Raw 5D Notes - Part Two
Wanting to do or have something
that seems difficult or unrealistic to achieve can be a false want, or
a wanting equivalent of a false hope. Should you one day find it achievable,
within reach, or even to possess or achieve it, you may find it no longer
desirable. You wanted it because to do so would be to achieve the near
impossible, because it seemed out of reach, not necessarily because of
anything about it itself. Such false wants can be thought of as excuses
to fail. One might think if one attempts the impossible or severely unlikely
and fails, the fault lies not within them or their abilities but in their
choice of a desired goal. That may be the case from one point of view.
Another valid way to see it is that to live is to do. It really does not
matter, if each individual is given free choice, what they want to attempt
to do with that freedom. That choice of goals would be their own and the
path they choose is or would be in a sense who they are, for it is what
they would desire to choose to create or how to define themselves with
time and in time. For many what is easy to attain is not desirable. They
must constantly be extending their reach, or forever seeking to define
by doing just how long that reach is and where any limits if any, are to
be found. It is like being in a room of unknown size and shape. It is only
natural to keep trying to find walls, or ways to define the size and shape
of the environment you find yourself within, always if time allows exploring
it a little further each day. What is around which corner or behind each
wall if you find any, and what purpose (do) they serve or what do they
wall you off from finding. That is time, that is life, that is what we
do, and because what we do is what we are or seem to become.
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I was born or created or recreated quite awhile ago now and am still getting used to the idea of existing. Not knowing why is how it is supposed to be now, always trying to sort out or redefine or expand upon what existence means and what to do with it. As long as each day I am still alive, so long as I am continuing down my chosen path, I should be inching toward understanding why, if only by looking back at my trail in the snow, and staying blind to the fact that it may seem only to have lead in circles or to nothing. Things are not always what they seem so some degree of blindness is actually seeing further. Each new day is creation beginning all over again, and doing what you should most do today is all that matters, and leave the course behind or ahead, winding or straight, susceptible to angles you cannot imagine or chart, and even a few steps ahead or back you will see or know only with, through, and by, its distortions of reality. Each present is all that is ever truly real. 1/26
Making a simple tesseract level of Cubix seemed beneath me once I understood how tesseracts can be combined with each other or stacked. Seeing and understanding that order, logically I began mentally making as many interlocking connections as possible and began to conceive of how a 5D cube fit together. The way a square is sets of interlocking opposed lines, a cube is interlocking opposed planes, a tesseract is interlocking and opposed triplanes. Connecting interlocking and opposed tesseracts with each other is to begin to build a 5 dimensional structure (if you can imagine it in curved 4D space) minus the top and bottom. How to represent this structure was very complex involving stringing together multiple sets of tesseracts until I recognized it could be easily described represented by octahedrons. (actually that is only to show the relationships in a better flat way like how most view tesseracts, in 3D, not in 4. A dodecahedron is the best shape for illustrating the relationships of a 5D square. After that, I am out of shapes.) To always shake the walls of what you believe is possible to do or to know or to become One road or many Existence is a bargain or
a partnership. It is a mutual agreement or a deal, but hopefully only for
a limited time. Fools want to extend it indefinitely. Other fools would
trash it without learning what it was. It is agreeing to be or become something
in a world which for the moment agrees you can be that thing in it. That
definition is not set in stone and changes continuously. Sometimes you
feel a need to become something more or else, sometimes your environment
dictates that you must. It is sad to be something for so long you can barely
remember what it means or is like to be anything else. That static nature
of reality is only one side of it. The means and requirements to keep moving
to stay afloat makes all boredom and monotony really so hard to achieve
requiring so much effort, such feelings are disingenuous. We either see
the change and (the) inevitability about it and embrace it, or we hide
our heads in the sand and clutch to the past keeping it seemingly in place
and unchanging until we loose hold of it completely all at once, and lose
any hope of building upon it. To remember the need to constantly change
and be something new can make anything recyclable, and nothing exists that
has not been endlessly recycled or will not be forever more into something
new, wearing an old face or a new one.
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Symmetrical order of 12 cube lines on a triangular 2D surface. Junction cube of 2 tesseracts leads to any of each tesseracts other cubes, like equally outside of both or in both since it is overlapping 4D spaces inverse of normal space at antipole, inverse of overlapping space is (the) other(s) space. Lines of tesseract in 3 cubes at once instead of 2 in 3D, but planes seem to hit only 2. First showed how 5D version of a cube is best illustrated with octahedrons representing tesseracts. Each surface area of each tesseract representing a cube, and where two octahedrons meet flush together representing interlocking tesseractal cubes or overlapping space when all sides (ends there) To move in a straight line in line with the surface of curved space, a sphere or a cube in 2D curved to 3D, or a tesseract or hypersphere in 3D curved into 4D, the pattern extending away from you matches a rotational aspect viewed outside from a higher dimensional point of view. In a octahedral base view of a tesseract, the straight line is viewed externally as turning on one axis then another since it is the equivalent of an outside view of curved space. 2/3 11:05 Molecule painting revisited Nothing without correcting Bouncing off of people All points away from the center Distance as an illusion Passing through objects All space curved eventually, just varying of degree Through the looking glass Becoming more confident in
abilities - Slowly extending reach looking
Outer soul Gadflying - Flying around the world's machinery from an outside detached perspective without a desire to land particularly anywhere to become stuck to it and any particular point of view. Most basic questions of Existence:
INVERSE PERSPECTIVES Connecting to many different aspects and facets more and more at the same time surrounding in more dimensions and more faces, fuller understandings (beginnings of symmetry idea below) Dimensional contortionist revisited 1 2 3 4 5 pyramid The most basic intrinsic means of growth is that all the people who(m) you meet who have an impact upon your life in any way and might have a future impact upon it in any way, you instinctively learn to think like they think so you can better anticipate such possible future encounters and be better prepared for them. When in combined overlapping space, neither part is the original, both are. Once a new combination is made, each point of view or starting place was the origin equally. You must constantly expand and redefine points and locations as being in more than one place equally before and both potential future locations in each space following the division again as being equally the same path's logical result based on each previous parts direction. Weird! Objects in overlapping space have seemingly multiple origin points. It is like a person's biological origins. The farther back you go, the more (precipatory factors) there are and what you are is the direct continuation of all of them. It is easy to see the future dispersing ahead and multiple points an object can go to, strange to see each location and state coming together (into one unit from multiple directions and states at once when) looking back. Life is about finding that niche where you can exist in safely yet hopefully has enough room for you to continue to grow. Otherwise you may have to consciously give up ideas of growth merely for continued existence. When you make that choice, you are already dead. Time chunks vs. slices Everything else at the antipole in regards to yourself or away from yourself. Central point of curved 3D space equivalent of core of the earth of a curved 2D plane, all points equal and opposite away in 3D space (in 2 directions at once, not one!) <- (was originally there) Balance quote in regards to objects existing as folded space oscillating omnidirectionally Note: The balance quote referred to was written around the start of the revision of Deconstructing the Universe, coming just after the passage quoted in the 2005 update of Deconstructing the Universe. Not really profoundly original but came from thinking about balance while riding my bike (without holding on to anything as usual). It was not as balanced as it had been (flipped it over again) and I suddenly needed to constantly be shifting my weight to keep it going straight (or actually try holding on to the steering, not likely). New bike now :-). The balance quote was, "Balance may be inherent within all things in nature but in the course of interaction, balance between things over time is impossible. What appears as balance is merely imbalance used to counter inbalance. This may give the illusion of balance and stability but it requires constant work and attention and only appears (as) static and at rest. It must sway back and forth to keep its central point in focus. To stop this completely, to attempt to stand on the razor's edge, would be to topple over". Question everything. It is more than an old expression or a bumper sticker slogan. I hold to no belief systems, theories, or dogma longer than to simply understand them, though even then I do not necessarily adopt or adhere to them, just to know or see from that point of view. Beliefs or belief systems are merely descriptions of reality. They are not reality. They may not be descriptive or accurate from another or another's point of view. The more factors they cover without exceptions to their rules, the more symmetry they possess and the more true they seem to be. The more they seem to possess this symmetry from the most angles or from more divergent points of view, the more whole, substantive, or relevant they may seem to others, and again, may seem to possess more truth. People like the symmetry so much they stop looking for the data that does not conform to the symmetry which would lead to new and better models. People like models which do not have to appear symmetric or relevant to others' points of view, lives, or experiences far divergent from their own. Few beliefs people possess strive for this symmetry relevant to all others' points of view. (four semi-circles in a line merging toward a fifth completed circle from the first semi-circle completely outside of each other, one on top labeled future and the other on the bottom labeled past and beside these...) - Sideways time Meeting halfway between 4D space seems too simple
to waste any time on therefore I prefer to consider curved 4D space into
a fifth (spacial) dimension. It is more interesting and points out flaws
in my understanding of normal uncurved 4D space.
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The more one perceives or believes about what the future must be or ought to be, the more bound one becomes to that state and the more predetermined each moment becomes. Not knowing nor caring is freedom, but it is a freedom not based on existence. Existence means wanting to know or wanting to care. Exist long enough and again something will draw you back in and force you to commit towards one state over another in preference, and again you are back in the game forced to react towards whatever else follows from along that path. Forever opt out and you are free yet in a sense, but you already do not exist. Not mattering is not existing unless something you might inadvertently do or someone you might help, or might help create one day might (matter), despite your unwillingness to choose one road over any particular other. The logical rational view of the moment contends that the past creates the future (via the present) and that is that. The future is thought of as ineffectual, indifferent, and unobtrusive. There are those who think the future is predetermined, though we can easily write off them or that notion completely simply by saying if we can do so and they are right, we were only doing so because it was meant to be. To see the future as an active participant in the past need not be as all or nothing, as detached nor commanding. As I wrote in Toward Tomorrow (Part 3), any moment in time does not exist without having a before and after state, or a precedent and antecedent. The past and the future are easily inversible. Potential and actual are easily inversible. What one is and all else one is not are easily inversible. To think of any one half without being CREATED or COMPLETELY defined by the other half is short-sightedness bordering on complete blindness. Of 3 side edges... Picking up cubes, tesseracts Gravity in flatland Pyramids and 4D Snowball effect of 4D thinking and exponentially increasing connections No matter how much one likes to see oneself as accidental, the inescapable conclusion is always that one is for a purpose. By, to, and for whom or what, these can be questioned. Relevance cannot. All you need to understand dimensionality is, on your desk, a sphere (ball), a tetrahedron, a cube, a dodecahedron, a circle, a triangle, a square, and a pentagon. With these you have all the clues needed to understand physical space because the logic is all there in front of you. Eventually you may figure out that space extends infinitely into and away from objects and shapes at the same time in every possible dimensional shape and perspective, and (that) the shape of space itself is inversible. Every dimensional level is a 2 or 3 or 4 or more dimensional soap bubble curving around unto itself. Most of these notes and the 4D version of Cubix have to do with 2 distinct events. Realizing that the interior 3D volume of a tesseract is representational of the curved space of a 3D plane (into a hypersphere) the way the exterior of a cube can represent a curved 2D plane like a sphere. That and the dimensional escape artist and mouse in walls view in how one can be thought to stack curved representations of space in one dimension higher leads to the ability or gives a framework for always being able to take it up one more notch from what you understood previously. Time's crystalline structure- the past, present and future are like a multidimensional jigsaw puzzle. The more pieces are in place, the greater numbers of pasts exist in an order, and the fewer number of patterns left to fit in the remaining pieces. Each moment is like an extra Universe, so each moment one perceives backward creating each present is like a greater number of pasts. The future is which pattern these will seem to fulfill or point to, and each present is deciding which pattern or which puzzle to create with the remaining pieces, thus redefining the past by deciding each now which puzzle was being built by those thens. The more pieces are in place, the fewer futures exist which can fit or fulfill, or connect, all of those previous pieces into a whole pattern. Each moment added must be fitted or connect to each previous other into a greater expanding outward structure. More pasts connect to fewer futures, (and) more futures necessitates fewer pasts. Since this is perceptual as well as physical, with each present reforming from multiple past directions converging the seemingly separating again, yet all paths always exist, we in a sense (seem to) create more futures by purging, denouncing, or denying the relevances and influences of our pasts. This we can understand conceptually, but it is a wonder to behold to see this in action physically. It is the process of life to seemingly devour each past moment and past existences to fuel or create new future ones, a shock wave, as is thought with light, waving only on, by, and through itself. As the wave reaches its outer edges, from another distant yet identical or identically valid perspective, that outer edge is or becomes the new inner circle or originating point, and every point to (there), in space and in time, is the potential originating point by some other perspective. Once anything exists, especially that which touches upon many others lives, all else can be defined in 3 ways relative to it, by knowing or understanding its existence, by being ignorant of its existence, or by how they misinterpret its existence, if it can ever be thought to have any correct interpretation. If there is no correct interpretation, how something is known as or what it is thought to be, is what it is, and if not known, exists not. A sense of common identity and memories are all that connects what one is and what one was previously into a single being across time. Most people trade potential
for paths that will bring them the most time and fewest problems. I trade
potential for what will give me the most understanding of life in the shortest
time possible and will give me many problems (to solve). (It is a) question
of drawing it out (extending), or trying to cover the most ground possible.
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What now connects a lot of different peoples realities together. Mutual shared experience or mutually created reality from varied sources, viewpoints, becoming one. Knowledge forces or encourages people to behave more responsibly toward all others. Those running this world are not behaving responsibly. Those running this world need more knowledge. Whether they deserve it or not is besides the point. The more energy you push outward, the greater the return flow inward, dimensional donut. Ball inside a ball bouncing around, dual curved plane multiple contacts, positive and negative pushes at (the) same time on each from different directions at once. Analogous to curved spaces, 2D, 3D, etc. making contact pressures or joining from internally to externally from an additional dimensional viewpoint (inner to outer) rather than stacked normally side by side in only 1 dimension higher. A star is the best example of life, death, and reformation, or the circle of life. Imagine your existence like the life of a star. It explodes, no more star. Yet the individual parts of the star reform later as other things. You, me, the rocks, the trees. Eventually if the Universe compactifies again, the "big crunch" theory, the parts of the star will again return together, or also if time can be thought to be bi-directional. And also if the Universe's expansion is illusionary, or from another dimensional point of view, circular, donutish, it again reforms again and disperses again. This may only be allegorical in the physical sense because the atoms would be thought to decay eventually but existence in a more fundamental sense than its manifestations, energy, potential, experience, you can view the "atoms, and stars, and us" example (mentioned here) as a close fit allegorically speaking to perpetual combining and dispersing only to recombine again in more combinations, then less, then more again. "New group" (generational) thinking as opposed to "Old group" thinking, not recognizing it as unoriginal collectivization in the end defined and created only by media or cultural stereotypes of what or how the hypothetical "every person" of that group would see things, the mythical monolith. Each person in every society has a moral obligation to try to see how their own society and the international structure as a whole affects each other person in every society, the good effects we like to concentrate on and are often told about almost exclusively, as well as those who are negatively affected by them and whose suffering has earned them the right not to have their viewpoints as well as their very lives marginalized as simply the unfortunate price that must be paid for the greater good. If we do not try to be better than that, to try to incorporate their views into how we might prefer to see ourselves, we are in a sense denying their truths, their experiences, their lives and their realities, and diluting the validity of our own points of view. Elections are the parts of
democracy people get to see and convince them they have a say in their
governance. How those choices are selected to be put before them are determined
by non-democratic means by economic interests. Which choices are given
as well as how many inevitably frames their outcomes. Those who can influence
these without having their hands being seen directly control governments.
Leaders are reduced to personalities who can best push an agenda, and those
personalities know they will only get to act the part, unless they dare
to believe they got there on their own merits alone. The more willing they
are to follow "advice", the more inevitable their rise to power becomes.
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Physical facts (are) unimportant, change is the only real existence, or happenings without manifestations, or creating their own. Every second extra you or the Universe continues is another chance to realize (know) or actualize (create) something's existence previously overlooked. To simply point out the cliff ahead. Everything published in public media always must focus on two groups. Those who are in the public at large or the diverse population, and those whose jobs it is to control what the public is allowed to see or think about, to prevent them from being "confused" by invalid or culturally conflictatory viewpoints. To think any society is free of such censorship is naive. Such "cultural" considerations are in the end always either political or outright authoritarian in their aspirations to guide, mold, or shape public discussion within acceptable prescribed boundaries. All the diverse elements which work together to influence or control a society, public, private, or otherwise can best be thought of as a single organ, like a heart, though it can be subdivided into chambers. How they work together is how it pumps, and the classifications and subdivisions are less important than how it works. Political biologism, groups which may not even see themselves as related or acting in concert though each is reactive to the others and together comprise the "body" or organism (upon which their existence depends on or is inseparable from). Inverting 4D shapes 4 dimensionally at their "corners" same as inverting 3D cubes 4 dimensionally, pattern similar as to which planes invert on a dime so to speak. The more is believed about ones past, the more it shapes or creates anothers present, Never-ending Story, Clash of Titans Organisms grow stronger when they don't realize they are in a zoo, that think they are where they have chosen to be, and just don't bother to go over a hill where the other side isn't really there. Zoos within zoos within zoos. Zoo keepers work for the animals from another point of view. Putting others in a cage is to create ones for ourselves, though seeing it will always lie over the hill while we choose to do so. The circumstances we follow by our actions, their constructions to shape us are the real walls made up of human beings not believing the zookeepers are themselves just in a more elaborate comfortable zoo so long as they never try to discover the other side of the hills don't exist for them either. Double helix pattern 4 dimensionally If you were once one of the smartest people in the world and one of the best programmers, what would you want your next or final program to be? For me it was an easy choice. Do everything like you may never get another chance to because in a sense, you always never will, and will have less to complain about, that you did not know you never would get the chance to. Plus, what you do will be better and more useful for the most others. When people act for the benefit of others without regard for the personal cost to their own goals or lives, they are stepping outside the box society has molded them to be in, the box of always acting in accordance with predictability based on self-interest and self-preservation. It need not be self-destructive for them to be noteworthy, merely to cause them difficulty or hardship to be something (great and) unexpected without having its benefits or paybacks clear or known. Not that people are incapable of acts based on no self-interest, quite the opposite, but society will always be looking for an angle to explain it based upon something gained, a feeling, peace of mind, something gained where something was previously lacking, religious contract fulfillment, etc. Purely doing something just because one sees it as right or the thing that ought to be done even if it has consequences against yourself defies the logic of programmed expectations and modeled behavior. When or how given societies want or demand certain individuals to function as completely predictable machines, hopefully the soul will always remain a bug to f--- up their otherwise perfect programs of obedience, subservience, and complete predictability. People are capable of and often utilize multidimensional thinking many times higher than 3 or 4 or 5. However, life molds you to perceive things in a certain way based on your everyday experience with objects and events based upon a 3 dimensional plane. The more experiences we can add requiring additional dimensions to our thought processes, the closer we become to reaching our full potentials (in our abilities to think and perceive). It doesn't matter what anyone
says. Everything always gets turned around to mean what those in power
want it to mean. Even Jesus and God have been used as right wing symbols.
Symbology is everything to those who wish to control a population.
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Needing extra dimension pressure points (wider thumbs) to "pick up" objects from an extra dimension point of view. Trying to bookend people's lives conceptually from birth to death as a single object to "pick up" or absorb or look at by turning as a single object (life stories). Needing to constantly push away from (the) present, no input fast enough, constantly trying to surround everything's times from outside their times, before their beginnings and after their ends to "see" them as complete objects 4 or 5 dimensionally instead of their "slices" at single moments of time. What I like to call my own point of view is actually parts of many different people's points of view from other eras (or now) interpreted or recombined into a whole pleasing or believable to me (now). What comprises my body is part's of (a continuation of) many different people's lives through living, mating, and how they altered or changed the patterns passed on by their lives actions. Mentally and physically we inherit what came before from a variety of different sources becoming one, and that one affecting a smaller part, moving or seen as ahead, but in (ever) greater numbers much further ahead, as with greater sources behind, more, yet more diluted as well. Which direction (past or future) creates something is only a matter of perspective of which moment and direction you choose to look at it from. 1/3 democracy security 10 years for speeding Processes outside of time You can't run away from something that is a part of you. Wherever you go, there it is. It is in a sense inside of you, and integral part of what you are. Everything that you have experienced, could have experienced, what you are experiencing now or might have been experiencing now, and all that you will experience or could possibly, all of this is a part of you. You can focus on some parts and forget others. Indeed, you cannot see all points from any one point anyway, but all and everything else you can and sometimes do affect by your existence, all this or these "other" things in your realities are all a part of you. Moreover, without them, you are not or nothing. How they all must fit together, the organizational structure you define them by, and they you by, is what connects which points to any others, or which "theres" you can get to or see, from which "heres". Picking up objects as large as 2D or 3D universes along a 3 or 4 dimensional curved axises, rotational inner to outer as rotation of 1 additional axis with pivot points ground along another (axis). Becoming history- feeling all your freedom to change the course of the future being stripped away, cement hardening all around like the lava of the victims of Vesuvious at Pompeii, fitting you into your mold, a life story no longer your own, but belonging only to others, should they make it into existence afterall. Life- out of nothingness or from a variety of different sources into something, do you thing here whatever that is, have kids to keep the ball rolling for others, and fade into nothingness or have your parts disperse again into a variety of different destinations. cookbook You play the cards you are dealt at each moment in time. Trying to second guess things now, either what you should have done then or what you should do at any given time in the future is to blind yourself from seeing them clearly (or fully that moment) at (that) time, or believing now has undo relevance upon whatever then. (Trust your feelings, Luke ;-) People are controlled most
directly and without their knowledge by what ideas they are exposed to,
by how they are presented to them as to their "correct" interpretations
for them, and what they ought to aspire to do or to become. Nations have
been given control over all these, free to brainwash all within their borders
as they see fit, and hypocritically criticize others for doing the same.
