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Raw 5D Notes - Part Five

Of any lead or highly ranked (top of the) news stories by major (news) services, I find only 20% or so of my interest is motivated by the "facts" presented, even when I believe them to have been attempted to be put forward without biases and prejudices, difficult to do and too rarely now (unslanted news) even attempted. At least twice as much or 40% of my interest is what effect this story will have on peoples' attitudes, actions, and beliefs as that is at least twice as important as the "news" itself. Equally as important as that, say the other 40% remaining of my interest is how and why that story was chosen to be considered of major or more emphasis than the thousands of other things equally as important that will be covered less or, as with most, not at all. What is it editorially, financially, politically, sociologically, or psychologically that says this is what people will think is important or want to be told about, or what those with the power to decide such things will decide to be placed in front of peoples' eyes to read, to hear about or to see. Those who see things in the news (hierarchy) in this manner can learn from it. Those who follow it (the news) without putting most of their attention on its effects on them and others, and who, how, or why it has been decided that that information should be told to many to inevitably wish to produce an effect by the telling, (those who) simply react to the news, they are simply sheep being lead around wherever anyone with the power to influence what the media decides to lead with or considers of more importance, wishes to take them.

Fountains, chandeliers, mirror sculptures.

Cubical program interfaces, tubes in tires, 4D thinking

(picture of interlocked donuts) + many (in 3D, no room for more, in 4D, lots of room) spaces where touch, future and past, separate and (yet) both continuous (eternally), (and interlocked, interconnected) same with people, connected, no room for more than two (as with diagram) or infinite room for other views (future and past seeming a complete equally matched pair away from each present like the interconnected donuts, yet both yielding to new constant changes to both, not seeing the (potential for) space which continues separating the two further away from each moment of the present (and each other) like not seeing where to add new spaces for (and equally between both) putting in new donuts in between the interconnected donuts) (requires seeing it (interconnected rings) or thinking about it extra dimensionally, like 4D toruses).

What I could do with architecture, public spaces, and art alone would blow most peoples' minds, yet the way others want things to go, no one must know these things and kept bottled up, marginalized, dependent, and even starved out.

Exposed for a short time to what others are doing or thinking

Media frames debate on death penalty, chooses which stories to run and how to fit them into the debate. Pro-death penalty seek to devalue in the most visceral way possible human life while at the same time, saying they do so to protect and defend it, making one and all part of a would-be lynch mob who would murder others, but then again, even Jesus would support the death penalty (this religious types blood lusting to kill others would probably say).

Interlocked rings, swells, inner to outer

Hundreds of millions employed (to make) and wanting (for their job security) a high-tech super-soldier world, the largest economies built around the pursuit of it, a world economic system built around the pursuit of it. How many would stand up and say no, stop making more and more lethal weapons, stop finding more extreme (cheaper, more massive, and quicker) ways of killing. No matter their numbers, they will never have economic power for the machine is unstoppable, no matter how insane it is or gets, and never ceases to be able to turn human deaths, actual and the threat of which, into greater and greater profits. Peace is a lonesome pauper by comparison fated perpetually to be without power.

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Downward pressure matched by upward and outward potential. Born in a pressure cooker.

A person could have spent many years in a coma or hospital, (in) prison or (in the) army. The point is not everyone of the same age thinks alike or has had similar histories, though most do, take jobs at a certain age, have children at a certain age, etc. Though I have never been as yet taken out of society as completely as the types above, I have had a very freeform life not conducive to any standard modes or models of experiences as others have had. As a result, most of my outlooks are not typical as being defined (greatly influenced) by age, ethnicity, or location, nor even eras of history. I am in a way grown to be an observer of human nature loathe to interfere, yet by being sometimes cannot help but to. It is more than any senses of identity, preference, or interests, what we are all born and solely exist to do: to interfere with the lives, plans, and worlds of others around us.

Circles (3)(the two circles touching in the middle of a third) as a 2D version of the dual Earth sculpture, people as 5D. Time component changes.

Unless someone besides Bush (not that he has said so) is willing to step up to the plate and advocate the killing off of billions of unnecessary and in-the-way poor people who are beginning to outlive their ability to be usefully exploited, and actually try to feed and house these people by Western standards instead of double-standards, then the world economy will have to switch from one that values scarcity at all or higher costs (diamonds, gold, etc.) to one that rewards highest those industries that provide the most people possible with low-cost goods instead of now where the highest profit margins are to small niche markets catering to the whims and wishes of the super-rich. These smaller markets should still exist and have value but the entire principle that fewer in quantity makes something more valuable needs to be turned on its head. Luxury taxes are only one approach and not ideal by far. Tax breaks and subsidies to those who provide the most people possible with what they need to survive is where the most competition and interest should be even and ESPECIALLY when the profit margin is low, rather than how to constantly fall all over each other to make giant profits by making toys for the super-wealthy and no one else. This being the goal of large groups of people solely for the big bucks it guarantees is indeed a luxury when half the people in the world have no homes of their own, no safe or sure place to live and raise their children without destitution and fear, and no way forward BY DESIGN to get out of such a situation unless they are extremely exceptional. Those that deal with reversing that mindset and economic reality the world is currently based on deserve the most attention, acclaim, and the greatest rewards.

