most have no interest beyond their own little lives. Everything else about other people is becoming trivia to most, education is all technical for making them the best little cog they can be, and they are easily striped of any aspiration to want to see or become more than that.

Page 8
(Time stamped, pretty much whole page...12/2 to 12/3 5:30 am)

Time separates is from isn't. This is far different and more important than what we perceive as (time) separating was from wasn't, or what did occur from what only might have occurred. That is transitory, perceptual, subjective, not ultimately common or important, and is only a side effect of time's true nature, defining or separating what something is from what it isn't, though that too is ultimately subjective and not static but dynamic over, if not time as it is time, over varying perspectives.

What is affects what is else in one sense, what isn't affects what is in another sense

(after bike ride: daytime) 

Need to have done it before to be able to be doing it again

Everything you see and everywhere you go you have already been, you just did not recognize it as such.

Always passing through the negative center on the way back to where you were or in movement


(night again most likely)

No matter how many dimensions you perceive there is really only one direction you can go, forward, since ultimately all roads lead back to the same spot. Thus time and space together are 1 directional only. You can travel only 1 way through both simultaneously, (but) at  varying rates.

Space extends outward from wherever you are in all directions coalescing twice forwards outwards, forwards inwards, backwards outwards, and backwards inwards, second verse, same as the first.

Time also extends outward from wherever you are in all directions
as well

Important aspects of 2D,3D,4D,5D (thinking made simple)
1) Dual dialectic form of explaining to another in same space, yet must
    mesh against or be provable against other space

2) Separating objects into interior view, exterior view, and edge or
   definition view between via hollow solids

3) Pinning down the away/toward P.O.V. as intrinsic and common to all
   other dimensional levels, aspects, or descriptions

4) Triplanes of sight

Negative space or negative time can be seen as beginning either at the 1/4 mark or the antipole with the other beginning at the other, both from where you are or from where the universe began

Something inside of me connected with them, they were more dimensional timewise like I could reach into their past or futures. I could not look just at them but through them to something else as if their minds and lives would open up to me to show me who they are, were, or wanted to be. And they were happy as if no one showed that interest in who they were anymore, as if it didn't matter anymore, and really enjoyed someone really looking within, not wanting anything from them, but with genuine admiration and heartfelt curiosity.

Gaps becoming walls, walls becoming gaps

Different time rates colliding at overlapping events

Page 9

It is difficult to understand or explain the why of what without understanding the what of what

Understanding 4D space is so easy any child can do it if explained right. Real 4D dimensions of space leaving time completely out of the picture, not cheating and using time to explain the fourth spacial dimension. However when you try to reintroduce time, the 3D perspective we are so used to gets perennially in the way. To understand movement and (the) interaction of 4D objects in 4D space, if you try to fixate on any particular moment in time, an object seems, from a 3D viewpoint, to be in an infinite number of places at the same time. Likewise, to nail down these infinite number of objects to a single place, you can do so easily by seeing it there an infinite number of times. Thinking in 4D is easy without adding time, then trying to view it from a 3D viewpoint. Once you do, every object becomes as fuzzy in time and space as an electron without requiring the idea of measurement to affect it, though one could say perceiving it affects and effects how you would see it.

Everything done in the Universe is due to an overabundance of potential and a scarcity of knowledge and understanding

If everything everyone always knew, there would be no reason to do

By interacting with the universe you are reconnecting with synapses cut or purposefully lapsed

Rolling pin

Rolling pins in circle

Ball rolling pin (3d)

3 donuts trispinning together

Two faced, front back, forward leaning backward

NOT a trick of perception  (not in reference to meaning of the larger paragraph below)

Relays needed to see around (the) curvature

Reverse mirrors

The idea that the universe is expanding may have finally invalidated itself. Evidence if provable that the Universe might not have originated from a single point, i.e. the Big Bang, but an area, i.e. the Big Bounce, looks suspiciously like what you get when you rotate a 4D object viewed outside of it from a 3D viewpoint. All points seem to converge on a central seemingly smaller central area, then expand again when reaching an apex, and seem to enlarge again but reversed. The smallness of the area depends on its 4th dimensional thickness. If it has a larger 4th dimensional thickness, it will seem to shrink to a relatively larger object that if it had a very small 4th dimensional thickness. The 4th dimension thickness can be very small and the object can seem to vanish into a point but if you understand it, you know you only would need to magnify the view to see that the same way as if its 4th dimensional volume was larger. From a 3D viewpoint, it would seem to turn itself inside out at that area, and seem to enlarge again, though its internal size and shape would not be changed, it would be a trick of perception in moving perpendicular to it in 4D space. By attempting to rewind the Universe (conceptually) in time, and if the Universe does in fact have a 4th dimensional curvature, you would be simulating the same effect of trying to imagine turning a 4 dimensional object from an outside viewpoint. Inevitably looking at the Big Bang in front of you, you are imagining stepping outside of the physical 3D Universe and placing it in front of you. If the Universe is 4 dimensional or more, f---ing with it timewise while attempting to step out of its physical dimensions, it would seem to contract to a smaller area if its 4th dimensional value is small, then seem to expand again backwards.

