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Some Key Ideas from the Raw 5D Notes - Part Four

Humanity as a single entity, environment as a single entity, the Universe as a single entity, parts of it perceptually cut off from each other, interacting with each other blind to the connection. Experiences as connecting the dots, bringing together the pieces which are only separated by lack of memory and lack of perception, and only joined by the experience of current perception...

Coalescing, centralizing, more control in fewer hands, versus diffusing, decentralizing, more control by each individual over their lives, fewer laws, and fewer universal customs and beliefs. (All that is) part of motion as being the only reality. Nothing in the Universe is static and all of existence rates only as motion relative to something else. Physical first, relational as well. Change for always, sometimes better by your own views, sometimes worse, but never the same day to day, year to year. Nothing ever is what it was a second ago.

Pushing through life (in a chosen direction without ever veering), held up by it (from where you originally choose to be), or interacting with it (creating new directions every moment not existing or possible before the interactions). 

...when going sideways) going around the curvature to the same spot in space and (or?) time, would seemingly require passing through the beginning or end of time (from the perspective of that which is at where began). (From each new position in space and time, the beginning and end of time seem at other points away from new position). 

Overlapping chains of causality away from any two points in space and time, (needing to be conceived as) cascading into (yet another) extra dimension fuller or new cone or globe (to account for the) of inter-effects and inter-causation's. 

In some of your potential realities, I will die tomorrow or in the next hour, minute, etc. In some of my potential realities, you will. In the ones which neither happens, a new common reality forms of the interaction of separate potentials. It is not that neither deaths actually occurred, just not from that common perspective. Everything is always dead from another point of view at the same moment in time it is alive from a different point of view. 

I am a pattern, governments are patterns, churches are patterns, ideologies are patterns, all organizations, business and criminal or when two different things, are patterns. Races and ethnicities are patterns. Patterns exist to reproduce that pattern over new contexts and circumstances as best they can over time...

Electrons are patterns of actions which no one really knows what they are, like light... Patterns of predictable behavior only. If we do this, we can get electrons or light to do that. If it happens how we expect, we think we can know things which we cannot see or imagine, and can only describe mathematically without a clue to its actual form, or even if it has any. Form to things around us too are only defined and known by and when interacting with them. Parts of the Universe fit into a pattern, and that pattern defines itself as me at different periods in time... people too have their own building blocks (components as people are to companies) of (past) events and (future) possible potential events which come together from different sources to contribute to something called a life or a person which is merely something built out of that coming together to maintain some separate position over time. Without seeing electrons, we experience them. Without seeing the building blocks of time (externally or non-sequentially) of ourselves, we experience them. Events we connect together to remember can define ourselves by those memories and assumed potential events yet to occur, seemingly yet to occur anyway because only by our and some others perspectives around us (at this point in time) have they yet to have occurred. 

Future transparencies and U-bend - seeing points and states (in the) future further away from the present overlapping further away in the past, bending perception so that further away from you into the past is in the same direction as further away from you into the future like overhead projector transparencies overlapping each other. Seeing objects and events (seemingly) moving toward you in space and time (in sequential frames by comparisons of the past further away from your present) simultaneously with moving away from you in space and time in the same direction at once like turning a camera and seeing the away direction into the future replayed over the toward direction of the past as if 1-dimensional...

... I am defined by that past yet I am what is supposed to build upon that past and reinterpret it into the future. I am that past yet I am not that past, more than a sum of it, more than a continuation of it. I am something new determined to make that past and any future it may be up until now seemingly headed toward in a sense have to revolve around and make sense to, and contend with, whoever and however I am now...

Seeing the same events from different angles in time (is) analogous to different angles in space, outside of context of linearity, slide ruler of potential into form across multiple times at once like space consists of multiple spaces (existing) at once. 

... The non-subjectivity and completeness of all parts, those seen and experienced and those not seen and experienced currently, are equally important for defining (the spherical) its overall shape, which cannot be completely spherical and whole if missing any of them. They are each part integral to (the shape of) the whole, and time is only experiencing them parts at a time, and consciousness, only experience perspectives or viewpoints at a time. The truth is not subjective, yet all we see, know, and experience always is *ONLY* subjective, false, limited, and must always be that way while in existence...