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Take the view of philosophers all throughout history. Those who run the world always have been and usually will be the most corrupt and amoral bastards humanity can produce at that given moment in time. If you want it ever to be any other way, get over any illusions you have about how it should be otherwise now, and do your best to work with what you have got and make them see a little beyond their self interests and easy indulgences. Don't believe Aristotle liked Alexander, but liked the opportunity to make him slightly less of a bastard, and by extension, many others lives slightly better. And whenever possible, choose the lesser of two evils. Rarely are any fairly presented with even that limited amount of choice, and rarer still given any good alternatives. Not choosing at all when given the chance means the worst will ALWAYS prevail. Everything that exists is a figurehead, a beach head of much or everything else and nothing more. It is merely a part which for the moment and by one perspective has broken above something else's surface. Beneath they are always connected. All roots of anything and everything are intermingled, and reconnect ahead again. Only from angles within it do things seem separated, or as separate things. Consider everything, believe absolutely (without reservation) not in anything. Antighost, seeing beyond What you know is all that enables you to do anything. What you don't know is what drives you to do anything. Making a past path creates a lacking or wanting of a future destination. Both grow outward from the center. True independence and impartiality comes only at an extremely or potentially high personal cost. 99% of humanity is hostage to those who can take away the things they care most about. Geometry is not mathematics, though geometry may use mathematics. Mathematics are abstractions, geometry is inherent within physical reality and describes it, or in a sense defines and creates it. Geometry was physics before physics was physics, and geometry will replace physics again. It will just be a higher order of geometry than people now can understand or relate to, but the universe is nothing if not symmetric. All seeming asymmetry is just following patterns we do not yet understand or have the means to recognize how they fit together with each other and the symmetries we understand already, though incompletely, without them. Like salmon, just trying to get back to where I came in in time or timeline-wise, making a full circle by tying together the ends. Anyone can
be easily convinced while growing up that they are ordinary, nothing special
with no particular value to others, or that they are extraordinary, unique,
and invaluable. What input they get can point to either, and it is only
other's opinions and reactions which can push it in a definite direction
one way or the other. From each individual's point of view they are the
most ordinary, the norm, the standard by which to judge all else. All else
is different, big, while they are just they themselves. On the other hand,
everything else is everything else, while they are separate from it somehow,
somehow unique and different. Others opinions, reactions, and instructions
tell us how to interpret these two possible opinions we can take to how
we judge our own self-worth. Beyond those around us, others opinions beyond
theirs can make us reassess what we have been told on how we should view
ourselves or what context we should place ourselves within. Also, if one's
abilities begin to go beyond others who tell them that they have no value,
they can begin to reassess their worth based upon that inconsistency on
what they have been told.
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Always consider the worst possible explanation, based on the lowest behavior morally, for anything that happens involving power, to be potentially true and extremely possible, because no doubt, whatever you can imagine does not even come close to how low others are willing to go. Because of that, the median is toward the bottom of what you would consider or consider probable. Redefining your past in relation to or conjunction with another's or something else's to see them as related or coming together thus seeing both prior lines (of past events) as both branches (common roots) leading to common events and concurrent futures, if only for awhile, and only in one single chain of events or one branch of potential realities. How objects shapes (in hyperspheric space or a dimensionally curved back upon itself Universe) are determined by the curvature or anti-bending of space relative to the proximity in distance, size, and time of other objects in relation to their own. Bear in mind objects sizes can possibly be greater in dimensions we cannot measure or perceive from outside of them in "normal" space. A black hole, for instance, can seem very small from the outside, yet in a sense have a greater size or disproportionate size-like qualities in gravity or bending, or anti-bending of space and time. Traveling into one, something's shape might only seem to change relative to objects outside or further away from them, an effect simply more pronounced in a shorter distance than the distortion of objects shapes relative to each other in the normal larger curvature of the universe itself, were they able to get that far away from each other in space and time. If the Universe was as small as a solar system, and we still were as large as we are now, we could see objects shapes change as they approach and move away from objects of different sizes and relative to (the) distance from ourselves. Cultural bubble (- that) of nation's mass media diets of information narrowed focus of awareness of what is considered of the "outside" world to be important or relevant, as determined politically or by their owners (' influence over choosing editors of like mindedness) Nothing that exists matters to you that you do not decide matters to you. The "why" of what you decide that matters to you, or will, is all that is interesting, important, or real beyond your own life or viewpoint. It is also why you agree to follow the rules or blueprint of what it means to be you. Universal Swiss cheese- atoms of objects pushing their existence outward into dimensions of space creating holes "behind the scenes" or backstage from where they push through. Lacking to existence to lacking defined only by surroundings, water bubble above (the) surface, air bubble below (the) surface. Potential to actual to potential, nothing is changed but the perspective it is viewed by or through. As good a place and thing to be as any Who and what you are evolves over time according to who and what is around you. Going into business vs. teaching, marrying this person instead of that person, you grow into a different person over the course of years according to the choices you have made to what to surround yourself with and who to define yourself by. The median, the center that is always the same, your sense of identity or constant in all of these different (potential) realities or timelines is more of a myth than anything else, unless your definition of it can vary even more than how you vary from other people, for even if all the potential "yous", the you in all of the roads not taken all look like you, other people can have more in common with you now than you with your other "selves" along some of those different paths, and in the end, the relationships between both kinds of others to yourself is the same. Tree of life- its roots surround its reality (from outside of it) coming equally from the future, the past, and all points in-between. Forever chasing or straining to get what you always keep putting just beyond your reach, how the Universe works, dogs chasing their own tails, time. Learning from the history of the Soviet Union- if you call yourself a democracy and go to the trouble of having elections, people might one day actually expect them to be fair, or giving the party in power at least a snowball's chance in hell at losing. Dragonslayer's create their own dragons to slay Inheritor of your memories and your sense of identity, who you are today Turn out the lights when you leave Something that is bad is even worse when a nation (government) that claims to be better than that, does the same thing. From another point in space or in time, from another's perspective, our future exists already as their past. As put forth here, that the future and past are existent only as different perspectives upon their different presents, in which they are all the same present only seen from different angles (called space and time). The only thing confusing or complicated about seeing future events as co-existing with the present and past, is that there is no "the" future but many very different ones, just as there are many different pasts merging and overlapping in different ways at different angles further back away from each present. Complicating this even further is that there is no "the" present either, just a combination of more probable states seeming to overlap in a way that makes it differenciatable from less probable others from that particular point of view chosen to be taken by that "individual" and at that point in "space" and in "time", which is really just another organizational factor of everything else inextricably interconnected and the separateness itself is only a desired or chosen perspective upon and within it. The more dispassionate you
are about something, the fuller perspective you can gain upon it, yet the
more useless or irrelevant (that perspective) becomes, for the less likely
you need to become toward interfering with or changing it. Still, nothing
is to prevent you from caring again at some unspecified point in the future
if you suddenly desire to do so, with the added or accumulated perspectives
you gained when you didn't care one way or the other. The past can be redefined
at whim to whatever, however, or whoever wishes to make it, or make use
of it, differently at each new day. In the end everything exists only to
be changed to something else. It is only a matter of what to and how.
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Now is the only time you as you exist now, will ever really have. Even if you live another 50 or 100 years, who you would become over time to be then, or the many ways you might grow differently to become based on different paths and different choices, only technically have much to do with who you are now and how you see things and life at this point in time. You are changing, evolving, or growing if you are doing life right or (are) noticing it, and what you might become is only a small part of you now, more than or equal to the sense that what you are now will only seem a part of you then in how you once were, might have been, or how you (only) used to see things (at one given point in the past). Every generation has the responsibility to remake the world as they see fit to be more just than the one they inherited (probably not original, must have been said zillions of times in millions languages over time). Parable of Jesus, that you have to give up your existence at some point for the sake of the future. Martyr myths aside, the longer one tries to hold on (to do all yourself), the less there is for others. The more you give up, the more others get, and the greater reach you have, though in the same sense the less "you" actually have, but only in the most narrow definition of "yourself". Economic Pluralism- the most number of people possible making competing products to provide people with the best deals, either at higher quality and/or lower costs. Consolidation of industries, monopolies, many intellectual property laws, and government regulations to limit competition to only fewer wealthy interests by high fees or capitalization requirements for new businesses along with red tape designed to protect large interests from smaller competitors are as anti-capitalistic as you can get, unless you call the ability to buy government favor for industries already established leaders as a commodity, as capitalism. Universe's version of freewill- you can either do what you know or believe in your heart you should do, or you can (choose) not, and risk dying without getting a chance to. It is a pretty narrow definition of freewill, and even from more than one perspective, illusionary, but it is freewill nonetheless. No one says you have to do anything. Nothing you do has to matter. But if not what you feel you ought to do, what other better reason for being or doing can you come up with, or do you prefer instead to do only the things others would make you do, if not what you would choose for yourself that you think you should be or do? Employeeism People as hollow enclosed dimensional universes strung together over time, rings on string, closer together and further apart to each other on many levels approximating or allegorical to extra physical dimensions, though they are only or all "experience distance" apart. The more people begin to act only on logic, how they are taught to think rather than how they feel, to believe in arguments rather than trust their instincts or gut feelings of what experience is staring them in the face, and are taught to deny that's relevance to their actions, the more programmed or programmable machine-like they become. It is to deny yourself or what you feel to be true or right as less important than what you have been told, taught, or to expect it to be, and therefore the experience has been framed for you completely by others ahead of time to be what they wished for it to be, and you to be or behave in a certain way, seeing, being, and behaving what was intended and setup for you. Most people in the world have little input over their own lives or are living out the effects completely in line with choices they made long ago, that is if they were fortunate enough to be the ones who made those choices in the first place, and not had those choices for them dictated by others. Got freewill?
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Being you means not only knowing what you know but not knowing what you don't know. If there is something you think you need to have or know, realize that getting it or learning it means giving up a part of what you are now in exchange. You may learn your ignorance was intentional or necessary at the time, because all you have, even negatives, you will eventually find were part and parcel of your identity at each and every moment you defined yourself by. Time is like glass or water that distorts things further from it, and eventually curves back far beyond your sight. Space is the same in every dimensional sense you can imagine or know, also eventually curving back upon itself. The Universe is only definite as the present balance between the parts of it and yourself which you are aware of at which slide or slice of it you happen to be in, and which for the moment or at that moment seem beyond your reach or around corners you can't see. Eventually you may find that your blindness was intentional and desirable, and your wishes to see beyond it were just something to want to do. There is an insulating effect or a temperance wall people build around themselves in how they view other peoples' problems in relation to their own. They refuse to accept on an emotional level that others can be significantly worse off than themselves, for that might minimize or trivialize their own problems. Whatever position or level in a society they possess, though they know others have it worse and would not wish to trade places with them, they also on the other hand, say "but I have it bad too, and no one is looking out for me either, so I am just as needy as they, and probably just as deserving of help, if not more so, than they are." Not avoiding falling into that trap is where humanity, the humanity of humanity, always fails. A line in one dimension can mark something's existence. It is 100% while it is and 0% where it ends. In 2 dimensions, that line can be a demarcation of another shape's border with the outside world, an edge. Where it ends it can be thought to continue on (at) another angle away from where it seems to stop from one view, a 1 dimensional view, and somehow curve back to its own beginning from a 2 dimensional point of view. From a 2 dimensional point of view, that line can mark that objects border with the outside world or be common to two shapes at the same time, define both of them equally as a part of each at the same time, as being what joins them, and is both of them. From a 3 dimensional point of view that line can connect two 2 dimensional shapes at once AND define them as separate from the outside world at the same time. Where it ends from its one dimensional point of view, it can be thought to continue on from a 3D point of view around and back to its beginning in two ways, though (around) either of the 2D shapes it defines the common border between, two different splits, two different ways to return to its originating point. Without needing to mark off the outside world, that line or edge can be common to four different shapes as the first, all symmetric to each other and equally opposed to each other, not 2 planes but 4 solids, and 4 planes at once. Each plane is a part of each extra dimensions merger to another at its end as a way it can be seen as a continuation of itself back to its beginning, each of these planes can be common to 1 solid and the outside world, or be a part of 2 solids, or demark the merger where one ends and the other begins, (a part) of both at the same time, a wall of one room being the wall of another, part of both equally, yet also keeping them separate. From a 4 dimensional view, that wall can connect 2 solids, 2 rooms, AND define them as separate from the outside world at the same time. Even if one takes that as a given, why bother to try to speed up or enhance people's abilities to perceive and understand (multidimensional) spacial (or multi-spacial, for short) relationships? Every species always has two choices, evolve or die. Unfortunately humanity has done far more courting of the latter than the former, and is or may be on the verge of making a serious commitment. Anything anyone can do to reverse that trend, one must ask oneself, if not now, when? Ever increasing internal connections to everything else, seeking a new level of buoyancy or balance of floating upon a degree of equilibrium, seeking it out always as a new balancing level only to again watch it fade into the distance. Multidimensional relationships- more than just a single part Currency differences- less to some, more to others Role or real All affections temporary Existence, consciousness, and matter are far more interconnected than most people have even a clue about. People should not use the phrase "think about *THE* future". If there is only one, you have no responsibility toward it, it will be what it will be. If there are many possible ones, then you have something worth thinking about other than preparing for it. You should then think about which one you would wish to inhabit or which you would prefer to think of as the right one for you to be in. It is a mistake to think that you control the ability to make anything occur which is not already pre-existent and always was. Think of it like driving. You control which route to take and what you will see on the way, but the roads must already be there waiting to be traveled upon. Scheduling permits When saying what your government
is doing (illegally) wrong and what, is more wrong than what it does or
can do, there is no difference between that and totalitarianism because
then the government can do anything and silence anything, and covering
up crimes is not only legal, but exposing them becomes criminal. The only
difference is the number or relativeness of people feeling they are free.
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People's morality, good, bad, or indifferent, is however you wish to see it, and will remain as such to you until change your opinion, or someone or something forces you to change it. Even then it won't necessarily be more accurate, just more in line with how or what you are supposed to think or be. 4 corners Dimensions growing between 1/2 going positive, 1/2 going negative, connecting both in a circuit above and below equally at the same time. Dividing all objects along outside edges, seeing edges as touching along curved space, and new dimensions growing between. 1/2 cars driving forward, 1/2 cars driving backward 1/2 coming from (the) future, 1/2 from (the) past, creating new shape, bubble, circuit, between, from opposite view, pattern between (which) forms reaching out into future and past, supra-space/time view, seeing both (past and future) forming in something else. Reaching out to the future, passing through that reaching out to the past, where they overlap, perception of the present. Seemingly divert all down one path or another, though both roads exist obviously from a supra-universal view. The illusion though, is cool. To most people the future is what it will be and will be only one thing. To me the future is what it was, and was many things. Ideologues are ideologues, it doesn't matter what their ideology is, sometimes not even to them. They are all willing to remake everyone's opinions to justify or "prove" their own. Organism connected by, spread over time Whole process of tree, not its existence at any one point in time If such things can be thought to have any definite or single reasons or purposes. Point A- time and space curving away from it in all directions. Point B- time and space curving away from it in all directions. Between A and B, one direct line and more curved lines, yet (the) curvature arcs are limited else they no longer are paths between A and B, like magnetic field patterns between the north and south poles. Wanting to go from A to B, or being at A at one point in time and B at a different point in time collapses potential around the places in between (Like Universe Inc's probability waves) and a road forms between. Balls of distance away from you, 2D flat planes, everything at different distances on different levels of these planes. Same for 4D, 3D planes away, 5D, 4D planes away. Always try to remember, evolving (growing) is supposed to be fun. Fax machine reverb- finding
new levels with (the) future, bottom raising, mountains falling, everything
is here
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Everyone in the world is not free. That being said, some are more "not free" than others. That is the only envelope worth pushing. There is no evidence to support the Big Bang theory in light of understanding 4 or more physical dimensions which makes expansion hardly the only or optimal conclusion for the evidence used to support the Big Bang theory. The Big Bang merely is a search for Genesis in the Judeo-Christian sense. A Universe with no beginning or end is not compatible with cultural predispositions. In curved space, Researcher's immovable object and (the speed of the) birth of (the) Universe, zero and infinite speed, are interchangeable and probably identical or the same thing. ONE (One connects how the universe began, matter forms, consciousness forms, civilizations form, ideologies spread, and probably other things unimagined so far. It was found in trying to plot Yoshoo's family tree over curved time and multiple dimensional states, with new dimensions growing outwards and each thread, a ring, squeezing every other one into an hourglass shape of the illusion of a present in its middle, and a past and a future outside of it. It describes birth, chicken and eggness, in the context of curved time, or the birth of Yoshoe, or how the beginning began. It is the prequel to the Yoshoe and Yoshomee story, and it is not as good a story. It is similar to the Bible in some ways. I guess anyone could figure it out, even stupid people thousands of years ago. As the saying goes, it only takes one, and the whole lot is spoiled. But without it there is no universe. It is the balance between 1 and zero/infinity, a fractional, fractured universe indeed. There is either being everything and nothing simultaneously, or being anything, and nothing in between, except the illusion you can have one while reaching towards the other.) Folding tables in 2D, 3D, and 4D (actually folding walls (is a) better example because you can't eat off of a wall either) Those who claim to want to bring order and stability to the world ought to be honest enough to others and to themselves that to bring one order you must disrupt another. What one could call chaos or a lack or order, others could see as multi-pluralism and independence. To wish to take these away from others is always justifiable if you can get away with it and assimilate them into your own culture and belief systems so that they or their heirs eventually will thank you for it. Yet to say you are asserting control over others, installing your values or outlooks into their systems, to make them more "free" is an assault against reason. To be free is to be able to tell you to go to hell. Free is to be able to create for themselves what is to you disorder and threatening because it goes against your own ideas of order. For every culture to wish to prevail over all others in the long run is natural, (and) to say that you are attempting that only for others benefits is effective. However, one ought never to believe their own BS. Order and stability to yourself means keeping anyone else from being able to challenge you in words as well as in weapons. Within the next 30 to 50 years or sooner on both counts, a new world order will be established or humanity will perish. The only question that remains is will it be one of plurality in which it is mutually reached through divergently based interests or whether it will be crafted without any debate or inputs in board rooms or conference halls, and not by elected or representational officials of the bulk of the world's populations. Cars colliding from the same forge, taking different paths to meet again No species or social structures will or even optimally should last forever, nor worse, act like they will or should. However, rather than to try to keep what ever exists now locked in and continuous from one day or age to the next, the emphasis ought to be on improving its adaptabilities and its means to evolve (more quickly) into seemingly something else entirely, but only from the perspective of the present. Anything which grows into something else entirely is not only an extension of that originating existence or principle, it is (over the long run) its only means to continue at all. The longer we can keep true to our best aspirations for the future, and actualize them in however best we can adapt them to present circumstances, they are like a bigger signal fire to those in the future to emulate, because of how they exist through adaptations in more than one time or (in) more than one structure, than in any one actualization at only one point in time, however much larger it may be in scope at that time. Double clock pie Face to face = back to back in curved space Leaving = coming together in a different sense Animate anti-corners Balloon, opposite sides touching, passing through each other. Entering within one and one entering within another, bending (the) entire Universe between each new relocation Accessing the same files simultaneously as opposed to sequentially Double piss off- sarcasm which has enough truth to enrage both those who agree with its assumptions and those it might be considered to be ridiculing, if one takes it that way. Most people see things from
only from the point of view of their own time, though they may know of
other times' points of view, they (the majority) think that (knowledge)
is trivial (or merely trivia) and never make use of them.
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Erasing times Idea machines- biological machines (species) devour dead existences (plants, animals) to fuel their existences off that which is no longer living. People are also idea machines devouring and recycling ideas or previous notions (thought patterns) into new forms which exist or are kept living only while existing within another's consciousness. Once that link is broken, other than through archiving, such ideas and notions, others' "bodies" of ideas and ideals, really dies by not being recycled by or used to fuel others new reformations as (being partly comprised of them or) continuations of them into newer forms. The goal ought not to be how to devise any system of governance among many nations or ethnicities which will peaceably stand for a hundred or a thousand years, for no generation ought to have the presumptiveness to think their present views or beliefs ought to be taken up by so many successive others. They must always be free to amend or reject it as they see fit. The challenge then becomes not only to come up with ideals which will be able to withstand such rigorous tests of times and debates, but to provide a structure for change and natural evolution of governmental structures and shifting regionalizations and loyalties, to occur with the least loss of human life and the greatest protection of individual self-determination, of action, consent of belief or deferment of prevailing mindsets and be free to rally others against them without fear of bodily harm nor illegal or non-public means to isolate, marginalize, or discredit them, and above all else for without it, nothing else matters, complete freedom to believe as one wishes about anything one wishes without restraint to time, place, culture, or present senses of sensibilities. Parallel universes of consciousness- that even if you connect all of the dots of experience of all you have lived through and all that you only potentially might have seen or lived through, that each and every other you come into contact with lives in a different perceptual universe coming from and going to a different direction, with different starting points and (different) ending points, and differing ranges of potential in between. Get over concurrent things, states, or events, from being any different to direct continuations or evolutions into new forms of the same things, states, or events (at other times). The paths of each ahead always circle back and stand concurrent with each of its seeming "itselfs" (prior causational branches) of each present. Perceiving time is like watching
the road while you are driving. You hopefully concentrate most of your
attention on where you will be shortly, where you must be aware of dangers
or hazards which you will have to react to most quickly to avoid, while
trying to see further ahead as well. Some can see further ahead than others
and react more quickly to sudden changes or obstacles. You also have some
limited sideways view of where you might else have been at that moment,
and memories provide that rear view mirror, that shrinking, merging, central
view or sense of where you came from or how you got there.