The idea of hyperstring theorists that additional dimensions must be smaller than we can perceive results mainly from their being unwilling or unable to comprehend our perceivable dimensions not being "on top" of the dimensional food chain but sandwiched within. If they did, they would know that looking toward understanding 4, then 5 dimensional spaces our perceivable 3D spaces lie within are not only better descriptions of our space, but inevitable to be considered and better understood.

Basically corporations idealize dictatorships as the best form of government. All variables are removed leaving complete predictability and minimal risk (written in response to initial analysis following the conclusion of the non-violent democratic revolution in Georgia, that it would negatively effect investment there whereas the previous rigged election would have been better for attracting investors to the country)

Your mind can always lead you down a thousand blind alleys at once. Your soul can take you to shortcuts you never would have dreamed could exist.

Bowling ball with hole in the center -- dual perception

Outward inward curve at the same time

The entire universe is about the concept of another or the other

Page 10

In 4D space or any curved space, what you are moving away from you are inevitably also moving toward and vice versa. In a sense, though they are one and the same thing, they are also two separate things as well, one lies ahead and one lies behind. At the antipole, they are one and the same thing, no longer 2 directions but one complete picture equally away in all directions. Forward and backward are the same, in a spacial sense, future and past the same in a time sense. If one could remain at that point, everything opposite it would be completely outside of it and inside of it at the same time. You would also be surrounding it at the same time, in its distant past and in its distant future. Only movement toward or way from it would break the symmetry into two separate halves, one lying before you and one lying behind. Venturing forward toward the object from the point of view of the object nearest to you, you would be entering positive space. And from the opposite side of the object, a different you would be moving away from it entering into negative space.

The Big Bang is like a warm fuzzy blanket compared to what awaits. Negative space and negative time literally surround you and everything at the edge of the Universe on the outside edge, and within the heart of you and all objects on the interior edge, and you and your Universe a thin line sandwiched between. Welcome to the 21st century.

Reconciling mouse in wall view with double bubble

Is and isn't in light of multiple isizs

Transverse objects

Transverse relationships in negative time

Roadblock of 5D - Keeping negative space and time separate somehow, would be 6D but can't keep them separate yet

By exaggerating the curvature to a single point, to progress beyond that point you must split into or utilize normal space and either negative space or negative time to even begin to grasp the situation. It may be that you can just call it negative space/time but I don't think so yet. It doesn't seem right.

Keeping is and isn't apart in 5D is hard enough keeping at once to either negative space or negative time. In 6D it is impossible. Everything is equally everything else and everywhere else from another viewpoint.

6D - Every object part of the inverse field of every other object

How a 4D event meets itself - passes through itself - Big Bang kicking itself from inside to outside / outside to inside at every point in space in between

Hollow man view - space extending into objects instead of away from them equally valid view

Hollow object best example for defining dimensions internally and externally at the same time, reverse hollow objects (both) simultaneously *and* intermittently to define existence and movement and *both* intermittently and simultaneously here and there at once

Parraballs view in 2 directions at once: away from objects to the antipole and back, and into the objects center (antipole) and back. Put together (to) make (the) real double bubble

Scientists who think they are smart because they realize every point in space is actually equally galactically speaking where the Big Bang occurred because everything is moving away from everything else, ought to long ago (have) realized from a 4D viewpoint the opposite view  would also apply, that everything is SIMUTANEOUSLY moving toward the same point in space as well. Once you understand that, it is not a reach to consider every moment to be the same moment extending forwards and backwards away from it in time as well. The rest is all  perception on where and when you perceive that you are.

Energy = whipped cream
Matter = ice cream
Together they make a sundae :-)

The fax machine

Einstein vs. student

Some have more questions others do not, some have more answers that others do not. Questions can outrank answers because they can tend to nullify them.

Suck sealed straws between heres and theres. 2D equivalent is R.R. tracks

Tripping through the straw or down the R.R. tracks

Cosmological constant

5 dimensional rotation would (seem to) unite objects moving away in positive space with (same) object moving forward in negative space

Because if (the) Universe is 4D, objects moving away would seem to be coalescing when viewed from the antipole, even without backward space

A photon not only has a definite location after hitting something pulling it into definite space, it also rewrites or writes a definite path toward that location into the past which it did not have or possess prior to that moment, any previous locations over any others

Laws of Physics like train tracks, can seem to converge from angles but a trick of perspective, can remain different and parallel from another viewpoint

Managed group thinking - Accepting what you are told to think by believing or deluding yourself that you are not being told what to think or (that) you still have any other choice

Future habits are hard to break

Constantly passing or coming across the same ideas from different directions

Getting all six cylinders firing in right order

"How to unite the physics of the very big and very small" From PBS show

Bringing people under rule of others with less freedom said to be exploiting wasted opportunities. Made to work for what they have, economic development

What and when everything and nothing are the same thing, no is and isn't

Pages 11 and 12 (overlapping so put together)

The human body and mind are constantly adapting to meet and master whatever goals are set before them. The more they adapt or grow today, the more they will be capable of being and growing tomorrow, next week, next month, and so on. The more they hold to not changing, adapting, and growing, the less they will be capable of changing, growing, adapting, and evolving tomorrow, next week, etc. Knowing what and how to be is important but you must always find a way not to let that stand in your way to becoming something more than you can expect or even think possible only today. All limits are in the end, illusionary, and all boundaries made for the sole purpose of trying to travel beyond or be surmounted again and again and again.