Those with the power to have people accused of things no matter their innocence, no matter sometimes the amount or veracity of evidence, these are the groups beginning to assert control all over the world, especially in the US and Russia. Mostly they are influenced by intelligence and/or criminal organizations. Where evidence is unchallengeable or the police powerless to look into how it got there, where the accusation or pretrial incarceration alone will destroy a person's life, those with the power to have someone charged with something effectively can blackmail almost anyone and not only have them by the balls, but increasingly the whole of society as well.

3D scra, inverse.

2 figure 8's, centers overlapping, time loops into extra dimension to both.

Body locked into time, surroundings, mind also, anticipates yet also in step with surrounding environment, perceptual environment similarly based upon actual (what to react to)

Time hypersphere, space hypersphere (both centered around your present and place) overlapping opposed (multidimensional) spinnings.

3D mirror

Trispinning to 2D people, quadspinning to 3D people

Push, pull, of futures and movements. Everything in past always and never occurring at same time.

Several lifetimes of catching up to do, and combine.

Balls sculpture reversed in curved space like circles circling globe at equator, swelling, passing through each other.

Unwelcome non-deaths of martyrs. Robbing one of this past "event" of death voided, life reinterpreted (its meaning changing) continually until encapsulated (at one of its ends).

Reverse links (html) forward in time. (Basically links on pages go back to older similar ideas. Thinking of linking to future ideas which connect to the same train of thought than past ones. Not literally on pages alone, but relating what doing now to what others will do in the future with it, forward links instead of always looking backwards, idea of which.)

Quantum variables - what can change relative to everything else vs. what changes in-line with everything else. Seeing everything as potential for change either alongside or against, static is a myth.

Non-existence = potential shifted to (the) periphery outside of system or edge of system. Zero = infinity.

Abilities not applicable unless (having) something to do.

In river game (Dragonquest?) as if sometimes (in some plays) door behind wall, sometimes not. (As if all repetitions of game or life, the outside environment were not changed as well, thinking just because you do something different, a different outcome would occur. Thinking as if each run through, the game board or rules are reset as well. That idea if true or believed makes life seem more helpless and unpredictable than simply operating in a static environment that would be the same in each possible run through or every time you played the game. With actual games would make longer or impossible to master and more time wasteful (higher replay value) but with life, if more than one play of ones life were possible, it would be more impossible to surmount possible obstacles if possible outcomes (environmental) can be changed as well as choices.)

Sometimes believed what told by others would set up expectations and contributed to events, sometimes expectations were internal, not actualized as by (interaction with) others speakings or teachings, sometimes what happened came as a (complete) surprise, blind and cold.

Freeze all past events, thoughts, beliefs, about what will or should happen, expectations into stone of the moment you are in, combine it all into one preset past for that moment to jump forward from or dissect its parts equally (all ideas, memories, expectations, beliefs (at that moment in time), sense of identity or purpose at that time).

"Those thens (are) not me now," the inevitable view of or after rapid growth of consciousness or attitude, environmental change or perception shifts or increases. Same as your biology as well. My coat is older than any cell in me. Seeing every moment as a new combination (of yourself and your environment) not existing before (-> older () before <- previous one)(in you or outside of you, both ideally as well).

If you want to keep yourself alive, you can be or become bad by wanting to keep your current pattern existing too long at the expense of other better new patterns to come along you might steal accomplishments from or otherwise instead support or contribute to. If you want to die, you can be considered bad or selfish by wasting your greater ability to help others compared to when you were younger and less able to help others. Best to do as much good as you can while you can and not have any opinions about the length of the time frame you may seem to have had from (this) one lifetime's point of view to have operated within.

Seeing motivation (as) trying to dump as much information about potential futures as quickly as possible held up only by what would no doubt destroy them, yet (this) negative environment and time shortening precluded doing so, having far more to draw upon that others will one day know than most in the present (seemingly) have any clue about, better and worse variations of humanity, stronger and more able to control environments. "True" science is a ridiculous concept. Some breakthroughs lead to more control yet saying at any point in history, now as ridiculous as 10,000 years ago, that we can explain the age of the universe and all about it (its rules) is like saying we can predict the winner in an election based upon 5 votes out of billions cast and hundreds of thousands of candidates. Our perception is that limited and visible (based) knowledge (is) that discriminate. There will always be something beyond what we learn because our needs and drives will create it.Stepping outside of time, seeing ourselves creating our own futures to step into, to move into to create other times, other worlds to conquer, that is the view I try to impart and that all else you have to work with, use, create, or destroy, is just food or litter along the way, or both depending on what time it is and if you have consumed or adapted to it yet.

Line surf to 1D motion.

If you are a man, you should when reading or thinking, see each word, thought, and idea expressed as a woman quite different in beliefs and temperament than you would see or judge them. The same if you are a woman, see your own views and opinions while looking (at things) through the minds, life, and experience of a man who is almost your opposite in temperament and attitudes. Find that thread that is the same in you and in someone seemingly the opposite of you, that commonness shared or present in both, both to know how to best deal with and appeal to them (or others like them), and also to know and understand (fully) what sets you apart, makes you unique or different in contrast to them, for it is only through them (their existence and interactions with them) and exposure to their different beliefs (and ways of thinking) that your own are discovered (fleshed out) or even have existence as anything more valuable or unique than sand, or dirt that one naturally assumes must exist everywhere equally (thoughts or attitudes unchallengeable as obvious to all). Finding when they do not (are not universal) may not make them more valuable, but by knowing how others differ than you while holding onto the thread that unites you and created both, is how you find yourself, through the interactions with seeming opposites that share a common past, a side-by-side present, and (by requirement inevitably) a common destiny eventually.

