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Best of the Notes - Potency


Note: The title of this grouping comes from the fact that the word potential comes from the word strength, at least in the English language. Blue are for emphasis. Red are for emphasis and conjunctional.

Discussion Points 
Potential (the notion that something can become something else over 
                time, namely that it can be more than one thing, way or 
                state (in the future) is possible) cooking <- no clue about that 
      Does it exist? 
      If so, what has it? 
      Where does it come from? 
           Is in inherent within something? 
           Does it exist in relation to things not it (can ones potential be 
                                 thought of as being contributed by others) 
           Does the relationship arise together with it or come later? 
      What is it? 
           Is it dependent upon multiple states of reality (timelines)? 
               Can potential exist without multiple futures? 
               Can multiple realities exist without the idea of potential? 
        Types of potential 
                Variance potential - other? (something else) 
                 Value potential - more? 

Chain of suppositions regarding interlinkage of existences 
1) Once born one is accepted universally in ones reality as possessing existence. 

2) Each person's consciousness consists of a small part of every other beings'
consciousness (that which is able to recognize their existence) 

3) Each persons potential is comprised of those parts of others potential in dealing 
with that individuals existence. 

4) Each person's consciousness wishes to control or affect others potential for
interaction or interpretation of that individual in a certain way (to cause given 
effects over possible other effects). 

5) Beyond that subset in each of everyone else's potential for experiencing and
understanding your own existence, you have no independent actual concrete 
existence (outside of your own perception of your own existence)(which is 
neither actual nor concrete). 

6) What ones consciousness is is a mirror of the most likely interpretation of what the 
most others will see one as or how they would experience oneself. 

7) One can change the range or the likelihood of how one is perceived by others by 
changing their consciousness, if they are able, to shift the most likely possible 
perceptions in all others in effect to cause a change in what they are seeing as
they (things) have no actual existence except in each others minds (the sum of all 
others' minds). 

8) Though they cannot necessarily change the actual perceptions, to change the
range of likelihood is enough to change oneself since what they are is defined by 
that range of probability more than any given actuality since most others will
never collapse that potential into actual experiences by direct and actual contact 
with, or experience of, that other. 

9) The perception of any other beings or consciousnesses' existence is not limited to 
those one would likely come into direct contact with physically. Though actual
shared events can give one greater ability to shape others opinions of oneself,
how one could have been perceived by all others one never met is just as relevant 
to defining who one is or was.                                                            From  Before the PreNotes

The more realities it exists in incomplete cause a greater shadow cast in those fewer realities it fully exists (in). To have one foot in existence and the other in non-existence is to be partially potentially anything. To be fully in existence is to be only one thing. To have no existence is to be potentially anything. To be partially both is to evolve and grow through time  ...  By spreading its effects outward into other realities it will never exist in fully other than potentially, yet affect them as if it did exist, it becomes a paradox, having sideways effects without sideways existence.                                                             From the PreNotes

 On the acorn and the tree example, the acorn "knows" or has an idea of what it wants to grow into though it knows not how, or even if, it can manifest that as. It is flexible. If circumstances prevent it from growing this way, it will try to grow that way. It does the best job it can in following its own template of what it wants to grow into so in a sense "knows" a multitude of future states, or potential  states, ahead as the tree "remembers" past states literally built up into its "actual" existence. If the environment does not allow it enough, or demands too much flexibility that the acorn in various stages toward becoming a tree simply cannot compromise toward its internal plan, will eventually call the whole thing off and dissipate into lesser living things and materials in hopes something as or more complex in the future will be able to use those components and try again.               From the PreNotes

The amount of potential in any one person's life is insignificantly different on any wide view terms than anyone else's as far as what can be done, realized, or achieved. Thus to judge anyone's life as worthless or less valuable is to judge all life the same for there is nothing really anyone can point to without bias to say how any others' life can be significantly greater or more valuable. Without retreating into your own bias and personal values or outlooks you can either build up all life's value as a whole or demean it all as a whole, but never one or one's at the expense of any others. 

Everything done in the Universe is due to an overabundance of potential and a scarcity of knowledge and understanding

The less knowledge people have, and people are pretty stupid, the more avenues and potential there are for growth. The less actualized, the greater the potentiality. 