While it is obviously a trick of semantics and fuzzy math to explain a 4th dimension of space by merely inventing or using new words such as negative space or negative time, and say here, I found a new dimension or way to explain it, if there are (one or) more (additional) physical dimensions, new ways to explain (it or them) do become useful, and if you understand negative space or negative time, 4D space makes as much sense as 3D space, if not more sense. It is also natural to envision extra dimensions as smaller or "inside" everything else because they would connect to all other things in ways we cannot imagine, but inside does and would, if you begin to understand higher dimensional logic, equally be and mean "outside", meaning beyond everything, bigger than the entire Universe, equally as well applicable, and each dimension even both concurrently as a possibility. My favorite view of a Tesseract, seeing the six "normal" sides which can exist in any given 3D space at once seemingly vanishing into an event horizon at the "inner" and "outer" cubes edges, and both of them existing in the middle in the same spot in different dimensional 3D worlds connected by the 6 others in a third 3 dimensional world. This example is only 1 dimension more, a 4D object, yet shows what seems from a limited point of view as "out there" and "in here" as coexisting different aspects of that extra dimension, and existing together as one, though meeting only conceptually.

Speaking of semantics, I like the term "surround your problems". It means ideally to try to keep coming at your problem or flaw in your logic from every conceivable direction. When you can do that you might imagine a new angle where you don't run into it anymore. It literally describes adding a new dimension to your current or past ways of viewing the problem or situation.

Traveling in the wake of others, pulling others into your wake

Farm subsidies strategic

6D main problem still is is vs. isn't. Similar to 5D (4D plus time) irreconcilable problems on having (no) set point in time and space simultaneously. 4D thinking hard to shake.

However it seems from looking over past notes that the constructs of negative space and/or negative time which makes 5D somewhat explainable or predictable, it seems most 6D problems could be solved with the same cheating, negative isizs. It seems to be a recurring point here or theme popping up, especially in regards to (the) double bubble plus time.

So to summarize in 5D the problem is objects appearing to have infinite locations at the same time or be in the same location an infinite number of times, which can be sorted out by comprehending, or inventing, a construct of negative space and/or negative time to make it sensible again. In 6D, an object would (seem to) be everywhere at every moment at the same time by the same logic which makes 5D make sense. Viewing negative time and negative space as separate and needing only one for 5D could be of use in 6D thinking but with real 5D space plus time, (6D), keeping track of is and isn't without SOMETHING extra to invent to keep things separate seems difficult to impossible, though negative isizs, whatever that can be thought to be, might prove helpful.

To live in no fear

Notes on common themes in humanity (globally and historically)
  1) Those groups with the most weapons make the rules everyone else follows
  2) Women's lives are, if not defined by, extremely affected by their
     physical attributes (in regard to) desirability to men. If a 
     woman is extremely attractive and her parents have some money,
     she will most likely have more options for wealthier husbands or
     ones who treat her better than others might. If a woman is 
     extremely attractive and her parents have (absolutely) no money
     she will be lucky not to become a prostitute without choice in
     the matter.
  3) Men are somewhat aggressive by nature and this is easily
     exploited to keep them stupid. More inclined at younger ages to
     act without thinking, this makes them ideal for almost anything
     so long as one keeps them occupied, and thereby without time to
     think. As long as kept amused and gratified, this is more than
     enough for most. Thinking only becomes popular or sought after
     when amusement or gratification are scarce or difficult to 
     obtain easily.
  4) Though people tend to have a single sense of identity, they can 
     understand that that can have many sides, faces, or aspects. They
     behave in one way, or how and who they are in regards to
     colleagues, to their children, to their parents or siblings, to
     friends, lovers, etc. Though these behavioral patterns can vary
     greatly and have little in common, most do not see it as (an)
  5) People like to show their status in regards to others through
     their physical appearance. Clothes, hair, even fingernails can
     and are used to show on the low end, (that) they are not
     worthless people or bums, and on the high end, look at me, get
     out of my way, I spend more on my fingernails or cufflinks than
     you earn in a week or year. Though this is not always necessarily
     arrogance, most never see it either as vanity or insecurity, and
     the economy and social structure not only encourage it, they 
     depend on it.
  6) People love to be told how to be. From fashion, trends,
     movements, everyone likes to follow where they think everyone
     else is going or wants to be, though they are easily convinced
     that just the opposite is taking place. If they move or change
     direction quickly enough, they will be seen as the leaders or
     forerunners of where everyone else less trendy or "in touch"
     will eventually go or want to be.

What is bad

  1) Intending and attempting to cause harm to another physically
     or emotionally for any reason including retribution
  2) Preventing the starving from obtaining food, the sick from
     obtaining medicine, the homeless from obtaining shelter from the
     elements, the people who wish to read (or learn) access to books
     (or schooling), all for economic reasons only. When that is the
     case, the entire structure of that society is bad.
  3) Limiting people from gathering and organizing for political,
     religious, or educational purposes, even when done to preserve
     the present order. All politics, religions, and educational
     beliefs can be considered subversive to anothers. ANY suppression
     or limiting can always be rationalized by attempting to preserve
     the present order. That ALWAYS means also strangling any 
     potential growth through evolution, therefore it is ALWAYS bad.
  4) Monitoring and attempting to control what others read, consider,
     believe, or say. Without being able to know, create, and
     construct ones own mind in the shape, fashion, and pattern they
     (themselves) choose, no amount of attempted harm could ever equal
     it. It is to rob people of life and attempt to hijack their 
     bodies for service. It is the worst bad.

