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Click here for 5D Notes - First Explanation.
Click here for 5D Notes Supplementary Explanation.
Click here for Edited 5D Notes (General)
Click here for Notes on Growth
Click here for Raw 5D Notes - Part One
Click here for Raw 5D Notes - Part Two

             "While in their formative phases or modes, minds take in more 
              than the facts of what they are exposed to, but also those
              ways of thinking as well. The entire thought patternization
              schemes are taken in as well as the ideas themselves.
              Scien(tific) thinking and ways of viewing (things) were
              influential as food when my mind was growing faster and was
              the most hungry." -From the Notes in reference to these times. 


(Notes on where this fits it. After the accident, after deciding Time Roads was biting off more than I could chew, a rebirth of sorts was  definitely underway and perception was just exploding. These notes began the format which would later be used as a means of sorting  through the  notes on, about, for, and resulting from working on "2D, 3D, 4D, 5D Thinking Made Simple" and show its genesis both out of and  in relation to these notes, and how the Notes begun a few months later  would be more interesting than actually working on it itself, since it  is way too complicated to take anything less than all of my time.)

(These actually make more sense reading after the full Notes as I was grappling with ideas I had no real handle on at the time, but looking  back after understanding the later notes, seem obviously simple now.)

Page 1

7/23 or 7/24 (03) 
Achievements, though nice, are unimportant. Respect and reputation are unimportant. Knowledge and wisdom are unimportant. The future and the past are unimportant. Who you are is unimportant. Who or what you were and even who or what you will become is unimportant. What is important is that you experience what is happening as it is happening and that it has an effect upon you, that you accept however tentative and subjective it is or may seem, that it brings out some deep feeling or emotion within you that makes both you and what is happening or what you are experiencing come alive and have existence in time, and therefore, throughout time. Life and experience exist to be felt and to be experienced, to be lived through, not to be held, remembered, anticipated, nor particularly understood. 

(next paragraph was around same time roughly, not necessarily after)

What's will never tell you why. After every new "what" you come up with for an answer, the perennial why, why, why, chime of a child gets more and more irritating and harder to explain as no matter how convoluted and deep your explanations can get, harder and harder to know or explain, you must eventually hit that brick wall of having to say, "it just is". If you really want an answer for why, throw out each and every "what" you ever heard, believed, or thought you understood and skip to the end, it just is. Why? Answer that one and every "what" in the Universe won't get in your way or matter much, they are only to stand between you and the real and only "why", why everything or anything else just is. 

Page 2 

Dead bird 

3D projection of a 2D movie 

Screwing girlfriend in wife's bed / screwing wife in girlfriend's bed. 

Saw Time Roads in DeconU., see scary in Time Roads. 

Rotating hypercubes, inner to outer, very cool. 

Time probability spheres 

Time / space / gravity plotting inside cube, hotel was easier, Descartes 

Mirror something 

Made for? 

Life is an equation you are born knowing yet require time to live through to fully understand it, come to remember it, and complete the circle, knowing it the same so you can come back to where you started and came in. With the beginning and end points fixed (relationally, not in time) it still leaves plenty of room to maneuver in the big ball in-between. Though a fixed time analogy is not technically accurate as your expiration date is not fixed but fluid, it can be likened to the beginning and end of the Universe and the spherical potential increasing over time only to contract as in size as it nears its end, or the potential for where you can be or for what you can do for the time you must wait in changing planes or buses, having to be at a specific place and time when you arrive and leave. The potential is greatest to be anywhere else half way between arrival and departure, increasing widely from the moment you enter the terminal door and decreasing just as sharply the radius (of where else you can be as it becomes) near the time you have to leave, a sphere (in this case, a circle) of potential places you can exist in-between. 

( "Universe Inc.'s Paradoxes and Probability Waves" was written immediately after and because of this, coming before the other story on  the 27th, and it is what "Time Probability spheres" was referring to. Like  "2D, 3D, 4D, and 5D Thinking Made Simple", which began shortly after, "Universe Inc's Paradoxes and Probability Waves" just kind of  took over and I was writing it to read it, with pretty much absolutely no idea why or where it was going, completely clueless, just to have  something to hold to sort it all out. Even a year and an Omoglatron later, I still don't know ultimately where 2D-5D will end up except it will explain curved 4D space into a 5th with cartoon-like simplicity.)