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Becoming who you always have been Rate of evolution- how quickly something grows into something which its previous states, which it is a direct continuation of, seem foreign or far removed. Conceptually, I am evolving far faster now. The quicker you make your furthest reach the new norm and regroup and solidify that (new) position, the more you gain greater abilities to expand into new areas. A conceptual battlefield type of advancement of conquering, not places as in the land example, but of times and others potential realizations of ideas, making theirs your own (before they can ever have the chance to). That which is stronger wishes to dominate. It is within everyone's genes to wish to dominate and establish their own offspring as the new norm. Frustrating that diverts it (its energies, potential or direction) into other areas of conquest outside of direct physical continuation or biological predetermined aspirations of dominance and ensured survival of its pattern into the future. The question "what are you" and the answer, "growing", I understand now far more fully than a year ago. "What" needs to be open ended and undefined. "More" is sufficient, and all that can ever be (accurately) anticipated. Every minute of every day new people are created who would not be if the past and present had occurred any differently. To each of them, that past is sacred for without it they could not have come to be. No matter how else from our points of views of having been around longer, how or where else we think things ought to have occurred differently, each moment thousands of new others are here to disagree with you. However bad the world they will inherit might be or become, it will be normal to them, and their stake in the past, if they survive long enough, the will to defend or rationalize how it should have occurred (that way) over any others because it was the only one that, to them, made (even) any considerations of any others even possible. Donut expanding from every point continuously and circularly While in their formative phases or modes, minds take in more than the facts of what they are exposed to, but also those ways of thinking as well. The entire thought patternization schemes are taken in as well as the ideas themselves. Science (scientific) thinking and ways of viewing (things) were influential as food when my mind was growing faster and was the most hungry. Understanding my motivations is simple. I am alive further along than I intended or expected to be, possibly wanted (to be) though I am not that judgmental, and simply am trying to find the ways to be both the most useful for the benefit of the most others, and to learn or see (or internalize) as much as possible of what I do not yet know or have not realized yet, in return. History celebrates some people over others and considers them great or extraordinary not because of anything about them necessarily, but because it becomes in the interest of those in power to have them seen as such. Everything (about history) is always political. The World Bank and other
developmental organizations that claim to help third world nations, seek
to support the states as entities. The people, outside of how they contribute
to the functioning and support of that state are either irrelevant at best,
or an obstacle at worst. Those deemed obstacles will (slowly, suddenly
draws too much attention) die off from lack of basic services such as food,
clean water, or health care. That is not a side effect, but often the point.
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Having to make sense out of something that runs or cuts right through the core of what you are, yet must struggle to understand what it is or what it means. Improve everything else directly or continue to live, everything finds its level in-between Spinning faster from a distance- curved back Muppets Vase without bottom Doomed to fail Pen recharges Multi-celled = multi-forms uniting as one What makes a person's mindset or point of view is not their present or past conceptualizations but the ability to change and alter them in a way that only they are thought to have the right to do as the inheritor of that being as the direct continuation of it into time, to allow complete new and different (mixtures?) yet still ascribed or seen as continuous or evolutionary. You, curved plane, cylinder, Universe else, flat plane with gravity, vase without bottom, while in contact, thoughts, experiences, ideas collect inside them, separate them, curved plane and flat plane, and all collected inside or between them spills out again onto floor to be gathered up again later in new formations of other vases or boxes without bottoms. Circular perspective- you, what is directly in front of you as away point, no matter the distance, and all space in time are arcs between Same pen case, new ink interior (tube with ball), same pen? Even if same interior and just ink replaced, same pen? Ink it came with or perpetually refilled externally, is ink even (then) a part of the pen? (Is) what moves through what you do, a part of you if it is added in progress? Can't stand in the same river twice idea, pen with ink not pre-ordained at purchase, not same pen or pen just a receptacle for ink that comes later, and something external to pen. Without being unhappy sometimes,
you can't be happy. New, even minimal things bad or wrong becomes your
new measure as being unhappiness or bothering you. Even if everything is
always good or great, and never varies it cannot be described as happiness,
it just is normal, average, and eventually uninteresting. Even perfection
gets old, and you can crave something, anything which will make you feel
bad, feel better and worse or some variation to move between, some way
of feeling or measuring one day as being better or worse than the next,
some new scale on which to feel some variations of feelings between or
about to remind you what it means to feel differently at all.
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All the things you think
are impossible, healing the rift between Christianity and Islam, or even
between Judaism and Islam, making China or Russia a real democracy, you
need to focus on what makes these things seem impossible, who or how many
different groups would oppose such reconciliations or integrations into
wider, more expansive and less divided new common communities, and new
stronger more diverse common cultures which would emerge from (the) growing
partnerships. Once you can identify who would work against such aims, you
see it isn't impossible at all, just against a lot of powerful groups in
the presents' interests. The only problem is that divided present has few
futures which connect back to it, or seen from the present, little hope
of surviving long in such a divided house, which will inevitably either
unite, or collapse on everyone.
Add up how much money is invested in prosecuting, researching, and getting ready for war, and compare that with how much is spent man-power-wise and dollar-wise with researching new ways of avoiding war and promoting and protecting peace so wars might become less likely and even obsolete. My guess is it is closer to thousands of dollars pro-war readiness to every dollar spent in researching new ways of avoiding war. With numbers like that, the greater resources will justify themselves, for that is where our hearts lie, and hero worship is for warriors, and peacemakers, much less peace builders or sustainers (maintainers), are considered not at all. Everyone wants to be able
to not have to do anything they don't want to do. Most naturally want to
be the most productive they can be, to fulfill their greatest potentials.
Most forms of government and economic models will frustrate one of these
to some extent, and usually both to large extents. Any system which can
exploit this dynamic to free people up from having to do what they what
they hate to do and are probably not that good at anyway, to be able to
do what they wish and will therefore do the best at or better than whatever
else they are forced to do, by economics or otherwise. People now focus
on tricking people into wanting to do crappy jobs rather than restructuring
things so there are less need for crappy jobs. It is not that everyone
wants only great jobs. Many high paying jobs are so demanding many would
say keep them, I wouldn't do them for all the money in the world. The only
envy comes from when people get paid very much for doing very little. Paying
people more to do jobs fewer would want to do is a start, much better than
starving them into it, but working with what people want to be doing with
their lives and structuring a society around that rather than the other
way around is far the more preferable way to go. What do we have societal,
governmental, and economic models for if not to make the most people the
most happy? Smarter people can figure out how to make them (the models)
fit around what people desire or expect from life rather than making expectations
having to always fit within the guidelines of some mathematical formulas
(which) we forget were devised by humans, hardly laws of nature, and better
models will always be found or invented whenever the current regimes allow
people to think about it as a problem to be solved. People love problems
to be solved and their potential solutions are limited only by imagination,
which if you have forgotten, is as close to (being) limitless as anything
else you can find.
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It takes a high degree of arrogance to attempt anything thought to be extremely difficult to impossible, and (to) succeed (in it). It must go way beyond the scale of confidence. One must also need something to balance that, an equal degree of modesty that it is not always about you, is not achieved ever by you alone and not part of the process, and that nothing ever done is really any less likely than anything else ever done, it is merely how we choose to see it and ourselves. Anyone's own government can devolve into an authoritarian or even a totalitarian type of government whenever you turn your back on it, or even in some places, just blink. In America, the public has been asleep at the helm in this respect. The only question to ask is why it took so long. Flip side of the idea that you ought seize every moment and enjoy life because it will soon pass away, that physical existence is a distraction and if you ignore it long enough, it will eventually go away. The term "old soul" is not applicable in a formal sense as if some have been around or in more lives than others. Some may have access more directly or clearer to others' lives in the past, present, future, or sides, but age in such contexts combined together with concepts of timelessness is at oppositional directional angles of logic. Everything I can imagine doing or achieving beyond anything else anyone has done in any field seems beneath me or a waste of time or irrelevant. I need a greater sense of imagination to also have goals no one else has yet to imagine to balance, to chase, to fully again live. Everyone or everything seemingly autonomous and self sufficient is really connected a dimension or two beneath the surface or under the table. Everyone has Jim Henson's hand up their ass. (J.H. was the most famous puppeteer). All apriori knowledge, logic, self-evident truths, theorems, geometry, closed loops, all mean remembering shit you don't or didn't realize you know or knew. Freedom means never being told what freedom means but to be able to define it for yourself as you wish and never be pressured to recant that or to accept a different definition or interpretation. Two drives in the Universe, to understand and assimilate everything about what is before you and then to go beyond it to find something else. Squirrels and birds. If not why self-aware. Creative logic. Life in the larger and smaller sense- thousands of cells being born each day within you and thousands dying. You are nothing but an ever changing mosaic aggregate sum of different combinations of new life and what must expire to make way for it. I see all paths spread before
Time maps Multiple point in time and
space overlapping, moving (in) relation to each other yet viewing both
points as statically as you can view each point as not moving and everything
else moving instead.
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Existence as overlapping contact points creating new existence's measures between Dual reference points, distances between as thing, not space or negative Amoebas growing, instant histories in contact Engineering civilizations- while I reject the Marxist view of a centralized economy, for civilization to proceed for hundreds of years more into the future, governments have to step up and eliminate the power vacuum that has been filled by non-elected non-responsible to their societies as a whole private business interests they can no longer gain any influence over or regulate. The fate of humanity cannot be left to economists who see unemployment as "a political problem, not an economic problem". Some group in power ought to see people's interests first, not view them in terms (other than rhetorically) as superfluous or irrelevant. Others in history, too many to name, thought in terms of economists, when solving unemployment by just ridding oneself of an "excess" of its population through wars or other means. A workable sustainable system will not just appear by itself, be justified or come about in a economics only based model, nor by the result of market forces alone. It requires thought, imagination, and above all, making it not only a serious priority, but the number one aim of all governments for it to have a chance of succeeding by drawing them into a vociferous, real, and unending debate. The best forms of government 500 years from now require a level of education and participation which would no more work in any country today than democracy can flourish in uneducated impoverished regions of the world of today. The goal therefore cannot be to give people a better model of how to live, treat each other, but to find one that can both adapt to the present circumstances while moving them toward those more just models, and above all, keep humanity from committing suicide before they can discover and embrace those better models on their own. I demand answers from life about my life though I know I know not how those answers, probably the furthest from what I wish them to be, would affect me, nor why I wish to know them. Such is life. Connecting with others outside and within, before you and behind you Outgrowing previous models of definition To economists people are something hopefully more than a nasty non-variable which can simply be adjusted (only) occasionally to make the numbers match, yet always (are) less than something of primary value needing the entire equations rewritten (constantly to find ways) to keep as productive, wealthy, employed, and with as an improving quality of life as possible. Bubble rings Theory of relativity in 2D Pancaking: movement compressing blast zones 2D time rings 2D time maps Divided equation: different scientists working on different parts Growing bigger at one moment in time versus growing bigger across more moments of time Inside bubble or ring touching all points in time at once Awareness passing through the 4D snow ball (water in glass ball with fake snow and a winter scene that you shake), growing lifeforms within to view it from inside Moriarty- pet finding switch to own the owner 2 types of comedy- one based on believable situations which one could conceive it of happening to them, and the other as far-fetched, absurdist, that they have no connection to believing it could happen to them or possibly anyone else but enjoy it anyway. It is not that most people are legally required to be as stupid as they are, but are quite capable of being less so if only they weren't so eager to go that extra mile, burying their heads in the sand that much deeper just to be on the safe side. Center-periphery of time as well as space, any thing or event seen as the center, dual or multicenters in space connected by time, dual or multicenters in time connected by space Events center multiple times and spaces Interconnected rings
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Everyone who is born exists at the mercy of and to service those who control that society. If neither party wishes to view it that way, it is nicer as far as the illusions of freedom and non-domination goes, but it is a selected point of view which can fade for either party at any time. Raising a past version of yourself to become yourself The longer people think they have to live, the more selfish and self-centered they eventually become. If people believe they have very little time left, the more generous they become with themselves and (with) that more precious fewer (amount of) time. It is as if we know that feeling of selfless generosity cannot be maintained over the long run (so) we don't try and leave it for when we think the end is near. We should live everyday as if it is our last not because then we would think of ourselves foremost, but because it is then we truly understand, empathize with, and completely love all others. Comparative moral education is paramount above all science and educational and occupational concerns. It ought to be taught as culturally and religiously unbiased as possible in context with comparative religion starting in the first grade or earlier. By middle school, understanding the basis of advertising, public relations, and propaganda should be added, since long before then they have been targeted, and ought to be prepared to understand such influences and motivations behind them as early as possible in whatever way is understandable to them at that age. Media manipulation ought to have some competition besides parents who have to work so often they cannot compete timewise or resource-wise, and definitely are intellectually out-gunned as well. Always consider everything at face value but never delude yourself even for a moment (into thinking that) you are seeing or may ever see the full picture. It is not
what people are which captures my interests and imagination or attention,
it is what they have the potential to become. What they are is just a moment
in time which anyone can see in any number of ways. Trying to straighten
that 360 degree present into a path of or for the future over many times,
that is what we try to see when we come across others who we think we can
envision that future by or with them. It is to stand in or run concurrent
with their stream over many times, and see more of them than anyone could
by just seeing or knowing them at one time or (for) a shorter time. What
people are is constantly changing and always is in flux. To see the degrees
of variation and what they orbit around is to find out who they are, but
that can take many times or a lifetime depending on how much they can vary
from what they see as themselves, how long it takes to complete a single
orbit or revolution.
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Funnel circles from into the future round and back up from the past. Ultimately the success or longevity of the human species or our present pending self-termination will be only a trivia question at best long after we are gone. Don't play any game that seemingly you can win at though in reality you have no chance of winning and are predestined to lose (at), except for life itself. Help yourself vs. helping
Rewriting history- Americans are told they "prefer" their reality shows scripted, their history idealized, and mistakes sanitized. Fictional movies are now reedited without mentioning (that) scenes were removed for political sensitivity from how they were originally broadcast and edited. (V-The Original Miniseries - "First they came for..." speech at the end, now new copies have no record of it ever having been different or anything having been edited out, yet has ironically though coincidentally, has the word "Original" right there in the title.) It is only a matter of time (until) they do the same with the news content they "own". Already there is no longer an asterisk next to the outcome of the 2000 election results in current references in newspapers. Historical references and shapeable present public opinion will soon erase any doubt anyone honestly could dispute that Bush clearly won, and that Gore tried to steal the election from him in court. Not surprising for a country that held a general as a hero whose orders ethnically cleansed over 400 men and women after surrendering to him, mostly elderly and children, and yet is still considered as a hero by many despite now admitting this. (Gen. Custer- Wounded Knee - late 1800's) History is whatever those in power want it to be. Never asking why, conditioned
to accept unquestioningly.
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Copyrights and patents, though useful to a degree for providing incentive for innovation is to attempt to claim ownership of thoughts and ideas as if they were things. You can't think or say that, or know this, or do things this way, for those ideas belong to me and you can't have or use them unless you pay me for them. Anything which can be reproduced belongs either to he who has it or he who produced it. The laws we are told to obey say they belong to neither, but to yet another. Freedom, like wisdom, cannot be given, it can only be taken. Remember the wrongs done to you, even if worse than any wrongs you might have done to others, can pale in comparison to the wrongs done to many or most others. Ask yourself then, whose wrongs you are the most bothered by or will work to correct, your minimal discomforts or slights, or their egregious lack of basic human rights, dignity, and respect. If you care more about people who are hungry, starving, tortured, arrested or executed without cause, do you spend more time or as much time thinking about how to correct their problems on an hourly basis, than how you did not get the promotion or recognition you think you deserved? The more power a single person has, the more likely it is to be used indiscriminately and without need for justification or explanation. Rule by committee or consensus may seem unwieldy but it makes abuse of power less likely. Full power sharing is democracy, but depending on the model, makes abuses inevitable when one person ever is in a position of being able to influence every other branch, directly or indirectly. All structures to prevent this from happening are falling like dominoes. Human beings are animals, behave like animals, and treat each other like animals. When you see it from that angle, it is hard for humanity to disappoint you. That we can delude ourselves we are anything else or can aspire to become anything else is both to our credit and to our detriment for allowing ourselves to think we are that which we have not yet become and may never have any basis other than our own imaginations to exist any other way at all. Disposable universes. Totalitarianism: 1) Rigged elections 2) Media control 3) Rewriting history 4) Monitoring all suspected opposition, filming protestors for cataloging, reading mail, monitoring phone calls 5) Perpetual state of war keeping people unable to organize against the government The way most people conceive of death, either as complete non-existence or a full metamorphous, is not the case in my opinion. It is merely turning a corner you can't see what's around it until you are near it, blocked by a building as if along a city block. Life: like everything, the
so-called rules we follow are but ideas to control us which those that
make or enforce them are exempt from themselves. Within it, it is about
outgrowing your environment and finding new ways and means to survive,
in creating others who are both new and extensions of your own life in
another sense.
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Pan and scan consciousness. Past evolving, moving away from fast, seems like a different person, most people 20 years ago, some fast changing lives, 2 year ago, me faster. Past is but a perspective on the present. Two glasses of water mixed. Variance against timelines: those that stand out, (seemingly) more dimensional, those of little variance like scenery or animals, background, predictable. Unfair to put that down, all of life is learning to adjust to limitedness and lack of control. Some accept it easier and fit in, others fight against repetitiveness and continuous sameness. Seeing moving beyond it as evolutionary is the point of view of those willing to leave it. Seeing being locked into a single repeating reality is for those who want to be here and want to be that one thing and only that one thing as often and as similarly as possible, for as long as possible. Scenery to others, ideal to themselves. Their timelines vary as much as anyone else's, just not necessarily in relation to yours, which is but a fraction of their own, the ones which include you. Thus from your point of view, because they are similar in all of yours, it can look as if they have no variance only because it is not in relation to your own life ('s differing timelines) and not during the time period your experiences overlap. They may always be or react the same in regards to you but vary greatly in potential experiences with others (or at other times). It is easy to think you know how life should be when surrounded by kindness, goodness, and plenty, and to think this is how all ought to live, and can easily achieve a higher level of consciousness. To see then how life is for most, how they will never have that outward peace and must search for it far more often as it will not usually just walk up to them and say hello, but be harder to find amongst hardships, people being mean to them, cheating them, harming them in many outward ways and attempting to break them. Those who can withstand that and still never lose sight of what is good and true have accomplished something greater than any fortunate person could ever know or hope to achieve or equal. People should not have an abject view of minds or consciousness. They, others, are not something apart from yourself which you can go into like a house and look around (with) you here and they, there. Consciousness is experience. Life is experience. Only by interacting with it, being affected by it as well as affecting it, can either exist. Separateness is existence. Togetherness is potential. Experience is finding a level between or seeing existence, temporal, and potential, timeless, as separate things. That is and is not the case depending on your perspective and where you think you stand, literally and figuratively. One can understand this world, humanity, and so on, better in sense by interacting with it as little as possible, and simply watching to see how they would turn out left to themselves. The only time one should interfere is if the experiment seems to be over and you want it to continue awhile longer. Interactions soon make the results completely related to them and soon one cannot see anything independently of them. Ferraris are made to be driven beyond the speed limit. Sooner or later everything must justify its potential. How senses evolved from within lower life forms. I find it worse to be tied to the past or another's image of how you should be, and all expectations (of others) you feel you need to conform yourself to. Everything in the universe is just (a different form of) feedback. The act of remembering changes what was to be remembered as well as who is remembering it presently. They (the event and the individual at a later point in time) become (in a greater sense) the same thing (intermingle), and time blurs as a dividing line. When trying to right a wrong can only create more wrongs, either right and wrong need redefinition, or past wrongs cannot be undone by any action in the present or future. That is probably always the case though we think rewarding the injured party or making the instigator pay somehow can even things out. It is a barbaric notion of justice. We need an evolved one or to admit there is no justice and it is just an excuse we use for vengeance. If you view human relations in regards to terms like honesty, truth, and law, nothing will ever equal out or make sense. If you view human interactions based on duplicity, subterfuge, denial, self-interest, coercion, spin, misdirection, a schism between professed words and ideas against actions, the numbers match perfectly almost every time. We don't require a hell, we have built a fine model for it right here, no travel necessary and no lines to wait in. 4 senses. Religions which are supposed to give people a sense of moral direction have become just another instrument for exclusion, hate, and bigotry, and ultimately just another excuse for trying to kill other people and cultures. Blind men have a clearer view of the universe than physicists or cosmologists. Center out (seeing?), not
linear forward.
