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Raw 5D Notes - Part Four

U R here - minus cause effect (You ARE here minus cause and effect) 

Circle spinning against circle rotating (view) around it in 2D and 3D. Ball spinning against ball rotating around it in 3D and 4D, its rotation around itselves, internal fulcrums as well, always opposite 

Act/react, unity vs. discontinuity in 4D senses, consciousness 

Even if you do and have done everything right until now, take comfort or caution that one way or another, there will always be another day for you to **ck it all up. 

I know for a fact that my consciousness goes beyond just my life and includes more than one timeline of events. People have no knowledge of such things, perceive nothing but their own tiny histories, and call anything beyond their understanding non-existent. Their religions and sciences are myopic, self-centered, and hardly notable except for their abilities to inflict pain and suffering on each other. Be it on me or others, that is all I give them credit for knowing how to do. 

From mouse in walls view which began the 5D notes to mice on satellites view. The Earth donut and ring. 

Mathematical formulas as towers of speculation further from a ground and more cut off from each other. The branches of reasonings become more and more self-contained, open spaces begin to separate them and you must choose which tower you wish to climb which does not connect to others unless you go back down and then cross over to climb another. Bridge connections connect two towers to each other. Multi-dimensional theories turn the towers inside out and upside down at the same time and any "tower" theories can connect to others in ways one cannot yet imagine. The towers, the ways or spaces of how they are thought not to be connected become less absolute and more from a certain perspective at a certain time. 

Humanity as a single entity, environment as a single entity, the Universe as a single entity, parts of it perceptually cut off from each other, interacting with each other blind to the connection. Experiences as connecting the dots, bringing together the pieces which are only separated by lack of memory and lack of perception, and only joined by the experience of current perception. Memories are insignificant unless they are under control to be reexperienced at will at any moment. 

Coalescing, centralizing, more control in fewer hands, versus diffusing, decentralizing, more control by each individual over their lives, fewer laws, and fewer universal customs and beliefs. (All that is) part of motion as being the only reality. Nothing in the Universe is static and all of existence rates only as motion relative to something else. Physical first, relational as well. Change for always, sometimes better by your own views, sometimes worse, but never the same day to day, year to year. Nothing ever is what it was a second ago. 

Inverting, reversing, the void. 

I have greater insight into how much what I know, or what I am suppose to believe, has been manipulated. 

Pushing through life (in a chosen direction without ever veering), held up by it (from where you originally choose to be), or interacting with it (creating new directions every moment not existing or possible before the interactions). 

Ball against ball rotation while turning left and right. 

Moving faster sideways than forward in curved space. 

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Any movement at all is sideways in space and time from any other point in space and time while moving through space and time itself. 

Equatorial plotting of time on balls of 2D worlds (spinning against each other) makes points furthest away seem like points where the Universe spins around in time and all matter must pass through, all must coming from or going to (can't read it, basically, when going sideways) going around the curvature to the same spot in space and (or?) time, would seemingly require passing through the beginning or end of time (from the perspective of that which is at where began). (From each new position in space and time, the beginning and end of time seem at other points away from new position). 

Equatorial time cone plotting (on spinning balls representing 3D worlds plus time (omitted from 2D, 3D, 4D, mapping 4D worlds on spinning balls)), with shading darker closer to the equator signifying greater depth or width of time cone at that point where object plotted is never moves from that point and can be the longest in its timespan, or straight across its time cone viewed head on. Since the V (is) spread across the surface of the globe away from the equator marking the thinning regions of where it could be with thinning colors marking the parts of the time cone (with less depth) from a head on view. (Same idea as Universe Inc's Paradoxes and Probability Waves where an object can be longest (thicker in probability) at center but shown even flatter than a time cone is, and in color.) 

Overlapping chains of causality away from any two points in space and time, (needing to be conceived as) cascading into (yet another) extra dimension fuller or new cone or globe (to account for the) of inter-effects and inter-causation's. 

In some of your potential realities, I will die tomorrow or in the next hour, minute, etc. In some of my potential realities, you will. In the ones which neither happens, a new common reality forms of the interaction of separate potentials. It is not that neither deaths actually occurred, just not from that common perspective. Everything is always dead from another point of view at the same moment in time it is alive from a different point of view. 

We are all slaves to biology and circumstance, what we are capable of doing physically at the moment, what we are capable of mentally at the moment to think about or discover, and what thoughts may come our way to reject or accept to act upon or believe, and whatever circumstances others create for the context of those abilities to interact within. Suppressing abilities, suppressing knowledge, not doing all we are capable of is real choice since doing more than we are capable of is never a possibility, the real limits of the environment. Keeping up with what we are capable of, finding out what that is or may be, getting suckered into playing the game as the cards are dealt to us as best we can has *NOTHING* to do with choice, but to be defined by those abilities top ends and simply pre-selected and defined by them. That is probably why I always tried to do so little when I knew I could do so much more than others. That was my way of trying to conquer or outsmart fate. Circumstances and outside factors or the Universe may have built the machine of my body or capabilities, but I took the keys back from fate and control whether to keep it garaged forever or wrap it around the nearest tree. That was the thinking behind it anyway. I just outlived my obstinance and eventually got bored enough to try to find out what it is good for or designed to do. That was a choice, but once you make that choice, to decide to never again hold back (I never say never though), to drive it as best you can according to its preset limitations inherent within the machine and environment, that choice will rob you of so many others. Then you are under control of what you are capable of doing or knowing. Suppressing those abilities was being me, how I chose to define myself over and above my capabilities, was my choice. The rest, not suppressing them, is more simply finding out what the machine of abilities, and circumstances to drive it on or over, the road, the Universe gave me the keys to, and that becomes fated and more than a little predestined for my taste, but life sucks and sometimes you forced to go along with life if you want to know what it really is. 

I am a pattern, governments are patterns, churches are patterns, ideologies are patterns, all organizations, business and criminal or when two different things, are patterns. Races and ethnicities are patterns. Patterns exist to reproduce that pattern over new contexts and circumstances as best they can over time. They draw as many resources to themselves as they can get away with under current circumstances and then try to justify it to others and to themselves as best they can. As long as they try to keep the pattern alive and replicating itself, they and their actions, thoughts, existences themselves, are 100% predictable and practically preordained. Only when trying to fit that pattern into newer larger patterns where their own distinctiveness is not paramount, blends, and redefines by creating new and different patterns, only then do they know true growth and begin to be creative, and then become interesting.  

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Electrons are patterns of actions which no one really knows what they are, like light. We can describe them, interact with them, but we can't really define them. No one can see an atom, much less an electron. Patterns of predictable behavior only. If we do this, we can get electrons or light to do that. If it happens how we expect, we think we can know things which we cannot see or imagine, and can only describe mathematically without a clue to its actual form, or even if it has any. Form to things around us too are only defined and known by and when interacting with them. Parts of the Universe fit into a pattern, and that pattern defines itself as me at different periods in time. That pattern has predetermined events it can do and must do at periodic times to maintain a form. These events exist as themselves individually, and can also be seen as a pattern when viewing or choosing to view moments in time sequentially. Just as businesses are groups of people defining themselves as a company, and organization to provide them food or power at future moments of time, people too have their own building blocks (components as people are to companies) of (past) events and (future) possible potential events which come together from different sources to contribute to something called a life or a person which is merely something built out of that coming together to maintain some separate position over time. Without seeing electrons, we experience them. Without seeing the building blocks of time (externally or non-sequentially) of ourselves, we experience them. Events we connect together to remember can define ourselves by those memories and assumed potential events yet to occur (which we think or fear might occur which also defines our notions of ourselves and who each of us may be at any given point), seemingly yet to occur anyway because only by our and some others perspectives around us (at this point in time) have they yet to have occurred. 

When you begin to suspect everything you have been told, that anything you have been told might be lies, about God, your country's motivations, your political ideologies, merely lies to get you to think the way others have decided you should think, believe what others have decided you should believe, behave the way others have decided you should behave, make sacrifices for others benefits which are not people as a whole, but for a privileged few who control your or all societies, you can begin to think for yourself and come up with your own ideas of truth, though no other may ever be allowed to hear them, speak them, or believe them, which are untainted by the lies and political manipulations to get you to serve people without honor and without truth. Those who can and most certainly do prevent the public from ever hearing unauthorized versions of any truths. People who owe their positions of power only to their lies and their abilities to control what a society as a whole thinks by what they are allowed to know, read about, and think about. Publics with the ability to decide on their own, ideas and ideals, able to surmount their societies constant attempts to manipulate how they think, capable of truly thinking for themselves, those in power fear this more than anything, and their political survival depends on getting less powerful people to hate each other and fight amongst themselves. That keeps humanity from ever progressing to enrich human lives, honor, and self-respect, and themselves securely on top.  