Time as events of consciousness 

Two people on deserted island, multiple consciousnesses. 

Einstein as Newton, right relative to certain observable results in limited context. God or gospel only for awhile. 

Stacked 3D worlds, stacked 2D worlds, mirrored? 

Everyone can see everything from a limited point of view. Everyone sees everything from a limited point of view. Everything sees everything from all points of view. Everything's is the only full or complete point of view. 

Ideal use - best qualified should always get the job they want when they want it if provable that they can do it better than current or previous persons. Societal structures block this, rewarding people who do not move upward with seniority or tenure. People should not be forced to do what they are best suited to do, but way should be made for them should they decide to do what they can do better than any others. 

CEO versus mailroom to other co.(company?) With government antitrust protection must fight economic gravity principle, without government anti-trust protection, hopeless. (Basically was that if someone can run a company better than the CEO, see above paragraph and Jim Croce's "Working at the car wash blues", with competition of other companies could have ones potential realized outside of a top down structure with lateral movement through other enterprises more effectively and with greater hope than rising through ranks of a single structure. Thus monopolies and centralized bureaucracies strangle potential through limiting upward movement to those who play the system better, i.e. take credit for others achievements rather than being passed by them. Open competition gives stifled talent ability to start their own companies and eventually move from mailroom to CEO of own company to topple the first if they do not improve and evolve as rapidly by searching and rewarding their own inner resources better. Without such external advancement possibilities in monopolized industries, true unfettered upward mobility is replaced and becomes more like winning a lottery.) 

Science and research only institutions which function in accordance with ideal use principles. 

Using time so show 4D objects. Flatland would simply be circles over time to show what a sphere would look like. 

Circle is a line (1D world) through curved 1 dimensional space into a second Sphere is a plane (2D world) through curved 2 dimensional space into a third dimension Universe (stopped a bit early) is a 3D world through curved 3 dimensional space into a 4th dimension. 
   to a 1D person a circle, curved space, would go on forever 
   to a 2D person a plane, curved space, would go on forever 
   to a 3D person a Universe, curved space, would go on forever 

DeconU. seeks to explain the Universe in terms of understanding multiple consciousness' perspectives. Time Roads seeks to explain (stops there)

("Alien Abduction and the Schrodinger Security Guard" written here next, not putting that here but can link to it as is self-contained elsewhere.)

Page 3 

Fuller geodesic domes, weird. (Getting a whiff of my future :-)

Fuller geometry sounds interesting. 

600 degree circle (better for) measurement for inverse of 3, 4, 5 

3, 4, 5 everywhere (Platonic solids (3D), 3 + 2 mirror images (no idea what that was referring to or much that follows), 4D 6 solids with 2 representations, 5D 3 solids) 

Cubes used for measuring volume inside a sphere (more from PBS show about Fuller presumably) 

Pentatope has 5 tetrahedrons, image showing them is in a pentagram, weird. 

Learned octahedron weird mirror of cube and icosahedron weird mirror of a dodecahedron. 

Over the rainbow, perfect sunny day, close eyes, feel falling through infinite space, infinite time, infinite other consciousnesses down and back into yourself. 

Mathematics of a hug and a smile. 

Full of living (life) - desire to do, be, accomplish or actualize possible events into real events, wanting to do a million trillion things before you go to bed, walking into a library or bookstore and say I want to read all of these books, go all of these places. Regardless of what you have done or accomplished, but to feel all of these possiblities before you and boundless desire to do or experience themall. 

It is not what you do that really matters, everything happens, somewhere somehow. What matters is feeling that you can. 

Pages 4 & 6 
(Note: These next two are a little embarrassing. The idea was to kick around the notion of how I knew all of the chapters of Time Roads, what they were about, before writing it, kind of like a blurred focus or outline, and what that concept, if true, entailed. Like the Vestabur poem, I know all the parts not written and probably never will be, though they in a sense exist to me without having to write them. Other authors know this in a way. Tolken believed that a Middle Earth would have in a sense existed even if he did not write about it. LeGuin has talked about Earthsea as if it is a place which develops on its own with little for her to do but "check in" on it once in awhile. These two paragraphs kick around that idea and should not be taken literally. I don't ascribe to the points now, and at the time, had no intention of using them for anything but to sort out ideas. As an excuse, I did have a recent head injury at the time. :-) 