When in combined overlapping space, neither part is the original, both are. Once a new combination is made, each point of view or starting place was the origin equally. You must constantly expand and redefine points and locations as being in more than one place equally before and both potential future locations in each space following the division again as being equally the same path's logical result based on each previous parts direction. 

Potential and actual are easily inversible. What one is and all else one is not are easily inversible. To think of any one half without being CREATED or COMPLETELY defined by the other half is short-sightedness bordering on complete blindness.

As the wave reaches its outer edges, from another distant yet identical or identically valid perspective, that outer edge is or becomes the new inner circle or originating point, and every point to (there), in space and in time, is the potential originating point by some other perspective. 

Most people trade potential for paths that will bring them the most time and fewest problems. I trade potential for what will give me the most understanding of life in the shortest time possible and will give me many problems (to solve). (It is a) question of drawing it out (extending), or trying to cover the most ground possible. 

People's lives are attempts to transfer something, their experiences, their potential, into something concrete which will have existence outside of them or beyond them. A book, a painting, a formula or theory, a philosophy, a monument or sculpture, a building or park, their children, an heir philosophical, spiritual, or biological, all of these are attempts to pass on something inside yourself to exist outside of yourself for others, and which may survive beyond yourself. To see it as attempts at immortality is unduly coarse and vulgar. It is not wanting to let something good within you die with you or be forgotten unnecessarily. That is how to view it in its best light, though maybe not realized or always thought of in that context at the time by everyone, but equally how it can be seen by anyone toward anyone else's  attempted achievements. The irony is that which is wished to be passed on can never be forgotten or lost anyway, nor is any externalization of that potential any more real than the potential of itself. 

Redefining your past in relation to or conjunction with another's or something else's to see them as related or coming together thus seeing both prior lines (of past events) as both branches (common roots) leading to common events and concurrent futures, if only for awhile, and only in one single chain of events or one branch of potential realities. 

Lacking to existence to lacking defined only by surroundings, water bubble above (the) surface, air bubble below (the) surface. Potential to actual to potential, nothing is changed but the perspective it is viewed by or through. 

The median, the center that is always the same, your sense of identity or constant in all of these different (potential) realities or timelines is more of a myth than anything else, 

Point A- time and space curving away from it in all directions. Point B- time and space curving away from it in all directions. Between A and B, one direct line and more curved lines, yet (the) curvature arcs are limited else they no longer are paths between A and B, like magnetic field patterns between the north and south poles. Wanting to go from A to B, or being at A at one point in time and B at a different point in time collapses potential around the places in between (Like Universe Inc's probability waves) and a road forms between. 

It is not what people are which captures my interests and imagination or attention, it is what they have the potential to become. What they are is just a moment in time which anyone can see in any number of ways. Trying to straighten that 360 degree present into a path of or for the future over many times, that is what we try to see when we come across others who we think we can envision that future by or with them. It is to stand in or run concurrent with their stream over many times, and see more of them than anyone could by just seeing or knowing them at one time or (for) a shorter time. What people are is constantly changing and always is in flux. To see the degrees of variation and what they orbit around is to find out who they are, but that can take many times or a lifetime depending on how much they can vary from what they see as themselves, how long it takes to complete a single orbit or revolution. 

People should not have an abject view of minds or consciousness. They, others, are not something apart from yourself which you can go into like a house and look around (with) you here and they, there. Consciousness is experience. Life is experience. Only by interacting with it, being affected by it as well as affecting it, can either exist. Separateness is existence. Togetherness is potential. Experience is finding a level between or seeing existence, temporal, and potential, timeless, as separate things. That is and is not the case depending on your perspective and where you think you stand, literally and figuratively. 

Ferraris are made to be driven beyond the speed limit. Sooner or later everything must justify its potential. 

For every one fact you learn, add at least one opinion why that may not be the case. See everything no matter how minor from an opposite perspective yet try not to let this double duty slow you down. Learn everything in context as how others believe it to be, while building a reverse of your own which is an alternative view. When you can place faith in neither, and accept either as potentially true, you can know facts without being hostage to them. 