The real truth of what was behind it will come out in due course. 

Real people dying, starving, forced by circumstances into economic slavery, prostitution, selling their organs or children, that is truth. Why the world must be that way, why we turn a blind eye to the fact that these things happen only because of the way the world is structured which hypocritically says "oh these things are terrible", those are all interpretations often having no truth. Change to keep all such things from occurring is always at hand and only kept back by all those with power telling us how much they hate such things, but what can be done? And all their cures, privatizing their peoples resources, selling them water and food where before it was free or they could grow food themselves without having to pay anyone, the "cures" we prescribe for them always profits our companies and us and leaves them more screwed than they were before. Social Darwinism is alive and well and is now the real mantra of the world. 

Governments now are routinely bribed to limit business sectors down to a few "competitors", only large corporations that charge hundreds to thousands of times the cost of production because competition is limited through regulations, licenses, and other means so that only the wealthiest can enter and sustain the markets. All others must get bought up, bought off, or shut out by obvious attempts to drive less deep-pocketed competitors out of business. Anti-trust laws are a joke. Governments cozy up to those who break such monopoly and price-fixing laws and are on their payroll as much as the police and judges are on "other" payrolls in the former Soviet Union. The little game of getting rewarded after or in-between government positions (with exorbitant salaries) fools only those who don't give a shit about how their corruption and favoritism-for-sale isn't corruption at all because they write the laws to exempt it and themselves. Uncorrupt high elected officials in the US are becoming non-existent. The high paying jobs after leaving office, sweetheart deals, are just too easy and the public too clueless to know how to demand they stop. And the press too much a player in the game to make much of a fuss over it. They are well rewarded not to, and in turn reward the politicians back. They all share the same bed. 

If you know what you write will inevitably be erased or purged from others view, that to me is ammunition to make it so good and so important, that it shows absolutely clearly and without any doubt that those who would do such things without thinking about it and without shame to be what they really are, the spiritual heirs of the book-burning Nazis, and the fathers of future firemen everywhere. Their profession is old and future prospects growing every day, because of what they do. It is a circular loop and getting wider. 

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Future transparencies and U-bend - seeing points and states (in the) future further away from the present overlapping further away in the past, bending perception so that further away from you into the past is in the same direction as further away from you into the future like overhead projector transparencies overlapping each other (seeing through both simultaneously) and understanding the future is like adding a depth perception to be able to tell the overlapping transparencies apart from each other. (Also like combining a forward view and rearview mirror view at same time of events.) Seeing objects and events (seemingly) moving toward you in space and time (in sequential frames by comparisons of the past further away from your present) simultaneously with moving away from you in space and time in the same direction at once like turning a camera and seeing the away direction into the future replayed over the toward direction of the past as if 1-dimensional, that objects must move away in the same direction as they came and there is nothing that can go "by" you or "past" you without hitting or affecting you. 

(drawings, straight line with two arrows below it showing camera turning, v or u shape with arrows on both, and two lines away from dot with arrows on the lines showing change of direction)  

Turning the future inside out in all 3 dimensions, not that it doesn't itself from another point of view you just can't visualize yet and within time. 

Trying to create a bridge between 2 different times, states, and views of two different Universes (balls rotating against each other above, where balls represent all points in time of each, future the direction of the rotation away from where they meet) creates a new third Universe of the circular causality going back and forth between the two and paradoxical (effects seen from) outside the third but new rules within it. Like outside view always needed to encompass any sets of interactions between any groups of numbers, always a view outside it. (Parmenides views quite similar, I came across at right time to compare with my own recent ideas of balls of pre-existant points in time away from central points, to see how they are much the same view. Not all ancients were idiots but that doesn't mean they were smarter either. Same ideas always get recycled ahead and/or behind but more focused on or relevant to each's present circumstances.) 

If you wish people or societies to be good, you must constantly reward and nurture their natural tendencies to want to do or be good. Time, events, and natural aging will force the biology and DNA to control their behavior, to think of themselves first and foremost, and often paramount. Goodness is a struggle to hold onto, not naivete, but innocent wide-eyed wonder and belief of a future that will and must always be better and better in the face of all that would divert it to apsire toward something lower than the sky (the heavens), how those in power will convince us how things must be, must remain that way because they are or were that way, and away from that higher level we need to constantly work toward and to keep our focus on, to reach the highest and best potentials of all humanity. 

People by not paying attention have allowed themselves and their lives simply to become machines for the replication and maintenance of society the way it is and are told it must be, and will defend those programmed ideas (whatever they are or might be) as if they thought them up themselves. Assembly-line appliances. 

Every day I wake up is like what each new individual goes through. I inherit a past to live up to or try to influence or reposition its legacy or direction. I am defined by that past yet I am what is supposed to build upon that past and reinterpret it into the future. I am that past yet I am not that past, more than a sum of it, more than a continuation of it. I am something new determined to make that past and any future it may be up until now seemingly headed toward in a sense have to revolve around and make sense to, and contend with, whoever and however I am now. It may pass by me unaltered or may have to redirect itself completely. However it may or may not go, it has to get by me first. 

Reversing objects with same object, collapsing (all) space (in-)between. center out from both (at same time), 4D perspective. 

Viewing negative spaces of environments in with the objects in them. water based (environment) and air-based (gaseous environments) life, gravity and pressure on surface of membrane, skin, seeing environment as alive with other objects in it all at once as a living thing, removing negative spaces of gas or liquid separating them conceptually that they move around within, connected as if they all were touching against each other. 

Tunneling back (conceptually) from different futures to present, to see where the diverge and what events divert them. 

Senders seem as government pub population attitude shifters (minglers before important elections or to incite overthrows), instigators to start uprisings in other countries, not teachers but gifted persuaders to stir others to your ideas. 

"Intelligence" services motto - the only thing that should be on a publics mind is what we put there. 

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After being reacquainted in what is now this future in regards to those thens, the philosophy of Parmenides which (I believe) I had not read before, yet an undeniable Parmendian streak is plain to see in many of my earliest writings to my most recent, and is key to how I now I interpret my and others perceptions, all events, thoughts, experiences, and feelings as pre-existent points on a ball, much higher circle or ball by my abilities in understanding hyperspheres and beyond, but as individual points away from a center seeming strung together by from the direction it spins in, how you turn it and how it turns in reaction to others it joins against. Simply increasing your momentum can force others to react to your spinning, but for some that is too easy to do and makes life too boring. The most obvious Parmenides-like verbatim is The Process, Beyond Thought, Mirror, Something about nothing, and For No one of the earliest, was influenced by the concept of nothingness as something, and existence, something and nothing, creating a whole between them both. The most stark later comparison is in Deconstructing the Universe's real starting point for explaining everything else in the Universe, Impossible to Not Exist,  Parmenides key idea verbatim, how once anything is in any timeline of any Universe, it is potentially existent in all (other points and times) and beyond these more inclusive potentials all of which *EQUALLY* exist,  nothing else can possibly exist. Addendum 4, Measure All Things Together, puts that concept front and center with corks of potential floating on a lesser limited plane of surface common experiences. All of the first three addendums state that in various degrees using time and experience (as examples), but Measure All Things Together really brought the strands together. As Parmenides would say, the goddess was certainly present when writing it. (You would have to read his On Nature to get the reference.) 

If you knew for a fact that you had a real opportunity to improve or influence things to make many peoples' lives better, and did not follow through, could you still look at yourself in the mirror? The more I began to know about it, the more parts I could remember as if they had already occurred, mostly accurate it seems, the more I was committed to that course of action, bound to that future potential state of things wholly because of perceiving it. Staying where I could have enjoyed myself without that knowledge became increasingly impossible until there was simply no other way any future for me could possibly have happen, making the preconceived and known aspects of everything which had yet to occur make sense and begin to validate itself. Because now I have lost that ability, (I) struggle with the question, was it all for nothing? This is no different than what everyone goes through at various points in their lives. Yes, it was important on one hand. Yes, it was all for nothing on the other hand and will eventually in the end be found to amount to nothing, whether that pointlessness comes tomorrow, next year, or in the next millennium. It was simply something to do, something worth doing at the time, and in the end that is all we get to pacify us. 