Atemporal paradox - Time Roads should never be fully written. The more realities it exists in incomplete cause a greater shadow cast in those fewer realities it fully exists (in). To have one foot in existence and the other in non-existence is to be partially potentially anything. To be fully in existence is to be only one thing. To have no existence is to be potentially anything. To be partially both is to evolve and grow through time. (Note how this statement relates to much of the "Growth" section, and being in-between existence.) The wanting to know something out of reach creates the satisfaction (that would not occur otherwise) once finally figured out, the bigger deal it becomes. No matter how eloquent the proof to Fermat's Last Theorem was, doubtfully one he himself might have come up with, no doubt was nothing compared to all the bountiful ideas the problem itself inspired or ignited. Something to have the most value needs to be whole and defined enough to capture everyone’s interest as being solvable, knowable, and nothing more. The more times or dimensions it exists in only longed for or pined after, the more valuable it seems to become the more and more often conscious beings become obsessed with its supposedly one definite answer. It literally becomes more the more often it is seen to be lacking, and becomes a cause in its own existence. It can be temporal or atemporal. The Universe is a temporal paradox like the chicken and the egg, it is its own causation. Unlike the chicken and the egg which both grew together out of something else in a way, the Universe literally created itself, though it never really did, will, or can exist in actuality, by (through) the act of perceiving itself. 

Time Roads is becoming a paradox, but a first for me anyway fully consciously (and remembered) attempted to purposefully be one.It had a beginning point in one reality and exists in actuality in a finished state in at least one other reality. By spreading its effects outward into other realities it will never exist in fully other than potentially, yet affect them as if it did exist, it becomes a paradox, having sideways effects without sideways existence. As I said, it is what it isn't and it isn't what it is. It is both grounded in at least one solid known reality and (having) potential with shadows from it bleeding into other realities where only parts of it are known. Those shadows or parts merge or converge in a reality not in the future or the past of the realities they exist only as potential or as shadows, they point to a reality parallel to one that exists with their own. Without having to necessarily "pull" it into existence in any one particular reality, I can "see" it from multiple potential realities points of view at once, like something in a reality can be "seen" or experienced from multiple points of view of different individuals. Though this is in a sense in my head because I will and can seem to only live one of these realities at a time, by projecting awareness of how the same event can, would, and seem to both occur and not occur at the same time, or at different points in time, I can see it from a multidimensional "me" point of view which is similar to how the same events are perceived by multiple individual's points of view all in one reality. Multiple others in this reality I am not saying is the equivalent or the same as multiple "me's" across other realities, but how they can be thought to converge, overlap, upon interpretation of "seeing" the same event from different angles, are analogous to eachother. Knowing something's existence without actualizing it is to potentially see it from many angles at once and let it grow outward into a shape no single reality can contain or hold. It becomes too big or (too) complex to be defined by or limited to any single version of possible events, (a) single Universe, or (a) single timeline. It grows outside of time and across dimensions and can only exist partially in them at once. "Seeing" the potential of anything this way is to "see" the potential of anything and everything else as well. The pattern of things that could be beyond how they only can, will, do, or seem to exist only at once, or in one Universe's history of time. 

(Note 2 on these 2 paragraphs above. If it seems disjointed, please reread the first disclaimer above, especially the part about a head injury. Its not that I don't see what it was referring to, it is just a bit too complex of an idea not rendered particularly well, yet picturesque enough not to want to try to revise or reinterpret it now. It is basically about describing perception in a sense if the ManyWorlds Theory is correct, especially about growing sideways into parallel realties like things grow into successive realities over time, but a bit cryptic, unformed, though not worthless.)

Page 5 

No such thing as a line, (a) square or cube shape each must have an  inner to outer thickness. 

(And thus that single one sentence idea grew overnight and I woke up writing 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D Thinking Made Simple, Section 1, or woke up thinking that and then began the rest, not really sure. Still, the concept of inner to outerness constantly pushing up levels of understanding dimensions thus turned my life upside down. The dimensional contortionist and mouse-in-walls view at the beginning of the Notes better framed it to proceed to where I am now.)

Spin within spin within spin, spin twin 

Mind = playdough 

Friction = Spacetime 

Illegal flashlights 

Everything co-exists with its opposite mirror image in other dimensions expanding and contracting matter (exploding/imploding). 

