Note: Begun with the idea of sorting out what it means to be human in accordance with perspective, i.e. how orientation within a system at a right angle opposed to gravity is the perceived to be the "correct" orientation and face to face linear forward perception is the "correct" way of sensing ones environment. (A perceived means of orientation for consciousness within a multidimensional system, which way is up" in 2D, 3D, 4D, etc.) This also was the breeding ground of the ideas which ended up in Assistwo's Perpendicular Universe Dream, this and a real dream I had as a child about being stuck to walls. Understanding gravity and multi-dimensional Universes go hand and hand and perspective is the key to understanding that as your perceptual environment is your actual environment much more than most people have any clue about.

         These points are key and relevant to my present means of interpreting how people could perceive environments in light of curved multidimensional spaces (4D, 5D) plus gravity.

         Outside of making these points, the rest has been done I am sure many times before by many people as an outsider's view of humanity. Mostly it is from what would or will be the beginning of a sociology treatise I will or would have written around 2009 called The Human Zoo, which I have been thinking about recently. I would not wish to write it any sooner, but felt like starting it now for this part for the reasons noted above. That is why it has to go through the other stuff it mentions first before getting to the part I wanted most to write about now, 4 paragraphs down, orientation within a system.

Humanity as would be seen from an outside comparative species perspective

         Humanity is a carbon based, feeding, and 2 sexed creature which resides in a gaseous non-liquid portion of a planet with abundant water. With bodies made mostly of water, water is the second most necessary component to their continued existences, that time of which varies but is generally less than 75 of their planet's orbits around its sun. The most necessary component in their environment for their existence is the gases which surround the planet, most notably the oxygen gas, for without it they die almost immediately. Since oxygen is abundant all over the surface area above the water in the gaseous dry spaces they inhabit, it is not sought after and usually finding it is not a problem unless in situations removed from it, such as in closed spaces or beneath the planets predominant liquid, water, which they were once able to extract oxygen from, but have now lost that ability many generations ago. Falling into water and failure to get oxygen is a common accidental means of death in the species.

         Equally as important as the oxygen gas is that they maintain a constant internal temperature. Falling into water as noted above, can be lethal for them as they cannot extract oxygen from it anymore, but can likely also cause death from heat loss since the water temperatures are often cooler than their typical environments, and more importantly, they no longer have adequate protection for maintaining the necessary internal temperature in most liquid environment temperatures due to thinner, more porous skin than they had when residing primarily or entirely in the liquid environment in which they originally developed.

         Even the slightest deviation from a constant internal temperature, which their bodies can maintain fairly regularly through somewhat varying conditions in a gaseous environment, throws off the balance of the symbiotic nature of what comprises their bodies, and they can die shortly after unless it can be restored within a short period of time, generally a few days.

         Their bodies function cyclically with the rotations relative to their sun, each complete rotation is termed one day. This cyclical functioning is comprised of two parts, 1/3 to 1/4 of the time unconscious, and 2/3 to 3/4 of the time conscious, active, and "awake". Also their physical orientation varies greatly between these two periods. While unconscious and mostly at rest, their positions are horizontal or as level as possible along the greatest length of their bodies with the dry surface. While conscious, their most common orientation is balanced on two appendages directly opposed to their gravity. This position puts their eyes at the most maximum distance away from their planets surface as possible given what their elongated narrow bodies can manage. Balancing on two appendages is innate, but not immediate, as the skill takes time to develop after birth.

         Their two eyes are kept mostly level to the surface of their environments at a right angle to their gravity, like most species in their environment. This perspective they consider the "right" or "correct" way of perceiving things and indeed, their brains and circulatory systems have developed to function primarily in such an orientation to their gravity to such a degree that other orientations to gravity, if prolonged, results in disorientation or even death.

         Their main focus of awareness is around their heads at that point highest away from the ground in the normal conscious state's orientation to gravity. This is for a number of reasons. Though their brains constantly and continuously receive feedback from every region of their bodies, the main sensory organs for interpreting light and sound, the two most developed senses for surviving in their environments, are located in this top portion of the body closest to the brain, the primary neural center. Since these sight and sound sensations are deemed the most critical for survival, they are the main focus of awareness while conscious and all other sensations are generally not noticed unless something goes wrong with them, usually registered as pain or discomfort, or when one wishes to concentrate on them for a particularly difficult skill, or for pleasure.

         Another reason the main focus of awareness of humans is primarily centered around their heads besides that the sensory organs deemed most important for survival are located there, is that their main means of communication, speech, also originates from this region. Sound patterns emanate from their mouths which primarily developed for the intake of food for nutrition as well as respirating gas. When exhaling the waste gas, carbon dioxide, they can shift the shape of the tubes and create a variety of sounds to communicate ideas to others. The combination of the fact that these head areas both produce the means of communication between humans, and receive the means of communication, means their focus while interacting with others is primarily centered on or focused on this region. When recognizing, thinking of, or differentiating (comparing as well as combining notions of similar traits) between others, the head or the region of the head not covered by hair, the face, is what they tend most to associate with that person or persons because it is the focus of most of their attention most of the time they interact with others.

(Note: That is about all for now. Only that much of it was required. It would have been nice to get into center outward linear forward perspective of visual orientation though.)

© 2004 By Jared DuBois