Addendum to the addendum which began the spin (of my life) into a new direction - "...beyond those and that around you, the rest of the Universe might not as well exist at all," all points in all directions away from you are bubble distances away from the center of where you are. In a curved environment all those bubbles converse on a central point. In an expanding closed-loop (loopback) universe, those points converge on a 4D spacial line. That line is analogous to your speed in movement through time, a perpendicular variant of it. 

Trapped in and by time, yet every trap has its walls and borders. Finding them may not lead to an exit, but gives one a sense of knowing the boundaries of where one can and cannot go. (or can or cannot know.) 

Nothing keeps human philosophy, science, politics, and economics in the ark ages more than the boundaries of what questions or methods of inquiries goes against current social organizations accepted norms or "common sense", religious roadblocks of reasoning and all other social constraints that say, "Stop right there mister, it may or may not lead to truth or a better understanding of nature or the universe, but we who control society now don't want you to look in that direction, no matter what might be down there." Popularity over truth, palatability over reasoning. 

Seeing the same events from different angles in time (is) analogous to different angles in space, outside of context of linearity, slide ruler of potential into form across multiple times at once like space consists of multiple spaces (existing) at once. 

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Basic Parmenides - that there is both an objective truth to events which causes things to be or seem to be which is the cause of perception, and that all points are equal (in relation to) this objective truth (it is always equally close at hand or an equal distance away from all other times and points in your life and others) like all points on the surface of a circle or sphere are equally away from a central point, always the same equal distance from a true perspective. The non-subjectivity and completeness of all parts, those seen and experienced and those not seen and experienced currently, are equally important for defining (the spherical) its overall shape, which cannot be completely spherical and whole if missing any of them. They are each part integral to (the shape of) the whole, and time is only experiencing them parts at a time, and consciousness, only experience perspectives or viewpoints at a time. The truth is not subjective, yet all we see, know, and experience always is *ONLY* subjective, false, limited, and must always be that way while in existence. When something happens or seems to happen, there is both an objective truth about what did occur, what actually happened, yet that truth is shattered into perceptions viewable to only different parts or perspectives at once, and while limiting oneself to only what you and even all others combined can see or know of that truth by yours and their perceptions, it will only ever at best approximate a shadow of that truth, never coming close to the completeness enough to discern its true shape or form, and for that reason all perceptions are false when compared to an overall overarching truth behind events we think we know, and being which we think we experience. 

I was already writing about time balls before reading about Parmenides. That all points and experiences in a person's life are at equal points away from a center, and that experience, or what does occur from what seems not to occur, is like where a needle scratches the surface of a marble while spinning it (time) and turning it left and right (choice). All points it passes through, the events, all are pre-existent and equally existing away from a central point at once. That is really the only way to organize my perceptions of how what does and what does not occur are both equally real (in a greater sense) and viable and knowable. However, using more dimensions, more marbles, touching the same point or needle at once, their turnings combining and affecting the other possible movements and turnings of other of the other marbles all around the same point (to visualize this in 3D you have to be able to see through the "balls" as invisible and hologram-like passing through each other) and that central point where all their spinnings meet, that needle scratches them all the same way at the same time, though in different directions. That is the objective truth of what is occurring which is only the truth to all of them at that time and place only, and a second later, each's orientation of how they see events will never be the same again. Each moment later they are all spun in different directions, though all points each moves on to is no further away from each's own center of all their potential events in their own lives from their own points of view. This is (analogous) of a single consciousness fractured. Add one more dimension to this example and you can also combine all those individual centers away from their spherical surfaces touching a needle of common reality, with one more dimension to conceptually organize this example, you can also pull all of those centers together in the middle at once. 

Of all the countries, Russia is in a position to go from relative worst to first in terms of public confidence in its fairness of its democracy and institutions, but it is unlikely to ever happen. Politics there like so many other places has devolved into how to keep those in power now in power, if not for perpetuity, for as long as they so desire. That is the yardstick they measure the success of their policies against. What is best for the people or nation is a secondary goal at best. It may not be as dangerous to the rest of the world as Bush's attempts to keep his party in power indefinitely, but Russia is in far worse shape to weather a perpetual forecast of greed followed with a flooding of corruption, and never a ray of hope or sunshine of how things will ever become any different any time soon.  

Everything needs its originating point. In a sense, curiosity becomes seen as one. As a youth, one does not know of things around oneself, and that makes one curious of such things. With age we gain a greater and lesser perspective upon this, both more and less at once. We step outside the experience of curiosity and become curious of why we are curious about things. It is more introspective and in a sense gaining more control over oneself or others, this attempt to step outside ones own motivation to want to know of what one does not know, experience what lies outside current or past experiences, yet it is more conceptualizations built on grounds further from what originates the questioning, the beginning point, the feeling of curiosity or wonder of being in an environment with things going on all around you which you are unaware of on one hand, but are aware that things are going on which you are unaware of them. If that is not enough, if that alone cannot fill your time or you become blase that in that, there is nothing of relevance to what you want to know can be found, you can begin to turn the camera on yourself, what you are or what to perceive and why you want to. That is useful but irrelevant to the fact the desire to perceive, experience, and know must come first or all else (one finds) becomes meaningless to you and has no value whatsoever. Societies can train people while growing up what to aspire to or what to want, but that desire and imagined relevance must exist within them or it does not exist at all to or in relevance to them. Once knowing how their desires can be and are selected for them to want, they can gain a control over their lives which societies rarely wish to give up. It is nice to imagine societies that would not care to manipulate what its citizens want, but I doubt any human society will ever reach that point, thus the need to be critical of all that you are expected to and think that you want, and even what ideas you come up with on your own, to be skeptical if they ever are really your own desires and come from within, or are merely other parts of what was decided or taught for you to want. The desire to know and to understand your world is instinctual, the desire to control and possess all you find in it, repeatability of experience, conformity to your wishes, this is learned and valuable only because others would make sure you did not survive without learning it and valuing it, or they would rob you blind and starve you out of existence as they did all cultures that aspired to put higher values in lieu of these. 

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You are yourself only, or everything and everyone else. If you view time in its proper light, you are never not either. 

Most people not only have ideas which are contradictory to each other, but whole spheres of types of thinking for different issues and problems that cannot mesh with each other if forced to confront them side by side. Control (by politicians or societies) is merely playing on these, which to bring to the fore on particular issues at particular times, how to frame the debate (by which contradictory mindset) so a given point of view or type of logic will be thought to apply so a given opinion will prevail. Not changing peoples' opinions outright, but a pattern shifting of the type of logic to use on that (issue) from one type of pattern to another since all peoples minds contain these co-existing strands of inconsistent types of logic and reasonings with each other. 

What keeps me free from the ideological bents and dogma that permeates the political and economic debates now is that I can say with a straight face that people whose theories I (would) agree with most have not been born yet and won't be for some time to come. Whether you know much of them or not, it means leaving the past in the past and looking ahead to what needs to be the newer better past to set up that further perspective by. Perspective by the past is good but forever looking over your shoulder framing new issues with old frameworks and outlooks is not. 

Directional increases and decreases of potential for desirable repeatable experiences or of a single occurrence of an event, one outcome of which is preferable. 

Viewing possession of material things in terms of increased potential for repeated pleasurable interactions with that object, owning an expensive car vs. renting or stealing, status centered vs. actual potential for use. 

Equal opportunity vs. first access - Throwing a ball to two people who equally want the experience of catching it. Throwing towards one increases the opportunity of that person actualizing that event over others. Throwing equally between (and height the same equal advantage), theoretically same chances for each if both equally ambidextrous. Then even if it (the line) equally is in the space between relative to your line of throw, if one is closer to you than the other, potential moves higher first in one person's favor, then in the others favor. Even then other factors could increase for the secondary catcher. If too quickly for the first to react, the second has more time to react where the first has more opportunity on one hand, but less actually ability for success than the second one who lacks the first access of the first, but (possibly) higher potential for catching. Then suppose the potential for the first person decreases the potential for the second because that decrease in disadvantage of the first over time does not necessarily translate into an increase in potential for the second. Of the first, it can deflect the course even by failing to catch it or obtain the result they want, from the path of the second by just the attempt of catching it, or on purpose. Boring and simple when talking about catching a ball, but can be applicable to attempts at fairness in business, right of first refusal, opportunities for employment, access to contracts, marriage, etc. Mathematical inverses of potential for one individuals actualization or even non-actualization always affecting the increasing or decreasing the potential of others for achieving or repeating that same event at a later time. Interesting. 