Timeline variant people interesting. Lots of different potential realities different from each other. You can't help but be curious which they will choose and how many they perceive. 

Yet to conceive of that far out away from now, is to try to reach the limits of how far consciousness can imagine to one day be able to go and stand there, and make it part of their own potential perspectives, outlooks, and conceptual models of understandings. 

Every new ability or insight you make must be logically deducible from all that came before and all its potential effects must be accounted for in all you hope to achieve or do. In line with those two restrictions you are pretty much free to reconstitute your capabilities as you wish. You are only the present point of a circle, not a construction of your past nor who you will be in the future, but you must respect the logic of the circle.

The best graph of existence would be billions of circles all converging at one point in the center. That point would be now and the different paths each has taken to get to that point in space and time, yet the movie can or will be played backwards seeing in converging again from an opposite perspective and parting from an opposite perspective. To see how each of the billions and countless more different roads both lead away (ahead) and back to the same point or creating experience from its own unique angle or point of view it puts upon it to create it, each no more valuable or less intrinsic than any other, for each is only the sum of potential of interactions with the others. 

Without the movement to somewhere else, there is no such thing as where you are or even were, as nothing else is possible. It is only perpetual motion or no motion. Everything always is, and always is potentially everything else chasing some other aspect of itself, or everything always never is, for it always from another point of view could never have been. 

Science and religion both fail (in) seeing a beginning and an end external to themselves. Every point and time in the Universe contains the beginning and end of every other. With that in mind, the same could be said of the potential of each and every consciousness. With each new life, the Universe itself is born again, and with each death, merely shifts the focus to something else, some new other way of seeing it or being it or being within it (though not you), being with it another way. 

New organizational factors, methods, and structures for consciousness linking seemingly disparate events in more creative ways. Everything potentially connects to everything else, new views or ways of seeing connections is always possible and growth is trying them out to see which you like or best frame what you want or think you have to do presently. 

What defines a personality is the means, methods, patterns, and standards you would use to choose out of a set of perceived choices. A choice is defined by the expectations of all the possible results which could stem from the chosen action. If you can say the choice would be easier if not for this potential effect or that, then it would hardly be described as the same choice to decide about. 

All you experience or can, bottled, compressed, smooth, uniform, must be poured out over time, mixed with others (experiences or potential?) to be known, actualized, unfolded, decompressed, given shape, form. 

Leaving no potential behind, getting other's help, going back for it, getting them to carry some of it within them.
You can't buy potential someone has already claimed. You must only hope they will share if you are willing to share yours.
Playing catch-up to someone else's speed (is) only advisable if you know where they are going and can conceivably overtake them, without losing sight of where you wish to go. Trying to keep pace with someone potentially stronger, quicker, or developing faster than yourself is fun. Pushing yourself beyond previous preconceived limitations to keep up is growth, but never losing sight of where that is pulling you  towards is essential not to get suddenly lost. 

Dancing around a wave potential or probability trying to see it from other sides (is) different than around an actuality. Many different ways of being means needing a different way of perceiving it from outside of it, since what is outside of it is indefinite while what it is is indefinite.

How surface actualities relate to higher level more penetrating potentialities they exist within the frame of.

The potential to unite two different levels or states of existence into one, that is what is different about this one. Others can know, I may do, more proactive but less blissed. 

One small arbitrary singular potential reality of me against one small arbitrary singular potential reality of another. 

Everything new both registers as a reality to everything else in existence but creates a shadow in potential beyond it away from each other point in-between it and something else, without it or if or when it is absent, one sees beyond its existence like an eclipse of the sun shows stars you would otherwise never see, each absence both creates one type of reality at the sacrifice of another type of reality. When one goes or comes it obscures the other type between it and every other point away in time and space halfway back originating point in both. (Unlike the numerous () in next which were there, this note was added.) (Note: it is not literally seeing what is beyond something like behind it what is meant here, though that is a good example, more like behind its intent or what's its existence depletes or changes from how things would be or have gone otherwise, seeing as things would have been if it were not for that person or thing, what would also have filled its potential or the void its absence would have created or potential for anything or everything else.) 