Bribing for peace- It is ludicrous for appointees of corrupted governments in the pocket of weapons industries to be the ones turned to to negotiate peace deals. On one hand, it makes sense because if they are not appeased, they can and will dump tons more weapons into the arena on loan to make peace impossible. It is almost as if they ought to (be seen as businessmen and) put figures on the table, this is how much we stand to gain by the continued oscalation of your conflict in legal arms sales, what our companies stand to gain by governments favorable to us, if you can match or beat this price, we will let you have peace for awhile and concentrate our sales efforts in a different region while you rebuild your economies for awhile and can afford our more pricy but less likely to be used higher cost high-tech weapons.

Growth with and without height, with and without outside environment beings expectations (of what to grow into), with and without static environment rule changes in what is possible (changing or unchanging laws of nature).

Living in a better, more just world and having no one believe in or like it vs. living in a savagely unfair world and people thinking they are not behaving as savages.

Sometimes when reading or writing something new, or thinking about something (complex and unusual), a reverb builds and I experience that same thought or experience by many at the same time, glimpse how they did or will interpret it and connect the thread of beliefs and peoples in weird ways, building until I must shut it all out\, yet remember that and how all are connected by the same idea's thread.

Sideways time angle 

Bus moving forward and sideways up, over, and down a hill (how forward momentum in differing directions would work with and against gravity (via incline and declines) to keep from over turning or increase instability). (oops. The was more.) (like?) circus motorcycles in balls, amount of forward momentum to keep from rolling down, how that momentum is used and redistributed against gravity. 

N-objects and z-objects (reverse and zero gravity objects, as if were possible mixed in with regular objects) 

Outside total view on all events (ring) (all possible events also if applicable) in ones life touching and being affected by ring of others perspective on all events in another’s life merges from a different view, both center into a common potential perspective as well. 

Aggression in cultural instruction. May be biological as well. Can it be "taught out" of cultures? Is aggression necessary for survival, (it is) a benefit in most cultures and leads to more food, better chances of survival. 

Psychology of people changes over time. Newer theories often judge previous cultures and eras by psychological models far removed from how people thought back then. 

With our culture via our one-upmanship, my-party-penis-is-bigger-than-yours war-mongering politicians (Bush, Cheney, Hillary, Lieberman) and "free press" inoculating and slow-warming the public to ideas like pre-emptive wars because "we have reason to think some other country might attack another country someday" justifying us attacking and invading them today (Iraq, Iran) threatening first use of Nuclear Weapons (France) to *deter* terrorist attacks, secret kidnappings and torture of people we don't have enough evidence against to even justify charging them with anything, keeping people imprisoned for life without trial, and forbidding our "free press" from even releasing their names, is it any wonder the US and West are beginning to fulfill others opinions of us being or acting like a "Great Satan"? That we have lost all compass to be able to see our effect on the world is anything but good at the moment, and all to protect or acquire assets we wish to keep or get which happen to be (unfortunately for them) located in other countries as being a "necessary" evil for our economies and way of life, no matter if it sets the whole world on fire over there for our benefit over here. That is Jesus in action of course. 

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To say we have an image problem at the moment is an understatement. To say we have a crisis of morality, leadership, and a supplicant unquestioning and increasingly propagandizing all-dominating corporate press, all willing to steer us down the lowest of roads if the money is great enough, and go on TV stating the worst of lies to line their pockets or spike their approval ratings, but hey, that is the price of wealth and power, right? It's what makes us better than them. We know, or at least believe, that they would if they could so we sure as hell can and will do it to them first to keep the ball in our court. 

Cast net wider, pull it in to see what you've got. Disperse, scatter, (then) condense, boil it down, like panning for gold, restrained chaos. 

Inverse dimensional horizons - you can counter-spin anything, even insect dictatorships 

Descriptive (relational) fractions 


The potential for feelings and desire for retribution or vengeance is within everyone, even the most enlightened or meek. It can be kept under control and restrained by other feelings, but still the potential is always there. It need not be negative though. It can be to invent or create an environment where past misdeeds are far less likely or impossible to occur. That can also be seen as a way to get even or even the score as much as harming or punishing others can be. One is to create suffering, to cause it in the name of "justice" for some, the other is to prevent it from occurring or lessen its potential. When an individual seems prone to such behavior, we think just getting rid of that individual can prevent or reduce misdeeds. When it is institutional with their job description or societal, it is a lot more challenging on how to go about lessening such misdeeds from occurring. Not impossible, yet needs an impetus such as positively channeled retribution to keep one from sliding into the much easier course of defeatism, acceptance, and apathy. 

If didn't invent numbers, language, matter, etc. why use? Ego extreme. 

Pure time vs. thinking in terms of space 

Why core idea (propagation, beliefs, etc.) Inventing aims, seeing all notions as castles in sand. 

Cell growing into others, from other back into your past. 

Smart enough to know futures and pasts and to walk away from both (distance oneself or identity) 

Wheels, gears, balls, coming together in front of you vs. coming apart and reverse view of curved space like inverted rotation around a 3D curved "plane" (a triplane) 

Whether internal only or external aspects of one, aspects of another consciousness. Varying levels of awareness and varying levels of consciousness. Tired. 

One surrounding one, then the other surrounding, same as rotations, opposed (back to back) or facing. 

Parts of environment before being known about (external potential only) and after being know about, before they exist (before they are part of the environment (of actual things), non-actualized potential), and after they exist (outside of (total) environment or system you are currently in). 