Viewing all things in regards for types of potential interactions leading to pleasurable occurrences and/or memories. 

Combining above two examples (car (owning vs. renting, status of owning above renting in preventing others from using it even if one must work so many hours to keep it, he/she rarely gets to drive it themselves) and ball). Say neither can keep the ball. All one gets is the experience at a point over the other. Fairness can be thought, all each gets a turn to have the ball, but still fundamental crux that one succeeds at the time both wish to. Say later is not good enough for both, or (being) second is considered less prestigious, or that time may not allow for both, potential decreases over time, or that the one who gets the ball first has the opportunity to destroy the ball so the second cannot get a turn catching it, and opportunity the second does not have in relation to the first. All possible variances of potential of may types of occurrences (which are) more interesting than catching a ball but all relate to the potentials of the first affecting potentials of a second when in regards to sequence and time. 

"Knowledge" equals depth of alternative viewpoints one can draw upon at any given time for more perspectives upon any relevant example or situation at hand to experience the experience of understanding or (seeming to) give one greater control over the experience or situation. 

Seeing more potential perspectives than others can (be) by historical reminisces or creative thought. Intuition can be infinite though some creativity needed to reframe historical references to be seen as pertinent. 

Everyday I exist which I am able to claim or first use some ideas in relevance to other examples and perspectives, I only increase my potential achievements in relevance to (a decrease) in others potentials if they would come across those ideas in reference to my life. It is not that anyone cannot make such ideas known (to themselves) spontaneously at any time themselves, however we structure organize time and experience to put those words in the mouths of some over others. Yet those ideas and experiences must exist within others for one to bring about the experience of sharing knowledge and perspective. It is only (to be) agreed (or determined) on the order of (how) the experience (gets) coming to be. 

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Dream of fighting oneself in collapsed time, (analogous to how each person cannot reassess their purpose or direction without fighting older notions of how they previously thought they ought to be seeing things at that time, to change direction of our own lives, it is ultimately only our past ideas which prevent us from changing, decreasing, yes, but also from improving as well in ways we could not always accurately predict, that is the only thing that keeps the world static, past notions of how the future should be, not being able to conquer them or see ourselves as equal to them or not equal to the task of surmounting the past), referee, tower over Hawaii, Matrix moves without fear knowing already screwed. 

When people think their society has a genuine interest in helping them achieve their own modest goals, they are more likely to work for the benefit of others and feel a sense of belonging and brotherhood with them. When a society works against this, breaks down the sense of obligation to help one another, people become less likely to be concerned of the welfare of others and answer it more and more truthfully with "Why should I help them when I know I cannot count on them to help me?" This deteriorates the foundations of societies, sets everyone eventually against each other, and benefits the worst people (in that society) and plays to humanities worst instincts. That this is being most forced upon other nations (to think in those terms) by the "Christian" right, should have by now made it apparent that labels mean nothing to the truth of what is being done. Evil is most effective when done in the name of Heaven and God. Anyone knows most often there is the selfish thing to do and the right thing to do, but now those who hold the most powerful positions always benefiting themselves and their friends convince us that it is also the right thing to do, not only by appealing to our logic and compassion, but bribing us that they will enrich us while screwing those less fortunate than ourselves and offer a place at their feast off of those weaker will be made for us if we go along with it. 

I don't think I ever consciously decided to theorize about time. It is actually what I hoped to keep in my blind spot my whole life if possible. I just screwed myself over so much, it was no longer possible (to ignore) and I had to deal with it more and more to have more time. It looms over my whole life (over all previous times) like a storm cloud I must always keep moving ahead of to stay dry. Experiencing experience and time creates each and our notions of self to begin with to know anything else. 

The desire to push on in a given direction makes one blind to the new factors always developing in-between everything (else previously) slowly changing everything. Staying still makes it clear these new localities and (new) states of affairs keep where you are from remaining where you were (the location or concept itself has moved relative to environmental factors which themselves are always changing), always becoming islands of (illegible) further away (from each other) anyway. Nothing about anything ever remains what or how you remember it the same to be. Only the relationship if anything, to what you yourself were which exists not anymore as well, only that (relationship can) remains the same, so it always is by your choice for it to be seen as such (still the same only because if still seen as the same relationship of two now different things neither which being what it was you remember, yourself included). 

Death of binarity - Trinary concepts for 3D states and higher important. In curved environments time component becomes necessary for keeping track as paths constantly overlap same space from different directions (same trajectories, even opposite ones, overlap at different distances). Binarity of preference for cube over triangles (tetrahedrons) due to love of opposites, part of nature yet simplistic. All geometry of opposites misses importance of base state of reference or originating (measuring point) (which itself changes the environment and all else curves away from it in time and space with points further away in each direction, time and all spacial directions, collapsing back toward each other the further you go away from your chosen original starting point within the curved system) point. Trinary replacing binary concepts focuses upon self within and integral to measuring and perceiving (all the rest) of the environment only as a relationship (away) relative to the originating point. Dismissing opposites on directions and planes, binary concepts with trinary biases is key factor missing in most logical and deductive reasonings in relation to practically every other concept people use logic and polarity to consider. Everything begins with a here and now (relative to everything else to consider) and all measurements and considerations must branch off of that. Everything else revolves or exists only in relation to that one point to measure or know (of) all else. Binary is a primitive concept. The future begins by understanding trinary relationships over binary ones. Past and present as well. Everything is always in both directions away from each. 

And in the future/past (which is also further away the past, like a city can be 5,000 miles away flying directly toward it and 25,000 miles away flying in the opposite direction away from it) they did/will think in trinary terms, not binary polar opposites. 

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Spiders through/by time seen as greatest and longest victims trapped within/by their own webs. 

Capitalism (the marketplace, books), secrecy, withholding knowledge to make it more valuable, these are at odds with anything and everything (when applied to) that can be considered good about religions. To attempt to keep things a secret is to try to control it, profit from it, it is natural but has nothing to do with anything that could ever be good (about a common good) and everything to do with anything which can be considered to be bad (when applied to knowledge everyone needs or lacks). It is greed, the desire to control or manipulate others or the future. If thought (doing so) for good (for a good reason), (it) is an argument for self-deception making oneself ones first and worst victim. Any idea which has any value whatsoever is only valuable the opposite of the way people think of things now, if it cannot be fenced off, denied to, and sold to others. That which can (be by law) only further promotes the everything-is-for-sale or everything-has-its-price mindset which is a cancer which runs through our interactions with each other with a vengeance. 

Booster rocket added in flight can further your reach but alter your direction. Seeing ending as same as prolonging and direction as an inverse of distance. Time and distance are related, time and direction are opposed. Everthing every day is altering all courses of previous times. That which does not alter course (in/by its continuation) is not affected by time and ultimately is not applicable to time (may as well not exist). 

More than likely the global geopolitical model will change often over the next 500 years should humanity in any form of the word survive. Sometimes to more economically just models, sometimes to ones even more socially Darwinistic because more openly (less hypocritically) committed to injustice than the one today. To takes stands for and against these if fine and necessary to some degree, but some like me must remind people they (the global political/socio-economic models) are only what can be achieved by what most people can imagine and aspire to, balanced against what the most powerful are able to take, for they will always be willing to take more than they need. 

Experience as a negative against a constant positive background. Sheet transparency of overhead projector, letters (of black) on a laptop. Limiting constant perception of everything by subtracting the experiencing of everything else. 

If you were too bright relative to others, what almost any government or society would use you to do, 99% of it would be bad. How to advance or enrich them or those in control of that society over other groups or limit your ability to help other groups to become nearer in wealth or power to them if they are the ones with the current advantage. This is all the knowledge people in large groups value, and all they really understand and reward their members for advancing. Those who advance a few are given wealth. Those who advance the many without much to become equals destroys the power base of the current system and to the degree they can achieve it more than any other, become eventually its greatest enemy simply because of wanting to help those whom your society hypocritically says it wants to help too, but truly doing so is the last thing on their list, and helping themselves over all others is always the first and highest priority. The brightest are subdued to help only them, harnessed, or extinguished. 