People are
  1) Biological things at a given moment in time
  2) Changing biological processes over a period of time
  3) The effects of how they are perceived by all others
  4) That which creates or influences the effects they have on others

Photons and backward time

Unite conceptually inner to outer selves as with dimensions

Pushed out of time into multiple existences (from) one direction, pulled into time into a single existence from opposite direction

Existence is a matter of perspective

Always look at things from or unite outside views with inside views

Double double bubble of forward space and negative space interacting with forward time and negative time, representation must be at least 4 dimensional, no 3D models can depict it.

Most people don't know how to think for themselves and usually consciously would prefer not to have the responsibility.

Seeing through time - seeing the youths within old people, seeing the young as they would be many years from now if they had many years left to live

Trispin cone (above pictures like Pacman, then half circle, then pie slice shape)

5D Ying Yang (below pictures like a white pizza with black pepperoni, and a black pizza with white pepperoni)

Why is was
Why is was is

Growing into space allotted to another 

Halfway point to (an) object - dual pole convergances

Hollowman - dual poles - inverse realities

Being erased from history

Probability wave hitting inverse wave creates (an) event which from another point of view has not yet occurred (until both travel back to reach and/or create the sources)


Experiences = time = memories      biological vs. other

Knife resealing cheese which should be in two

Longitude, latitude....

Trispinning ---------> Quadspinning 
 rotating 4 dimensionally

Objects curving, warping, sucking up space around them as (they) move through it like little black holes and inverse black holes

Floating with the river

EWOK: need to know which half of cheese in

Positive space, negative space values

How inverse probability waves intermix with positive probability waves

People though always changing, prefer to think they are not and cling to past and obsolete or dated notions of themselves and resist (change for) as long and as much as they can. That being said, all are consciously or unconsciously also drawn to learning things which will rewrite or recast all that we perceive ourselves to be in a different light, like fish needing to go upstream or moths drawn to a light, we know the pull.

Collective hive - web of interactions

To not fear death, torture, or pain is very easy. To not fear rediscovering the truth about existence is very hard. It is more final than even death. There would be no way of turning back.

The other web - like dumping a glass of water into the ocean

Stacked hyperspheres    smaller to larger, larger to smaller

Page 13
 (about time mostly but have no idea as to the order or flow)

To move in sync or to not move in sync, that is the question

Time sandwiched in space

Kings conference

Biological beings  -----> life  <----- consciousness

Expanding (dividing) and coalescing (combining) in different ways at the same time through / within movement or still movement (seemingly) which is always also movement.

Passing through each other 

Is passes through isn't to become is again (in movement). When in isn't, is is indiscernible from anything else that it isn't. Figure that out, then remove time.

Just another another

Inner pole to outer pole, same pole

(two circles with dot in the middle, large arrow pointing outward)
(next to dot, "Event of time (or) beginning of time / size of (the)
(on the inner circle another dot. next to dot "Event of time now")
(on outer circle, "Where beginning of time is now spreading outwards
 creating time")
(arrow on inner circle pointing inwards, "Our perception of time's
 arrow") [most of this was described better in 2D,3D,4D,5D Thinking  Made Simple's section 6.2, "Ahead to the past, sensible time distortions, missing them two too"]

(arrow from drawing to this)
In a higher dimensional sense (than 2D) (referring to the drawing) you have to reverse this as well and see it as the whole picture when putting it together. See time as an implosion toward a central point as well as or instead of an expansion, and matter instead of coalescing around central points, blowing up like balloons but not popping (hopefully).

As universe expands outwards from every point, matter condenses toward the center of every point (neither movement may actually be occurring)

To reach the antipole in either direction would in a sense (in the negative time concept instead of the negative space idea) mean passing through the beginning of time into antitime to return back to the point you left from the other direction and through negative time

Most theories of physics are like big machines filled with constants and other kludges to make the numbers come out right so if you put one set of numbers in one end, or ingredients, a predictable product comes out the other end. Ask about the constants, kludges, and loop equations that make everything seem to work together, ask why they are the values they are, what their purpose is, or what they represent in the real world other than your appendix, and they have not a clue. It is like a big machine that does what you ask or expect of it, but even those who built it haven't the slightest clue in actuality about what it is or how it works.

Once you get to five dimensions or more it becomes impossible to say or predict that the Universe is expanding because you have to redefine what that means in terms not used before. The old standby, expanding into what as not being applicable becomes necessary to understand it as expansion since their would be other dimensions to expand into, or also would have to be expanding (in them) as well (for the Universe) to be understood as still expanding. And in any number of other ways, even in one extra dimensional state extra, the expansion could be synonomous with a contraction, not across time, but at the same time, and therefore be perceptual or relative to position and perspective within in.

Backward space or time become necessary when considering movement through 5 dimensions or 4 dimensions of space plus time. Both of these are in a way the same thing. The object I used was a 5D version of a cube or Tesseract, then used its "surface" or 4D wall to understand movement through 5 dimensions simultaneously or 4 intersecting 3D worlds or universes plus time.