"Ok honey I see, I guess he's better than me" (Harry Chapin, WOLD), nothing, the absence of something, even me or what I wish can be or creates a positive for someone or something else (every positive a negative of potential for everything else, and vice versa.)(a positive of one type of experience, a negative of every possible other which could have been seen in its place or beyond its shadow in potential.) (To see beyond the reach of all its possible effects and states in time (around?) it to create a ball or universe around its existence, to see beyond it from seeing it from all points in space in time at once, no shadows, only the center out view reversed, negative center inwards, seeing all possibilities of its existence and its non-existence's potentials at the same time, supra-dimensional point of view of something's potentialities in effects on everything else's potentials.) 

If the fax machine reverb is with yourself, you simply create that time by connecting to it and then eventually reach it to move beyond, every question or problem eventuates or creates a time for reaching its own solution, pulling together, eliminating *AND* creating both the points between seen from different angles. If the fax machine reverb is with another, you both create the need for the other's existence and both cancel out the other (to each other) beyond the connection in time and potential before it began and after its completion (thus removing it from time again.) 

As possible future states and beings are a reflection of your own potential and its absence, (all) what it can create and (all) what it prevents, two Universes hinging on each moment both occurring and not  simultaneously, yet creating each other by flipping with, changing place, or rotating with (from a different perspective) each other. 

If multiple parallel simultaneously existing Universes were to be the case, you can never really help or adversely affect another, all you can see is one version of events of how your potential and theirs could intersect or overlap, and maybe in or through that, how it could create other Universes between. 

Everyone is a potential variable in anything else's perfect equation. We are what messes up what might have been if we were not. 

Nothing that exists is provable beyond perception. No order exists beyond perceived relations. All objects in space and time are always theoretical, and real only to the extent of their potential upon or to affect any other at that time. If all moments in time connect to every other in all directions away, like all spaces connect (Sequentially) to every other point in all directions away, nothing is ever able to affect anything beyond their potential to be affected by other, as all possible effects IN BOTH DIRECTIONS always exist. People perceive time as a one dimensional line away, or a funnel with one line away. It is as wide away from each point in many directions as space is. 

Important point made before in notes: All points in time away in all directions from present like all points in space (from wherever you are standing, sitting, etc.) How to envision this is not something we perceive yet. A different kind of seeing it takes. How overlap these (events?) coming from other times and spaces in-between and creating new conjunctions or timelines between each convergence relating to the events which lead to that convergence like a new ball of potential or new universe created at each new moment of space and time where convergences or overlaps occur (wordy and not said clearly but tries to tie things together, a bit blurrily yet, though. Blurrily, cool :-) 

All points in space exist right now (actually if the universe is expanding that would not be true, but if defined by atoms of a set number only decreasing over time it would be true in regards to potential places defined by things in them, though they could be spread out more and create more thinner things but whatever, digressing a bit). All points in time exist right here. To move through both at the same time is to pull some (points/times) to you and others further away from you, yet that is (only) perspective as much further away in both directions (the angle and direction) is reversed. 

To see me as having learned as much of life and it having nothing (of interest) left to show me and eventually needing to move on has a mirror view (a different aspect of it) in the Universe having seen all the potential variability of how I would react in all possible circumstances and contexts and moving beyond it. Each is as the other and each is trying to find or see the same events from opposite perspectives. 

No part of a person is the person, i.e. arm, heart, eyes, etc., and can be put in another. Not even the whole body at one point in time is a person, but how they are and change, or can change, over time. If always exactly as they are at one point, would not be a person. Their uniqueness too is a part of who they are. If everyone looked exactly the same or acted exactly the same in the same circumstances, they would not be the same (as) in that context. It is relational to how they are to you and how they seem to themselves over time that is what someone is to you, the potential for changes and experiences in both they and you.

Every moment extra in time you add to your life is rewriting the history of the Universe, both past as well as future recounts of history, to enable that moment to be. In light of that achievement you are creating every second, make it occasionally something worth redefining everything that came before or will become to enable it. Not that anything is ever really lessened to make it possible, all things still can also occur, but to have that potential always dwarfed by self-doubt is wasteful. 