Kingmakers, keys, criteria, circumstances, and potential  

Objective reality vs. subjective reality. 

Dead or undead martyrs 

Each grows around knowledge or ("and" better) lack of knowledge circumstantially. Th(???) or ultimate verifiability of their prior knowledge important in the end for closures but often only transient also. The effect is still all that is ultimately real or important. 

Greater strength, greater intelligence, more potential, even more accomplishments, nothing I can do or change will soon make a difference to what others more "powerful" by circumstance and position only, will allow or decide what "must" happen. I may have walked into this box of circumstance with eyes wide open, but that does not make those who are and maintain its walls, get off on their ability to screw people over, does not make them any less the bastards and (too nasty to read or write) they choose to be. 

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Using trinary conceptualizations to visualize (center outwards) ever cell or atoms position to every other with its body or mass, and relative to others within the environment, how they connect to others internally and how they can contact with other parts of their own masses as well as (to) others through flexibility, self-contact, and movement though empty space, gases, or liquids. 

Concepts redirecting courses as well as motor movements, conceptual environment more or as determinory as well as what is physically possible. 

Corner views 
1D 1? side 1 other side 1 hidden, 1/3 visible, 1/1/1 
2D 1 2sides 4 1sides % 3 not seen, 1 hidden - 5/9 visible, 5/3/1  
3D 1 3sides 6 2sides - 12 1 sides % 7 not seen, 1 hidden - 19/27, 19/7/1  
4D 1 6sides ... (got bored and never went back to it) 

The interaction of 2 potentials is the basis of more limited reality of time... and a line forms between... 

One only exists at all relative to the things and circumstances which appear to hold one back and only exist because of such. Needing something to push through, friction against the tide of what otherwise would not be, spinning it to you (to need to react to your intents) as you fight against its preferred path. Struggle or easy is up to you. 

Cannibalism still lives - whenever a region experiences a major disaster and the lives thousands are ruined, the richest of that region never fail to step in and demand a cut of the relief money or aid, even when they might not have been affected. "Helping us will help the "economy" recover" while siphoning off the funds for the most part from the poorest and providing a nice bump in the income for those with the means to most profit from the disaster relief. From New Orleans (Katrina) to Pakistan (earthquake), the story is the same. Graft and stealing profiting from the misfortunes of the weakest. First give most of the money to the richest in the area and hope some of the aid will get to the poorest, it is just the culture, just "their" way, but the "them"  this describes is every culture I have seen from the 1st world to the 3rd world. (written because of citing tsunami countries getting trade deals, wealthiest, saying giving aid to the poor of earthquake nice but help us first if you really want to help them. Greed knows no shame.) 

Electrons as tying together dimensionally atoms, here and there relative to both atoms center at once through all of its "movements", always an equal distance from center of each as good example of higher dimensional "movement" in which multiple environments actually change position relative to your position at once, and from your point of view (center out), mysteriously pass through each other inexplicably and constantly. Same example as above in regards to central reality of multiple timeball states affecting each other's "movement".  

All different types of examples in notes beginning to overlap each other, time and 4D "seeing", same thing. (constant white background (perception), everywhere at once pulled through 4D straw point of view at once to interpret and measure rest relative to centers)(which adding another dimension, all other centers revolve around and overlap all other centers simultaneously) 

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Law - rules written and agreed mutually between the most powerful and influential within a society for the benefit of governing their interactions between EACH OTHER to prevent constant gang wars over each other's "territory" or "interests". Weaker are not consulted except perfunctorily because 1) they do not matter, and 2) they are what is divided up for influence and traded between the most powerful groups or members, the goods or spoils of who gets to exert the most control over them (to sell to them or to control them outright) to keep the ones who make the laws be able to co-exist with each other in relative peace by not directly challenging each others bases except in regards to divvying who gets to control the trade with the weaker ones, whether in above markets (international trade) or black markets (of city streets). When one party gets substantially stronger, the other powerful groups must more and more admit that party is now in a better situation, no longer (their) equal but has now moved to a higher orbit where they are able to transgress the rules more often (than) the others who defined the laws before, because they are as much above them now as they (the others who did not move up) are above the weaker groups. Examples: M$, USA foreign policy. 

Recapping economic notes thus far... Helping or being able to advance the wealth or interests of fewer numbers, usually the wealthiest who can buy or control what you offer can usually, if you can keep it from being stolen by them outright, give you great wealth. The fewer who benefit, the greater the "value" to a society. Helping everyone or the largest group possible, making poorer people less poor, and the less easy it is to control and limit what you have to offer, can usually get you a bullet. This is why the wealthy of a region where aid helps those affected by a natural disaster will naturally step in and say,"Hey, wait a minute, what do you think you are doing here? Whatever you give to them (the poorer), you have to give even more to us or you are upsetting the natural balance of our society and our ability to control them. We cannot have this disaster empowering them to be in a situation better than they were in before or they will be able to demand concessions from us or afford to strike or take collective action somewhere down the road."And if the aid is coming from wealthier countries, they can rightly say, "You don't want that either because it will negatively affect your economies too, a trickle up effect affecting your investments in potentially other (poor) regions as well." Helping the poor within a society or making them poor nations substantially less poor inevitably makes it more difficult to control them and less able to tell their governments what policies to purse in line with richer countries interests in their assets which they covet as well, and often own (them) more than those nations ever can afford to own themselves, making them in effect, bound to be poorer neighborhoods of richer city-"states" which can dictate their policies in their own interests, and not in the interests of those in that country. Those ruthless barons we do not like benefit us economically and always have. The greater their control, the greater opportunity for richer outside groups to benefit from their willingness for exploiting their own publics. They rightly say "help them at your own risk," and these groups will always be given more aid than the desperate of that region to keep the socio-economic situation "stable". As said best before previously (in notes 3), what people would only do for great sums of money is usually what ought not to be done at all. From prostitution to contract killing, the more horrible what people are asked to do, the more society will value it and pay them for it. That is the true economic basis societies are built upon. You cannot be richer unless there are others poorer, you cannot be strong unless others are weaker, the more powerful you become, the less power others must have and give to you to do as you say. As a group, you cannot raise yourself above others without pushing someone else down. You either work for greater equality or work for profit or increasing the control or influence of others to do as you (or a few others) wish more than they wish, or control what they wish for. 

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Sweden seems interesting to me because of the supposed greater social equality. To think you can do away with poverty and still have a functioning society may be easier to do on a small scale, simply a city of Rome surrounded by slavery elsewhere, but the idea that the world can and should function one day without the poverty and misery our current economic models, when we admit it, depend upon, that ought to be worked for rather than despised or sabotaged at every turn, especially since that improved equality between rich and poor (nations) is what rich nations say they want to achieve, while pursuing policies always destined to concentrate wealth in poorer countries into fewer parties hands. 

Truth vs. what people prefer others to think and spend lots of money and TV coverage to say (that) the opposite of what is real is what is true. 

Other? from outsider's perspective 

Still doing the being thing 

Feeling the need (in others) of the desperate for something not needed, (all) junkies looking for a fix, anything which people through habit or biology (or advertising) long for something which society pushes or keeps one step away, but in pain (or longing) without it, incomplete, suffering. Self-inflicted or by birth, people still long (for?) others to need or crave (what they have to offer) so they can provide it, for a large fee of course. 

Most people have absolutely no clue what is or is not possible for them to do because they are constantly having to fulfill others expectations, and those expectations are designed first and foremost to limit their attempts and their reconsidering what is or is not possible. The real and truest obstacles to change are placed on our minds via our aspirations. They are the chains that keep us confined like pets trained not to need physical leashes, just so long as they cannot shake off the mental collars. Mine (collar) is what I hoped to achieve. Without that I might be able to do or have anything, but would not even have me. 