Those running the world now see people as cattle, horses, beasts of burden, something like Man sees all other species, made by God to service our needs and purposes. What goes around comes around to bite us all in the ass, ideologically speaking. Only breaking that mentality will make other people be treated like equals again. No kings, no saints, no pedestals, just people equally needing to be fed, to be cared for, and always above all other things, to be shown, given, and entitled to equal respect in their lives, their dreams, their goals, and covet each individual's approval and respect as you would from any God or gods. 

I look for truth, answers, and God, beneath each stone, in the lives, all events and experiences of the lives equally from the mightiest to the beggars and the lowest of the low's lives, experiences and events, and in other places down the road or on the other side of the Universe, in all these things, events, and places equally at once for they are no less important, all equally a part of my life and consciousness, my soul, God's soul, and the Universe's soul or essence, all are truth, all are divine. 

All of that is what is good and bad about existence, you are a part of what you need and want to be, and equally at the same time, ultimately what those around you need you and want you to be. 

To trump all, impede at detriment to your own potential for maximum growth and knowledge, cut at knees, to limit your own movements, lie and slander at cost of your own knowledge, reputation and ability to know truth. Tennis. Game. Set. Match. 

Use of greater believability, position, of presumed honesty above another, to lie and take advantage of them knowing others will believe what you say over them. Un_ucking-believable that (such) people can still think themselves good people and that they did nothing wrong (when doing so) because others will not see it that way. That has crept into things behind the scenes of how people think for so long, they may as well and sometimes do think even if openly exposed (as blatent lying), there is nothing wrong with it. The hypocritical religions say you don’t need their forgiveness or understanding, but some god or religious leader to say it was OK while you keep your respectability, profits from screwing them over and your reputation intact. What good then is there in people or their repuations? 

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Reversing premonitions, déjà vu, moments of apriori; holding back potential, creating events while blocking the rivers of change until catastrophic floods; stepping outside of thoughts sequences, seeing what wanting to do and thinking at any given time as an environmental component; supra-species consciousness, beyond even individual species as living things but (instead) types of life attempting to grow and creating component species to work through and exist through, in the face of consciousnesses that wide, even individual species lives are irrelevant, getting beyond the what to why is such contexts is as pointless as trying to surmount or steer, the largest pictures are as insignificant as the smallest frames, even species themselves can be nothing more than puppets or means to ends. 

People unknowing or yet to even have considered metal landscapes and templates of their conscious patterns of expectations. See environments as stable things instead of streaming buffers. 

I have been pushing for humanity to see and know it must change and grow its institutions and new ways of dealing with each other for the better soon if humanity is to survive other than in a perpetual hellish constant state of war Bush wants to make inevitable, or die trying. On both counts I seem to have failed miserably. 

Whether pre-existant or existent away = factors not yet come together for present experience to yourself, survive independently or exist to others without interference. Multiple (futures) with your interference (interacting with and varying reality)(and) one without, multiples without, or one of each? 

Rolling rock (or ball or tire) as consiousness contact points (repeating on self and rolling in line against environment) 

Physical bodies, forms, as tires thrown off back of a moving train. Environment as moving (to tire) terrain it will hit and begin rolling in direction of the train, and how it (the terrain, its environment it begins in, where it starts, and will define and frame all of its possiblities) will affect its speed, length of movement, and direction, inclines, objects in the way… etc. 

Life either confirms ones own best and highest aspirations or confirms ones own deepest and worst fears. Usually a mixture of both to keep it interesting. How and what creates that lateral movement between is interesting, if not yourself, but located externally within the environment. 

Jumping off of trains (note: there is no 2D equivalent for best way as it uses all 3 dimensions but a 4D version would be interesting) – Ok, you are on a fast moving train and want to get off with minimal damage to yourself. In 2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple’s Fun Smashing into Walls says optimal method is to channel forward momementum against gravity and let gravity slow you down and then land safely. Cannot do that easily if trapped on a moving object with no contact with “ground” to redirect as in previous example. Best you can do in a similar vein is to jump into wind and let that slow you down. Seeing as trains move fast and wind resistence is low, not likely to help much. Running backwards of train good idea to a certain extent. Faster running in direction that ground seems moving in relative to train lessens impact damage. Run faster than train, hit ground and roll forward. Run same speed as train or approximately same speed and plant it like a good dismount in gynastics. Most likely given train vs. human speeds and you will hit the ground only to roll backwards again toward train at fairly high speeds, head over heels. Best thing to do is wrap yourself in a bunch of inner tubes or tires and roll off as fast as possible off of back of train, or if no tires, turn yourself in mid-air so when backlash occurs, you roll sideways instead of head over heels. Thus with the design of the human body, less likely to snap neck or break spine. Primitive example of 3D physics but utilizes all 3 dimenisons in line with and against forward movement. 

Life is about communicating your own life and perspective as best you can to live in others like telling others a dream even you will forget soon after waking, and needing others help to remember it for you and keep it real a little while longer, while knowing that continuation that is you, is your life, that which you call yourself, is that process of doing the same for those you have met and read about, and what you live to do for them, while you can and as best you can. 

Bird example 


The most important thing for you to be today is to be not what you were yesterday. The most important thing for you to do or to realize today is what you could not do or realize yesterday. Remembering here is not there, now is not then, never you are what you were (or remember being), and what you remember can never be again. Going against that, holding the past, that is death. Working with it and using constant change is to live and accept being constantly a new person in a new place in new circumstances. 