With multidimensional thinking, you have to get used to seeming paradoxes and infinities. You need to find ways to understand how here is or can also be there, how now can also be then, and how something can also be something or everything it seems not (to be). Most of these can be discounted (as illusions) due to the limits in our perception and 3D ways of thinking. Then again, maybe they are more descriptive of reality than our perceptions are.

Objects through interaction create a solid common past between them and a definite future which will be common to and contain both in some fashion or another. Without interaction, no definite past or future (of one) is real to the other.

Outwards from A, inwards to B. Outwards from B, inwards to A

4D space (is) simple with negative space or time being in 2 places at same time moving in 2 directions at once. 5D space (is) simple if you understand being in 2 places at same time 4 different ways or places at (the) same time, altogether 8 places at once, or combining 8 perspectives at once.

Closed 4D space (curved 3D space) vs. open 4D space. Closed 5D space (area) inside a 5D version of a cube or Tesseract shows open 4D space (mentioned in Notes at beginning or Notes on Notes, technically seeing as these are all Notes)

1 question becoming 2 then one again

Consciousness = intermix regulator between a being and environment, between is and isn't, part of neither and both, funnels experience to strings (conceptual)

Space only lies between here and there. What lies at the heart of both is forever out of reach.

"Space" or curved 3D space is bent or anti-bent around objects to include them. Mirrors to show "around" (any) 4D curvature would have to make up for anti-bending around large objects

Anti-bending of space - very cool

Shows how movement "closed" 4D space is in 2 directions at once in time or space. In "open" 4D space movement is in 4 directions at once instead of 2, or through 4 triplanes of space at the same time. Understanding (the 2 of "closed") is the start of understanding the 4.

Yashoe - Yashome (jotted down to remember a single idea, can't believe I ever did not know how to spell Yoshoe and Yoshomee but since neither the a or o is pronounced, guess it does not matter. I have added it to the bottom since it was included in notes in references beyond just this one) - the dividing and recombining aspects of existence (Like I would have remembered the whole thing by just that. Did not really want to bother but knew I would never remember it unless I wrote the whole thing down. Is at the end of Notes (at bottom)).  Not in the HTML version, has its own page. Click here to go there.

Page 14

To exist simultaneously with something else in time and space, whether they were once the same and took different paths, or will combine at some point to create a common future, or run parallel to each other and never meet, to co-exist side by side is inexorably to share a common past and the destiny of one is always interlinked, contingent upon, and from a third point of view, the same, as the destiny of the other if you view time as having been and becoming a single thread of events.

To say this (Yoshoe and Yoshomee) is just a simple (1 page) story and nothing more is an absolute fact. (Also are) absolute facts to say that the Vatican is just another church, the Grand Canyon is just a hole in the ground, and the sun is just another star. Everything is always just as distant and remote to you and your experience, or as up close, complex, and interrelated to you, your history, and your experience as you will have been shown to have had made it seem to your own.

If space can curve away in a direction (equally) away from every single point in space both toward and away from itself simultaneously from another dimensional point of view, it is conceivable time may as well, therefore time would be running in both directions at once from an outside viewpoint and only expanding in the sense that all other points further away from you are further along the curvature of time, making them appear moving away from you when from an opposite angle they would be moving toward  you simultaneously.

Every moment in time becomes the beginning and the end, and all other points in time are moving away from that point bilaterally.

That the world got the organizational factors and state (it has) politically over many generations may seem to have happened through chance and happenstance. However the means have existed for more than two generations now to vastly improve and alter that dynamic for the real and long lasting benefit of most others who have no advantages nor no prospects of better futures. That is not happening, not out of chance but out of the natural desire for all who benefit from any current system, no matter how barbaric or unjust, to keep that system intact. All change, even positive changes from any humanitarian points of view, always at an organizational level beyond mere handouts at will or whims, or the limiting of nations to carry out acts of aggression toward each other, will be leveled, neutered, or crippled by those who seek to maintain the world the way it functions now intact, for their political and economic futures depend upon that structure. Everyone from corporations to criminals, elected leaders or dictators all are always behind the world as it is now (this is said much better later, am typing backwards today, search for "tables" to jump ahead) and if they benefit from it, are always united in at least one aspect, it must never fundamentally be changed. However it got to how it is now, no one of any real power has shown any desire to alter it save a few token gestures, and only that in the face of probable mutual annihilation.

Mile long boat in front of you (at north pole), at equator, (and) at opposite pole

Away/toward 1D special - additional dimensions distort its importance and higher up than usual dimensionally speaking, show it is the only thing (away/toward) recognizable in the weirdness

Natural geometer

Dual decs

Everything fish-eyed lens like

From fish-eyed view or if (the) Universe was strongly curved,  everything really big would look really round, or really bent away from you in all perceivable dimensions.

If you can understand the example above (drawing of dot in center of circles with a vertical line cutting through circles just to the right of the dot and lines moving diagonally from dot to different points along the vertical line) by dumbing down your perceptual awareness (to 2D or 1D), then imagine the dot at the north pole of a ball and the circles (in the drawing representing) lines of latitude and the line curving away more or faster than it is "supposed" to by normal mathematical expectations. Now imagine a really f---- big enormous gargantuan sized things, galaxies, around the edge of the world (ok, not exactly scalable) past the equator (in this case more than half way to antipole depending on which half of the example you follow) where the seem now to bend the opposite way you would expect with the fish-eyed center appearing as drastically (bent) away from you as up close it appears as closer to you. ANY movement in relation to the seemingly far away center would make the center's movement exaggerated from what you mathematically would expect like looking into a really deep crater while charting the surface of a planet. The center seemingly further away would move faster or more pronounced than the surface you would expect.