That I, in the end, limited what I said to what I thought others ought to know or believe to be truth makes me as bad as governments and religions, sitting high upon a hill deciding what others should think of or believe. I at least did so without any self-interest or aims of my own, while more organized groups really do so for the benefit of their own members, no matter what bullshit about the good of Mankind they feed to others or choose to eat themselves. It is natural when you know a lot, see what others don't, have that wider perspective, to only try to tell people what you think they ought to know about, will keep them from hurting themselves or others, and in the end will make them happier to have lived. In some instances when it does not profit or benefit you or others, withholding something from them you know would push them further than they are ready to go, would only confuse them, and do no good, it is not as wrong as when you or someone benefits from withholding it. Then, you can never be sure of the motivations. In the end, each's own ignorance is partly by choice as much as it is by circumstance and timing. Make happiness come alive. All who kill happiness in anyone harm all life, including their own. 

When every moment seems the last 

We are all like prisoners of the expectations upon us of the worlds we were born into, as much limited by them and as defined by them as our physical selves are rigidly defined. Even if we were free to roam the planet, or the solar system, or beyond, the circumstances of those around us, their plights, we can put out of sight and even sometimes out of mind, but we can never truly escape them. Those circumstances, ourselves in relation to others, they are ourselves more than our bodies are. 

Through a paradoxical view of what would or must happen, I was forced to throw out literally everything I knew about the future and the past, and start over again completely from scratch. As Inventor said better, (At the end of Section 4.1 of 2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple, there was a good bit about how both your understanding and misconceptions arise together and what you think about something limits your ability to understand how what you know keeps you from learning what you don't know) that is where all reasonings must take you as often as possible. Going back to square one, routinely, incessantly, and without end is the only way to get a true and valid perspective on anything. People who think that the further you travel in your premises, the more you advance, they are fools. Anything you might ever wish to or hope to learn about anything, you are always just a heartbeat away from figuring out, and the path to get there inevitably crosses that point of where you must assume nothing before getting there. Whatever path you take must keep looping back, so plan wherever you hope to go, you must repeatedly pass through where your journey's to find the truth began, from square one, assuming nothing, suspecting anything, and anticipating every possibility ever to need to go to eventually. 

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Losing control of your own choice of reproduction and DNA would be bad enough, losing copyright control over your own consciousness would be even worse. It fundamentally raises the question, what if anything about your life belongs solely to you to decide what to give out and what to withhold, and is losing that ability (to meter out) a good thing or a bad thing, or potentially both depending on the motivations and actions of others why they try and what they do with it. 

The greatest and possibly the only difference between a political despot and a humanist humanitarian is the amount of power they have and the length of time they have held it. 

I agree with most concerned that my time has not come yet, but without this it many not have a chance to come at all. 

Dead to you or dead? If no contact anyway, is it the same? Say someone leaves to a far off place you can never hear from again, would their existence or non-existence if you would never hear from or about them, really concern (have relevance) to you? Leaving aside possible mental links which are not necessarily in real time anyway, what point would there be in thinking of any connection between you and them (still exists) or of thinking of them at all? (Not to say there is not point, just how and why would it be desirable and what is the ultimate purpose served?) (Obviously if you could have future contact or news, it still is in the sphere of your life and potential future experiences. Removing all traces of any degree of future interaction, contact, or news about them makes the question clearer) 

Binary star system where two positives become negatives to each other, counter-weights or balances which react as a partial negative system (field of one becomes both the field of the other and also something  outside of it to react against, a Siamese twin of space/time.) 

Anti-history Book - history books positive about human development which enabled civilizations to grow (and that this was good), (and are written) from the point of view of winners who ethnically-cleansed (in the same area), starved to death, and murdered all competing civilizations. Anti-history would show would show how these "civilizations" we celebrate would look from the points of view of all these destroyed, often more peaceful and developed civilizations not as savage (as our "winners" were.) Portraying organizations for mass murder, modern warfare, destruction of others food supplies, as equally important for our societies existences. Slavery, colonization, ethnic cleansing of indigenous populations, and the religious justifications and motivations for organizing people for doing so, (showing these) equally held up as "advancements" as the domestication of animals and the harvesting of crops. A full complete version of the "flowering" of civilization including the shit it sprang from and the bullshit in needs to keep the hypocrisy and exploitation moving full-steam ahead without regrets and leaving a trail of idealized "positive" history behind which is as much lies as it is social propaganda to keep people from wondering about their past in a way that would expose itself to knowledge, which if told honestly, would drive people to make the current heir policies of such brutality, the civilized false facade it wears, make them wish to stop because the disguise (how what we do now traces the same line) would no longer fool anyone. 

Scratches, etching on others lives and in others memories. 

As I wrote on the title page of (under the Pentacle paragraph), going to Hawaii I saw the future as all black, nothingness. I swore no matter what happened, no matter how much went wrong in the world, no matter how many were suffering, nothing would ever again cause me to want to get involved or leave. That is what everybody seemed to want, stay there, think of no one but myself, make money selling software, that is what society expects people to want to do. The opposite (my doings) may rub everyone the wrong way, but how can it be worse that being rewarded (or thought better) at having turned my back on the rest of the world, yet having my government pleased even if I were doing literally nothing good for anyone but generating higher revenues? I saw more (of?) a higher opportunity to change things, I went for it, and the pieces of how it all fitted together I doubt anyone will see for some time to come. 

Gotta love ideologies power to make some people stupid and others rich... 
East Europe 1985: "Capitalism is an evil. Communism is your best path to a better future. Now please ignore that we are only using this as an excuse to keep ourselves perpetually in power and keep ourselves rich.
East Europe 2005: "Socialism is an evil. A market-economy is your best path to a better future. Now please ignore that we are only using this as an excuse to make our friends obscenely wealthy while you become poorer than you ever dreamed possible while we buy yachts and move to better countries after leaving office. You can revolt against us of course, but only to people who will pursue the same path as us, only more rapidly, while you morons can think your choice prevailed and you won something other than to be yet again more screwed than you were before.

Running quickly on a ball - if your mind was on where you were and what you were doing at the moment, if you could ever determine it without falling over or even know, it would be unimportant. You would have to be focused completely several seconds ahead. Likewise, what I am currently doing to me is already the past as my focus in time is concentrated several frames ahead and only comes close to the present when necessary to catch my balance if I start to move in directions liable to fall off or move in the wrong direction (from where wish to end up) for too long. 

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Feedback loops with the future overlapping others with the past, like shuffling cards, left side and right side overlap and change the sequence with additions being put in the middle in-between from both directions at once. Such is what we call the present, the center where the middle distance between the half deck on the left and right is not so important as the current moment which is changing the order of both the future and the past by always attempting to sandwich itself between and makes the growth always from the center outwards in every moment. 

Like a jigsaw puzzle, all the pieces were right there in front of you, plain as day, you just don't see the optimal way of how they fit together yet. 

Same thing as like removing a large tumor. You can't just cut it out without a plan of redirecting the blood flows because if it is there long enough, it reorganizes all else in the body to depend upon it, making itself central to all else around it so that attempting to remove it would be fatal. However letting it grow or ignoring it is just as fatal, only slower and it takes foresight to see that before it too late. One must have a plan of organization to see how things must be reorganized when once what should have never been there in the first place is finally removed. 

If I were to achieve the best possible goal, every normal person anywhere in the world being smarter and having more accurate knowledge than myself in less than 40 years, not only would authoritarian governments become impossible to manage, but all the political technologies and institutional devices and structures designed to prevent the majorities in countries to have greater influence over their governments policies than its wealthiest elites who now treat their government's representatives like lapdogs, these structures to prevent true democracy from appearing would constantly be exposed, districting, divisiveness, electronic voting fraud, loss of exit polling and parallel official counts, anything which prevents the most supporters from having the greatest representation, the politically charged and corrupted courts, they would not find fertile soil to grow. The world system as always is founded on and revolves around (and depends on) ignorance. 