Direction moving (through curved 1D space on a ball with grooves representing timelines) = direction spinning in multidimensional plus time sense, all forward momentum = type of spin in any multidimensional environments 

When moving toward antipole away from any point whichever direction (away) in curved 3D space, object would seem to be rotating in different directions to different people in different places because that movement = rotating on all 3 axises simultaneously from view of approximate sector of 3D space turning in all ways = inside out eventually so correct description, time processes seeming backwards too. 

Eurotransmigration raw naked exps. 

Cc Back in the usa 

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Q-strings, globe spin 

Going down road, book taught 

It works fine on paper: Lawyerly unrealities redefining the concept of truth: Rethinking the very concept of law when it exempts and is written by and for the most powerful to gather and maintain more power. 

Catholic inquisitions, protestant purges of catholics: European countries nation-states' homogeneities are living histories written by the heirs of mass murders to attempt to positively spin their forebearers legacies and booties from all who thought and looked differently. 

What constraints over reality and behavior are real and what are cultural. 

Myth-based parallel quasi-realities shaping belief and perception of reality. 

The idea people want a fair and just world is outdated and naive. People love the unfairness, the imbalance, the constant screwing over of the weak, the poor, and less fortunate as long as they can be let in on the exploitation and control over (the) law writing to conquer their (own) opponents by pen and social structures to make them dance to their tunes too. 

Glove – superstition 

Your life is always aimed toward something. Aimed by your intents, your abilities and inabilities, or aimed blindly, it is always aimed at something whether conscious of it or not. 

Whitewash N. 

Being and communicating, some ways (the) same thing, different on what can be and is (communicated). 

No fear of the sadists in charge, they are my glove. 

The past is built upon a pedestal which is created and maintained by diminishing the improvements and greatness of those living in the present to see themselves as subservient and less than those in the past whom they revere. Those who will most understand this will falsely embrace the past and tradition to gain power and amass great wealth by “passing on” traditions they merely use as a way to control those who truly believe. The more hypocritical these leaders are, they can get away with any amount of hypocrisy, killing millions and keeping nations impoverished and claiming to do the work of Jesus, living in mansions with servants and still quoting how Jesus said the rich are as likely to get into Heaven as a camel through the eye of an needle. Robertson in saying to cut welfare benefits to the poor said (roughly) Jesus loved the poor, but not these (kind of) poor. These are the miscreants which can subvert any good words or deeds to their own ends and rule others by their willingness to deceive and others willingness to be deceived. 

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There are many things Humanity is not ready to believe. That does not make them one iota less true. This may sound like a repudiation of relativism but it is not. Some may believe what most would not accept. Even if no one might believe some indisputable physical universal truths today, nor ever realize them in humanities timeframe, such notions, ideas, relationships, equations, still may exist ahead in a venue just never embarked upon, yet may or could be one day, if there is more to the world than what we do or can or will believe someday. 

Breakdown of community, no free (without payment) exchange of goods and help. All (people are) isolated to be economically picked off one by one. Breakdown of trust replaced by intolerance and suspicion and fear leads to breakdown of free exchange of ideas and strained communication and relating to each other in anything more than superficial (ways) and false. 

No longer deserve honestly elected (that because the people of the USA are not bothered by the false and criminal rigging of elections that are not even considered criminal acts anymore if once they are in power, they can decide not to investigate themselves or how they got there, if the people continue to accept this as they have, they have willingly forfeited the right to rule or even have any say in ruling their own lives. Sad but true. They are *ucking sheep.) 

Like pods side by side, each immersed in circumstances blinding one to the similarities we hold outside of a virtual world of identity through history, real and imagined, drives, socially programmed and biologically programmed, and wishes, part of the packaging of circumstances, yet also clues to what lies outside the box or pods of circumstances of time sprung around you and holds you in it, in all your life's moments at the same time. Descriptive of time as experience tracks, partially predetermined, you are helpless to change other than to know it all (all that you can do or be given the circumstances you will and might encounter) and try to set your sights above it all. 

Skimming over superficially the tops of most peoples beliefs and types of thinking and organizing thoughts, beliefs, goals, and values, is important to an overall view of human consciousness and direction. It need not be that inaccurate if gleaming accurate synopses because too much detail in any field of study inevitably puts one into traps of babble and irrelevance which furthers the discipline into further more marginal sub-sections which literally can be expanded and further divided infinitely. One must always stick to the most basic of questions: who is benefiting from this, who is being harmed. Anything else is superfluous. Turning the tables and saying more are being harmed than the number of people benefiting is good depending on who they are and how they are in a different group than they are who benefits, is to alter ones appraisal of the value of some human lives as greater and lesser than others. That is constantly what societies do without staring at that uncomfortable truth. One of our groups lives, survival, or even just comfort can be measured higher than millions of others' lives, discomfort, suffering, or even outright exploitation and torture. Once you get comfortable moving the balance away from the middle, the slippery slope gains speed which is progressively harder to stop or even slow down. 

Ruled by the dead (3 definitions or sense of) 

From optimism of doing cities retrospective to the devastation of (the) idea of never writing again. A swing that hit a nerve,  that without a voice, you do not matter and ultimately do not exist. 

We now officially live in a country where the President can break any law and talking about that publicly can send you to jail. 