... We step outside the experience of curiosity and become curious of why we are curious about things. It is more introspective and in a sense gaining more control over oneself or others, this attempt to step outside ones own motivation to want to know of what one does not know, experience what lies outside current or past experiences, yet it is more conceptualizations built on grounds further from what originates the questioning, the beginning point, the feeling of curiosity or wonder of being in an environment with things going on all around you which you are unaware of on one hand, but are aware that things are going on which you are unaware of them... the desire to perceive, experience, and know must come first or all else (one finds) becomes meaningless to you and has no value whatsoever. Societies can train people while growing up what to aspire to or what to want, but that desire and imagined relevance must exist within them or it does not exist at all to or in relevance to them. Once knowing how their desires can be and are selected for them to want, they can gain a control over their lives which societies rarely wish to give up...

You are yourself only, or everything and everyone else. If you view time in its proper light, you are never not either. 

Directional increases and decreases of potential for desirable repeatable experiences or of a single occurrence of an event, one outcome of which is preferable. 

Viewing possession of material things in terms of increased potential for repeated pleasurable interactions with that object, owning an expensive car vs. renting or stealing, status centered vs. actual potential for use.

Everyday I exist which I am able to claim or first use some ideas in relevance to other examples and perspectives, I only increase my potential achievements in relevance to (a decrease) in others potentials if they would come across those ideas in reference to my life. It is not that anyone cannot make such ideas known (to themselves) spontaneously at any time themselves, however we structure organize time and experience to put those words in the mouths of some over others. Yet those ideas and experiences must exist within others for one to bring about the experience of sharing knowledge and perspective. It is only (to be) agreed (or determined) on the order of (how) the experience (gets) coming to be. 

The desire to push on in a given direction makes one blind to the new factors always developing in-between everything (else previously) slowly changing everything. Staying still makes it clear these new localities and (new) states of affairs keep where you are from remaining where you were (the location or concept itself has moved relative to environmental factors which themselves are always changing), always becoming islands of (illegible) further away (from each other) anyway. Nothing about anything ever remains what or how you remember it the same to be. Only the relationship if anything, to what you yourself were which exists not anymore as well, only that (relationship can) remains the same, so it always is by your choice for it to be seen as such (still the same only because if still seen as the same relationship of two now different things neither which being what it was you remember, yourself included). 

Booster rocket added in flight can further your reach but alter your direction. Seeing ending as same as prolonging and direction as an inverse of distance. Time and distance are related, time and direction are opposed. Everthing every day is altering all courses of previous times. That which does not alter course (in/by its continuation) is not affected by time and ultimately is not applicable to time (may as well not exist).

Experience as a negative against a constant positive background. Sheet transparency of overhead projector, letters (of black) on a laptop. Limiting constant perception of everything by subtracting the experiencing of everything else. 

Most people have absolutely no clue what is or is not possible for them to do because they are constantly having to fulfill others expectations, and those expectations are designed first and foremost to limit their attempts and their reconsidering what is or is not possible. The real and truest obstacles to change are placed on our minds via our aspirations. They are the chains that keep us confined like pets trained not to need physical leashes, just so long as they cannot shake off the mental collars. Mine (collar) is what I hoped to achieve. Without that I might be able to do or have anything, but would not even have me. 

... In the end, each's own ignorance is partly by choice as much as it is by circumstance and timing. Make happiness come alive. All who kill happiness in anyone harm all life, including their own. 

... Going back to square one, routinely, incessantly, and without end is the only way to get a true and valid perspective on anything... Anything you might ever wish to or hope to learn about anything, you are always just a heartbeat away from figuring out, and the path to get there inevitably crosses that point of where you must assume nothing before getting there. Whatever path you take must keep looping back, so plan wherever you hope to go, you must repeatedly pass through where your journey's to find the truth began, from square one, assuming nothing, suspecting anything, and anticipating every possibility ever to need to go to eventually. 

The only thing that will ensure that any peoples survive the next century is a world based on inviolable international law and not which country or groups of countries have the most or worst weapons of mass destruction. 



© 2005 by Jared DuBois