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Record spin hole through center of black hole, 2D plane space-time surrounding equator of spin becomes 1D at inverse of the horizon (poles) on inside which is same space but different view of outside All economics is bullshit because they depend on constant growth. The world cannot provide constant growth and eventually resources will run out (and before that need to be conserved, not increasingly consumed). (Dealing with these flawed models) is put off by constant growth of populations, therefore cities, businesses, etc. The world must eventually accept a stable population and all the limits of economies that entails. No more growing real estate markets, no increasing consumer demands, no increasing needs for all the things people are convinced they must buy. Indeed in a better world, people would consume less and conserve more. Ironically the more success at developing cheaper renewable fuels, better agricultural production and yields, will only prolong this fantasyland view that populations and therefore market growth can continue forever. The more people there will be, the more destructive wars will be, and the more difficult life can become even in peace in an overcrowded, inevitably more tightly controlled greater sea of people on a planet which cannot grow itself. Moderation, balance, and stabilization are or eventually must become far more important than growth. Three nows overlapping: the present in context with its past, the present, past, and future of the current timeline in context with other possible timelines, and the eternal one. For many people, for most probably, their education is as if programming a computer or a robot to do things certain ways. This is how to do this, this is how you do that. Some lucky few get educated because they desire their input. This is what we have done so far, what do you think? It is usually better if you can work yourself into being treated in the second category. Part of that can depend on luck and part of it can depend on your natural abilities. Your natural abilities can depend on your wants and needs to overcome adversity or to achieve something. Without that you may as well just learn to be content with always being told how to do things and never having your inputs asked for or valued. To say the universe is a circle may be true but to say it is a circular chain of closed loops contributing to a larger closed loop is more accurate. Each part is circular, yet advances the greater circle. The future enables the past or the past cannot exist. Consciousness is a part of the circle and can escape from it when not required of action in regards to it, but escape into what is the question. Even a timeless universe needs a what-else if one is to move into something else or focus one's attention elsewhere, a what-else that is not you to interact with to exist at all. The universe is kinder to those who can show it something it has never seen before. If you can't do that, you don't belong here and won't be for long. The Universe is the present balance between wanting to know and knowing, wanting to have and having, in short, wanting something yet to be or a stage yet to occur. Without that, why bother? With that, why bother? It needs to push your buttons if you exist, and it knows them better than you do. You either helped design it to do so, or it designed you to be done to. Either way, its got you pegged and what will unfold is hardly accidental. The catch-22 of tolerating injustice or intolerance, uncompromising, and absolutism. Learn your lessons from the minor bad things that happen to you, and be thankful greater measures were not needed to get your attention to learn tolerance, forgiveness, and acceptance. Ignore them at your own risk as greater measures will invariably become necessary. Learn them well and when greater wrongs are done, you will be better able to deal with them and in some cases (be able to) head them off completely. Away in curved space compresses, takes away one dimension of reality (not just visually as in lines of sight but in relation to space in-between). RC principle The more homogenous a people are, the easier they are to control and get to act like a mob with careful planning. That I why I have more hope for Europe. Their differences and lack of homogenousness for once is their greatest asset, and are less likely to embrace nationalism, despite that that is currently the trend. For every one fact you learn, add at least one opinion why that may not be the case. See everything no matter how minor from an opposite perspective yet try not to let this double duty slow you down. Learn everything in context as how others believe it to be, while building a reverse of your own which is an alternative view. When you can place faith in neither, and accept either as potentially true, you can know facts without being hostage to them. Togetherness of existing at once, togetherness of purpose and intents or goals, togetherness of experience, togetherness of mind or spirit. Clean desk consciousness- past not forgotten nor repressed, just able to be put out of view to focus on or interpret from all angles and perspectives the task before you. Daydreamers = reprocessing Goal- obscure but not poor. Obscure good. Poor bad. Timeline variant people interesting. Lots of different potential realities different from each other. You can't help but be curious which they will choose and how many they perceive. Bizarre that anyone would apply speed of light limitations on consciousness or thoughts, as if it can be localized anywhere in space or time and need to transverse the "space" between to connect conscious mind A to mind B. If you view space and time as generated by matter and mass as a form of inverse gravity, light has something to wave (in) and therefore can exist within (it?). Light without mass or matter (elsewhere besides that light is a form a matter)(to strike or slow it down by obstructing it) does not exist (in another form or in time). Space and time and matter evolve together as chicken and eggness. (Actually I see matter itself as folded space-time but that is besides the point.) To keep the speed of light constant (current science) imagines space as bent by gravity. To view space (unbent) as a constant, the speed of light (would be thought to) varies. Why not see both as variable depending on which way you wish to look at it, because both exist only in opposition to matter and gravity. Pick one as a constant and the other must vary. Lots of outside factors flowing in, to enable or to disable? What anything seems to be at a single moment in time is inaccurate and false because single moments in time do not exist. All you can do is average many possible interpretations of it over many periods in time and try to find a common theme to it or a constant, which is inevitably what you choose to fixate upon as unchanging (since it all is) to view it apart from an external environment which you both allow can change and is separate from it, so those changes are not a part of it (as well). All consciousnesses are pretty much equal, brain and body (differences) not withstanding. It is the Universe's politics which say who gets to figure out what and deserves to be what. That people's politics can try to go against that and turn it around, it is pretty minor league and even any success (in this vein is ridiculous, temporal and) pitiful. They miss the logic of the game. Happy fact #1: (The) future must have already occurred somewhere for (the) past and present as it exists now to have occurred. Questions: Freewill (can it exist within this view) and will it occur again in the same way in this timeline? Maybe the same question. Internal gravity vs. external gravity, 2 ways of defining mass, inward and outward balance and pressure outward in a sense affecting (the) push inwards (away) at the surface. Question: how do forces holding an object together in stasis affect its pull against elements of itself internally as opposed to against other objects externally across empty space? Governments or anyone in authority encourage criticism of themselves when they believe they are good and want to get better. Governments attack and prevent criticism of them when they know they have strayed and do not wish anyone to discuss it so they will not need to correct it. As long as no one can bring it up, they think they do not even need to deny it, which makes it as close to being right as they care presently to get, and could seem without actually trying to be right. There are more holes in Physics' understanding, based on complicated twists of logic to make sense of incomplete data, than there are holes in Swiss cheese. Reason itself is considered irrelevant in and to some of their models. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater! Space-time density- to remove varying -g, imagine time on an Earth of equal mass in an orbit of equal distance to the sun. Rocket ship examples of outside solar system or even within solar system of different gravitational fields themselves skew numbers. O.K. for principles but (without) taking into account gravity field, shooting in the dark. Mass = gravity
Faster through space (gravity, blast zones) = slower (in) time Slower in space = (less friction (imaginary)) faster in time (speed compresses distance of blast zones as gravity does, slows time) (red shift of gravity same as red shift of movement away, same thing, increasing gravity away from galaxy, or expanding space, depends on view, but same thing from a third point of view)(also from way outside viewpoint, separation never occurred, all times -or- all spaces can be seen as one, depending on view) ribbons The world remains static or stable when those in power wish it to stay exactly how it is and those who want it to stay how it is are the only ones who have access to gaining power. History is only as much of an influence as those in power wish it to be. It may be more difficult imaginatively speaking to know how to improve it safely, but that is hardly ever the only obstacle to positive change. Vested interests in corruption and how positive changes would affect powerful groups negatively are always almost solely why things rarely will be changed for the benefit of the most others. To want to know what existence is about is like looking at the sun. You can't turn forever away from it completely but if you look too closely, you know you can never see anything else. To be able to be and to look to it when you wish, and never be so far removed that you can never find it when you wish to steal a glimpse of it every now and then, is the best middle ground to exist apart yet still feel not that far removed from it in time or in distance outside your soul. With Quantum Theory, the average reaction is the math is good, but the logic isn't there, or is too strange. My disagreements are just the opposite. I understand the logic of the illogical conclusions just fine, it is the math I have problems with. It is never followed to its proper course because it cannot yet deal adequately with zero and infinity being the same numbers in some instances and different in others, but more important often than "real" numbers in-between. The successful transition to market economies in most Eastern European countries is one of the greatest economic achievements of the 20th century considering the challenges, the extent of the change, and how it was done relatively painlessly compared with the change to communism. That being said, the end result if one were to say all changes are done now, everything is perfect, many or most would be left worse off, especially in Russia, and given the present situation only apart from the greater potential for positive change one might wish to add to it or believe exists, for them the change to capitalism is hardly anything to celebrate. If you want to exist as something, start with imagining something you are not. If you want to exist somewhere, start with imagining somewhere you are not. If you want to exist sometime, start with imagining sometime you are not. Even the word God was kept
secret for awhile and look how that turned out. Never give up hope and
all will know someday.
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Dirac- gravitational force of proton to electron relationship to charge pegged to speed of light, i.e. time, self-evident in increased gravity of black holes seeming to slow movement and time as opposed to normal (same) gravity means faster movement means slower time. When have or had means (the) same thing. Dimensions are like the faces of a polygon or geodesic. Which ones face you are which reality of it are real in relation to your existence or the time or reality in which you can meet or affect it. What other aspects or sides it has facing realities not (in potential crossing) your own ('s potentials), you can never understand except from the perspective inside it outward (of?) all its possible realities it pushes itself into. From inside one to the inside of another is a directional understanding not as simple as knowing all possibilities of one outward into all of its possible realities (it affects), and is a dimensional understanding further away than even knowing every possible reality (open to) oneself. The furthest your random thoughts can be, the wider your possible perspective when you can find ways to connect the dots. All thoughts map consciousness if one can find ways to relate them or find how they can relate to the core of your consciousness or identity. Time Roads at its most ambitious level was about a framework for mapping the inter-relations of all possible consciousnesses, way beyond what is appropriate at this time. Yet to conceive of that far out away from now, is to try to reach the limits of how far consciousness can imagine to one day be able to go and stand there, and make it part of their own potential perspectives, outlooks, and conceptual models of understandings. Universe blast wave at antipole of however many dimensions you care to imagine plus one, (converging there) sucking it all in there, spitting it all back out again at the beginning point and time only points on the donut (in between) which never begins or ends. Perennial answer: Maybe I don't want to know that. It is not to admit you are lacking knowledge which you may or may not know something to be the case, but know you might not wish to think you know it to be the case. It may seem like obstinance, but it can be well too true and intuitively deduced at any age. It has been said it is a fine line between genius and madness. I think smarter people than geniuses aspire toward the middle ground of being very smart and eccentric. That way you can live an unconventional life and not be persecuted for merely not wanting to be as monopolar as others for if you were, you could not be as very smart as you are, in a way less and more than geniuses depending on if you are really short of that top or merely on the opposite side away from it. If the Universe is supposed to have empty space, non-space, non-time, and the big bang is supposed to be an explosion creating it (into what was previously nothing) why would it ever conceivably be slowed down? It seems bizarre to ascribe everything that happens to you with some deeper meaning like a birds behavior or a pattern of tea leaves, or a black cat walking under a ladder, so too is it ridiculous in my opinion to see it completely the opposite way, that anything that can happen to you can be random and disconnected from everything else in your life. The sequence of events to put together a logical construct of how you view your world can be influenced by what television show you watched when you were 4 years old. What you choose to see as connected to what else is up to you. Nothing may be totally deterministic of other events, nor is anything you experience not connected to anything else you experience just because you do not see the connection or how what one thing has to do with another. It doesn't have to mean anything to you or it can mean everything to you. However, the more times seemingly random events repeat or seem to follow a pattern, it is best to try to notice the pattern. Not that the Universe is trying to tell you anything, but all of your understandings pretty much are trying to guess from each moment what might happen in the next. You may not want to know it exactly, but you don't want to be blind to all the possibilities either. Existence is best defined
in terms of goals and steps. Steps must be in-between where one is and
the achievement of ones goals. You cannot live your whole life for achievement
of what is done in a single step. It until then would have been without
meaning. Steps must progress toward some eventual end. Even if you know
not where the seeming steps or moments one on top of or after another,
nor even particularly care, it may stop sooner or later and where you end
up, and if that destination or point is not your goal, if there is a consciousness
to the Universe besides yours, perhaps that conclusion point or end state
was its goal, especially if you think you had no particular destination
of your own in mind. The steps and goals ought to be linked somehow. If
you could just jump right to your final goal's realization, you would have
nothing for coming after nor any time in-between. If that comes later,
or as late as you wish, you can either chase lesser momentary goals or
make those extraneous goals necessary for moving you toward your end goals,
or steps you must go through to get from here to there if you do not wish
to or know how to make it in one big jump. If an end goal or state, or
your end whether you like it or not, must eventually come and you want
many points in-between, you ought to have as many sub-goals, or see each
step or as many as possible as being or having mini-finish lines along
the way to be the most happy or feel accomplishment in living day to day,
or some way to mark off progress toward and eventual goal. Time is merely
what you put between your now and that then. The end really does not matter
as much as the scenery or trip along the way. Imagine the steps lead nowhere
but back to the beginning, and you might enjoy each one more as being all
there is, as each is all as well.
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Now describing how spinning on 4 axises at once would look in curved 4D space into a 5th. A and B on opposite sides of a spinning stick. Where the bluff becomes reality- think of the most outrageous thing you could do just beyond your ability to accurately convey the idea convincingly or at that edge, spend enough time there or looking to it and you find it or what lies even beyond it coming into better focus. Soon it becomes not so improbable at all depending on the intuition of the hunch or bluff. Pretty much all of life and reasoning is based on intuition. Sometimes you are more correct in using it than you wanted or intended to be. Always give it respect, you don't know where ideas come from. "Don't touch that idea, you don't know where its been." Cross point awareness vs. along with Synthization, Inventor, circles, bubbles, black holes, and spinning on lots of axises at once. Gravity = force of traveling through time (or 4D space) similar to centrifical force inverted from inverse view of objects in space. (i.e. big things expanding faster (moving through time in a direction we can imagine only as expanding or contracting though it is neither and both) in positive regions, empty space expanding faster in negative regions. If you don't understand negative regions of curved space in relation to the region where you are, you are an idiot.) A person is remembered and celebrated in history as long as it is in the interest of those in power. When the Roman Empire adopted Christianity, Jesus became PR and has been used as such ever since. Co-happenings- where two events cause each other, neither and both doing or done to. Two pole-like points, antipole and positive pole. Two views, one negative, one positive combined equal (opposite) the same (view), spin for instance, probably many other (instances). Countries or people of ethnic or religious groups who hate those of another, and if they admit it to themselves, would not mind waking up tomorrow to find all of their enemies had magically disappeared or dead, must be made to realize such feelings (hatred) are worse than any human beings could ever be. By believing those feelings in the other group, are stronger or more common than in people in your group towards them can be thought to justify such feelings or even acting upon them, they will find they are breeding that which they tell themselves what they despise. No matter which side wins, that feeling of hate will always control them until everyone else is dead or they understand it and come to grips with its power to eat away at themselves, and each other is merely an excuse to let it keep doing so. Every new ability or insight you make must be logically deducible from all that came before and all its potential effects must be accounted for in all you hope to achieve or do. In line with those two restrictions you are pretty much free to reconstitute your capabilities as you wish. You are only the present point of a circle, not a construction of your past nor who you will be in the future, but you must respect the logic of the circle. Stand beside yourself of 10 or 20 years ago or 20 years from now. Are you that person? How much or how little would you see life the same? Every day and moment you exist you move further away from what you were and closer to something you might yet become. Better to see a new you born each day for at some point you are slowly becoming a different person. Embrace and celebrate the change rather than cling to a past forever falling just beyond your grasp or moving forever just beyond your reach. Personal goals vs. biological goals. Distance from any object A's center to any object B's center is ALWAYS = 0. All objects exist in statosphere. Definition = interpretive meaning. If a 5 dimensional description
(of the Universe) is better than a 4, or an 11 better than a 5, or with
better information and math, a 92 better than an 11, it is better to just
see the Universe as infinitely dimensional since every point added becomes
the beginning and end of a new one containing all prior and subsequent
(points?) (between its two poles, one in positive and one in negative space).
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Each moment in time is retrofitting or remaking what came before to grow beyond what it was before. No matter what that is, an individual, a species, a planet of connected species in an ecosystem, a galaxy of connected matter of motion creating positive existences and negative spaces, it all can only be remade so many times before just starting over again and wiping the slate clean. If you knew something is always going to come after, you would not get so attached to the way things are and share a little of the joy the Universe feels when it gets to start over again on a new project, even if that is how to replace the old one that was or contained you. Everything is castles in the sand. Every concept you can think is part of a bigger concept, every biological life and the physical universe itself, is just one means or way to define existence by. Coming up with new ones is where the real fun of existence is found and in the creative stretching of the search. To simply dismiss another's arguments as invalid without (giving) reasons why (even to yourself) is to admit you are less than they or incapable of competing with them on a logically reasoned and reasonable basis. Conical inverted double reversed 4D space. Always a second away from the end and inserting time between. Sucked into a black hole causality loop. Vortex physics, equalizing the area between the push and pull of time and anti-time. Nothing that happens to you do you cause or everything that happens you cause. Nothing is a punishment or reward for something specific you did and everything that happens to you is a punishment or a reward. Either seeing it as punishment or reward is what you control for sure. Beyond that, who knows? Seeming expansion in one point, a contraction from another. Combining both, you see as static. What is wanting and what
is lacking are the same things. What is missing and what are found are
never separated. What is giving and what is taking are the same things.
What space and time seem to separate are never apart as either does not
exist except seen from the eyes or point of view of the other. From a third
point of view, they are the same thing. Since nothing can be separated
except mentally or perceptually, nothing can ever be apart or lacking anything
that is not a part of the process, beginnings and endings are the same
thing, backwards or forwards, leaving or reuniting are never any different.
They are merely the illusions of having something to do by breaking and
reuniting something which can never exist apart from the other. When you
can unite something and its opposite like zero and infinity or an object
at one point in space and its opposite in backward space or time and see
them both as the same thing, you can mentally connect all the points between
to see that everything else between is exactly the same as its counterpart
and every point of the circle between is no different than any other time
or place. They are all mirrored, twinned, and also equal to the opposite
in time, space, and perception. Perceiver, what is perceived, and the perception
are one and the same. Two consciousnesses experiences and interaction breeds
a third "God's eye" point of view outside of and framing their own. That
view when seen or fulfilled or viewed creates a fourth view of the same
thing, seen from or at another time or remembered, a fifth point of view
of the same thing, multiplying ad infinitum. Every point of view outside
of a process and within the process from separate angles are always different
aspects of the same thing, the same view, not merely linked, but the same
thing, inseparable, though seeming to have multiple and eventually infinite
The best graph of existence would be billions of circles all converging at one point in the center. That point would be now and the different paths each has taken to get to that point in space and time, yet the movie can or will be played backwards seeing in converging again from an opposite perspective and parting from an opposite perspective. To see how each of the billions and countless more different roads both lead away (ahead) and back to the same point or creating experience from its own unique angle or point of view it puts upon it to create it, each no more valuable or less intrinsic than any other, for each is only the sum of potential of interactions with the others. Everything has to reach to a place and time it can never be. Once they are there it has moved somewhere else, creating a somewhere else or something else to be or want to move towards. Uniting all points and still it is incomplete in the past. The only way anything in this world can be at rest is to never have been. Anything else must be always chasing after something else, or having someplace else to be to create where it is they think they are. Without the movement to somewhere else, there is no such thing as where you are or even were, as nothing else is possible. It is only perpetual motion or no motion. Everything always is, and always is potentially everything else chasing some other aspect of itself, or everything always never is, for it always from another point of view could never have been. Science and religion both fail (in) seeing a beginning and an end external to themselves. Every point and time in the Universe contains the beginning and end of every other. With that in mind, the same could be said of the potential of each and every consciousness. With each new life, the Universe itself is born again, and with each death, merely shifts the focus to something else, some new other way of seeing it or being it or being within it (though not you), being with it another way. The biggest challenge in life is not in gaining all you love and want, but in learning to love and want all you have. Gaining everything in the Universe is easy, and you always will. Appreciating it after gaining it takes hard work. Start with completely loving everything you already seemingly have, the good as well as the bad, and when you can do that well enough, you will find more, though need it less. Those who never try to step outside the box of the limitations they are taught to be, to think, or to do, or even see them, are more machines than human beings. Machines are ultimately uninteresting. They cannot exceed what they were designed to do or become anything more or else. The richest, most notable,
praiseworthy people in this world not only have the least wants unfulfilled,
but the least wants needing fulfillment. Anyone with more and needing more
or wanting more is always less or less praiseworthy. We may live in a society
which teaches us to honor greed and excess, but we can privately know better
even if we are not allowed to teach or speak it.
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History is always idealized. People never write down how things really work. Anyone who does not have a Machiavellian view of history has no idea how things really were. Anyone who thinks things are different now in any way other than being a more subtle and refined savage desire to control everything and everyone else, or limit them from challenging you, in the end, controlling them by having control over their control over themselves or anything else. It is more subtle, and few would say this is not an outrageous overstatement, yet that motivation of control, power, domination, still is the motivation behind much human behavior and almost all group behavior, just according to rules written in the sand. New organizational factors, methods, and structures for consciousness linking seemingly disparate events in more creative ways. Everything potentially connects to everything else, new views or ways of seeing connections is always possible and growth is trying them out to see which you like or best frame what you want or think you have to do presently. Physiological pattern and consciousness pattern, what do they have in common, how do they connect or interact with each other, and how do they feed and feed off of each other? New orders of similarities and distinctiveness. What defines a personality is the means, methods, patterns, and standards you would use to choose out of a set of perceived choices. A choice is defined by the expectations of all the possible results which could stem from the chosen action. If you can say the choice would be easier if not for this potential effect or that, then it would hardly be described as the same choice to decide about. When criticizing the government can be called a crime for potentially stirring unrest, agitation, or breeding dissatisfaction, all criticism can be considered criminal if chosen to be seen as such. For the first time, again. Taking one out of context. I have always had a strong desire if not a need to believe in accidents, chance, and happenstance. I would hate to have to give that up. The world, the Universe, would be intolerably smaller, and less interesting than I want to believe it to be. There are no such things as objects. There are only relationships. Between what is the question. Space within space, twisting around and through itself and through time like a really twisted up oak tree, but what is the tree if all we can know are the branches, and the branches only connect to each other and only exist where they brush up against each other, who can say? No one can see anyone else. All you can see is your interpretations of them based not only on what you see but all else you have known before as similar and different, all your expectations and desires, all of this will affect what you (think you) see, and far more by what you think you are in relation to what you see. It can be said to see nothing is to see more truth than you can by looking at something. To look at something you need to start behind you and look through both (you and it) as well, beyond who, and what or what else is being seen or also seeing. Attempt the things you want most to achieve when you realize the need is in you to do so. Whether you succeed or not is not the point, nor is it up to you. The choice to attempt or not and willingness to follow through on the attempt are what is the point of existing, and is up to you. If you don't leave you can't return. By going there, you bring there and here closer together, you unite them, more a part of each other through you. The more you stay, the more others will stay and grow further apart. Apart is good, providing what connects them is good. When what they have in common is not good or grow too far apart, something better must be found to bring them together again. It is not found in one place or at one time, only by going to many places to unite them in time again for awhile. Death is to you based on what you define yourself as. If you define yourself as your body, then you are almost nothing and will soon be even less, nothing, dead, no more, and never to be again. If you define yourself as that which makes your body alive, gives you life, where life comes from or between your body and life (source), then you will not die so soon as you might think. If you define yourself as the combination of these two, your body and what animates it, then your body's death is a parting as with everything else in this world, but it is a temporary one as time is not as permanent and all or nothing as it seems, each moves on and eventually passes again. All you experience or can, bottled, compressed, smooth, uniform, must be poured out over time, mixed with others (experiences or potential?) to be known, actualized, unfolded, decompressed, given shape, form. Leaving no potential behind, getting other's help, going back for it, getting them to carry some of it within them. You can't buy potential someone has already claimed. You must only hope they will share if you are willing to share yours. Playing catch-up to someone
else's speed (is) only advisable if you know where they are going and can
conceivably overtake them, without losing sight of where you wish to go.