People are: 
   1) a physical body of a particular size, shape, and abilities; 
   2) a particular point of view or way of seeing or perceiving things; 
   3) a pattern of behavior or type of approach in dealing with new 
   4) a set of memories of past occurrences which define 2 and 3 and 
         contribute to a sense of separate “identity”. 
Most of these are determined by the outside environment or interaction with it, but 2 and 4 are affected by imagination. A sense of desire of future occurrences which comprises identity (which) can comprise identity as much or more than past memories is not imagination, it is biological and environment driven as well, but cuts across and in some sense drives and overrides or influences all other aspects (1-4) (to create, guide, contribute to, or control future potentials to occur in actuality). The will is paramount. 

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Living things grow or are grown to fit or fill a specific function within their environment. 

American exceptionalism: 
    1) Weapons 
    2) Military expansion 
    3) Election fairness 
    4) Media consolidation and bias 
    5) (Willingness and need to obey) International law 
Self-image and media image vs. facts and other countries perceptions 

A dictatorship openly expressed and known would be better than the coy wink-and-a-nod dictatorship we have now which whenever it chooses tries to pass itself off as a democracy where the public will is effectively and presumably, if effective, perpetually controlled and malleable to the suggestion of those who control all branches (of government) plus the press plus most pro-establishment pro-globalization governments which are whatever they may be called in their own countries, all the same dehumanizing “Suck-every-
efore-another-country-beats-us-to-the-punch” party philosophy. If it was a self-described dictatorship or plutocracy we could hope it might one day step aside and allow free, untainted, uncorrupted elections to occur to parties not on any payroll, never mind all on the same payrolls (Democrats, Republicans) as now. The hypocrisy steals all hope effectively from the future as not only are we not allowed to aspire and work toward a better more democratic future (type of government than what we have), but we cannot even (justify organizing to) work for achieving the democracy we have “in name only” since because we supposedly have it, how can we replace it with one? Since it is here now, go home, be good, play nice. 

When different people imagine and lock on to a common future. 

In regards to “Q-strings, globe spin”, XYZ (axises) walls in a hypersphere spin, each divides up 2D or 3D spaces in half (one line/wall wrapped around in an orange-peel shape) in “room” tunnels being reversed at the antipoles (spiral floor like Guggenheim, ceiling = floors). 

Everything actualized now and yet to be is inherently made of potential. It is manifested differently, potential for experience and knowledge at certain points in time for different consciousnesses. Limiting others' abilities to know and interact with parts of their environments to control them by what they know is the most inherent evil in this system I know of, (link to life2.htm) and what by censorship and culture, not only do all governments attempt but is verily what they are built of and feed on to keep (their members) (seeing themselves first and foremost) as distinct and separately defined as (apart from) the others ideas and values which its own (members) might otherwise one day prefer (other cultures systems or values), and decide many of these other attributes make more sense, are more just, or are preferable, more ideal, or just better suited to now compared to their historical  baggage used often to weigh them down and keep them in “patriotic ignorance” of the outside world, and away from those ideas which might be better suited to who they might wish to one day become. 

Just as one could say Bush is giving the world a taste of what it would have been like if the Nazis won WWII (one could say through Paperclip they did, the government or ideology it adapts to is merely the host which enables it to survive and mutate, is “progress” too and the countries and peoples are irrelevant and secondary to the “research” and “advancements” which are more important than even their own people are), we are also getting a taste of when Germany decided it no longer was bound by international commitments to the League of Nations, merely because it was in a greater position of power. The main difference between now and then is the US remains within the UN, though it says it is not bound by any rules or laws, procedures, courts, or enforcement mechanisms (against itself) it does not like, and all other major powers are either afraid of stating this obvious truth of what is going on, or are simply on the US payroll, willing to go along with anything so long as the money, directly or indirectly through contracts, trade, and business interlinkages, keeps rolling in at a greater rate than if this was corrected. It is for most countries a combination of fear and greed, and the US plays it well, both carrots of lucrative trade deals to make their leaders friends and supporters rich, and sticks of regime change, electorally (with boycotts and disrupting the economies of administrations it does not like) or by force of arms. But what happens when as now the treasury is emptied by corruption and we have only nuclear sticks left to keep the rest of the world in line to how we wish them to behave? That leaves only fear, but fear when persistent enough breeds people who grow up without it, and all the psychological warfare and conditioning cannot prevent it. The greater the downward push of new forms of oppression, new generations will learn new kinds of bravery and invent new methods of standing up to it. 

Potential passing through grates or slits of intersecting and opposing aims, or goals of others creating what that potential manifests itself as according to those circumstances of actuality at that moment in time, at least (in?) accord with perception which by definition ignores alternatives. Thread with Q-strings and above (paragraphs) on cultures, goes through both varied topics in different ways. 

Nothing is scarier than that what so many view is new, yet to be, vibrant, potentially world altering in a positive sense, is viewed through a lens of the past, of more savage times rules and beliefs passed on by intent of keeping all henceforth times to revolve around their lack of vision as much as their insights, blind to how their knowledge about the past is their frame from controlling their own futures and from dreaming their own dreams, new and alive instead of dead. 

These extremists rise to the top because of their willingness to kill, to silence and control all other views, but use hitting them over the head with the past as their own personal path to power, hiding their inability to find anything newer, better, which could potentially stand on its own without that crutch of playing the card of, and subverting to their own ends, unquestionable traditions and unconscious customs. 

Neo ideological prefixes.

