"It is sort of true that I have by now at least an extremely limited  vague superficial understanding of some aspects of 4 dimensional space. I can make a 5D video game. More importantly, it is just a tool I use to expand my reasoning process, a sort of mental gymnastics, but of a more concrete fashion than pure abstractional computations. How many dimensions or using different types of perspective descriptions is to push your consciousness beyond where it is comfortable and to try to see everything in new ways or from a different perspective constantly.  This may sound hyperbolic and absurdist, but it is important and  intrinsic to the growth of consciousness." 

...it literally describes adding a new dimension to your current or past ways of viewing the problem or situation.

...take the most complex structures, social, economic, political, geometric, mathematical, theoretical, experiential, life itself, and add a new dimension or two to your current thinking of them...

...new patterns come into focus that you could never see from within it, connecting more things and events that views only from within could never even begin to understand...

The 5D Notes in Pictures. (Click here for Full Notes Index Page)

        Ok. Where to begin. What is now called the 5D Notes was not originally even notes. It began with a series of pictures to sort through some ideas about 4D space. The first three pages are here now. It includes the dimensional contortionist, the mouse in walls (view), and other early concepts that were visual more than words. I now finally am approaching topology the right way, with a book after developing my own ideas. It is a little disturbing that a good percentage of the pictures in the book are things I have already been drawing to sort through things. It will be interesting to get other's perspectives on the same ideas by approaching it from a different direction. The dimensional contortionist (a.k.a. The Dimensional Contortionist Escape Artist) was a series of drawings showing a stick figure escaping his prisons by moving in a direction away from his world, yet always standing on a "ground" of one of the planes and arrows showing directions of movement, minus of course, the ground. Using that and multiple representations of him, I was able to carry it up quite a few dimensional levels and still understand it. The mouse in walls (a.k.a. The Killer Mice in Walls with Laser Beams) was intrinsic to understanding what I call the walls view. To understand any dimensional levels, I find you not only have to look at it from inside and outside of it, but from within the defining "planes" between stacked shapes "walls" around his cell. In other words, you have to start stacking things before you get a handle on them. "Stacking" Tesseracts is to do, from our point of view, build overlapping regions of three-dimensional space, which is both rules bound which makes it easier to get a grasp on it, yet strains the brain cells a bit to understand this order of things. The mice in walls view is exactly that, how many mice you would need and what squares, cubes etc. it would take and how many mice it would take to keep patrolling his cell if they could only move in a straight line. For a two dimensional cell, it would take one mouse moving around a square. The mice are always required to only be responsible for having to cover 4 "rooms" on their patrols. They have a very good union. They go in a straight curved line, turning 4 corners. In three dimensions you need 3 mice running through the walls, kind of like picturing a boxed present wrapped with ribbons. In four dimensions, it would be like in a curved three dimensional universe, our universe curved tightly curved around itself would be the "walls" of a 4 dimensional cell. Page two attempts to graph what cubes in over lapping 3 dimensional universes of stacked tesseracts the mice would be in and how their 4 rooms line up in 4 and maybe 5 dimensions. This was described better in the original introduction but it is better to see it.




© 2004 by Jared DuBois