Trying to keep pace with someone potentially stronger, quicker, or developing
faster than yourself is fun. Pushing yourself beyond previous preconceived
limitations to keep up is growth, but never losing sight of where that
is pulling you towards is essential not to get suddenly lost.
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Music (industry) used to be about finding what people liked and giving (selling) it to them. That has been overwhelmed by finding ways to sell people goods and make them like what is essentially interchangeable, replaceable, and therefore completely controllable. That people will only hear, and therefore potentially like to listen to, only what a few major corporations allow, gives them control. Independent labels may get played on one or two stations, but radio is about money and major labels rule because they have it and use it to shut out smaller competition. Life is supposed to be fun. It can be whenever those in power allow it to be seen as such. Unfortunately it is more profitable for those in power to stand behind ideas like, "Life is not about fun, it is about hard work!" The more people believe that, the better workers they are and the less rights, benefits, and privileges they will expect. Peoples resources to figure things out are limited only by their imaginations. Science has made lots of progress yet builds up walls around themselves unable to see beyond their own unquestionable "concrete" facts. As Inventor intimated, what you know prevents you from seeing or learning what you don't. Science has lost the ability to rethink all of its own assumptions and see them not as reality but as representations of reality and therefore limited, biased, and ultimately perceptual. Every person, being, thing, or point of view in the Universe redefines every other before, during, and after its existence in relation to itself. More conscious of oneself externally and internally at the same time, sucks, but sometimes necessary. The presence of pleasure leads to pain with its interruption. The presence of pain leads to pleasure with its interruption. The existence or emergence of a quality or thing creates an opposing principle in its absence, a time or state of what or how things are with it and how things are where or when one is without it. Everything in existence and every aspect of existence follows this. Where there is you or matter, this creates a place or time where there is no you or empty space or space that is not you and times you are not to put that where and when you or the Universe is into context. The constant presence of something becomes the norm of existence and its interruption or withdrawal becomes painful. Changing from one state to another is always painful. Life is adjusting to perceptual constants and seeing them as normal so they are no longer reasons to feel as pain. Matter is a way to define existence as apart from something it is not. Nothing is, on another level, apart from anything else but the (perceived) separation (in time) from what one is used to or comes to enjoy or appreciate becomes painful. To exist at all is to break away from everything else, ultimately painful and forever looking over your shoulder to reuniting with all of it or at least some other aspect of it. It may sound cliche but the presence of anything creates the non-existence of that thing. Before its existence it was never absent, therefore always was. Only by existing can or does anything create its own non-existence (at another seeming point in time). Since both are mirrored opposites, they cancel each other out eventually and are inevitably aspects of the same thing. The birth of something and the end of it and all points in-between are one, stretching space and time between, yet it is also a point seemingly unable to be stretched except perceptually, it always happens and never happens, or passes in an instant on one hand and an eternity on the other. Spin in association with acceleration forward and of non-movement except ends. Dancing around a wave potential or probability trying to see it from other sides (is) different than around an actuality. Many different ways of being means need different way of perceiving it from outside of it, since what is outside of it is indefinite while what it is is indefinite. "I understand it, I just don't accept it." Some people will think everyone who does not accept something as being true is lacking their understanding of it, or is personally obstinate, or seeing things from their own biased viewpoint. Everyone's viewpoint is unique and ultimately biased or tainted by their own unique combination (hopefully) of views and mindset. That others choose to put that aside to convince themselves they all agree to see things the same is fine for them, it does not however guarantee that they are more correct because of that agreement than someone with a counter-view based on either different assumptions (all "facts" are assumptions) or by choosing to see the matter from a different angle altogether. Water drops on fingertips, consciousness, blood transfusions. Nowadays a persons respect, influence, and success are determined by their political views, religion, and sexual orientation. The more of these are "correct", the greater influence they can have and be acknowledged as or given to be successful. Success may not always have been synonymous with mindless conformity to every possible norm but certainly has become such. Socrates or Plato, not today thank you. In the context of the system. How surface actualities relate to higher level more penetrating potentialities they exist within the frame of. Life is what you are and are currently doing from one minute to the next. The rest in the past, future, or somewhere else in the present is all bullshit. The potential to unite two different levels or states of existence into one, that is what is different about this one. Others can know, I may do, more proactive but less blissed. Turning things inside out
4 dimensionally, black holes to positive space, objects to inverse, yada,
yada, yada.
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Positive rivals John the Baptist All movement forward into space = backward in time "Its not the years, its the mileage." Odometer vs. clock. Even without a uniform rate of time, there is a uniform now. "Does anyone really know what time it is" (Chicago). Yes, everyone and everything. My constant- average uniform time rate, (time is moving) faster for some, slower for others (but) one rate is or should be seen (as a point reference for all others), for instance the age of the universe to us is not the same as for others moving faster or slower in time yet we can agree (on something) since we all left the same point (supposedly at some time in the past). There is a common frame of reference. Not necessarily tied to the speed of light, time rate somewhere in-between it and zero(/infinity) probably. People used to live their entire lives in their own heads dealing with their own personal circumstances never having to see beyond that unless they wanted to imagine what it might be like to be someone else, but to live their entire lives never having to know or find out. Growing means constantly moving beyond the land you know, yet looking back nostalgically at those who lived their whole lives there never having to learn of the world beyond it. What makes us want to leave and see more hopefully leads towards something as well. To see what is lost of humanity's (nearsighted, introverted, and xenophobic) childhood is easy, to find what the new joys are in a greater maturity (of adapting to, accounting for, and understanding all possible points of view at once) is more difficult. The rewards must be there or no one would ever leave it behind or want to grow beyond it. It was ridiculous to think I would get to spend my life sitting in paradise doing nothing. Life has too much invested in me. However, I did get to steal three years for just myself to do nothing I did not want to do. Whatever else may frame my life for others, achievements or failures, that cannot be taken away and will be something I will most cherish and be proud of in a mischievous way. I stole contentment and then willingly gave it up. Time mechanics and extra wrench. Gravity = acceleration in another dimension. Simplest example, since movement away from a given dimension (meant for away from a dimensional world, a world of a given number of dimensions but seems also applicable as is written) makes everything APPEAR to get smaller, think of movement through that dimension as everything in the Universe getting larger and because it loops back (in that other dimension you can't see or in a curvature), this can seemingly have no limits. If everything expands at the same rate, no one would notice anything. If bigger objects and larger voids get bigger faster, this (seemingly) pulls other objects to them and the space between appears to constantly shrink. Thus standing on the earth, you are riding that movement forwards away from the center (of the earth) in all directions into a new region of space or a dimension you cannot visualize or comprehend as anything other than a pull. Cult of Einstein. Centrifical logic (may be understood or written by others as circular logic but I like centrifical better as it implies a pull toward a "ground" which is moving and not a ground, i.e. not grounded, a false gravity future speculations gravitate towards and rest upon thinking they have found some solid reality to base themselves upon)(man, that was long)- learning something complex and seemingly nonsensical but before you can work out why you must learn something else which relates to it, and something that relates to that, and it begins to make sense even though it is relating mostly to itself and its own circular logic. Four dangers: Bad science, bad knowledge (specific things), bad social ideas, bad politics/economics. Squash and sweep. Those who say what will have happened, and if it didn't or won't, they make it happen, and if they can't, make everyone believe it did. One small arbitrary singular potential reality of me against one small arbitrary singular potential reality of another. To be something more, always. To find new reasons or levels of explanation of my present and past existences to better define future ones. To discover the source of existences and experiences outside of myself yet seemingly inside myself at the same time. Existence/non-existence in
binary terms or curved time. 1) Interval. 2) Intensity. 3) Duration of
a single lifetime (even though that covers many different iterations of
the same form and probably not the same thing).
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Without something to support or rally against, the Universe might not as well exist at all. Never bitch about it giving you nothing to do, or anything worth doing. I am glad I never took a Physics course for any significant amount of time. Something in me venomently rejects General Relativity as (primitive) superstition and nonsense. While I cannot yet say for sure why, what I find pathetic is that so many accept that it is (or may be) flawed, tentative, almost bound to be supplanted, rethought, or thrown out altogether, yet put that out of their minds as much as possible as those who believed the world was flat, their confidence is that insane, not because they don't know better, but because they themselves know it is blind faith, yet swallow it lump sum anyway. Every new thing, idea, pattern, place, moment, space, (is) both creating a new file and writing itself into every other open file up to the half way point before which time and space double back upon itself. Everything new both registers as a reality to everything else in existence but creates a shadow in potential beyond it away from each other point in-between it and something else, without it or if or when it is absent, one sees beyond its existence like an eclipse of the sun shows stars you would otherwise never see, each absence both creates one type of reality at the sacrifice of another type of reality. When one goes or comes it obscures the other type between it and every other point away in time and space halfway back originating point in both. (Unlike the numerous () in next which were there, this note was added.) (Note: it is not literally seeing what is beyond something like behind it what is meant here, though that is a good example, more like behind its intent or what's its existence depletes or changes from how things would be or have gone otherwise, seeing as things would have been if it were not for that person or thing, what would also have filled its potential or the void its absence would have created or potential for anything or everything else.) "Ok honey I see, I guess he's better than me" (Harry Chapin, WOLD), nothing, the absence of something, even me or what I wish can be or creates a positive for someone or something else (every positive a negative of potential for everything else, and vice versa.)(a positive of one type of experience, a negative of every possible other which could have been seen in its place or beyond its shadow in potential.) (To see beyond the reach of all its possible effects and states in time (around?) it to create a ball or universe around its existence, to see beyond it from seeing it from all points in space in time at once, no shadows, only the center out view reversed, negative center inwards, seeing all possibilities of its existence and its non-existence's potentials at the same time, supra-dimensional point of view of something's potentialities in effects on everything else's potentials.) Many fax machine reverbs at once, everybody changing the past to get what they want out of, in the future. If the fax machine reverb is with yourself, you simply create that time by connecting to it and then eventually reach it to move beyond, every question or problem eventuates or creates a time for reaching its own solution, pulling together, eliminating *AND* creating both the points between seen from different angles. If the fax machine reverb is with another, you both create the need for the other's existence and both cancel out the other (to each other) beyond the connection in time and potential before it began and after its completion (thus removing it from time again.) As possible future states and beings are a reflection of your own potential and its absence, (all) what it can create and (all) what it prevents, two Universes hinging on each moment both occurring and not simultaneously, yet creating each other by flipping with, changing place, or rotating with (from a different perspective) each other. The Zen of 10,000 years from now made today, no waiting, each creating the other. Alternate Universes of course voids all of this, nice and simple, back to square one of knowing absolutely nothing. If you try to do everything at once, you may succeed in not achieving anything. Go too slow and you lose momentum and eventually sight of what you wanted to achieve or where to have you or others be, some definite eventual goal or purpose. Therefore you have to try to read each moment as it comes, how much can you push it today without going too far and losing any ground you imagine you have gained. If multiple parallel simultaneously existing Universes were to be the case, you can never really help or adversely affect another, all you can see is one version of events of how your potential and theirs could intersect or overlap, and maybe in or through that, how it could create other Universes between. "Between" is always "by" (relational "by" not spacial). When you want to view what you have as good, remember that if anything could be worse, it is always that much inversely positive. Likewise, if you need to feel bad or motivated, if anything could be better, it is always that much inversely negative. All you can do, hopefully, is temporarily adjust the balance. A balanced society- where half is employed spying on, persecuting, prosecuting, or detaining the other half. Half to be free of the pain of the question, half for the other. Some people's hearts are open and will know and give joy and CREATE a good environment for others, and find one for themselves. You can only point the way, they must discover how to open it themselves. The walls that close it in they built themselves and prefer for now to stay there. Again, you can only point the way (and if they listen it is their way of helping you by letting you seem to help them as much as the other way around). How beings shape their environments while being shaped by them. You can't keep people from making their own mistakes. It is literally what they live for or to do. However painful for them to experience or for you to see, interfere only when required upon request. Inevitably I always come
back to the idea I was made to figure things out and the Universe was made
to be figured out. Helping others along the way and receiving their help
towards that goal are nice and pleasant and a part of it, but life is between,
for me anyway, a personal struggle of understanding between everything
not known to me yet by what is, me vs. the Universe and only one can survive
or win eventually. Either I will be able to know everything or anything
Even just speaking the truth makes it sound phony. Everything that is representational of something else is phony. "Truth dies upon lips as it is told" as I once put it. (Actually it was "memories of old die upon our lips as they are told" but close enough) Events further away from now become less real. Most people, especially poorer and less educated but not solely, eat up propaganda and love it while at the same time are brainwashed enough to think they have no taste for it or it does not exist. Tell me who to hate this week, give me a clue what's right to think so I can find and bash anyone who says differently. King Midas best example of
mankind's motivations, wanting to profit from everything by turning it
into something its not, thereby killing it and eventually themselves in
the process.
Page 51
Whatever affects history, some of it will be recorded correctly, even if the rest is lies. Those parts that get told correctly will later enable others in time to discover the truth of what were lies. Those who think reconstructed histories will last are fools and will one day only be regarded as such (worse). It may not be justice, but more accurate perspectives will prevail. The Universe is far stranger than people have yet to imagine. Stay home, lock your doors, hide your head in the sand, close your mind off from everything else, and still you are everywhere at every time in every possible reality. Every door of perception we have is a wall, open at one point, closed at every other, yet both are that wall. The gaps and the non-gaps are parts of the same thing, and in time change places. Durations and intervals (of and between existence), walls and gaps, circling and never moving with all else moving around it in space and time. Earth is not the center Universe. Wherever you are standing is. Halfway point in space between distant objects, common point of reference in time, center of bow-tie increasing and decreasing towards and backwards away in time away from that point depending on direction travelling in. If anything can be figured out or made know to anyone anywhere and when, the order of progression of anything having to happen a certain way is ultimately for the benefit and creation of certain perspectives, and beyond that particular order or play, have no purpose or super-imposed reality upon any other way things might have, will, or possibly also did occur. Even if I had made different choices and had a different past, my present would not be different from many of them, though getting here would have been along extremely different paths and present events might have been a bit off in time, sooner or later. Some with similar notions or feelings would think this would suggest predeterminism or inevitability. That would not explain the perceived variance or ways of getting to this point. I see it as completing one possible circle which overlaps some or many others. It is not the only circle perhaps, but not an uncommon or unknown one either. That there are many ways of reaching the same ends does not mean each overlapping signifies a definite or the only end, just that different paths converge upon certain points. Maybe everything is inevitable or always ends the same and all choice is an illusion. Such a notion of no possible variance whatsoever has more than one way of being interpreted (if it were not true and we have freewill that is ;-). One could conceivably see it as confining, no freewill other than the illusion of freewill, or see it as accepting not only everything that happens to you but that anything you might seemingly choose to do or anything that happens to you is logical and for a definite reason and follows a specific plan. Maybe such a view could be combined with freewill? Wouldn't that be nice? (Cheating on logic, but nice. Then again, how faithful has logic been to you lately? Maybe it deserves to be cheated on once in awhile.) Causality is kind of a ridiculous concept. If the Universe is billions of years old and there were many ways it could have formed, many species coming and going from the Earth, what happens to me now is a direct result of all of those countless events? Everything that happened at every moment in time before now caused the Universe to be exactly as it is now? What happens in the future or what will even be possible is completely dependent on everything happening now and has no control or influence over it whatsoever? I am not saying it is inconceivable, just a little hard to swallow. It makes predeterminism or some great plan of God sound better by comparison. Mutual causation or multiple pasts as well as multiple futures may be difficult to comprehend but that everything in the past being the sole source of the present and the present having complete control over all futures which might spring from it is way too simplistic. I can't say I disagree with causality completely. We seem to be able to perceive links between some things over time, but as an all encompassing maxim, causality is still I say a ridiculous concept. Do male mosquitoes deserve a pass (from being squashed) because they do not bite? Many moral implications in that question. If most mass was energy at any given point. Anything else, easier just to call it everything else not you, the Universe, is your co-author. Anything which you wish to do or have happen in the story you want to write is constantly being messed with by your co-author you are forced to work with. Any of your characters or plot devices can be written out any point and you must constantly deal with its changes or revisions somehow. As frustrating as it can seem, your co-author, meddlesome as it is, is providing your paycheck, gives you the backdrop to write your story in, occasionally and even more often than that giving you the ideas you vainly adopt as your own, and furbishes the characters and gives you literally everything you have to work with. That you have to work together is inevitable. The trick is how to make peace with its meddling and see it the other way around as well or half the time, see it as accepting your half of the equation without it complaining, and also valuing your input which it requires as well. People look without seeing what seeing is. People think without knowing what thinking is. Without an outside perspective upon perspective, people are as programmed as birds migration, fish to where they must spawn, whales to where they hope to go to die. Seeking the source of motivation beyond yourself, beyond others, the puppetmaster beyond even humanity's puppetmasters. K constant is a component of time therefore if matter is made out of time, needs time to exist within, just as made out of space needs space to exist within. Inside out. All truth matches experience.
If beings could perceive the Universe differently, they would have different
experiences and different notions about truth and how it operates. It is
not that our views would be inadequate or even wrong, just not applicable.
This does not mean our views are perfect either, even in our limited contexts.
There are countless things we purposely leave out of our thinking and reasonings
to build up what we wish to do. We can see further, but only when we are
convinced we should. Seeing further is simply not omitting relationships
between different parts of our environments and experiences. We are
parts destined to see and experience other parts, but our minds are attempts
to build wholes again. These wholes can take almost any form we choose
to give them and that form is always determined first and foremost by the
purpose we wish to achieve with it. To make people want to learn to do
and to be more, you need to give them a greater sense of purpose and the
rest will follow as a matter of course.
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Size relative to space between and of other objects nearby's movement relative to gravitational fields (shape of space defined by local space-time of objects nearby), time rate. Objects = spacetime. Inside out. Technically I am a part of everyone and everything else, as everyone and everything else is a part of each other. I am just aware or like to focus my attention on some parts more than others. Nothing disappears, it just changes form. On one level or sense, if you really wish to see clearly on how to best help others without your personal aims, goals, interests, and biases clouding your judgement, you should see it as being your life is never about just you. On the other hand, on another level, you are deluding yourself that your life is ever anything but all about you. These two ways of looking at it are not necessarily poles, more like planes that run parallel to each other and mix according to your current position you wish to take or angle to view it from. Nonetheless, neither view is absolutely correct. Your life begins, ends, and revolves around your own life, its maintenance, and the achievement or failure to achieve its own set of goals. Those goals inevitably imply purpose and purpose can only be found amongst that which you are not or lies outside of yourself, and for that purpose to live, that aspect of making yourself actual, is about raising its concerns or interests for awhile above your own. When you can do that, some other part, any other part or every other part, is a continuation of yourself and where your consciousness goes or what it sees does not matter for, at that point, it holds not to any one view over any other. Life as we know it is to hold our views (our experiences as more personal) above all others, yet needing all else for our existences and purposes in other ways. You can never detach fully from all else nor can anyone else, but you can perceive yourself as separate to later reunite and leave again. We need bigger worlds to grow beyond constantly into while looking back on the ones we are always taking our first tentative steps away from, where we were safe or were, yet we must be constantly learning how to leave behind. Nothing that exists is provable beyond perception. No order exists beyond perceived relations. All objects in space and time are always theoretical, and real only to the extent of their potential upon or to affect any other at that time. If all moments in time connect to every other in all directions away, like all spaces connect (Sequentially) to every other point in all directions away, nothing is ever able to affect anything beyond their potential to be affected by other, as all possible effects IN BOTH DIRECTIONS always exist. People perceive time as a one dimensional line away, or a funnel with one line away. It is as wide away from each point in many directions as space is. (Imagining, though actual models or even doing it would be more cool) walking around inside of a cube or rooms' walls, ceilings, walls, then floors again necessary to understand principles of inversion across curved spaces. (how shape of space relative to where you were gets seemingly turned inside out the further away from where you were). Cultures are ultimately just varying patterns of super-concepts. Make people do the same jobs as millions of others, think the same thoughts about the meaning of life as millions of others through religion and media, have the same views about sex from the media (a little still by religion), have them all listen to a few categories of music (nice to preserve the illusion of individual choice), have them all watch or read from a few different sources of news, have them all watch roughly the same TV shows and movies, and ultimately to all think exactly the same, or at least similarly enough to be able to control them easily as they have little in common with the concept of individuality, which is the best concept of control. I'll take rebellious hairstyle #5, and advant garde philosophy #2, please. Thoughts are merely fashions sold via advertising. Life passes from one person to another in more means than just sex and birth. Life is the connections between living things, not the individual things themselves which are only to make life possible. Literally "only between life there is life". It is not in you or in the other, but in the empty space and the time between. The relationship. The separation is illusionary in a sense, but experiences are NEVER less than they seem, even if from a pessimistic point of view, they are never more. See the plus. Tao, "To do without acting".