Page 7 

By imagining something with aspects I can no longer comprehend all aspects of it, it is like giving birth to a Universe. You simply watch it grow and try to imagine how it might seem to others from different angles or perspectives they might cast upon it. You can visualize some of these perspectives yourself over time, moving from one to another, adding them up mentally one by one, then snap them momentarily all back into the present to see how it would seem all at once at the same time through different points in space instead of different points in time. For multidimensional ideas and constructs, the time and space perspectives are interchangeable. 

(Note: Most of 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D Thinking Made Simple was done in the week before this next one. At some point writing it, probably around Section 4, I started contemplating inner to outer mirroring in a 3 dimensional sense and wrote about dualities, and at that point must have written this below. Section 1 was written in a day and I meant to end it there. The other sections just kept adding on to it and I had to stop once in awhile to reread it to get a handle on what it was  and where it might be going. Some of those stages are reflected here.)

"I've been searchin' every waaaay". 
Everyone and everything in existence is a half looking for the other half, single male seeking single female, single female seeking single male, etc. The duality aspect is not only philosophical, allegorical, it is real, tangible, inherent and the cause of everything you see, know, have known, or will ever know while you are in existence and therefore by definition of what it means to exist, be always only half. Using altered states of consciousness called insight, enlightenment, oneness, nirvana, intuition, you can briefly connect the dots and "see", "know", or "experience" this completeness only in a way outside of your existence (which) in actuality which (oops) can physically only be one half at one time. The reason for this is that halfness runs through everything that is you, everything else you see, and everything else that you know (or can know of, anything which can physically exist at a single point in time in the Universe), they can be only halves at a time as well. You can fool or trick yourself to think you are whole and come to believe it or think you (can) "see" everything else's true nature but that is cheating and requires coloring in outside the lines of the Universe's coloring book. 

     [emphasized later] To see everything the way it really is, you need to color it from the inside the way you see it or can experience it, and not color it but color everything else around it as what is real except it (as it sees the Universe)(<- was there, did not add now) since the inverse or other half of the circle is true (also). Try to color both in at once can only blur the lines between them, or to leave them both without color, and also again remove the lines between them. The other way to see it is to know the other half you are not seeing is its non-existence (potential, flip side of actual). [end of emphasized part]

     To see exist (ence?) is to have a positive value, everything you see, all matter, has a positive value, and all seeming empty space a  negative value of emptiness or absence of solid matter. 

     [Again emphasized later] Reverse that to see the mirror image, everything's positive value potentially negative and negative space's potentially positive. [end of second emphasized part]

     If we see this in probability terms, everything's matter that has a positive value of existence has an inverse value of probability to be or be seen as anything else it is not. Likewise every cubic meter of empty space is infinite potential to be or contain, or seem to be or contain, potentially anything else which can or could be. 

     The full circles are always filled in but experience means to experience them separately one at a time. To experience every objects positive or limited nature, we must temporarily put aside or out of mind for the moment its negative nature, or everything else's potentially positive nature which actual things don't seem to have. Though everything can potentially be or be seen as anything else, one must pick one aspect to see or be to experience it at all. Everything in that one half is constantly seen as lacking but this seeming lacking (of) something or negativeness is the only thing creating its positive nature. To completely merge at once with it would annihilate both into the only two numbers which are real from one perspective and all others (from that perspective are) imaginary, zero and infinity. From the opposite "halves" like us ways of seeing, the numbers in between are the only real ones and those two (zero and infinity) are imaginary. Your "here" needs a "there", your past needs a future, matter needs emptiness around it to be matter or the universe would be a solid chunk of matter stretching to infinity with no room for anything in it. Everything to exist needs to pick one aspect to see over the other and thus experience itself as having existence apart from everything else (it is still connected to). What we pick to see or experience or (to) have be, we call positive and real and everything not that we seem to be or are directly experiencing negative or outside of ourselves or (outside of) our experiences, and the currently not real. Matter does not distort spacetime as it grows closer to it but creates spacetime as an inverse the further you travel outside or away from it. 

(Note: both of these below ended up as the Notes 1 and 2 in  Deconstructing the Universe. It was one complete thing broken up.)