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Spiral floors of time, later knew more than previous, or future, previous knew more than later, perspective wrapping and other knowledge requires unlearning wrongful or more limited perceptional templates, wraps back around floor of one not knowing is ceiling of the other further on in time like floor=ceiling can be in curved spaces. 

More knowledge of past often limits, precludes and prescribes events yet to be to conform with its legacies, willingly or not. In relation to it also by definition of. Only letting go, losing knowledge of it, is to be free of its reach. 

For every “new” thought, original idea in ones mind at one point in time is just the surface of a spiral of potential of that one point in times' perspective control over influence future times to remember it, (a “new” thing to influence future times), a shadow (ahead), and also reaches back in time as events up to which are also defined by it as well (as “new”) in a wrap around sense of (the) absence of knowledge meant to limit all before its realization as “newness”, the taking away of knowledge for the purpose of realization at a given point in time later, “floor of one as ceiling of other” aspect. 

Successful complete healing of body without scars or aging wipes away effects of the past, the wear and tear is identity, the past's mark on the future. The ability to reset and start fresh unhindered by past events is the fuel of events which we hope will be. Combined and imagined past (from different pasts) and one destined future, or one  definite past and (more than one potential) uncertain future, are the perceptions of existence (and time) which surmounts and obscures a greater reality without the dualities, where both (opposite poles of thought) are the same wall which wraps around on itself and through itself as a mobus strip or Klein bottle. 

To want to understand something later, like it or not, is agreeing to the organizational structure which says you must not know it now. Not caring is a triumph over that structure, but one without victory as it is without substance as well as (and in the same sense as) without possessions. Possessions are substance but by being more real in one sense, they must be temporary, having then not having, to create that reality which is either fleeting, transitory, dog chasing its tail, or not existent by never being actualized at all. 

Whatever exists regardless of its reality to itself, which can only be known in a different sense, is either what you wish to interact with or avoid interacting with, to control (the possible effects with it) or be surprised by it, by giving it a measure of control to surprise you, a weakness (for you) with the potential for unlimited joy. Control = sameness. 

Laws for sale: When/how police, criminals, politicians, and moralists (religious fundamentalists) all work (within a social structure of new law creation for the purpose of growing the complexity of the structure itself, making even the criminals richer) for each others benefit against everyone else. 

Difficulties pretty much happen by themselves, by the factors in the environment which come together to create them, as does your ability to deal with them or to overcome them. The only thing that is really hard is the toll it takes upon you by the experiencing of them, but the toll too is fleeting. 

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Is the US trying to or has it succeeded in nullifying the UN Charter and rule of law in regards to its role and actions as (in the same ways that) the President may have in holding himself unaccountable to legislative oversight? Is the US' breaking or ignoring international treaties becoming as easy and accepted as Bush's breaking or ignoring laws and Constitutional guidelines? Are some individuals and nations defacto above the law and is a lack of opposition among Western nations and political parties tactic acceptance of this “necessary evil” of central power and diminished real democracy and lack of meaningful debate in challenging this “unchallengeable” mindset? 

The only reason what they did illegally yesterday is talked about today is so they can inoculate the public to prepare them for what they want to do which is even worse tomorrow, advancing the conveyor belt toward making more unthinkable crimes less shocking, then debatably reasonable, and then ultimately legitimate, and even a necessary component of the world they have built up around such once “horrendous” unthinkable deeds. We are not only being trained to think the unthinkable by degrees, but to accept it as inevitable and just. 

That what I “learn” is things that I have always known but not able to understand in the same way as when circumstances actualize the solidification of that potential knowledge into temporary present usefulness or utility prescribed by those circumstances, more a set of events coming together than a group of objects, into a “reality” of occurrences separate from what did not occur, is one perspective upon it. That such knowledge requires more time and greater expansion of thinking and more active thinking capacity is not necessarily the case. I was not ignorant of these things before, just hopeful it would not become the path to be played out. It is the “lesser actualized is greater in potential” aspect, even when what is actualized later seems to have greater depth of knowledge and abilities. To have known beforehand, that it did not have to be this way and should never have come to this, that such things not actualized still exist in ways that we, most, do not perceive, and that all ages of yourself contain the seeds of all you might do on a greater reach forward than you can possess later (in hindsight or when looking back), as well as greater ties (in the past) to “reality” and other paths and pasts which created you than you can possess later (earlier more predetermined and outside of your control environments), having become (later) more conceptually cut off from the “actual” past by greater conceptualization and “understanding” of it. ALL reasoning is ultimately subjective, false, and further from the truth. Truth is what others feel  and all will forget to feel the more they “think”. (last two sentences tied to and based upon concepts expressed in Emotive Base States and especially Feeling Based Reality) 

Are your lasting achievements dependent solely upon others to make them more than what they might have been, a fish-eye look upon a certain past which could have been any other from the point of view of any potential other person in any potential future? (In other words, are the achievements dependent upon the building up or praise of others later to make the valuable? If forgotten or if the world was destroyed the next day after you did them, would they have great value or is that value dependent upon getting others to repeat them endlessly, by expanding upon them or recounting them? Most “value” is just conning others that what so-and-so did was better than they could do. The “value” is created in many cases by others and not in the originating events.) 

Sure we all theoretically prefer to have peace over more war, but only if peace is at least or more profitable then continued war, and it never is. The benefits of peace are spread out over many, benefiting all equally. War concentrates the benefits into the hands of the few, the whole point of profit, and the many who lose, lose all, their lives, their lands, their valuables, which drives up the potential spoils and value of the possessions of those who remain untouched, their assets appreciating to buy or steal from those recent, and soon to be, dead. 