Interlinkage of all events prior to and away from collisions

Everyone a reflection of what happens to them but through them as well

It is impossible to tell what anyone or anything was without fully understanding what they are and might else have been. It is impossible to tell what anyone is without understanding what they were, might else be, and all that they still yet might become. Therefore to understand anyone or anything, factor it down to all it might one day far from now can be shown to possibly have been. It is to look ahead to looking back to a life or existence that was always looking or moving ahead. Then pull and attempt to turn time itself inside out as dimensional antipoles.

To have existence in time and in consciousness is to be both a diviner and inventor at the same time. To divine, calculate, or interpret all that the future or yourself CAN be, and which of all these equally real possibilities it will seem to eventually become, though it never was nor will be any less than the sum of all of them.

Multiconsciousness in relation to other organizations in relation to the Universe's organizational aspects as well or context of or tangent

It is the dynamic or friction or interaction between what something is or seems only to be and what it isn't, or seems not to be, which creates all else. That this is externally going on all around you is no big surprise, yet all that is external in every way, is going on internally within you as well, simultaneously.

Mind (seemingly) accelerating like a rocket, not moving faster yet meeting less friction further away as less bound to past grounds

Slavery (is) very real in that people are always raised only to be what their society or group expects them to become

Sometimes or from some angles, things just seem to arise together and causality is but a myth

Pages 15 and 16 (overlapping so put together)

Easy to be happy by yourself. Hard to be happy when intensely aware of others' suffering. Some could say that is just an excuse to make oneself unhappy. Others can see ignorance of that may be bliss but willful ignorance and turning a blind eye to what wrong may be or will be done in your name is delusional, unjust, and to be morally with a heart made only of stone toward everyone but those few others you call your own, the bastardization of everyone and everything else that is equally related to your existence which you choose not to acknowledge or recognize and pretend not to see or know about.

Synthesizing seemingly mutually opposed views into a dynamic whole

Mistakenly increasingly relying on your body or the concept of it to your own idea of existence as if it really had anything to do with it in the first place

What you are at any point is simply what time it is. What time it is is only defined by what you are.

Always finding new ways of turning away from what you tell yourself you are trying to move toward. If you really were, you'd have been there by now. If this makes any sense (to you), try to figure out what is so big about where you are now and why or how you ended up there. Realizing that is the only reason you are there and not knowing it yet is the only thing keeping you there.

To understand "closed" 4D space or "open" curved 3D space, you only need to imagine being 2 places at the same time, which the sculptures do (represent). I could combine 2 of them as 4 different sculptures in which by standing in (and) combining them mentally would simulate being (in) 8 places at the same time, or 4 intersecting 4D worlds at weird angles, representing "closed" 5D space or 4D "open" space curved, but few would understand it, though it would look really cool.

To say it to yourself is to begin to move it toward becoming real. To say it to others is to put events in motion you will no longer be to contain, predict, or completely control.

To be afraid of death is foolish. To long for death is wasteful. To see it as a possible obstacle, either as an actual event or as a  possible threat, is to make it real your now. Best to leave it then.

Compoundization, sideways black hole, seeming to still be moving through time but feeling you are not, always pulling yourself in deeper through and back.

Doubling up with, echoing off of, and reverberating with future events.

Always doing what you are told or expected to do by your culture or society is safe and would never get you into any real trouble, except when your society fails to take into account your years of unquestioning service. Unquestioning loyalty is all your societies request of you, when they do not demand it, and often reward it. Try to improve upon any (fundamental) societal structure, even innocuously, and you will be destroyed.

The most basic question of existence and a thread that runs through everyone every when has resurfaced within me with a vengeance. Is what I am now and what I am becoming really the freak accident of chance and extremely unlikely circumstance that it appears to be, or is this seemingly unlikeliest and most improbable of realities far off the beaten path of any others recognizable to me, or even foreseeable by any others, is this possibly the way it was supposed to have happened all along?

Whatever you or anyone else is is fine, just so long as you grow beyond it, as if you or they ever really would be given any other choice for very long.

You will find there always was enough time no matter which path you will have seemed to have taken. Some take more time, some take less time, but all have enough time. It will never run out too soon, or always seem in a way to come too soon, always complete yet leaving room for improvement ahead, but in another sense incomprehensible now, now it is also then.