     On the acorn and the tree example, the acorn "knows" or has an idea of what it wants to grow into though it knows not how, or even if, it can manifest that as. It is flexible. If circumstances prevent it from growing this way, it will try to grow that way. It does the best job it can in following its own template of what it wants to grow into so in a sense "knows" a multitude of future states, or potential  states, ahead as the tree "remembers" past states literally built up into its "actual" existence. If the environment does not allow it enough, or demands too much flexibility that the acorn in various stages toward becoming a tree simply cannot compromise toward its internal plan, will eventually call the whole thing off and dissipate into lesser living things and materials in hopes something as or more complex in the future will be able to use those components and try again. 

(Note: This is where it was divided as where Note 1 ended and 2 began)

     The way of seeing things as always new no matter how many times you think you have experienced them before I see as a different kind of intelligence, not a lack of intelligence. It is seeing everything always in wonder. I have been seeing this way for some many months now. It appears differently from the outside as I see it from the inside. It is like a 4D Tesseract by our perspective seemingly turning upon reaching its interior apex and only seeming to come back in the other direction reversed, though it internally is unchanged. A more common 3D example would be pushing a swing forward so many times always a little bit higher. 

     Eventually you will reach the point where you can go no further forward without coming back from the other direction. I see the way I look at things now not as something different than the way I was going, just reaching the apex so going forward seems from another point of view as going backwards. It is being able to look anew at everything around you without expectations. To see a bird or a squirrel with an equal fascination as if you had never seen one before, not because you cannot remember birds or squirrels, but you know maybe not this bird or this squirrel, and that this time it not only can be, but has to be, a completely different experience. It does not mean wiping away the past but compartmentalizing it so it does not get in the way of the present which is always amazing and wondrous but we are constantly getting blasé about it, moving further and further away from really seeing what we see and experiencing what we experience. When we see a mentally challenged person repeating the same action or problem over and over again we naturally assume they should give up and move on once they know it will result in the same manner. For most people it takes only a few repeats before they think, "Ok, I understand this is predictable, time to move on." It many not be that they don’t know it will happen the same way each time, but that they never quit believing it COULD happen a different way, and don’t wish to stop just one or two tries away from that point. 

     Compulsive gamblers know that feeling, that this time might be the time the tide will turn and everything will change. Even though the odds are predictable with gambling and that gamblers, though always fighting the odds, at least have different though not as probable outcomes. When mentally challenged people do what we know to be completely predictable things over and over again watching to see if it will be different, it can also be because they never cease to be amazed at how it is coming out that way. Or maybe they understand it as you or I, but either lack our, if we truly understand why it happens that way ourselves, full understanding of the relationship between the cause and the effect, or seek or think eventually they could or might see the relationship in a new and different way. Too much wonder looks crazy. Too little wonder looks too much like death. 

     The ability to constantly step back and try to see everything in new and different ways, without preset expectations, as I said, I see as a different type of intelligence. Carried to an extreme, it would appear as madness, just the opposite type of madness than those who believe because things seem to always happen only one way, there is no possibility of being wrong in predicting that they always will. That expectation based on experience is another type of intelligence. Carried to the same utmost extreme, it is also another type of madness. 

     Obviously we must balance doubt and reason, wonder and predictability, in many ways. Gaining sight of the predictability, and the ability over time for convictions to become more rigid as we age is not a problem for most. Experience becomes predictable and the more predictability seems to match our expectations, the more entrenched our convictions seem to become, if not to ourselves, than to others of opposing beliefs we might express them to. Keeping alive the wonder and doubt, the "other" intelligence, becomes the challenge. The ability to be constantly turning experiences like objects to see them from new and different angles is the kind of intelligence most will trade for "knowledge". This too is an aspect of moving through time. We tend to settle into our own "right" ways of seeing things and lose the fascination or need to turn them or try to see them differently constantly. Younger people adapt to changing and challenging times of history more quickly because they still are not locked into definitions of what or how to be as older people are. They have fewer expectations for the future to seem to clash with and by extension, see more ways of navigating around or surviving through changing conditions as others when they find they must throw out much of the old rules that no longer seem to apply and begin making or looking for new patterns or connections. Younger people are used to building maps of a maze in the dark, bumping into walls they can’t see. Older people have their maps of where the walls are and lose the ability to remember how they built them, for it is a skill they find they no longer need as they age. 