For those who cannot have children of their own, for whatever reason, know them to be capable, that within their possible despair over this, they can more easily attain a higher perspective upon life. We are not socially far removed from a group of monkeys where the head monkey of the group is solely motivated over the long term, besides having a good time, to jockeying that his heirs will also inherit his position and control over the group if he has secured it for himself. The world's current head baboon, not withstanding any relevance to anything else, this is why higher education is often distributed first and best to mainly the children of wealthier groups. Lessening its universal availability, like so many other things, makes it more valuable, and thus not only can you build an economic system around it, higher salaries for less work for instructors, but you can count on the less bright of the higher-ups never having the lowly positions their incompetence would suggest would be in the best interests of all. For those not trapped in this biological circle of trying to ensure that those of a generation or many more ahead, unfortunate enough to share a microfragment of their DNA with you, have the best jobs to tell everyone else how great you were and show respect for your memory or else, these people can more easily see all others who can be affected by anything which we do, build schools, improve working conditions, all of these people are equally our offspring because they will be affected more by our existences than just a biological link to someone in an inferior-to-them's past they don't want to remember or give a shit about anyways. People should see their legacy in deeds alone and not their offspring as their ticket to immortality. They are a part of everyone they meet and affect as well, as much as their children's lives are a part of them. 

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Life or death, test of how incorrect 

The only thing that will ensure that any peoples survive the next century is a world based on involuable international law and not which country or groups of countries have the most or worst weapons of mass destruction. 

Always about the data 

Curled memories 

Corporate loss of identity of achievements into corporate advancements means corporate identity becomes employee's identity, wants corporation to advance and survive so their achievements within it will have value and be recognized with future. Government, politicians, same sense, survival of the structure = survival of their contributions (for advancing it at all costs) to it not being pissed on. 

"Friendly to business candidate" line from BBC You have your good candidate, friend of corporations (and of course the media corporations telling you who is good and bad), vs. the other guys. 

Putting things (events of potential knowledge and things to happen) in terms of a life story. 

Bigger than box 

Bigger scale than people can conceive 

Stopping all motion 

Away from view you can either change the future blind to (knowing how) what you do (changes things) further on, muddies the waters, proportionate to taking yourself out (as a variable), changing nothing and seeing all effects clearly, is an alternate view; the only thing which is real is what you change (from how what might otherwise have occurred), a dynamic inverse of viewing a static universe which exists outside and independent of yourself as if (in the later view) your existence is superfluous or unnecessary. Trashing that (detached enslaving view) in favor of (seeing) interactions only and not seeing the universe as an independent thing outside of yourself. 

Eraser (if applicable) 

Reality x2 

Ubutu definition ("I am who I am because we are who we are"), measure all things together (The sole determinate of what anything is is determined by what everything else is (in relation to itself and it to theirselves), What everything else is is the sole way to measure the value or properties of anything else). Actually (usually) cool to be me only forever frustrated people so far behind and savage can never break free and cut loose and do all I can without losing concern for all and (then) see all (others) as expendable. See the universe as a toy too much as is. 

Spiegel’s book (The Dreaded Comparison: Human vs. Animal Slavery) I finally read after having it around many weeks, does a good job of showing humanity's true colors. It traces the line of exploitation and asks the right questions about whether this is a part of human nature. The focus (on how it is done) just shifts but the streak it represents is ever present, from native peoples, blacks, poorer countries, its evolution (exploitation) into a science, how to keep people happy in perpetual bondage. How to put a few locals into elites of power, give them the weapons and wealth to force all others to have to work for them, so much less incendiary than foreign "ownership" of them, and then send in our factories to reap the rewards of the people they have "broken in". Train their police forces in torture and other means, random arrests, tortures not for information but as displays of power, and most of all creating new markets for more weapons sales. The greatest hypocrisy of all that I have seen, no doubt minor because my information is sporadic and limited, was the sale (or proposed sale) of Apache attack helicopters not to the Chinese army but to the Beijing police department! Decry Tiananmen Square yet sell them a machine capable of killing thousands of civilians in minutes, what of course are profits for if not for killing all who would stand in up against a friend of our corporations. But then again all police departments need anti-personnel helicopters with machine guns in countries where few to none have weapons but are learning how to make posters. 

Events in your future like planets in a funnel. Some you know you will do or will happen, some must at a certain time, others you can change the order, some you have not considered yet. You are drawn to ones and can avoid the pull of others. Each moment of each day is like a new point in an expanding universe, a new and completely different universe. You can alter the direction away from any events you were previously headed towards, but how much you need it, how long in your life you wanted to go there, that is the pull you are fighting whenever you try to completely change direction, as well as how close it is to occurring, and how big it is completely dominating all other possible directions to go in, how big a shadow it creates which looms over what you have done in the past or what you hope to do in the future, or parts of both. 

Dis Am Dem myth and reverb 

Zeros, growth, income, population, prices, real estate 

The world will never be unified even if homogenous, why that is good and bad  

Anyone who looks ahead 50 or 100 years, no matter your country loyalty or ideology, all the problems are the same and global. Countries must become as irrelevant to me in prioritizing as race is supposedly in the US for me to get the best perspective on necessary changes. They must be sellable and more than agreeable to the rich countries but benefit the poorer countries many times more than anything yet discussed, at the same time. 

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The book with pictures 

As if all you had to do is wait and everything you need to do gets done by someone else, a library of what was all open for you to read and have all the answers while freed to do anything you wish with your own life. 

Wheel of all you could have done, all you could have known, reversed to the center spigot and turned through making that center (that present you now inhabit) the only point and having to happen (needing to have occurred) though seeing different roads to get there and different futures (branching away) from it, that moment alone preordained yet also following a string spinning in both directions at once while defining (creating) a line like a pinwheel moving down a clothes line or through the air. 

(picture of smaller pinwheel superimposed over larger one both spinning in opposite directions) (also later smaller one offset from larger like a counter-spinning planetary system rotating in the opposite direction of its rotational movement around a galactic core) 

Future as any (possible) path, line, through a solid object. All points of each possible place (you could be or state you could be in) and path in there somewhere, (represented by) a definite point and place. Everything beyond each point, the factors that would not lead you to that point, from that point's position, none of those other factors exist of any other times and events which would not have lead you there and those other points spin in a different direction than the paths which lead there and branch forward from there. Within the block, not just lines to travel but mutually exclusive ones (lines) passing through every (possible) point and place you could be, what you could be doing, and what memories are real from that point backwards setting up where you (would be inclined to want to) go from there, senses of identity like junctions through every point and place many universes of yourself can stand at the same place the same time with different histories bringing you there and because of that, mutually exclusive futures branching away from there you would have to follow from each differently. 

Advancing on a collision course with possibly the most powerful and corrupt administration ever, with what its Senators called the President's nearly unlimited means at his disposal to manufacture reality as he sees fit, hold any US citizen "protected" by the Constitution or any foreigner in prison without trial or even charges indefinitely for life on his say so alone, able to intimidate any press to recant any story no matter how factual (true) under guise of "national security" (Newsweek) and against this unrestrained mass-production machine of limitless lies capable of being tailored instantly to fit any case of anything I might say, all I have to cling to is truth even I can be made to recant, and even be made to cease to believe, with the sole assurance that once spoken and recorded, if humanity survives, someone someday must eventually be able to verify that it was true. 

Sensing how cells of your body relate to spacially to each (all) other, how they can touch (or brush up against each other), how meant to touch, hand to hand, thumb to fingers and palm, hands to mouth and face, etc. Awareness of each's (part, cell) purpose in relation to movement against other parts of the whole, arms especially of course, once understanding their interactions with each other (by design) gives a model to understanding a species' interactions with each other as if cells. 

What you think of in terms of another's physical nature, relationships, mind, attitudes, and apply that as your opinion of them, seeing those aspects as they might see or know them in relation to themselves, then see how they would apply that same perspective to you. A feedback loop. 

It is easy trying to understand species trying to out-evolve each other. Same to think of minds trying to out-understand each other. Knowing one step ahead of the other is advantageous. Having others having you pegged first is inevitably losing power to them. I prefer keeping others as much as a mystery as possible because once I understand them, I am inevitably disappointed and find them or that knowledge irrelevant. Few can adapt quicker and more intrinsically than myself, at least that has been my experience thus far. Fewer surprises lately and no more great leaps by unexpected finds in others abilities to copy or adapt to. Most are too simple for trying to be too much alike. 

Lawyers www 

Meet Bill 

Don't ask what we do, we do it for you. 

Life shot out of a cannon, starry journeys, "then let to grasp at something", blue, Yoshoo, passing through getting stuff stuck to you, defined by circumstances only, sucking you in, spitting a chronology out. 