Bowtie of knowledge and potential, growth vs. stagnation, actualization vs. creativity of yet to be. (When?) raising one end lowers the other. 

...The closer you get to that point in time, the more possible threads of the past must merge to create that point. The fulcrum ought to be viewed on the present in both directions, that each moment creates its own set of future points reachable away from it and is the conjunction of differing possible timelines back away from it which must merge and cancel each other out to define it as more "actual". To view other potentially possible places and states of or for each present, nothing could be seen as the sole determinant of anything else. You could see many paths and opposed pasts leading to each present, many different strands coming together in different ways to create the same states and effects from completely different causes and directions of different pasts. Circular causational loops not only seem possible but practically inevitable further away from each present...

Like many, maybe everyone in history, I want, need to expand my potential and grow beyond what I am and redefine what can be and can become. How much they could, did, I cannot know except that we are not what we were millions of years ago and each generation advances it, if only the smallest of steps.

Seeing greater potential in others than is really there is like a mirage that vanishes as you draw nearer to it. Yet as with a mirage, the experience is born from a need in you to believe it is there and keeps you going further than you would have without hope. Others will travel that path further and create that road, and hopefully a real destination those hopes will create to justify those dreams. 

Taking the potential of yourself, inside yourself, and imbuing it into others so you can stand apart from it, gaze into it, and see what it is from an outside second-hand perspective. Everything that is is a reflection of everything else to each other that it seems not to be. What will happen is always what this overall structure believes most likely could at any given point, and then only in regards to each other from within. "Actual" is only interpretation of potential from the inside out. 

Your history is like a slice of a pie of potential of what it could or might have been. You can focus on the slice or learn to know the whole pie. 

The faster and more directed something is into growing into something else, the happier it can be since its potential for change is being realized and it is occupied....

That is why I believe even if there is freewill, something is controlling what happens, and what can grow inevitably will create the circumstances which not only permit it to reach its maximum potential, they will demand nothing less. 

To identify with those around you, you must see their concerns as your own. You must also see their views shaped by their particular experiences as (being as) valid as your own, though it is outside of your own context and experiences, but contact and interaction with them is both the opportunity on one hand, and a requirement on the other if you wish to grow intellectually and experientially to your fullest potential, to never write off their experiences as irrelevant to your own. 

Potential of/for experiences only, no substances. Experiences creating new potential for experiences. Car (a) potential for experiences created out of experiences of making it by others. People too. Changing the patterns of what can be experienced and how, see substances can be as imaginary as digital information, exists only as a pattern and potential for experiences to yourself or to others. Pyramids monuments of experiences of countless others pointed in one direction made of experience to the Nth degree as well as stone. (the amount of experience put in)(<- meant to have been stuck in somewhere) 

The potential anyone has is defined in and by others, and NOT oneself.In the words of every child ever born, "I didn't ask to get born!" In a way you didn't, and the Universe through you is just getting back the expectations of what was put in to create you by others.

Potential is the expectations of others overlapping of mutual needs and desires. Time wanted things from me, I wanted things from time. 

Eating or absorbing the potential of whatever the future could be and shitting out a past, and the only thing that keeps you moving is the wind coming out of your ass.

Identity only as defined by events, by the people whom you might possibly meet, and potential interactions with and in regards/relation to their existences. 

All actualized past EVENTS of everyone and everything equals ones identity. All perceived potential future EVENTS peaks of all perceived (existing or) potential beings equals ones identity. One set of events is what you are standing on dimensionally speaking. Forget the gravity analogy, standing (as in) locked into a 3D slice. The other set of events is what you think that is moving toward, i.e. direction, but since direction is inapplicable in a closed (curved) environment, which direction it is spinning (in a multidimensional sense, not left/right) compared to how you wish it to spin. 

Redefining everything in terms of events and potential of events. Forget things. Things are only sets of interactions between things and between (within) themselves over, and requiring, units of time. (made of time). 

Moving vs. stopping, potentials are inverses of the other's type of potential. One (is) of distance, the other of possible directions. 

Just as everything outside yourself is an externalization of yourself in regards to the potential for experience (of it) and interaction with it in the time definition of yourself or what it means to be you, so too are you internalized within everyone you might meet in regards to their times events to define themselves through experiences with you. 