Imagine 3 balls with 2 inside the 3rd and 1 inside the second, or a ball within a ball within a ball. If more than one timeline can be real or equally or also may have been possible, imagine where and how you are now as a point on (the surface of) the middle ball. Every other point on the surface of the middle ball represents where else or how else you might have been or seemed at that moment in time. The smaller ball inside the ball of the present represents the past, or many interior balls within your present representing the path you took to where you stand in the present. Now look up to the outer ball around yours. That represents the future, or where and how you will be at some given point in the future. Depending on how far away it is, you can be at any point on that ball too, though obviously the points easiest and most probable are in (a) line, (either) the shortest  distance directly above you, or in line with the path you have been following away from the center, if angled. Given enough time, you could reach even the point opposite of what is directly ahead (or above) you, if that future point lies far enough into the future that you can reach it by an angled ascent away from the center. If you have already been following an extremely angled path away from the center, that point further away from directly above or closest to you could in fact be the easiest to reach since you may already be following that path or curvature towards it. This is two different ways of viewing placement of things, distance and momentum. A comet may be heading toward the Earth or even a few kilometers away in distance at a point yet seem light years away from reaching it (figuratively speaking of course) because its path or momentum would not be able to be altered easily or at all for it to have ever been able to reach it at that point. An object many light years away (again figuratively speaking since comets don't travel that far away, in space anyway, it could still be light years away in time though) in the future farther off its path could be easier to hit with far less adjustments to its course because that minor change would compound itself in all subsequent timeframes eventually covering an enormous change in direction and greater volume of potential places to be ahead. However by another stranger measure of distance that object light years ahead would be actually be closer to the object than the Earth ahead of it by only a few kilometers because the course change to the object would be greater if not impossible for it to reach Earth, than a point light years off its present course light years ahead in the future. That point far away in space and time would indeed be closer to the comet than the Earth it passes by seemingly close in space and time yet much further out of reach. Thus with the outer ball above where you stand in the present, the point directly ahead or above you can indeed be the furthest away or hardest to reach depending on your direction (and speed) moving up from the past, and vice versa. The point furthest away from that point might be the closest and easiest to reach by the other way of figuring space, time, and distance, with momentum. Obviously were any comets capable of conquering forward momentum, they could become more capable of reaching more points in their nearer future spheres of potential. Slowing forward momentum may make points furthest away eventually harder to reach (and farther away), but can widen the circles of potential ways and how to be closer to the present, giving more sideways momentum closer to the point you are currently at. A dead stop, though it can never be achieved in time as we perceive it, would be like a straight line (or plane if you can think that high up) stretching to infinity and the future points as almost infinitely giant circles moving away (or giant balls in 3D) above and below you to be able to reach almost any point in the future by choosing almost any point in the past to be traveling from. Again, this is not achievable for us as we require a definite past for our present, but the line or plane between them remains in a sense curving away from us and our plane or line (representation) of the present, curving away both equally ahead into the future (from where we stand) and behind into the past viewed in as many dimensional representations of this as you can handle, ideally. Now imagine from that dead stop you can go in either direction, ahead to the future or back to the past, and again each will always be still curving away equally away from you both ahead and behind, but one path would emerge more and more as your momentum moves away from zero. Such is the concept of movement through curved time.

Royalty, the longest running, most successful con game in human history where an single instance can run or play itself out for centuries

Take the most complex structures, social, economic, political, geometric, mathematical, theoretical, experiential, life itself, and add a new dimension or two to your current thinking of them or way you conceptualize or perceive them, (so) you can expand upon them, and better connect them by having an additional "space" in which to place them within, work about them, and see (connections) to other aspects (which would) connect them in ways you otherwise would never have dreamed possible. It is just descriptive, yes, not necessarily reality, but more descriptive and often a better representational model of what we perceive to be reality.

Whatever your biology, whatever your circumstances, whatever surroundings you may find yourself in, know they are not (you) and have nothing to do you. They are only the paint with which to create yourself by how you play with them. Nothing you make with them is any more real (either), save the action.

All (of the 4D sculptures) ought to be made of glass to demonstrate the invertibility of curved space, or the inverse effect, visually and easily. That becomes so obvious (with glass), that the same view from all outside points (combined) looking inward through both spheres is exactly the same as the outward view from the center sphere looking outward in all directions (from its center point), that few could not be able to glimpse it.

To see into matter beyond the inverse field matter projects around itself, is to see into folded space itself. What we perceive of as space is merely buffer zones of non-space to separate them. 3D space is not a hypersphere (or other curved shape) forming a barrier between the inner and outer curvature, though objects can align themselves around that curvature, but the "space" between is literally that, porous and no barrier as the hypersphere the objects align themselves with, or appear to align themselves with, exists no further than each objects surfaces.

Page 17

Everything in space and in time curves away from and toward you in opposite directions at the same time, possibly because the opposite directions are also the same places.

Neither Thomas Edison nor Buckminster Fuller can be considered geniuses. Albert Einstein might be because he probably never wasted any time on the problem. Both Edison and Fuller showed their lack of intelligence by spending a great deal of time and money, or their energy, on creating affordable, more efficient low cost housing for the poor. Though both their designs succeeded to a point on paper, as much or more than they might have hoped originally, they completely overlooked the most obvious and fundamental solution the world as a whole endorses, though silently, everyday. It is always more efficient and profitable all around to instead concentrate on designing and constructing more affordable and efficient weapons for the poorer peoples. This way they can kill and/or rob most of the other poor and become relatively rich. After this has been accomplished, for many societies an ongoing process, you can lessen the need for low cost housing and focus on building better, though fewer, houses for those whose living standards will rise, often enough to import expensive high quality goods we can sell to them instead of needing to give them charity. Once those groups with the most weapons become established enough, they will ideally rarely need to use them and merely the threat of using them will alone be sufficient to coerce those remaining poor to all work for them, or have them pay money to them in exchange for not having to work for them. This also creates a vast previously untapped labor market making their country even more wealthy. More than that, it contributes to worldwide stability by furthering the expanse of civilization. Just an observation, not a political view. Whether to put "civilization" above in quotes or leaving it not in quotes would possibly be expressing a political view though. Unfortunately no one saw the need to invent half-quotes or a way to halfway emphasize it, so don't see the lack of stress or emphasis on that word as an opinion about it. If a road existed in between, I would have taken it. - Written in response to the Liberian situation