Cool. Everything just flows around you in the way that it should, you steering
it, it putting you in a position to steer it, or the view from such (a
point of view) anyway.
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I don't like that people are becoming automatons. I don't like that they will likely have their very thoughts monitored once that becomes possible. The slow roll in that direction, almost unquestionable and unstoppable in the terms and ways they are pushing it, working against that by simply running counter to desired expectations is the only dent or pause I can create, and hope others will wake up to what it is they are being herded towards, the mind "slavery" of future generations for their "protection" from harm. When we stopped making every generation more free to do and think as they pleased providing they harmed no one, and tried to mass produce them made to order, we lost sight of life itself. Things only seem or become inevitable when people believe or can be convinced they have no choice or nothing they can do can make a difference, even when they know something is wrong and would change it if they could. Changing these "inevitable" futures begins first with removing this hopelessness from their minds, for that is the source of its power, and replacing it with hope and the belief that individuals can one day influence their government and society. All governments claim this is how things work, that their opinions matter, though most know differently. They know they are guided and treated like children as to what to think and what to work towards, and only by accepting everything they are told can they prosper. "Free" speech is a myth. Anything even one step behind or ahead of what your government wants you to say or think today has a high price. Remember, though mythologized and romanticized, people could once more easily speak out against their society when they believed it was wrong and not be destroyed for it, and hope and believe such a day can come again, and dare to think your own thoughts whenever you wish. Humanity's true colors- God, please give us life and control over our own lives so we may take them away from those who might take them away from us. Mistake is looking at space 3 dimensionally. If curved or 4D, POINT exactly between 2 objects and time/distance between both is the same as a ball of points furthest away in space from that point. Collectives share information. One wants to know something, simply asks others of the group. Those outside the group must figure out things for themselves through trial and error, often wrong but not as susceptible to wrong or misleading info as those on the inside who must by necessity believe everything told to them and repeat it as accurate to others. Not relying on data not determined or deduced firsthand gives outsiders a view and an ability to evolve rivaling in scope, though not in detail, the whole of any group. You may start out in life, if you wish to think your life started with you and is not the result of plans and machinations prior to you, trying to play your own game, define your life or goals on your own terms. Along the way you inevitably get sucked up into and forced to play a part in others games, and if you are lucky, they will incorporate your plans into their own plans. And if you are not, will simply remove the illusion you were ever free to create your own plans or work toward them for very long. Life may be about choosing to live within limitations, but can it be said to have chosen to live without choice since all we choose is determined externally by the choices available to us? Is choosing to go beyond the limitations of those apparent choices the only real choice we ever can make? Is really truly being alive constantly choosing "none of the above" and forcing the Universe to come up with something better and the Universe seeking the same from you, something to give it some variability or new means of definition it cannot wholly predict? For each to be constantly prodding the other to outgrow its previous states and keep both ends constantly rising to new levels? Just when you think you have finally reached the end of the Universe in space or in time, you find it is just another place like any other, with all others curving equally away from it, and its beginning and end were just a trick of perspective like how the road and sky seem to touch at the horizon, but you can never reach that point and it moves further away the more you approach it. All beginnings and ends grow out of the center above and below it, each end does, at the same time. The bow tie of positive and negative space and time always seen and viewable from the center outwards perspective only. Life on its most real terms is the only reason anyone is alive is that no one with the power to kill them sees them as a threat or has yet to bother. You don't regain or gain freedom trying to hold ground while retreating on another. You only can by confronting oppression head on with words, principles, and new rules to govern those who govern us and shorten their leash for a change with new limits on what they can and can't do. If you can understand the
concept of seeing an event or collision from multiple angles in space at
the same time, you should with some effort be able to comprehend seeing
events from multiple angles of different timelines at the same time (or
space) as different timelines converge and disperse from every present
as different lines in space can be thought to spread away from each point
or place in space.
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What seemingly from one point of view slows you down or limits your movement also from another point of view is what not only defines them but makes them possible. Try running a hundred yard dash in 1/2 gravity. Life is about the redirection of energy, not the creation of it. The Universe already has an over supply and everything that exists is to even out the balance. Those with lesser abilities constantly work to make life be what they want it to be. Those at the other extreme constantly seek something to limit what they can do to get some definition, let go of the steering to find where the wind will take you, perhaps not someplace unknown but by expecting nothing, perhaps it will not be predictable and come as a surprise. Said before in the notes, but collisions rewrite the past and future between each. Each overlap sends info and effects forwards and backwards away from it simultaneously. That is why paradoxes of causation appear with faster than or near light speed if looped back. Each point affects all others, and sequentially is but one view in one direction or aspect or perspective upon it. From any other view the cause and effects can be different or even reversed. Those who are not willing to risk everything to work towards democracy or to keep it from being eroded or stolen do not deserve it. No matter how rich or poor their country is, no matter how free or controlled their media is, choice if any cannot last long without that, or has already been lost. General Relativity is a description of relationships and in that, it is correct. Its conclusions about how or why they are related, if any, are wrong. I can say how someone dying in China of lung cancer who smokes cigarettes is related to Columbus sailing to America. Relationships are everywhere. Trying to relate everything to the speed of light is like relating everything that came or comes out of America to Columbus. (Not exactly proportional as rate or speed of energy expansion is important but you might get the point.) Relationships are there, so what? They mean what you choose them to mean and only have that significance. A causal relationship it is not, an explanation it is not, a conclusive conclusion it is not. We tend to create, search out, or agree with philosophies that match our experiences or how we wish to view ourselves or the world, what we wish to believe or have be. (Not exactly consistent with what followed it). That 95% of people retain the religious beliefs (if they keep any at all, i.e., not changing religions) of the faith they are raised in or to believe, means that on the most basic philosophical level all completely or nearly completely never see outside of or adopt (major) philosophies or outlooks far from what they were raised to believe. You only get back what you put in. Nothing special happens in the oven, just a bowlful of ingredients. If one were to conceive of such a thing as being possible, that explanation I would consider tempting. However, I do not believe there are any simple answers or anything yet I have come across which might shed any light or put it into perspective. Logic fails, reason is insufficient and inadequate. Not that I am without hope of ever fully understanding, but all understandings are tentative upon whatever facts and perspectives you have. With more, that understanding changes or can change into something else entirely. Changes as a "thing". Sequence of events, not any particular moment but change effected by time over a period of time. Multiple single others. Within 2 centers. If could have what want most all the time, how long would it be before you did not want it or need to leave it behind? Important point made before in notes: All points in time away in all directions from present like all points in space (from wherever you are standing, sitting, etc.) How to envision this is not something we perceive yet. A different kind of seeing it takes. How overlap these (events?) coming from other times and spaces in-between and creating new conjunctions or timelines between each convergence relating to the events which lead to that convergence like a new ball of potential or new universe created at each new moment of space and time where convergences or overlaps occur (wordy and not said clearly but tries to tie things together, a bit blurrily yet, though. Blurrily, cool :-) Intercausation (mutual) Conceptual indigestion- assimilating and connecting too many ideas too quickly. (Then blurrily would be vomit?) Some things must stand out
as separate, some things must be grouped or merged with other things to
create new things. Eventually all will be merged, reconstituted, and combined
with everything else. What you think are separate and what you believe
can or must be seen in conjunction with other things or concepts to see
or build new relationships or see them as parts of the same thing, are
only defined by where and when you are in time, who you think you are and
what you hope to achieve or do with that, conscious or not of motivations
behind (your) existence and experiences.
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Breaking life down to sub-experiential components. Increasing feedback loops Dharma and Greg last episode Everything is connected, just a matter of how or what route you wish to see from here to there, what means you wish to imagine to relate one to the other (destinations) in time and space. All points in space exist right now (actually if the universe is expanding that would not be true, but if defined by atoms of a set number only decreasing over time it would be true in regards to potential places defined by things in them, though they could be spread out more and create more thinner things but whatever, digressing a bit). All points in time exist right here. To move through both at the same time is to pull some (points/times) to you and others further away from you, yet that is (only) perspective as much further away in both directions (the angle and direction) is reversed. Speed decreases space between objects. Leave point A on Friday 5 light days away reaches point B on Friday but not seem to arrive from planet A's perspective until Tuesday. At the speed of light, all distances away are equally close by, no matter how far. If all life or lives were a program written a masculine god or mind it would be to be as difficult and challenging as possible, have an overall objective to be achieved or failed at achieving, and would be able to be won or lost, but possible to be won if played successfully or correctly. If written by a feminine god or mind, there would be no right way to play it, objectives would be there but with many possible goals, it would not matter so much if you failed on one because you could simply choose a different objective. In short, winning and losing would not be the point of the game as it would be written to be enjoyed, not for making one frustrated and throw the controller at the TV. If not having different gods, maybe men and women are still following different programs. I nominate that if only one god can exist, that it be feminine. Seeing everything in terms of conquest, winning, and losing, winners and losers, may be fun for awhile but its replay value sucks. Species' evolution are following patterns the same as any individual's growth. Seeing everything in terms of traits saying people's fingers get longer because long fingered people can survive better or breed more successfully is ridiculous. Viewed half from inside, half from outside. If you can apply that same dual point of view to your own existence in space and time, you have a more complete perspective upon it. Not seeing from such a perspective if it were or should verifiably become possible, could one day be considered deficient in perception. The mirror symmetry of the human body and other species which strives to keep each half growing and matching the other with some cells growing and dying in response to what happens on the other side (which) they are not directly connected to though obviously are connected back through the larger organism, a more complicated mirror symmetry could keep species evolving jointly if one considers species as single organisms connected in ways we cannot yet understand. Changes in one or one group or area can affect the potential for growth and experience of others they might seemingly never have physical contact with by this reasoning. Thus language, science, and other leaps may occur over the whole by attempts to maintain some sort of equilibrium of the unit as a whole toward some middle common ground though that (ground) must as a rule keep shifting like all walking around a central point in a big circle while all moving that circle across another area or from another point of view, as a single unit. Your life is only as important or as valuable as what you spend it doing. You can't keep time. You must spend it. On what is your only question. One for everyone else, two for me, one for everyone else, three for me, or the other way around. It is your choice. You can't fool anyone but yourself and no one can shame you into doing or being more in respect to others but yourself. Everyone else, for now anyway, seems hopelessly out for themselves (their interests, families, etc.) most of the time. It is not
true that once a door of perception has been opened that it cannot be shut,
or a truth once realized cannot be forgotten. Easy it is to hide, slam
it shut, and live your whole life nearly to the very end and never again
consider it. It can however be controlled as easily as shut out altogether,
to close it yet not forget it is there. You may even see that such intermittency
is ideal or purposeful, like the door of a refrigerator keeping two environments
apart, yet sometimes needing to reach between the door for nourishment.
Life is on MANY levels with one foot on one ground, and the other on the
opposite ground from one perspective. Attempt to stand on either side and
you will topple. To be fully in neither you are to be by your lack of existence
in both, as well as partial existence in both.
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Why does anyone bother to
write anything they know no one will ever be allowed to read? On one hand
that is incorrect because even those who decide it is unacceptable must
at least once read it. That is all anyone needs in life, even if that other
is deaf, dumb, and blind. Everything anyone can do or say will one day
be as forgotten as surely as those who are conditioned to forget everything
that runs contrary to how they are supposed to think. Every thought, word,
and deed spoken by any human to one or a billion others will be one day
completely forgotten and no longer affect time. No matter how small your
box is, humanity's is only slightly bigger. Once you realize nothing is
forever and longevity is of little importance, quality and meaning, no
matter how fleeting, become of even greater significance than popularity
or long lasting historical adulation or impacts.
After finishing reading 1984, I don't know why some people thought it was depressing. It was so full of love at the end it made me just want to go out and hug statues of whoever they are making statues of these days. Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Blair, Thatcher, Jesus, the Buddha (actually with him, I just want to rub his tummy for some reason), just to feel the communal love of whoever we are supposed to love and hate whoever we are supposed to hate. Ah, to never have any doubts again. Bliss me up, Scotty. Feeling others souls - Learning what it means to be human through others lives and interaction with them. Why shouldn't one always be trying to find new perspectives and definitions of what it means to be themselves? The somewhat (more) static nature of the atoms of our bodies experience reality all at once as do the atoms of a table, a wall, or chair. The process nature of our bodies is constantly in a state of want and need. I need air now. I need food now. I need it to be warmer or colder now. It is a clockwork process always keeping time by these measures of lacking, gaining, and needing again, needing to exert and needing to rest and regroup. The conscious nature of our minds are even more detached. Things just are. Eventually when even our present needs are enclosed within a system of being met, they are just facts like objects are facts. Time for the mind is more abstract than the constant beating out of time in metronome-like precision of the heart and other processes which can never be skipped over or reversed. The mind is freer with its focus, can skip over what needs to be done now and think of times far ahead or compare with notions of past times as well. Its movement and awareness are almost beyond time, almost to the opposite extreme of the atoms of our bodies which sense everything in the universe all at once and only now, and to them no other times exist. To our minds, the present is almost just another fact, another concept, and not only not limited to it, but constantly needing other times (anticipated or remembered) to put it into a perspective understandable to it, or it makes no sense to it at all. People keep their bodies in pretty much the same few positions over 90% of the time. If not for yoga, sex, or exercise, the other 10% probably would fade too. Life is stretching and flowing. People become made of wood. In a sense, people getting attached to other people is like one cell in a body growing to be fond of the one right next to it. If it dies before the other, another is there to take its place. To think one cell could could become emotionally attached to another in your body and miss it seems absurd. To think of humanity as an organism and people as interchangeable as cells are seems absurd. Yet the analogy is there, each will cross other existences timelines, some going before others, yet always replaceable except sometimes not as emotionally fulfilling. It is also possible to see consciousness as an organism and the bodies, and even the species, as interchangeable. To see me as having learned as much of life and it having nothing (of interest) left to show me and eventually needing to move on has a mirror view (a different aspect of it) in the Universe having seen all the potential variability of how I would react in all possible circumstances and contexts and moving beyond it. Each is as the other and each is trying to find or see the same events from opposite perspectives. Relay race vs. lateral passing Measuring distance between object in your space, out of your space. Plunger controller. Spiral staircase game. Color asteroids. Reverse bow-tie of forward
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Seeing 4, 5, 6 sides of a cube at once from the inside, opposite sides of space of outside. Speeding while spinning in orange peel space, must reconcile with line, plane, triplane div. Off balance, just tilt. Need to know which way to tilt perspective, both ways tiresome. Events based on wrong information create representational realities in which show what if that info was true and base and build a new validity upon an invalid association. Spinning slower, orbiting wider. Through box with no top or bottom, through tesseract with no top or bottom. No big transitions in Universe, birth, death, car accidents, anything seemingly a sudden change or creating a new set of circumstances is merely one point of a process long building and a logical extension of it. No momentous state of radical change exists except in perception and perception of relative effects. From outside the process, you can see how it is both predictable, and if not inevitable, merely another point, neither ever a beginning nor an ending so long as anything follows from it, and being circular everything both results from it and precedes it as well, enabling it simultaneously with being enabled by it. No part of a person is the person, i.e. arm, heart, eyes, etc., and can be put in another. Not even the whole body at one point in time is a person, but how they are and change, or can change, over time. If always exactly as they are at one point, would not be a person. Their uniqueness too is a part of who they are. If everyone looked exactly the same or acted exactly the same in the same circumstances, they would not be the same (as) in that context. It is relational to how they are to you and how they seem to themselves over time that is what someone is to you, the potential for changes and experiences in both they and you. War of ideas instead of a war on ideas. It is easy to predict that humanity has no long term prospects for survival, at least free, and easier still once thinking that way, to make it come true. Its continuation based on how we live, treat each other, and the direction we seem to be headed in, expecting it can go on like this for very long defies logic, common sense, and even reason. We are teaching and being taught every day to despise the very international institutions we founded generations ago to bring us together and promote peace on earth. Greed and power frames all discussions on how to treat each other. Those who would profit from setting us apart from each other, forever at each other, never seeing or admitting we all, all around the world, are ohana, family, brothers and sisters, they always rise to the top and forever divide us. I forget often that hope needs no reason nor foundation. It grows even in the most abysmal and desperate circumstances. That is why it is so hard to kill it. Hope is forever our only road forward, and even blind hope might help us find our way forward. Hope must flow into us from beyond this world, for otherwise it would have been stolen from us and sold back to us like everything else. Capitalism is supposed to be about giving people the highest quality goods at the lowest possible price through unrestricted competition. Now it has become about how to control the marketplace, shut out, buy out, or marginalize competition to get the highest possible prices. Peace, goodwill, and harmony came as natural as breathing on Maui. Now they take work to recapture. Everywhere ought to be the center of feeling, the center must become wider. In 2D, people can imagine and build a circle but not see the inside and the outside at the same time. In 3D, people can imagine and build a (hollow) ball or sphere but not see the inside and the outside at the same time. Spinning and orbiting (move around external points) same thing when viewed from another point in curved space. Disk to ball to disk, seen from any pivoting orbit of one in one dimension is orbiting the other in another dimensional point of view. Overlapping interchangeably dimensionally rotating balls around each other, that part of you in another, that part of them in you. Say some species, lets not name names, was so messed up it detonated something which blows up the Universe. That event traveling at the speed of light would synchronize all timelines of all places in the Universe back to that event in all directions away from it at once. If the Universe's growth (expansion) is infinite and also travelling at the speed of light creating new matter in its wake, the end or death of it would also be chasing it forever like a dog chasing its tail. Dimensional twisting in galaxy, hard to explain, center balls as disks, our disk as a ball. (4D space curved into a 5th space would show it.) Special vs. normal. Abomination or miracle? Like being pulled or trapped
between two worlds and a part of neither.
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Axises of ball rolling on a table (in a circle), forces redirected, ball rolling inside a hollow other ball, downward turning to sideward pulling into lines perpendicularly. longing-------------
--------- missing
People who make fun of others because of their apparent disabilities, appearance, or perceived problems or weaknesses are fools. In some who appear weak, infirmed, helpless, or ill I have seen a strength of spirit, mana, a thousand times more powerful than in we who dare to think ourselves strong, healthy, or mighty, and may appear as such to others or ourselves. Appearances, physical forms, are nothing, only a superficial reality. The strength of our lives and spirits are only minorly affected by them, and only then as much as we allow them to be affected by them and let those feelings in ourselves about our bodies get us down. Learn to see with your eyes closed and your heart, soul, and mind open. Then you will see true beauty and real strength where others are truly blind to it. Everyday you are a different combination of new life and old. New cells being born, others dying. New memories being made, whether of whole new experiences or new memories (remembering) of old ones. What is new trying to find where it fits in to what has come before in both you and in relation to the rest of the world via what you or it was before, and creating in both, something, some new combination altogether and completely new, yet slowing giving ground to even newer combinations later today, and will be different again tomorrow. Life is change, not what form it takes at any given time, but what it is gaining and losing at any given time. Your life is about taking. It is also about giving back. As long as you find the right balance, you can be at peace. Those without peace have not found the right balance. For most it is easy to find. Chances are to be taking too much and giving back too little. While it is not exactly true that when you leave your life you are bound to repeat it endlessly, from one perspective, more like a trick of perception, it can seem that way. It is however more true to say that to leave it behind more completely with greater force, to put the most distance between you and it, you ought to live it so you leave it with as few regrets and unfinished business as possible preventing anything left wanting to have any need or want to keep returning. Satisfaction must meet your own criteria to want to leave your life behind and you cannot fool yourself, even if you knew how to by thinking what should be done could be unknown to you, or sold to you even by you. It is not just known in you, what you ought to do, it literally is you. Seeing into the heart of matter is empty space. Seeing into the heart of change is true form without form. It is the reaching, longing. Everything must move in the Universe. Movement is one dimensional or takes one dimension away. Everything moving must move in a direction and that direction becomes forward. That direction may be imperceivable and in a dimensional sense beyond our conceptualization and involves time. Movement in space relative to other points mimics and increases or decreases primary movement in measure to its increase in another direction of space. At least 4D to 3D alignments. If the past is necessitated and created by the future to the same extent as the future seems to be caused by the past events, freewill can still be understood in terms that more than one future could exist to have set up the present state of existences just as the past could have occurred many different ways yet still lead to the same or nearly identical circumstances and forms or existences. It seems less wide open and a more constrained variability than a definite single past and an "anything can happen whatsoever" view of the future, but within that model, variability and individual choice can exist, maybe not in terms of what eventually happens or must, but what route to take to get there. For a different future, choose a different past. Both spread out away from the present like a circle or ball yet both converge back again at that point, like the north to south pole or the antipole, in any number of directions, dimensions, senses, or ways and roads away lead not only to a universe of variances between that point and all else, but ultimately right back to that same point and time from every conceivable direction and into every existence in space and time back to itself and that point. Every moment extra in time you add to your life is rewriting the history of the Universe, both past as well as future recounts of history, to enable that moment to be. In light of that achievement you are creating every second, make it occasionally something worth redefining everything that came before or will become to enable it. Not that anything is ever really lessened to make it possible, all things still can also occur, but to have that potential always dwarfed by self-doubt is wasteful. Single moments in time do not exist. Objects as they appear at one moment in time are false, it is only across time through movement, perceptible or imperceptible moving in tandem, it does not matter, movement and streaming perception only. Spinning around oneself and orbiting around outside points, (are the) same thing. Everyone's life's events connect to and overlap everyone else's. You can change around the times and the order, but not the substance. Things happen that must because they are part of what created you and why. Your thoughts, your aspirations, nothing is not influenced by this fact. How to find a space to yourself not linked to everyone else, is to retreat mentally into nothingness, the source of everything else and the potential of everything else, and then come back mentally to refocus on your own life, identity, and things you cannot change or change only because you were meant to and others will require it, and by consensus decide you must. Beyond you, beyond your existence, beyond anything else's existence, beyond consciousness, beyond thoughts, beyond experiences, beyond lessons and morals, beyond interpretations and anything to interpret, there is the impetus behind whatever else. That is the only thing that is real and all that matters. Anything else is both a way to see it and a way not to, or to avoid seeing it. Words, thoughts, ideas, experiences, consciousnesses, or things to experience or be experienced, they are superfluous and without substance. See beyond the what to only see the why. (from 2003) There is no such thing as randomness. Everything happens for a purpose. For what purpose or how you choose to view it can seem random, but that is because that is something you can control or influence, and without an opinion, can seem just happenstance. Contemplating exits to the ride. Force - forward movements redirected, 2D to 1D with gravity, 3D to 2D with gravity, 4D to 3D with gravity, held to place of dimensions by moving in tandem against and with other objects in same dimensional space at same time. (between or against) Spinning rings 3 dimensionally,
balls 4 dimensionally, Universe 5
From others view I usually am, from my own I am never not. Researchers big balls. Magic cubes. 2nd room - direction coming from changes everything. Purgatory is really underrated in all the travel guides. Everywhere is ultimately just a pit stop on the way to somewhere else. Seeing life of species, not
one, many (potential) children species from
Metabolism - living and dying in extremes, yearning. Do new abilities control
you more than enable you, slave to growth and what it necessitates.