My mind is constantly pushed from all directions to grow in ways I am not exactly always happy about. I control how to act and what I want to do with it, but what I am and its potentials are as externally created and defined to me as is everything else in my environment. It grows according to a pattern the same as your body grows according to a pattern written before you were born. 

...The idea you can be simply turned on like a light-switch, led around by a leash of partial knowledge through a prescribed limited number of potential circumstances to interact with guided by that limited set of knowledge, it all smacks of one big setup. I know by now countless peoples views and perspectives on life and not one hints of freedom outside of a very limited range based upon a prescribed set of factors of a pre-built maze of potential circumstances to stumble through blindly by intent. The organizational means (of the Universe) pisses me off. 

Seeing everything from outside of it. How worlds, matter, and species form. How consciousness and spirit form. What they hope to achieve in events in their limited times. What future orders they hope will arise and try to contribute to. How their senses of identity form and are shaped. Experiences first, foremost, and exclusively. Shaped, molded, grown. Lives as objects, objects as experience and potential for experiences only.  Seeing your own life from outside of it and within the same context as others without attachment enables seeing others lives from within to without as well. Each outside view is anothers, all others, potential inside view.

Every minute of every day is a chance for a new perspective on everything which you were until that point, always stepping back further into another frame outside of what you were before and a new perspective on that. I merely use that ability to a greater effect, constantly searching out all the possibilities of and for that new moment's potential outside perspective. Though it seems to increase exponentially, (doing that) is merely trying to match its potential for growth and trying to keep up with all that is possible to see at that given time which was not possible the previous moment, and what has changed in potential. 

To know your potential, to see it before it is realized, is like seeing more cards at once in your hand while playing a card game, and know more of the options you have when it is your turn to do something. It is easy to explain it this way until you realize you are holding billions of cards at once of all different values in random orders. Remembering while scanning as many as possible all the ones in your hand at once is difficult, and choosing is only possible if there is a time limit because you would always wish for more time to scan more cards to compare them with each other to make a better move, or the best one possible or most appropriate for that moment in time. Thinking more quickly just lets you see more cards in the time allowed. Making moves before the timer runs out and people would start to get mad at you is just stupid overconfidence. 

When you do or actualize anything you must decrease its potential but inherent within the decrease of that potential is an increase in the potential perspective or experience or understanding of that potential, now transformed into an actual event, by others. The decrease in potential to the one is proportionate to the potential experience increased within others. That increase in others potential for that experience is offset by a decrease in their potential for other experiences. On the whole, potential and actual are either always in balance, or always through time creating new imbalances and trying to resolve them chasing each other, and from a better point of view, each (view) is the same and only different depending on how you choose to look at it. Or if you choose to see matter and past actual events, or the action, the potential for future actions, as possessing the greater validity as truth or real. 

Everything regarded as fiction is either potentially true, representational of potential truths not yet have been put into action by someone's experiences, or more likely, representational in a way of countless peoples in the past, present, and future, in one way or another, and usually in many ways at once. 

Those that are celebrated in history and those who are purposefully expunged from it serve the same function; one aspect is identified as useful and all others surrounding it get purged to create its pedestal. Should full competition ever be allowed, the greatest achievements would be surpassed constantly. By keeping most reverential and praising the past, they create the clotting needed to build up the monumental illusions of (unsurpassable) greatness at the cost of others potentials. 

Instead of how to excel (to ones fullest potentials), this world is about how to conform to societies dumbed down expectations for what you should be, while still trying to find some subtle unnoticed way of accomplishing something meaningful. The competent always end up working for and  ultimately controlled by the less competent who inherited money to provide themselves with (the means to) control of what others create or invent. 

Everything seeks that idea or rationalization which will allow it to dominate and grow. That which does not dies and becomes again potential. That which does not die is forever struggling to jump over imaginary chasms of time and grasping at any straw which will replicate themselves over time. It is sameness seeking to convert potential into more sameness. 

In some of your potential realities, I will die tomorrow or in the next hour, minute, etc. In some of my potential realities, you will. In the ones which neither happens, a new common reality forms of the interaction of separate potentials. It is not that neither deaths actually occurred, just not from that common perspective. Everything is always dead from another point of view at the same moment in time it is alive from a different point of view. 