When I say that something is a motivation for me, it is not the same as saying it necessarily will be allowed to influence my choices. For me, motivations are just a combined aggregate for bothering to get up every morning. Many are just puzzles or cliff-hangers still awaiting a resolution. Some could, under limited circumstances, affect choices I may make, others simply keep my attention until they have been satisfactorily addressed or answered. 

Rice (again), everything that's bad in terrorism that happened until now happened because you did not let us torture enough people. Anything bad that happens from now on is your fault just because you are preventing us from torturing enough people without charges or trials and it will be on your head. However many you allow us to torture, we will still be able to say these bad things happened only because you weighed us down and kept us from torturing and killing even more without any legal processes. A Gini index of torture that can never be satisfied. 

This person as seen through that person. This person as seen through the eyes of that person. An aggregate sum of relationships. Vetoable? 

The concept of copyrights is to protect those who put the time and money to produce material to get a return for making it available to the general public. Copyrights have been subverted to using them as an excuse to limit material from being offered at affordable prices to much of the world, even after the cost of distribution (via Internet or CD/DVDs) has fallen low enough that would make it profitable to all (albeit at far lower markups but not astronomical as now) but those who wish to keep prices artificially high (keeping entire regions of the globe as ignorant and poor as possible). 

Kneeding dough in 3D and 4D, seeing edges inversing to and through the centers. 

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Life story - external view of your circumstances (solidified) bookended by events as others would see it. Inside view, changes as well as past modifications as events made in you, and changes via experiences you hope you and others will experience in the future. 

Triangulating with certain points or consciousnesses in the future while moving toward them, back with other points or consciousnesses in your present, past, or future also moving toward that same point you are currently moving towards, how they (and you) will collide decades or centuries later. Yet moving the focal point around in different possible futures, different others aims come into focus as well as different sections of your present. Only motion toward a point shows all else (which is) on similar paths (of later convergence). Everything which exists is on collision paths to regroup or absorb others at different points later. It is how and when which differs as well as why, but why is subjective and purposely obscured, same as why parted in the first place. 

Patterns statement, with and without words (speech), consciousness, biology, matter, organizations, ideologies, and their physical constructs needed to preserve them. 

Torture - nothing going to happen that you would like or wish to be a part of, events wholly external to yourself and (your) wishes. You (then) live solely at the whim and desire of others, taking your will to live and everything with it (that follows from it) from you. 

Concentric circles of awareness 

If not what I want, what for? 


Articles like fireworks waiting to use the launch pad 

Government conditioning - picks a sub-group of a sub-group of a sub-group and convinces all (of its) civilians or soldiers to think they are all (typical of that group or) a potential enemy. That was not a woman or child killed in the line of duty but a potential suicide bomber or would-be some day terrorist. Don't feel bad (about it), they might have had it coming to them even if the odds were they were innocent and harmless. Controlling perception of potential enemies of the state so they, who you control, only see people the way the government wants so much they hardly see them at all or as humans. These people are more dead than those they kill or want to see killed who are not so conditioned. 

Surface area contact when tying (binding) boards (together) in 2D a 1d edge, in 3D a 2D plane (narrow edge or widest with most surface contact)(square inch) of surface, and 4d on a 3d triplane (cubic inches)(strings tied to (binding against) all atoms inside at once) 

That all already know whatever you can teach them, experience brought out which already exists, potential as (a) form of events just not remembered yet 

Remembering non-sequentially past and future, changes the mix on (the) order of events yet to occur. It is like connect-the-dots in happenstance order. Dots are still there (left to go) but shape of what you create seems different because of the order (is different than expected before). Order is (limited?)(linked?) to conscious identity but dots to go still remain the same. Can also repeat though, any other to make whatever design you choose, but must use pre-existing dots only spread out over time all at once (conceptually visually speaking) even if you can't see them yet, the have (or will have (preexistent reality)) existence in "temporal" places (again meaning a preexistent sense of reality of something which can occur), or ways to occur when all factors line up right to allow (such potential occurrences) to happen. Every possible combination of events unlocks some (sense of) identity, experience, or locked away piece of knowledge, just may or may not be valued to what you want to do, be, or have, or experience at that time. 

We, all who exist, whoever existed before, whoever will come later, were all born slaves, even its rulers, to whatever system existed which lead to our creations, however just or unjust, and are raised to propagate and continue that system. Few ever have the power to even affect it substantially, never mind to remake it into anything better. Yet that is the dream we have, the big lie we are told in all movies, government propaganda, education programs, that the machine (of society) responds to us, that it cares what we think, and we can make a difference. No machine or system really provides that (ability to change itself) for long. All are dependent upon selling the illusion that it changes when it never really does. The truth of the matter is the most power usually lies with the most barbaric peoples and policies, hidden behind the most elaborate smokescreen which can be afforded, invented, or devised at the time, to make everyone cheer their lack of ability to influence it (if they find it does not really ever change) and that perfection (in the type of government and economic system) has arrived and complacency to just accept it is finally warranted, no matter how many other billions are suffering just outside your sight. The machine cares about them, it always claims, yet it admits it cannot truly help them, ever. They are a necessity to be helped forever ineffectively. (Most development aid is aimed at making the richest in a poor areas richer, controlling their peoples better, then to send in our companies to collect what the local bosses reap from their "human" harvest, not to aid those who are the most poor there to instead not to have to work for them, ever, (where would be our profit incentive in that?) for usually it is the most barbaric people who rise to the top in the horrible conditions to be found there in the chaos, and have become rich off of it. They are who we will aid, and they wll reward us back with a cut of their profits from their "harvests" which we will give them the means to let them reap them. Without limiting population growth, it not only will always devolve to this, it will only find new ways of getting far more barbaric than anyone living now can imagine.) 
With 2 histories match, with 3 histories differ

Killer turd blanket played backwards (like Black Knight scene in Holy Grail)

The subversion, marginalization, and (increasing) impotence of elected legislatures. The "business first" models of America, Russia, and China. How to make your people do what you want against their own wishes. Can be as simple as blackmail or as complex as MKULTRA style brainwashing. But since that is most valuable (knowledge or ability) , it cannot be wiped out or forgotten and is traded (between countries and even more powerful organizations than ANY country) as the most valuable of currencies.

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I see my relationship with my country's government, or parts thereof, at the moment like a farmer's son wanting to go off and be a different occupation than is in the farmer's ideas of what he had in mind and measured his expectations by. It is simply a matter of being able for the son to make the father understand being a whatever is something more important and better in the long run for both, than being what was expected when raised. (Times change, always take notice where you are is not where you thought you would be and never can be.) The debt and sense of obligation is the same, but the need to repay it in ones own manner of choosing by ones own standards can try the bonds which are subjective and never understood until and unless tested.

One's strength should not be judged by the power of ones (self or) allies, but of ones potential enemies. They forge you to be stronger, sometimes at the expense of being (becoming something) better. That is too high a price for any with integrity to pay. Integrity is almost a forgotten concept to those who revel and are prideful of their strength. Those who see the survival of anything as paramount, they forget it is most always at the expense of being willing to change into something even better. That is the blindness which accompanies power and the ability to control what would otherwise encourage you to evolve into something better and more just, and hold onto an increasingly unmanageable present sinking ever lower to hold it together. (That is) the eternal dilemma which the world must soon look squarely in the eye and face up to.

Church pre-Renaissance, controlling all art, sculptures. Corporations owning weapons industries controlling (news organizations and) what movies are made (creating), war porn, glorifying weapons, wars, vigilantes, conflicts, etc. and with US government cooperation (and help). Controlling what will be put efore the public to be awed by remembered (by next generations) as "their" culture because this is the face shown to us and handed down), instead of (being thought of as) what is decided by a few (powerful elites) of what culture is to be thought of as  Money means their "artistic" representations of it (culture, movies, tv shows, now exposed secretly paid for government planted and paid for "positive" news articles), are all that will be remembered and passed down while the truth of most peoples lives and opinions (against all this faked, fictitious "culture’s lies) will die out with them, quietly and anonymously.

There is always someone who chooses to be an expert on almost anything. Be it an old-time sporting team's lineup and statistics, the mating of insects or larvae, the diet of bears or fish. The question is why they choose such things to wish to become experts about, and more puzzling, what makes one person's expertise, knowledge, or abilities valuable to another who chose not to wish to know them firsthand but is content to simply exploit, use, and control those who did, do, and can.

© 2005 by Jared DuBois

4 is no more. 5 is now alive