    When environmental factors get changed dramatically, it is like moving all the walls around. The more expectations you have, the more they will eventually get in the way, and the more we have to relearn how to build new maps the hard way, step by step one line at a time, from scratch again. This books overriding theme, if it has one, is how to keep turning things over to keep seeing them from other angles. If not other angles, than OTHERS’ angles, or other people’s points of view. The sum of all viewpoints or all ways of seeing is what the universe, if it can see and know, would be what it sees and knows. Comprehending all of that in its entirety may seem hopeless, but we get there bit by bit not only from the accumulation of our own experiences and memories, but by trying to see and know from those other angles of others’ perspectives all around us. Not only to learn to see all the world new everyday through new eyes and new perspectives and points of view embodied in others, but to see ourselves differently through them as well. It is not always easy nor is it always pleasant, but it is always new and different, amazing and wondrous, to see everything and yourself from angles or perspectives you never saw from before. 

(Note: That was were it was ended. To finish it in Deconstructing the Universe,
  it was merged with the paragraph below written a day later on 8/06.)

     The first rule of found or empirical knowledge is that you tend to find more of what you are looking for than what you are not. It need not even be a bias, or tendency to discount non-conforming data as irrelevant or unimportant. The very fact that you have an idea of what you will see or find to be the case, means you will seek out or find ways to reach that end, by-passing other routes or ways of seeing that over the long run prove to be more direct and simpler. No matter how you wish to term it or slice it, you always find what you are looking for by having an idea about it more often than its opposite or alternatives, because in those opposites or alternatives you are not looking as deeply or scrutinizing as equally, or as equals. In this sense truths or viable alternatives to what we believe, we are bumping into all the time and simply not recognizing them yet as such. To see simultaneously and equally both with and without expectations at once is the only way to experience the Universe beyond your expectations or limits of just being yourself, or outside that bubble of reality you create around yourself to move into and inhabit. More simply put, never give up the wonder for what you will soon enough find you only thought you knew or understood. It is never a wise trade. 

(Note: This definitely was when section 5.1 began with "The carryover principle.")

Time and energy are the universal kludges or fuzzy math. The numbers of the Universe at any given time can never add up, like a budget deficit, the Universe carries over the inconsistencies forward in hopes they will balance, and they do or seem to providing they carry something else forward, etc. etc. etc. 

The first rule to found or empirical knowledge...(paragraph shown above)

Both DeconU and Time Roads have similar perspective shifts. DeconU is about enlarging ones perspective by stringing (together) the perceptions and perspectives of many others (at the same time) into one larger perspective. Time Roads is about merging perspectives over time and potential experiences and combining (these separate times or dimensions *complete* perspectives or viewpoints) them into a larger or more inclusive (supra-time or supra-dimensional) perspective. 

The more directions matter tries to push out into at once, the more the inverse of that force is needed to hold it together which must double back on itself both in reverse proportion to its dimensions in each of those directions, and to its number of dimensions at large. This is compounded again for each of the numbers of its dimensions as those inverse forces by how (they) overlap each other in each of its dimensions. Passing through the inverse forces creates or requires the absence of space and time to create or return the balance to the system as every objects inverse fields (are) creating space and time locally around them as well. Thus when two objects pass each other, their negative inverse fields creating a spacetime event affecting both similar to but weaker than how different dimensional levels of their own existences double up on each other many times more compressed in their own internal makeup. 

The more one affects others, the more one becomes affected by those effects of how one has (or will) affect(ed) others. 

Passing nearby, gravity does not interfere with the flow of spacetime but is passing through concentrated spacetime emanating away from the object inverse to its gravitational pull. 

To see life from a multiple of perspectives at once without being married to any one of them. 

Slower moving matter more mass-like, faster moving matter more energy-like. 

Mass frozen chunks of spacetime. 

Event travels through space and time simultaneously, i.e. bombblast or supernova, event spreads out across time and space simultaneously occurring in different places and times in a circle yet all are the same event "echoes" along the lines of (the) event. Event is always occurring somewhere at (the) same time it is occurring somewhere else. 

Triplane of sight opposite line of sight 

Expansion level floor, thickness of how many levels (dimensions exists through) 

Slit sunglasses 

(Note: the above was referring to ideas which began Section 5.3)

There are no objects, there is (only) matter. There are no dimensions, there is (only) space. There are no consciousnesses, there is (only one) consciousness. 