...Just as businesses are groups of people defining themselves as a company, and organization to provide them food or power at future moments of time, people too have their own building blocks (components as people are to companies) of (past) events and (future) possible potential events which come together from different sources to contribute to something called a life or a person which is merely something built out of that coming together to maintain some separate position over time. Without seeing electrons, we experience them. Without seeing the building blocks of time (externally or non-sequentially) of ourselves, we experience them. Events we connect together to remember can define ourselves by those memories and assumed potential events yet to occur (which we think or fear might occur which also defines our notions of ourselves and who each of us may be at any given point), seemingly yet to occur anyway because only by our and some others perspectives around us (at this point in time) have they yet to have occurred. 

....Parmenides key idea verbatim, how once anything is in any timeline of any Universe, it is potentially existent in all (other points and times) and beyond these more inclusive potentials all of which *EQUALLY* exist,  nothing else can possibly exist...

Seeing the same events from different angles in time (is) analogous to different angles in space, outside of context of linearity, slide ruler of potential into form across multiple times at once like space consists of multiple spaces (existing) at once. 

...Each moment later they are all spun in different directions, though all points each moves on to is no further away from each's own center of all their potential events in their own lives from their own points of view. This is (analogous) of a single consciousness fractured. Add one more dimension to this example and you can also combine all those individual centers away from their spherical surfaces touching a needle of common reality, with one more dimension to conceptually organize this example, you can also pull all of those centers together in the middle at once. 

Directional increases and decreases of potential for desirable repeatable experiences or of a single occurrence of an event, one outcome of which is preferable.

Viewing possession of material things in terms of increased potential for repeated pleasurable interactions with that object, owning an expensive car vs. renting or stealing, status centered vs. actual potential for use. 
...Then even if it (the line) equally is in the space between relative to your line of throw, if one is closer to you than the other, potential moves higher first in one person's favor, then in the others favor. Even then other factors could increase for the secondary catcher. If too quickly for the first to react, the second has more time to react where the first has more opportunity on one hand, but less actually ability for success than the second one who lacks the first access of the first, but (possibly) higher potential for catching. Then suppose the potential for the first person decreases the potential for the second because that decrease in disadvantage of the first over time does not necessarily translate into an increase in potential for the second. Of the first, it can deflect the course even by failing to catch it or obtain the result they want, from the path of the second by just the attempt of catching it, or on purpose. Boring and simple when talking about catching a ball, but can be applicable to attempts at fairness in business, right of first refusal, opportunities for employment, access to contracts, marriage, etc. Mathematical inverses of potential for one individuals actualization or even non-actualization always affecting the increasing or decreasing the potential of others for achieving or repeating that same event at a later time. Interesting.

Viewing all things in regards for types of potential interactions leading to pleasurable occurrences and/or memories. 


Combining above two examples (car (owning vs. renting, status of owning above renting in preventing others from using it even if one must work so many hours to keep it, he/she rarely gets to drive it themselves) and ball). Say neither can keep the ball. All one gets is the experience at a point over the other. Fairness can be thought, all each gets a turn to have the ball, but still fundamental crux that one succeeds at the time both wish to. Say later is not good enough for both, or (being) second is considered less prestigious, or that time may not allow for both, potential decreases over time, or that the one who gets the ball first has the opportunity to destroy the ball so the second cannot get a turn catching it, and opportunity the second does not have in relation to the first. All possible variances of potential of may types of occurrences (which are) more interesting than catching a ball but all relate to the potentials of the first affecting potentials of a second when in regards to sequence and time.

Seeing more potential perspectives than others can (be) by historical reminisces or creative thought. Intuition can be infinite though some creativity needed to reframe historical references to be seen as pertinent. 

Everyday I exist which I am able to claim or first use some ideas in relevance to other examples and perspectives, I only increase my potential achievements in relevance to (a decrease) in others potentials if they would come across those ideas in reference to my life. It is not that anyone cannot make such ideas known (to themselves) spontaneously at any time themselves, however we structure organize time and experience to put those words in the mouths of some over others. Yet those ideas and experiences must exist within others for one to bring about the experience of sharing knowledge and perspective. It is only (to be) agreed (or determined) on the order of (how) the experience (gets) coming to be. 