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In-between any two points in time and space, no matter how close they are, as I said before, the center of any two objects also or any two consciousnesses side by side, between those two points or centers lies every other point in time, space, and consciousness squeezed to fit within that space in-between. That is how the Universe curves (toward every point) on one hand and keeps everything immeasurably far apart (no matter how seemingly close) on the other. All close, far, distances (in space, time, or experience (concsiousness)) are illusionary. On one hand I can seem wise and mature while on another at the same time simplistic, very immature with an outlook that is constantly new and different, always changing and evolving. Taoists and Buddhists would understand this (seeming contrast in polar notions of maturity) as the same thing and do not see a contradiction in it. Western thinking has no map or guidebook for such notions. Their thinking is more one dimensional, thinking wisdom is found in a line of gaining knowledge and giving up what makes life fun and worth living to gain it, a straightjacket of behaving according to well defined patterns in tandem with others is how to grow up. That is how to grow old, not up. Age is not wisdom. Holding to beliefs of any type is not wisdom. Spinning them always on their head or viewing the world upside down, not because you will see it from a new perspective and thus further your goals and accumulate knowledge, but simply because doing so is more fun, makes life more interesting, unpredictable, and that is where wisdom lives. Those who hold to knowledge gain a ground or a "how to be" and "where" to view life from, but stand too long there and that ground or spot will grab you like vines, turn you into a tree unable or unwilling (same thing) to move from that spot for the rest of what will pass for the remainder of your "life". Bowtie of knowledge and potential, growth vs. stagnation, actualization vs. creativity of yet to be. (When?) raising one end lowers the other. Motivations, ambitions, and influences, internal or external? If external, by few or by many? If by many or all, any less unfair to myself? Dimensional foldings Linkage can be seen as vague, conjectural, and obscure, or direct, conjunctive, and precipatory. Black, white, gray, triumvirate, matter, potential, life. The feeling or desire when
offered something, even what you really want, to pass and say give it all
to this person, he or she is more deserving of it than I am.
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Refeeding spaces, objects, and time When distraction and irrelevant events becomes the point, you understand life. Life is found in whatever keeps beings alive long enough to grow and change into something more or else. What makes life valuable to that being is what keeps them happy or satisfied while that is happening. All that runs contrary to these are bad to that being, all that promotes these are good and make life less cruel and less of a punishment. Clearest furthest yet Humanity, the offspring of rodents that we are. Don't like that analogy? Imagine how little our progeny millions of years from now should our and their children survive and reproduce that long like being compared to us. Those who think what we now call humans is the end result of evolution, that kind of thinking secretly or not-so-secretly wishes to stop it now or try to freeze it here. All species, like it or not, are evolving into new ones. What we are becoming is what we bring out in ourselves in how we choose to be and what we choose to become every moment hence. Choose wrong and the exit door for humanity is always only one step away. Ways forward, what we or they will become, will be horrific and will be more just, and either path can always be taken. What is within us, what it is our capacity to become defines and sometimes makes the choices for us, and that is always both evil and good. The only thing which can shift is where the middle, the median lies, and in which direction it is currently moving towards. It is never thought to be pushed in the wrong direction by those doing the pushing. The only way to compass which way is more just is to see it, to define it, by the most possible persons living perspectives at once. Only through ALL others eyes can we get any perspective on the value or worth of what we make of ourselves. Organized crime profits by robbing from those who the police would not protect. Those who think the police help all equally are nieve. The more corrupt and indifferent or invasive the police become, the stronger and richer the criminals become. The more people view the police with fear and suspicion, the stronger the grip shadow groups control a society with. Laws written to strengthen law enforcement by making them more feared, weaken their ability to be anything other than just another group of thugs to those who do not trust them for help. The fewer the police protect or the more of a society they see as criminals, the more powerful criminals it creates. Fewer laws create fewer criminals and the more the population can view police as allies, if they do not extort themselves, and when they are thought more to aid all equally in need of help. Seeing beyond point B from point A but only in line with it, not 360, problems with prediction. Orange peel space is shown in the Omoglatron example. Where spinning and orbiting are aspects of the same thing, movement or speed collapses space ahead of it in a curved environment, slower speeds expand space like a circular orange peel. Thus full speed from a 3D point of view is breaking above the clouds so to speak of the 3D Universe and all points away are not only equally away but the same point. Mirror angle of turning reflecting in relation to 1 dimensional away point of measurement. Free variables. Random opening of random books both on the Many Worlds Theory. Soul suggested it before, mind rejected it. Cats can't be alive and dead at the same time. Not ready for the implications of that yet. When where is not a place but a direction! If coming from... then this is... How where you were determines where you are, angle coming from is sole determinant of wherever here is. (key point) A 5D version of the game
can be made comprehensible by using colors to represent not locations but
directions to include the fact the visible 3D spaces overlap at angles
that soon become incomprehensible to most people as each space has an inverse
angle in 4 dimensions where most can only imagine 3 and even those juxtapositions
with great difficulty.
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In short, reducing the number of locations to directions is a more manageable way of understanding locations through multiple curvatures of time and space since they double back yet are different in correlation to the direction coming from and its destination. All directions equally extend to and from (the) same points so direction, since all objects exist only while in movement, is more useful than location which is subjective too, but more subjective than by relative movement in accordance with other objects, i.e., direction. I go right, all else goes left. I go up, all else goes down. You can't change anything from within. What creates you simply accounts for everything possible that you can do and nothing can exceed expectations or change fundamentally what will happen because whatever you think you can do to alter it is just another set of ways to the same ends. It counters everything. Everything, every event, every consciousness in the Universe is so interconnected across time (that) if any one event is fated or must occur, every event forwards and backwards away in time eventually passing itself through everything (else) must occur in a given way. From one angle, we control time. From the other we are controlled by it. From outside of it, neither applies. Eventually societies evolve to the point where they need to get better if they wish to keep open discussions, or need to suppress it to stay where they are. Now the screws are about to come down as no one wants to improve societies structures and free speech is the least able to defend itself and always the first to go. Like many, maybe everyone in history, I want, need to expand my potential and grow beyond what I am and redefine what can be and can become. How much they could, did, I cannot know except that we are not what we were millions of years ago and each generation advances it, if only the smallest of steps. I am stuck between a door and on both sides I am, and on neither can I be. Experiential view of the Universe relative to all potential species. Kneading dough in 4 dimensions. Instead of 2D (plane) doughnut twisting outside to in or inside to out looking down on it, knowing reverse view opposite you from table up is also applicable, in 4D all 3 directions at once, outside to in or inside to out, only appear along one line of sight and from opposite view of the "table" or "ground" 3 dimensions, would also apply at the same time. When any organism gets too big it subdivides. When any group, political, religious, governmental, gets too powerful and near universal, factions within it develop. The opposite of that happening is greater control, less freedom, and dictatorship. The more it happens and the greater the factionalization, the more control people have over their own lives and destinies. Democracy (supposedly decentralized control in the extreme, far from present reality) means having everyone's voices being heard and counting EQUALLY. By this measure, every day and every way we are moving away from that. Yet new ways must emerge to keep plurality of opinions alive or what is left of freewill is lost. Seeing greater potential in others than is really there is like a mirage that vanishes as you draw nearer to it. Yet as with a mirage, the experience is born from a need in you to believe it is there and keeps you going further than you would have without hope. Others will travel that path further and create that road, and hopefully a real destination those hopes will create to justify those dreams. Humanity, as it is now, is like any organism at one point in time. It is doomed to die unless it finds a way to grow into something else. Change, constant rebirth, is the only reality. Constantly switching tracks is the only way to progress. Force redirected, balanced
against as with handstand, finding outside
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Identity - individual consciousnesses, group, political, religious, cultural, ideological, all literature also, as computer viruses, needs to spread into as many others as possible to continue to live or have the best chances of surviving in some form and still have an effect upon those living, the only extension of life here as our limited understanding permits us to conceive. Must outgrow the hosts into others or die when they die. Taking the potential of yourself,
inside yourself, and imbuing it into others so you can stand apart from
it, gaze into it, and see what it is from an outside second-hand perspective.
Everything that is is a reflection of everything else to each other that
it seems not to be. What will happen is always what this overall structure
believes most likely could at any given point, and then only in regards
to each other from within. "Actual" is only interpretation of potential
from the inside out.
Life is different than matter. Life is a required SEQUENCE of events, i.e., having food, water at constant periodic intervals, adequate conditions for reproduction, etc. This sequence can be viewed as movement in time. Its potential "places" in time are locations which fall within the "spaces" that can be a continuation in line with the angular "perspective" or possible lines of sight along with each "points" "present" in that given sequences movements "forward". That sequence must involve multiple factors coming from multiple "directions" which must merge and overlap which creates possible "places" in time wherever the convergences (are) in lines with PERCIEVABLE movements. Math is simply a form or expression of logic. Physicists use math but also can get lost in math as a means of evading other types of expressions of logic. Fenyman and Einstein, using logic in math pictorially or as expressed in different concrete (thought) examples, added a new dimensionality to understanding the math which should only be a tool of logic, not an end. The most important thing is to be able to sum up the logic of the math with a few key ideas, then it becomes useful as a form of mind. Otherwise however self-connecting, it can be viewed only as representational, and a drawing of a deer on a cave wall 40,000 years ago was representational too, and probably will be shown to have had a longer lasting or greater relevance to humanity. Cascading levels of awareness. Body, time, life, one dimensional wall or window. Gravity = push, not pull, need redirect push angularly. Non-frictional self propulsion and time buffering. Knowing when random directions pass over each other from additional dimensional perspective. The difference between learning or experiencing a movie or book in a sequence of moments and knowing it all at once without the anticipation of the outcome or experience of partial knowledge states in-between. If you suddenly find yourself somewhere, it is only natural to work backwards on how you ended up there. The problem with the Universe is all of those factors work back into everyone else's lives and histories and are inseparably intertwined with theirs. Every event further into the past necessitates and causes you to be where you are when (you are), and ultimately "what" you are as well, if only by what you have to react to to shape your self-image, but most likely (in) more (ways) too. Your history is like a slice of a pie of potential of what it could or might have been. You can focus on the slice or learn to know the whole pie. Most people are time blind. They cannot perceive the Universes even one second ahead of them or one second behind. The human zoo.
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One of the most useful purposes of the notion of a god or gods as used in the past is to drive home the fact that you alone did not create yourself. Even Buddhist notions that you did do not ring true either. It is easy to forget or put out of mind, no matter how low or how often you prostrate yourself beneath an altar or in prayer, that you are not the sole cause or causation of your existence. In sum, what is outside yourself, all else that you are not, is creating you in part at least, and in another sense, in whole in tandem with yourself only as one other part of what you are (a web of webs), one vote with provisional vetoes now and then. The third point of view puts you into the background and into a context of another another with whoever and whatever else you shift perspective to outside of any other. One becoming (growing into)
many to interact with, help, and try to
Morning has come
Looking under every stone In the sense previously written here which I know well, that dragonslayers create their own dragons to slay, Judeo-Christian/Moslem notions of good vs. evil can be said to give rise to that perceived dichotomy. Good requires evil to define itself and to battle with. It is not that bad or unfortunate things might happen nor just that such notions give those who wish to do bad things a "god" of their own or framework or a blueprint of what is defined by that culture as all evil things to tap into or identify themselves with, but that the very belief that such supernatural forces exist and one of them being very negative, creates, sustains, or enforces them. People ought to balance that tendency to view everything in black and white, good vs. evil terms, with Chuang Tsu's treatise on who can say what is good or bad (the horse running away), on how it can be a matter of perspective in context of events which have yet to happen which may put it into another light. By believing negative things have a cause or some external influence other than the one true "God" or force which creates you, you empower (that other) with and through your beliefs in it or create it yourself, as do societies as a whole which subscribe to such notions in the same sense as the Romans' beliefs in their lesser than one supernatural powers (gods) could influence them and (those beliefs defined, gave context to, and) guided their lives as well. To make or see life in terms of a fight or struggle to do right, one must create or need an external personification to enable it (that struggle, to fight against), and in such psychology, make existence itself always a fight or conflict, and Earth a "noble" but constant and continuous battlefield. Such views court self-destruction. No prophecies or predictions can control you because you will always seem to have a choice. Once you choose however, the rest is more fate than chance and anyone with insight on how you will choose at that time can seem to predict it, and the obstacles by others perspectives actually enables, shapes, and contributes to it. Since everything comes from one and goes back to one, people should not get upset with differences. Being different than you is everything's (else's) job. Defacto common sense- "its not a dictatorship if you are not allowed to call it a dictatorship", that is why people (will) talk less. All thoughts, ideas and theories are equally descriptive. They may be more or less complex, but simplicity can also be chosen to be seen as succinctness and complex (theories) ought to strive for (a) wholeness which can be simply stated and easily summed up. While equally descriptive, this does not mean necessarily equally true. They can be wholly fictional, not counted as true even to the originators of the ideas as having any particular value other than momentary entertainment, or can be believed by so many others that their entire civilizations use them as cornerstones and take them as self-evident truths. What makes the difference besides the numbers who ascribe to such beliefs is what achievements do they make with them, what do they cause them to aspire to or create. That it (a belief set) allows them to subjugate others tends to reinforce it and gives it an ability to spread, and eventually makes others unable or unwilling to question them or their validity. Many great theories in science may or may not be true as descriptions of physical events because they cannot be tested possibly in this species' lifetime. By believing our experiences are so detached from physical validity, that it would exist even if we never did, that we can see (if true) such realizations beyond our physical scopes reach is a notable achievement. However when you consider existence as perhaps more interactive, then ideas which have greater physical validity which can never be tested or absolutely known (to be correct) can possess less value than wrong ideas which prove of use to people, supporting them and feeling value, worth, and enjoyment in their lives. Your beliefs are a wall you
build around yourself to give you a sense of identity or frame of reference.
That wall was built by your experiences with other's walls. The more complete
your wall is, you can no longer see other's walls except through your own.
People like Socrates were smart enough to see their walls keep them from
bouncing balls off of other's walls, or from even seeing them at all except
from inside your walls (which) you really don't wish to tear down or you
wouldn't have them.
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We are dependent upon the future to provide us with our pasts as much as our sense of the past creates our notions of ourselves and where we stand in the present. Bubble hand puppets Goals for others, delegating control or influence over your actions in regards to others outside of you, more outside view on yourself and your life. No goals for others, (more) inside view on your life. Following multiple streams, multiple lives, events intersecting at different times for each, enabling some, some preclude others, and every loss an opportunity for something else down the road. Making what will be remembered by each as seen from many points of view inside each and outside all. Multi-taskers- playing many hands at once. If one game fails, just switching attention to another. Seems better but less of life. No experience of loss, just always keeping busy at game of life without pausing to live it. (Deeply) feeling it (in and through the core of your being) sometimes means more than what you do with or in it. 360 degree panning The most ideal forms of government are not defined by what they are at any given point but by their willingness to completely rethink themselves and, if necessary change accordingly, even to something else entirely but keeping and advancing the means to communicate on new changes and preserve that adaptability. Like everything else, its value is in the search, not the actuality. All forms of government will always be flawed, incomplete, unfair to many, and ultimately are provisional upon sets of circumstances always in flux. To keep all variables to change itself, or even most, under control or accounted for to preserve any present form, it ultimately is totalitarian, however benevolent its face may seem. If change and adaptation of structures are necessary, the ability to rethink things, even everything, is like a release valve for discontent which leads to extremism and even ultimately to terrorism. As long as the means to achieve autonomy are structural and real and realizable within ones lifetime, and one has faith in that chance for positive change being more likely than what can be achieved through violence, peaceful change will always more often be preferred eventually when passions have time to cool. Without a them, there is no us. New coordinate system (accounting for) changeable distances as if places were as mobile and mixable as peoples' locations. (It could provide for things as if) France could be 3000 miles away one minute, 3 feet away the next, or across the galaxy. The more ways you can see how something can be, to you (by your view), misunderstood, the more meaning you can see it having, and the greater perspective you can gain on how others think. Your past notions, goals, and purposes are all that give you direction on one hand, and all that limit you or hold you back on the other. Both the limitations and the enabling (what you will do or what will happen) are the same thing. If you knew for certain you only had one day left to live, what would you do (with that day)? If you knew as certainly you had only 10 days to live, what would you do? Or 100, or 1000, or exactly 10,000, what would you differently (in each set with tomorrow)? For me they must always be exactly the same. People afraid of death who
cannot make peace with the idea before they die I have little sympathy
with. Death is inevitable and a part of life and should be accepted as
due course. When I was at peace and ready, I instead was given only an
upgraded body and mind. Existence continues whether you want it to or not.
Dream and accept rest if offered.
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If you can't bring Mohammed to the mountain... How from a 4 dimensional or 5 point of view does spacetime curve folded into objects as well as away from them. The physical Universe, time, your life, and your consciousness are all different parts of a box. I have found more edges of that box than most because I hate being in boxes. Even one of seemingly infinite space and time for me is claustrophobic and need to break out of it back into wherever (or outgrow it into something even bigger). Prisoners in bodies. Spirit to animals. Hang around the zoo long enough and they will build a cage just for you. Peace is hope and hope is the child of life. War is despair and despair is borne of hopelessness. Despair serves no master and knows no chains. It consumes all before it is satisfied. Hope is all that can defeat it. Killing hope, whether yours or someone else's, is inevitably the same thing. Self-destruction. Seemingly changing something about the future merely switches to a different future which requires what you would have thought you changed it to or decided, and its existence (after or later and after or later is all that is real after or later) seems to overshadow and have guided your actions. If more than one future or possibility about ANYTHING can exist, nothing is predetermined. The opposite of "if one thing is fated, everything before it would be", is that if ANY two possibilities about any future can exist, NOTHING is written in stone (not even the past). It is common for people to be apprehensive or scared about the future. I more specifically have always been more afraid of who or how I might become in the future far more than what anyone might do to me. The former I am thought to have control over and that is what matters to me, and what that might be has not only been more of a concern, its relevance dwarfs all others. We all are afraid to grow up in one way or another, and hold onto the present somehow, with due reason. But even if the present were ideal, we would want to spoil it just for something (different) to do. Fortunately it isn't (ideal), and we can now seem to push it constructively, but that is simply a matter of a chosen perspective upon it and what we do. The faster and more directed something is into growing into something else, the happier it can be since its potential for change is being realized and it is occupied. If I had been in a relationship on Maui when I was most happy and did the same thing everyday, I would possibly have had arguments just to break up the monotony. People can only accept peace when it is provisional to becoming and growing into more, and not confined or limited by the present. (If more of the same of the present is all one has to look forward to, no matter how good, one or those who come after will seek to destroy it to create something else, even intentionally something worse.) Children are happy because they are changing and cannot hold onto the present even if they wanted to (and focus their attention on the future assuming whatever problems in the present will be outgrown and not be applicable when they are different, older, and focus on becoming something else entirely). Adults, especially males, create conflict for something to do to overcome, because they cannot think how else to grow but by solving or overcoming something. Rather than trying to preserve the past and be frustrated forever by being unable to, they ought to remember how to always be looking only to what they have yet to do, accept that they will be forgotten and seen as dinosaurs no matter how much of the past structures they think they can pass on to the futures, and concentrate only upon living by what they preach rather than by preaching it, which always, the latter, becomes hypocritical as you must be forever amending yourself or be increasingly irrelevant. Belief in fate or (the non-existence of) fate depends upon your need, and the reality of whether or not it exists may depend on your need at the time. Whether that need is fated, ;-) , is another question. Just like it would be wrong to think of everyone at the same age or level or point of experience in their lives even if the same age as you, it is also wrong to think of everyone dealing with or understanding life on the same level of reality. Just as their are many possible philosophies, there are many ways and levels of perceiving reality, and most peoples' levels of perception are as mixed and as mixable as philosophical ideas and concepts. Learning to deal with rapid
changes, finding new threads in faster currents in larger rivers.