The media stranglehold likely to get us all killed, the public debate in America, when existent at all which now even this is not, is which party's “different” “Bold Ideas” to get us out of the world crippling downward spiraling situation, with machine-like unthinking polls and pundits alike whose thinking processes are limited to left, right, and now the “neither left nor right” neo-con neo-fascist “majority” ideology, which of these ideologies' jockeys, these cookie-cutter prepackaged types of ideological state-approved islands of thinking embodied in parrot talking suits, out of whom which one of them should try or can bring about a stable world in light of constantly escalating weapons of mass destruction, both present ones and damningly new types to come? The blindness and myopicness of it all is both frightening and hilarious at the absurdity of it all. Cheers. 

Money-lending and “devil wanting to buy your soul for cash now”, more great ideas given to the world by Jews-Christians-Muslims. 

Strong ideas vs. weak ideas- ones you sense have strength or deeper wells to future times you (or others) will deal with (them again) and expand upon them later or ones you know may be more formed and complex now but will have no effect on future times or thinking. 

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Seeing life as the drive to do things, to create events which others and yourself will re-experience at times in the future creating new events which is a doubling-back of those later times upon what you do and say and think now, straining to create relevance in what you do now to yourself and/or others in the future. Without those drives to create and experience, life fades to something else. My pinnacle when I achieved contentment, did all of what I thought I ought to do and say, fulfilled what I thought to be all my drives and purposes, freed from all wants and desires and designs on future events or would-be events, something else came to the forefront and said, no, its not over yet, this is not all there is, everything is not done yet. Thus my “rebirth” of sorts. To say this was contrary to my previous aims of what my life was about gets into messy ground both for those who take a strictly biological view of life grounded in the laughingly simplistic psychological models, as well as to those who view things in some spiritual models, that I somehow became tainted away from my original intents and purposes and began to seek to destroy what designs or intents I had on and for the future my whole life previous to that. Those are all “outside” views, ones in textbooks or religious books which go back long, and try to spin or bottle what people think into these prescribed patterns. While not knocking these templates of how things can be interpreted, they are limited. My new directions are not contrary to previous ones, merely adapting as the world is adapting outside myself putting me where I hoped not to be, thus wanting to do more than I hoped I would want to do. Limits are a good thing and ought not to be completely thrown aside lightly, yet something else emerged and needed to be acted upon because external events required it. The physical changes were extreme. Vastly improved health, mind, and reasoning abilities, and overall health and metabolism sped up over months to levels surpassing when I was 16 and peaked. My 'aumakua stage began. I could remember things which had not happened yet as if they had. It was really weird. Now I can reread many things written in my life over the years and see the drives motivating me to have written them, what I was trying to convey to others, what I was trying to work out in my own mind at the time, what knowledge or insight I was grasping towards as defined by and adapted to the current events and experiences of my life and others lives I knew at the time, an outside view of all I was thinking and how to project that onto future times and tie them to past times of things I had read from what others also read (and thought in the past before), expanding the common ground of different authors and different cultural sources, and try to make them relevant for different potential cultures and outlooks people might take in the future. I can see that from an outside perspective now because I can stop it, step outside of what I had thought to achieve with my life, everything I had been taught to and wanted to believe and achieve, and literally try to spin or put all of that in any other potential new perspective by how others in other cultures and other times might view those intents and drives, those perspectives and “truths” in relevance to their own lives and times. Even though this outside view is interesting, it is ultimately irrelevant to me. We need drives to wish to act upon our environments, to need something external to us to try to shape and mold to a form we choose, yet neither the “before” states, the “after” states, are ultimately real or relevant. The only thing that is truly real is the experience of the attempts and experiences that result in ourselves and others, and finding out or searching why we try to do or experience these events now, and more importantly, why we wish them to remain as templates for experiences of future potential others when what we can imagine for them is flawed and limited compared to what they can imagine and do better without knowledge of us. 99% of 99% of what we know, think, and believe, the “justice” and “rightness” of our (governmental and cultural) systems, is purely flawed, yet we try to strangle future generations with these limited and lack of perceptions, with these unjust and hypocritical “institutions” without daring to throw open the doors and say go for it, beat me, show me why all I know or believe might be wrong, why what I think or these present institutions and types of educations might be irrelevant to or in the future. Lacking of the capacity to do that is why what we think without that in mind becomes truly irrelevant. Projecting that blindness upon future generations, by not opening the debate, throwing tradition to the wind to see what might fall to the ground vs. what might fly, this is why most of what most do, we are lucky if it is worthless and not worse than worthless, and best if abandoned by others in the future. Forced undebated “educations” equals ignorance. Teaching others to know the past, to know their own drives, to know and to let it go and step outside of it from time to time is to let them know the “ground” of reality, but also to fly and keep their sights on the times and worlds beyond those limited ways of reasoning and seeing that which we have not, those of us who have not learned to always surmount our own pasts and drives, within and outside of ourselves. 

Threatening someone with killing them is not a serious threat to them if they want to die, or like me went through so many changes so quickly they find it hard to say what life is anymore, yet fortunately no one has a definitive answer on that here to say that lacking makes me deficient. What I can say is that life seems to want to keep me around awhile longer and though learning much about others and how they think everyday, they are really far too similar to each other to get excited about them anymore. 

Spirals and getting back out 

© 2006 by Jared DuBois