The interaction of 2 potentials is the basis of more limited reality of time... and a line forms between... 

Dead to you or dead? If no contact anyway, is it the same? Say someone leaves to a far off place you can never hear from again, would their existence or non-existence if you would never hear from or about them, really concern (have relevance) to you? Leaving aside possible mental links which are not necessarily in real time anyway, what point would there be in thinking of any connection between you and them (still exists) or of thinking of them at all? (Not to say there is not point, just how and why would it be desirable and what is the ultimate purpose served?) (Obviously if you could have future contact or news, it still is in the sphere of your life and potential future experiences. Removing all traces of any degree of future interaction, contact, or news about them makes the question clearer) 

Putting things (events of potential knowledge and things to happen) in terms of a life story. 

That all already know whatever you can teach them, experience brought out which already exists, potential as (a) form of events just not remembered yet 

...Can also repeat though, any other to make whatever design you choose, but must use pre-existing dots only spread out over time all at once (conceptually visually speaking) even if you can't see them yet, the have (or will have (preexistent reality)) existence in "temporal" places (again meaning a preexistent sense of reality of something which can occur), or ways to occur when all factors line up right to allow (such potential occurrences) to happen. Every possible combination of events unlocks some (sense of) identity, experience, or locked away piece of knowledge, just may or may not be valued to what you want to do, be, or have, or experience at that time. 

Downward pressure matched by upward and outward potential. Born in a pressure cooker.

Quantum variables - what can change relative to everything else vs. what changes in-line with everything else. Seeing everything as potential for change either alongside or against, static is a myth.


Non-existence = potential shifted to (the) periphery outside of system or edge of system. Zero = infinity. 

Abilities not applicable unless (having) something to do.

Sometimes believed what told by others would set up expectations and contributed to events, sometimes expectations were internal, not actualized as by (interaction with) others speakings or teachings, sometimes what happened came as a (complete) surprise, blind and cold.

Freeze all past events, thoughts, beliefs, about what will or should happen, expectations into stone of the moment you are in, combine it all into one preset past for that moment to jump forward from or dissect its parts equally (all ideas, memories, expectations, beliefs (at that moment in time), sense of identity or purpose at that time).

Growth with and without height, with and without outside environment beings expectations (of what to grow into), with and without static environment rule changes in what is possible (changing or unchanging laws of nature).

Outside total view on all events (ring) (all possible events also if applicable) in ones life touching and being affected by ring of others perspective on all events in another’s life merges from a different view, both center into a common potential perspective as well.

Cell growing into others, from other back into your past.

Smart enough to know futures and pasts and to walk away from both (distance oneself or identity)

Parts of environment before being known about (external potential only) and after being know about, before they exist (before they are part of the environment (of actual things), non-actualized potential), and after they exist (outside of (total) environment or system you are currently in).

 All of that is what is good and bad about existence, you are a part of what you need and want to be, and equally at the same time, ultimately what those around you need you and want you to be.

Reversing premonitions, déjà vu, moments of apriori; holding back potential, creating events while blocking the rivers of change until catastrophic floods; stepping outside of thoughts sequences, seeing what wanting to do and thinking at any given time as an environmental component;

People unknowing or yet to even have considered metal landscapes and templates of their conscious patterns of expectations. See environments as stable things instead of streaming buffers.

Whether pre-existant or existent away = factors not yet come together for present experience to yourself, survive independently or exist to others without interference. Multiple (futures) with your interference (interacting with and varying reality)(and) one without, multiples without, or one of each?

Rolling rock (or ball or tire) as consiousness contact points (repeating on self and rolling in line against environment)
Physical bodies, forms, as tires thrown off back of a moving train. Environment as moving (to tire) terrain it will hit and begin rolling in direction of the train, and how it (the terrain, its environment it begins in, where it starts, and will define and frame all of its possiblities) will affect its speed, length of movement, and direction, inclines, objects in the way… etc.

© 2003-2006 by Jared DuBois