If you travel out far enough, you will eventually come across yourself. Bad people only run the world when the more numerous good people let them. Good reasons to feel bad
2) Stealing or cheating someone who would feel bad if they knew you stole or cheated them, thus causing or giving a reason for someone to feel bad (machine world). (<- was a reference to if machines (*NOT* corps. or governments), ruled the world, could disobeying or cheating them be really wrong if not people (yes, most people can really be that whipped by conditioning into thinking it could still be wrong and most people probably are already that conditioned to obey anything in power, even non-human or machines rules). (Older reference, if you were supposed to throw 1/3 your food or what you make into a volcano and did not, would it be morally wrong or cheating if no people would have benefited if you did. Social conditioning would say yes, if everyone else did so unquestioningly, you should too, even if it put everyone at risk of starving to death.) 3) Lying to someone who would not have lied to you and be disappointed if they knew you were not being honest with them. Though not a definitive list, this by and large covers most bases. Most guilt is what societies use to control and limit peoples' behavior without them realizing they are being controlled. Effects of actions mean more than any societies laws, morals, or customs. Judge your (guilt over) actions based on whether or not they cause harm. Everything that exists is
inseparable and indistinguishable from its environment except from their
own points of view, center out and over time. Their perspectives, yours,
mine, are subjective and treat or choose to view our environments as the
"not us" when it defines and shapes us and without it, we are less than
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If you want someone who... One is how to best fit into this world the way it is. The other is someone who has the potential to remake it into something no one has yet thought as a possibility. Everything that does requires what gets done to to enable that ability or it does not exist. Opposite of expectations used to mean freedom. The future that seems not to have happened yet started with what you (or something else) wanted it to be, and life is simply retracing the steps backward to how it got that way. Freewill began and possibly ended before you were born. Who chose what is still an open question. By committee or by yourself, it does not lessen the fact that for now, while in existence, certain things are bound to and must happen at certain times, and all you control is how you feel about that. (them). The door in front of me stays locked and I have grown (conceptually, perceptually) too big to fit back through the door I came in. Floating on the present stuck in time for awhile. If all the universal truths in this universe discovered by all species on all planets from the beginning to the end of time, long before and long after our species began and will perish, if all these (truths) were pebbles, they would not even fill a thimble. Freedom is a dream and the right to dream what you wish. Democracy without strict spending limits on advertising and equal treatment in all media is a sick joke. Physical existences are just the paint. Experiences with them are the Rembrants and Picassos. People who see death as a chance or opportunity to escape into something else, heaven, hell, another life, another dimension of existence, miss the entire target, not just the mark. You have to realize on a meta-physical level, you are not any one thing at one place at one point in time to be in the first place, never mind how to shift that into being or becoming something else outside yourself yet still retain that essential "you-ness". You are following mentally a perceptual stream interactively, seemingly, yet without absolute (definitive at any one point in time, only perception of different things, even yourself, strung together over time like beads on a string) substance existing at an absolute moment in time. Give that perceptualization may be your only reality, thinking how to become something else when there is little but memories to give you a sense of existence at all, you can resettle into the conclusion that you exist in and are only defined by your circumstances (a web or chain of events or possible events) and what you do, and outside of that not only can you (as you are defined now) have nothing, but for you, outside of that (boundary of potential *EVENTS*) exists nothing. What never was and can never be can never not be as well. Since your existence is experiential (involving others perceptions as well) beyond what is physical, it is (even now) as timeless, eternal, and lucent as a dream, and as subjective as well. With the exception of those who wish all others to live by their sets of morals, in which case to them anything one does which is not what they would do could be considered bad by them, it is possibly not possible or certainly not probable I could behave badly towards another person or people in general. That said, what I most fear and have always been afraid of is the ability to detach and see others problems as irrelevant or unavoidable, to become uncaring or insensitive. That is not only possible but probable. It may not seem so (as unusually insensitive) by others' measures, maybe not even by most measures (hopefully), yet I know to do what I think is right in this life I have been saddled with and what circumstances particular to it will dictate, I must eventually constantly increase my indifference and decrease my empathy since, though it must always guide me, must never dominate me or many may suffer because of that control of it over me. Christianity as a proponent of the idea of spirit and of moral behavior makes in valuable. However, the notion of the glorification of (the) sacrificing of someone for the betterment of others, right down to the ritualistic symbolic feasting and drinking of blood, makes it a barbaricly tainted extension of previous occult sacrificial practices. It may not seem that way to its followers, but the roots (in rituals) are plainly there. Life at its most twisted
is to make you care about things and then watch your reactions as something
threatens them, takes them away, or destroys them. You are constantly tested
with little clues as to the correct responses (and there may be none) except
to feel the reality of
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Life too is about following something that must be predictable day to day to make any sense whatsoever or give any sense of meaning or order to things, yet must be seen as open to how it will end or never end, or no one would want to bother. If the end is already written and can only happen one way, many would just wish to skip to the end and move on to something not determined yet. The idea that nothing could not be pre-determined is incompatible with my definition of life. The illusion of freewill is inevitably the illusion of life itself, if it is all just predetermined. The real wall you hit, the ceiling of a Universe of seemingly infinite space and time (relative to your size and time) is that of freewill vs. not freewill, whether you are real or a cardboard cutout of someone else's or God's view of what MUST happen a certain way. In the part of Vestabur more or less lost where he was forced to live out other's lives unable to change anything framed that well, yet gave no conclusion other than how much that would suck. Even understanding everything is ultimately confining if you cannot find a way to move beyond it to something you don't know, or know how it will turn out. If not knowing requires more than one universe (Many Worlds Theory or just another, then another, then another Yoshoo style), desire for growing beyond that point would create them if it could. Unlike most people who can be motivated by just giving them money or others who can be motivated by threatening them or their families, I have been brought to a point which neither could have gotten me to by a chain of events seemingly too complex to be set up, to want to learn things about the Universe I swore I did not want to know (or more accurately, one can substitute "know" with "actualize certain potential experiences of understanding"). That is why I believe even if there is freewill, something is controlling what happens, and what can grow inevitably will create the circumstances which not only permit it to reach its maximum potential, they will demand nothing less. People whose minds are completely focused on and around their own life's circumstances will understand almost none of these notes and that is good. The only way to bring most of it into focus is to develop the ability to step back from your own life's perspective and add up all the perspectives of all else around you. That ability will become key to all else and survival. It is to be able to see your life and circumstances dually simultaneously from within it and in time, and from an outside perspective upon it and time, from all other points and perspectives outside of it at once. (Like in curved space how the all points furthest away from the center added up looking inward are exactly the same as the inward out point of view from the center, and everything else lies only in-between the one point you perceive with you at the center and the non-definite sum of all others points furthest away where you could be which are both, the one definite and the sum of all the others possible furthest away, are exactly the same single point's perspective). Once your mind learns to escape its box, you see it, then, the box, exists only in your mind. Experience is all that world has to give or teach you and all you have to give or teach it. Beyond what they may seem
physically, a person or personality is a tendency to interpret or view
things in certain ways precipitating certain choices about what to create
in experience based on previous memories of previous experiences, and anticipation
of future experiences which seem yet to have occurred, and their feelings
or preferences about them. In sum, all that their current perception can
identify with as being themselves in the past and in the future of what
they regard as being themselves in the present, its history as well as
its fate.
Page 69
There is nothing good about power. Power is control over others and is corrupting in and of its own nature. There is nothing good that can be made of it other than trying to give as much back to those you have power over as you can (given current circumstances). The longer you hold it or try to hold on to it, the more you have of it, the more you gain of it, inevitably the more despotic you will become. There is nothing good, noble, or honorable about power, or the accumulation of power. Knowledge (by one) is not only dependent upon but reciprocal in time and in existence with what it knows. (Limited) knowledge (which is the only kind of knowledge) is subjective, and the subjectivity must also be reciprocal. That nothing is.. For any species which is communal, the only achievements any have or can be accomplished are only due to others letting them, or because they saw it in their interests as well. Look it up in book of the past (the only kind we have (<-all books are of the past)), historical precedents. Though I did not understand it until later, by having both the near and far representations of Earth (in the sculpture) in (the representation of) a hyperspherical Universe shows space most strangely curved and more interactively when standing in-between (them)(representing being inside of a curved the physical Universe), by having both Earths made out of glass (seeing through both from either outside both or inside both at the same time (though obviously outside of both and inside of both must be the exact same place)) gives an outside view upon the Universe's spacial region which we can perceive. Two years and counting in
the twilight zone.
My logic of understanding 4 and 5 dimensional spaces may seem flawed and primitive to some, yet it is self-connecting in a pattern, has a whole or definite overall shape, and though asymmetric relative to how accepted ideas of 3D space plus time operate, intersects or overlaps them, others ideas, in a definite pattern also, as if each can be related to the other through a third common intermediate language or set of ideas. The ideas of spin and movement being the same thing (Pg. 62 global areas + Omoglatron + last before notes started) and how objects cannot exist in any one place at any time overlaps (accepted) ideas about electrons though the logic behind them, my conclusions, had nothing to do with that smaller region of reality, which is supposed, yet by them, not at all explained how or why it is that way. Done. And so it begins again, for the first time, for the last time, and for every time in-between. For those who have lost it, for those who never had it, hope for them as you would for yourself. Undercurrents under undercurrents moving in different directions on different levels downward away from this and each other reality. Most perceptions of most pointed only at the surface outward into empty space around them (like a cork floating on a 3D ocean (3D plane of existence), link to Measure All Things Together's cork floating on a 2D plane), not sensing what holds them (up) there or where there is, smaller and inward (and backward in time). None to dominate but all to survive. I had previously
used the term self-self-aware (actually it was "If
not why self-aware" but the meaning to me
was the same, meaning if not having the correct context to put your limited
understanding of self-awareness within, if not knowing why you are self-aware
or how that knowledge (awareness) and lack of knowledge fits into things
and what will unfold. Gaining that context would be becoming self-self-aware
or understanding how your seeming self-awareness and limited knowledge
about things plugs into everything else, into events beyond yourself and
creating or helping to cause those events. That is how condensed it gets
when I write to myself. I boiled the whole Yoshoe/Yoshomee story down to
remember it later with just "the dividing and
recombining aspects of existence") in the notes with
little comment about it. One can say (and many do ;-) mankind is self-aware
when perceiving itself (individuals) as being separate from (their) environments
and aware of freewill or choice, and has proclaimed itself, unfortunately,
as sole (species?) in its environment in this regards. One becomes self-self-aware
when one realizes that sense of identity or separateness is completely
determined by factors outside oneself and events in and over time which
solely constitutes that sense of identity. By moving perception of identity
away from the physical self to the perception of EVENTS one is aware of
oneself in the context with other things and not as separate at all but
instead one view or perspective upon a whole of which you can never separate
yourself from no matter what you may wish to think.
Page 70
My life is not in uncharted territory but in waters I have been precipitously trying to avoid since as long as I can remember. Warnings about this time were not unheeded, yet I know now as I did not then it is not motivated by self-interest, power, greed or anything else, for the moment, which can make it all for nothing. I am not worried for myself or anything which can be done to me, for that too would pass. Some places you must go, some events must happen eventually, and all doors must eventually be opened. Patience is all you ever really need, and try not to force events before you are ready for them, and never expect all else to wait until you are, for that would make it too easy. Throwing you into situations you are not yet ready for may suck for you but necessary to keep you from figuring out too much too quick and its all part of the game. In studying Russian language which treats time somewhat differently, the question comes up as which is more correct, "tomorrow will be thursday", or the way I normally say it, "tomorrow is thursday". The first way may be more grammatically correct, but the second is more true. In a curved space/time Universe, the future must already exist as well as the past, as both must curve away from where you are in both directions just as physical dimensions would in a curved physical environment, therefore if tomorrow did not already exist (somewhere we cannot perceive yet), today could not as surely as we might think today cannot exist if yesterday did not (somewhere we can only remember). 3D etch-a-sketch reality. (Creating existence through absences against a uniform background which appear (the absences, holes in space and time) as the solids) Me, the past, and the future will not be on good terms for awhile. Each must have their own space. Relational views (apply) to science as well as philosophy. People pick a branch which they think has more assurances to survive or more fruit to be picked from, and defend that branch because their lives works are invested in it as a subset of it. If the whole tree of this or that theory is uprooted, their contribution to a flawed or wrong theory, however insightful or elegant (their supporting works were), would be seen as a waste of time. This is why subjects and theories become entrenched and dogma, because those who live or are the majority (of a group of opinion) at any given present, want it to prevail no matter how often it needs to be patched up, for trading it in for a new model puts their lives works seemingly in the scrap pile with it. Personality cults and whose works are seen as good hitching posts to build onto, these are not only a way to survive in the present (not to be belittled as that is not always easy to do) but a way to gain some respect for you own life's work (as long as that other bigger more renowned theory or subject is held in favor). Yet all great deeds and theories and outlooks will fall eventually no matter how many people in one present swear to uphold them and frown on others looking outside it for any other reason than to justify or validate it, though they rarely will admit to putting it or seeing it that way. Understanding freewill and how it interplays with prophecy if it can be determined as existent, both, how they can co-exist. That it is possible to know how events outside of your sphere of influence will turn out which have not happened yet, how can that mesh with how others outside of yours who could conceivably know what you will do in advance. It is as if everything beyond your control or influence has already happened or will only happen one way, from your point of view when you can see it that way, yet you are locked within the same constraint of (being) an open book to those who cannot affect you, even if you are in their futures. Yet what happens if nothing lies outside of one's sphere of influence, can either exist to each other at all if no (one) way can happen any more than any other as having been or will be the case? Causality curves? I accept no limitations imposed by Man upon what I am "allowed" to know and few by God, and even those provisionally only during my willingness to agree upon them, and only for awhile. People purposely keep others
ignorant so they can use knowledge against them, sell it to them, or hold
it over them.
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To always seek to keep potential enemies weak is to guarantee you will always have enemies. To seek to make all men strong, is to rule only through the necessity of gaining and keeping friends. The weakness of depending upon the acceptance of other's help is strength for it keeps one on a better path than one could ever hold to needing no ones help or counsel. If it is not NEEDED, eventually it will not be heard, ignored, and considered superfluous (and irrelevant). It is tough to justify how you live your life in the eyes of those who have lived in the past. It is in the nature of things that each generation makes its own break with the past in their own fashion and make each "their" future one which is in some sense truly their own creation. I am in the middle. I feel the need not only to justify what I do to those who have come and gone, but those who have yet to be who I am an extension of as well. It is a seemingly impossible task to please everyone in the present, never mind those in other times. That is why I need to find a space outside of the future and past to grow within, for both are to me both enabling and limiting in what I can become. Self-contained environments need to be seen from the outside. I see myself as neither fully alive nor dead while using others hopes as my guide, while my hopes lie upon something beyond describing, which few alive now could even imagine, let alone conceive. Gravity as being held to the side of a mountain. Life as a flame. Control is figuring out what people want or need and making them have to go to you to get it. People not wanting or needing anything (from others) destroys the ability to control them. Deprivation and starvation, keeping people from being able to feed themselves without you, without that, means you cannot control them. If you cannot threaten to starve them or to financially ruin them, the more things you can make them want, the more ways you can control them, the greater leverage you gain over them. In a fair game, anyone can win. Anyone being able to win means anyone being able to lose. That is why fair games are virtually non-existent. No one with power or wealth will ever (want to prolongingly) play a game they stand a chance of losing at, and they control what games can be played and even write the rules. Two wires stick out from under a table. Lift the table and you will see it is the same wire doubled-back. All objects and events beyond your sight disappear under a table. Lift the table and you will see they are all the same wire doubled-back. Everything in existence is forced by experiences to grow into a certain mold. One door opens, go into a room, another door opens, go into the next room. All you will see and know mapped out ahead of time. Go through enough doors and you can get a sense of predictability to the overall pattern, but you will always be molded as long as you follow the pattern (any pattern). The only way to escape the pattern is to learn to see through the walls of where you are supposed to be and only from what there are you supposed to see and experience. You may not be able to go to the rooms outside your sequence, but by perceiving them, exist in them in another sense simultaneously as well. History is recorded and kept alive by having as many possible copies of it as possible so it can have the greatest chance to survive, be read and be seen by others in other times. History is destroyed by erasing all copies or records of events one wishes to deny or purposefully keep others ignorant of. I ended
up reapproaching my own life from an unfamiliar direction, off
No matter which way my life goes, I always end up pushed back to the same events. I can't control what happens, merely shift the stage and change the time. The play was written before I was born to include whatever I might do, and all I control, if anything at all, is speeding it up, delaying it, and the venue. Humanity deserves no compassion from other species of more intelligence based upon how we treat other intelligent species (stating we are the most superior beings in the Universe except for God, and all other species were put here for our benefit, amusement, and food. All of which apply to how we treat dolphins, and we acknowledge their intelligence yet grant them no rights, and even other humans sometimes). If anything they should view us as much of a threat to them and the rest of the Universe as we are to ourselves. Fortunately we might outgrow this stage into one when we are only likely to be a hazard than assuredly being one. Every new day you are stuck in whatever circumstances similar to what you had the day before, try to find some new way to give it, or find in it, some new meaning or value. Focusing on and understanding your life as primarily events somewhat independent of matter only involving matter, as perspective, beads on string, of different "yous", different ideas of yourself at different stages, the flame that continues through different pieces of wood of your body different each day, different wood, and thousands of different each living cells of your body being born and dying each hour to keep that illusion of a static stable mostly unchanging body going, strung together mentally over time via memories only in the moment of other times, nothing is as important as this from earlier in the notes and cannot be stressed too often or too much, "Experience is all that world has to give or teach you and all you have to give or teach it." Packing dishes (Meaning when moving at first you can pack anything, but what you put off you will eventually be doing at some time, increasing in likelihood of happening next the longer it is not done. Some events can be done sooner or later but time will find you doing them at some point whether you like it or not. Best to like it then.) Cars leaving and entering (a) highway, traveling together for awhile, not (the amount of) time together (that is most important) but distance traveled (together) Whose people, who they control, what they will do. Life between predictability
and what is controlled. Predictable to have any sense of order as to an
identity to build as perceptions must mesh against previous near ones to
build a perceptual order and identify (oneself) to it. (Must also at the
same time be somewhat ) unpredictable to be interesting. Not everything
must be controlled or no sense of living. Variables are life. Unpredictability
is (the) potential to learn something new.
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Locked in dual orbits, defining in opposition with and simultaneously in tandem with. Centrifugal force in a curved Universe dissipates to forward in line (with wider orbits) with balance of other half of space. My second point of reference further out than most, greater orbits, through all else in all directions outside of all points in space equally yet (still) forward in time, yet looping back in time as well simultaneously. You have to do the now thing before you can do the later thing. Not only does humanity not rate much significance as an intelligent species on a larger galactic scale, we are a relatively minor flash-in-the-pan of our own planet. If you could save either and only one (species), dolphins or humans, which would on balance make more sense? Dolphins might evolve possibly for millions of years never damaging their environment, never risking the balance of the nature of their habitat, or seek to harm or control each other the way humans can't get enough of doing to each other. Humans on the other hand not only can ruin their environment, but seem ever inclined to always do so risking their survival pointlessly, and sustainable populations and mutual prolonged development without wars, suppression, brainwashing, and other controls is virtually unthinkable expectations given the track record and the present situation. Wherever you are, whatever you are, is your time away from everything else. You can't get any further away than that. See less, yes. Be less, no. Spinmeisters think they can control public opinion through the press indefinitely. Forever is a long time and people can become smarter when authorities are not watching them carefully and can begin to think for themselves. Sometimes we get the sense that it is we who cause certain events. It is nice sometimes to think that some things in life you can control or you are solely the cause of something. For legality, we must hold people (as) responsible for their own actions. However since everything comes together as it does from different sources, though never using this to evade responsibility, it is often just better to say, it happened and I was there. Some things' causes lie in how the cards were dealt, and sometimes the deck is stacked, done to far more than doing, when seeing further along ahead. No matter how hard you try to contain your influence upon your reality and your world, not allowing anything to happen that you directly cause not under your control or foreseen, something will come along and mess it all up. One may as well have 20 kids or 100 and affect reality in too many ways to count because it (your influence) will get away from you sooner or later and make itself over any which way it can. Consciousness is in effect what it believes itself to be by what it perceives currently, and what it remembers currently, that itself a current perception. If it cannot grow or connect the dots in one direction, it will grow or connect them in another direction. EVERY group in power seeks to (either to) influence or outright control what people read, see, hear, think, and believe so they will have the best chances of staying in power for without that influence, they have absolutely no power whatsoever. Peoples opinions are what constitutes it and influence in creating or maintaining those (favorable) opinions is all that keeps them on top. The more the human mind, behavior, and means of communication are put under a microscope to study, inevitably leads to more effective means of control and manipulation, the more new means must evolve to keep freewill via free thought one step ahead. To understand any society
better than it understands itself, figure out the ideas it most wishes
to keep its people from thinking or believing and will do anything, literally
anything, to stamp out those ideas, and try to understand why. That is
better than the society can know itself for they will never gain that perspective
on why for the very (even-handed) contemplation on those subjects is beyond
their (permitted) capacity to reason or question.
============================= The End (of Part 2, 2004, Est). PreNotes
- Before the beginning to be read after the end.
© 2004 by Jared DuBois |