Every extra day most people live, they get a little bit older and beyond a certain age, a little bit dumber, slower, and a little less full of life. I am fortunate enough to be momentarily riding a rising swell. Every extra day I become stronger, smarter, and more filled with life. Burnout may be the inevitable end but progression can no longer be put on hold for some other time. For me, the more intense the present becomes, all other times become irrelevant and in the end, illusionary, in the figurative sense philosophically, but if time is indeed running out, in a literal sense as well. One day maybe soon, it will be for one and all either now or never. Best to prepare for that day and see it coming. As with death, it is unavoidable and in a sense everything you put off is that which you will no longer be able to do or achieve, whether you are aware of it (slowly) slipping away or not.

Not that I am complaining nor would or could ever be suicidal, but the way I see it, my contract with existence was up awhile ago now. For awhile I counted them as "Super bonus days" for they seemed just that, a limited number of extra days. Now I have lost count. Given that I seem to be stuck here for awhile, I figure why not try to achieve the most possible in the shortest time, or try to advance humanity or knowledge the fastest ways possible with regard to little else except morality and that time is always limited. So other than staying true to what you believe in and who or what you think you are, there is little to hold you back except always trying to hold on. I no longer see holding on as an option. I can go forward or not at all. While existing, not at all is not my choice (or up to me), therefore if I must go forward, my choice is batten down the hatches, full steam ahead, let's see what she's got.

DDRDE model of 4D space (curved 3D space into a 4th physical dimension, and with invertibility in a 4D sense)

Rehashing / recapping (again) Double bubble of space expanding in all directions, coalescing at 1/2 (way) mark to antipole, reexpanding again on the return trip, recoalesing at (the) 3/4 mark back but...
Double double bubble (like inversion) (is) space extending inward (into) objects and outward away from them in all directions, passing each other at a point or antipole outside of our space or conception toward coming back from the direction of the other, the antipole would be here, then again to come back opposite direction where they came without turning around.

Page 18

The world, if it has any value at all, belongs to those generations not born. Those who presently think it is theirs to control or possess are caretakers at best, thieves of children and the unborn, robbing them of their due inheritance at worst. Many of them think by controlling what history will say about them, they will be able to deny their mistakes forever. To believe that is to misjudge the length of forever and the insights of those in those futures who do manage to get born and view the past in its proper and truest light devoid of present ideologies, excuses, and lies.

Getting it - kid seeing outside view (of the sculptures) and inside view as being the same spot since both spheres are the same sphere

Though the foot soldiers may never see it that way, all the leaders of all sides, the black hats and the white hats, all figuratively sit peaceably together at the same table of power. It does not matter how they got there, they often work together for each others mutual benefit, though publicly they keep up the rhetoric. Rare (it is) when anyone really significantly moves drastically on the turf of another, and even then the aggressor must reassure everyone else at the table, whether crime bosses or presidents, dictators, kings, or businessmen, that it was a one time exceptional case. These figurative when not literal alliances are not even corruption in the classical sense, but strategic. At these tables, money is merely there. What they can do for and to each other is the real currency, and not doing the latter is why the world retains the system and shape it has. None want to upset the  balance for that balance is all that gives them their power in the
first place. 

The future makes a lot more sense or is comprehensible only to those who know what the past was to have a frame of reference to relate it to. You have had X many years of learning how to be just you. I have had many years of unlearning how to be just me.

Always red lining it intellectually speaking, hurts.

The purpose of the sculptures is to enable or help people to spin the Universe on its head, 3 dimensionally speaking. To instead or also see space as folded into objects instead of existing outside or between them. That from a 4th dimensional viewpoint all points away from the center point to the antipole equivalently and equally outside of it and within it, for they are the same spot. This is similar to how the standard idea of an antipole in the sculpture would be another sphere halfway between the other two, yet also (would) be in actuality a single spot or place, not a circular area. This multidimensional viewpoint is a good way to view electrons existing within a set position in folded space instead of orbiting around a circular area. They would not be moving at all, yet seem to be at all points in a (seemingly) circular ball around the nucleus as well, at the same time. Yet another folded dimension around the nucleus could explain how they jump from one orbit to the next without passing the space  in-between. Just because the level of space we perceive between what would seem to be 2 spheres from an outside viewpoint, seems 3 dimensional, that is no reason to believe that on the atomic scale, that space is not defined by or exists with more dimensions than we need to deal with "out here" (nor necessarily curled up so small as to not affect matter). The point of the sculptures is to see that inversible 3D sandwich, or that "out there" or "in here" is merely from an external viewpoint, (relative to where you are standing and) potentially equally the same spot. 

It already has will be happening. Cannot change it now because part of its effects are part of the past seen from now, and have created this present.

Finally having the outlook of seeing first and foremost what ought to be done, and how, regardless of how it affects myself.

Click here for Raw 5D Notes - Part Two 

© 2004 by Jared DuBois