(Note: the above was worked into the end of Section 5.7)

The three "starting" spins of the 3 triplanes of sight which can be lined up at once (from a 4D perspective), their "normal" from our points of view trispins we can visualize one at a time. They can line up these 3 at once (dimensional axis spins) when the fourth which looks unrecognizable (uninterpretable) to us, moves into the away line of sight equally. 

(same day, slightly later time) (don't know what day, comment was there)

"Timeline surfer, reality tourist" defined. NOT in the sense of passing through others' less pleasant realities for enjoyment but in the sense that we are constantly passing through others realities and only barely perceiving them in the slightest though we are helping to define them as well. The "timeline surfer" (meaning) is obvious in that we look for the biggest or most promising swell we think we see coming over the horizon that we think we can handle and try to ride it as best we can and not wipeout. Doing less would be throwing away our potentials, successfully riding the big ones is to come the closest to achieving the most or the greatest ride our possibilities and potentials can deliver. Sticking with little waves, you will never learn what you are capable of. Riding the way too big (ones) for you is suicidal. The perfect wave is the most you can handle successfully at that moment. Every moment should be each's perfect wave. 

The more you think you know where you should be, the harder it can seem to be anywhere else unless you think you are moving toward there somehow someway, though probably if you can go there in a sense, you are already there and just need time or the illusion of time, to have a "there" to get to go to. 

What consciousness and physical evolution does in a single person's lifetime is merely (to) add a new layer onto all that has already come before like a new layer of rock atop an ancient and massive volcano. You inherit millions of years of evolution passing over a few months and always start at the head of the line. It is the compounding or compressing of everything and everyone which came before into a new frame of reference upon which to begin again and the footing upon which to start anew. It is always new, it is always here, it is always now, and in a sense you can imagine but never completely understand, it is always another part of you which you don't perceive directly now but someday will know or experience in another sense (which) you cannot, only now, (not) comprehend or understand fully. The names, the places, and the people change, but the math and geometry are always the same. 

Moscow (all the rest) 

0 degrees 


 ] [ 

"to make countries do as you wish against the wishes of its own peoples" (something to do with Bush or Russia or both. The logic was the same.)

Walking through hypercube 

(Note: and thus with that realization began the internal viewpoint and the logic of the beginning of the Notes a few days later.)

Dimensional twinning (4 reversing seen through middle) 

2.2.1 (4.4)= square = 2 opposed sets of 1 dimensional worlds 
3.2.2 (6.12)= cube = 3 opposed sets of 2 dimensional worlds 
4.2.3 (8.24)= tesseract = 4 opposed sets of 3 dimensional worlds 

Without using a tesseract or hypercube to illustrate how objects can either only have an exact location in space or time but never both at the same time depending on how you look at it, fairly easy to envision but too complicated to explain, more than I have time for now, imagine a Universe with only 1 object. Space does not exist because everywhere is in that object or point. Time does not exist because it is unchanging. Separate the object into 2 pieces and you can imagine both time and space as defining that separation. Space is created between the two objects and time also defining the distance in relation to each other. Both are needed to describe the separation in everyday terms we understand but time and space are the same thing, even in this case.Whether the separation is one second or a trillion years makes no difference. Without movement relative to the other, time again would stop. If we perceive the objects as having gravity, a tendency to want to reconnect, and only space and time to separate them, then they would immediately and that would be that. Thus to remain separate, conceptually speaking since the time and space separating them can have any value, and since moving away from each other in a higher dimensional sense would be also moving toward each other, we can perceive time as movement only in relation to each other. That force or movement keeping them apart stabilizes or neutralizes or counteracts the tendency to want to recombine. That force I call -g. Thus time and space are movements relative only to other objects (through -g). Without moving toward, away (toward in another sense), or around something else or having something else in movement in relation to the first object (which is of course the same thing), space and time either have no value or are infinite. Real numbers apply only in relation to perceiving the separation as anything but instant or eternal, both of which could also be thought to describe it. Thus gravity does not curve "normal" spacetime between objects but space and time are created between objects moving though fields inversely proportional to their gravity. 

(Note: Back in Lithuania, the Notes grew out of the above, viewing tesseracts and thus curved 3D space from the inside out and outside in at once.) 

(When you can do that, you are trying to bump up one more dimensional state in conceptualization.) 

© 2004 by Jared DuBois