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Best of the Notes - Quickies

Note: These I thought were good lines when going over all the notes again for Centerfields collection...

Energy = whipped cream
Matter = ice cream 
Together they make a sundae :-) 

Future habits are hard to break 

Existence is a matter of perspective 

5D Ying Yang (below pictures like a white pizza with black pepperoni, and a black pizza with white pepperoni) 
To move in sync or to not move in sync, that is the question 

Anti-bending of space - very cool 

Sometimes or from some angles, things just seem to arise together and causality is but a myth 
What you are at any point is simply what time it is. What time it is is only defined by what you are. 

To say it to yourself is to begin to move it toward becoming real. To say it to others is to put events in motion you will no longer be to contain, predict, or completely control. 

Whatever you or anyone else is is fine, just so long as you grow beyond it, as if you or they ever really would be given any other choice for very long. 

......To instead or also see space as folded into objects instead of existing outside or between them.......
  ......Truth if any lies before wanting to see, not during, and certainly not after. 

If you don't stand for something, you stand for nothing. If you don't live for something, you live for nothing. 

......and doing what you should most do today is all that matters, and leave the course behind or ahead, winding or straight, susceptible to angles you cannot imagine or chart, and even a few steps ahead or back you will see or know only with, through, and by, its distortions of reality.......

To always shake the walls of what you believe is possible to do or to know or to become. Time chunks vs. slices  Snowball effect of 4D thinking and exponentially increasing connections 

No matter how much one likes to see oneself as accidental, the inescapable conclusion is always that one is for a purpose. By, to, and for whom or what, these can be questioned. Relevance cannot. 

A sense of common identity and memories are all that connects what one is and what one was previously into a single being across time. 

Most people trade potential for paths that will bring them the most time and fewest problems. I trade potential for what will give me the most understanding of life in the shortest time possible and will give me many problems (to solve). (It is a) question of drawing it out (extending), or trying to cover the most ground possible. The more energy you push outward, the greater the return flow inward, dimensional donut.  Physical facts (are) unimportant, change is the only real existence, or happenings without manifestations, or creating their own. 

To simply point out the cliff ahead. 

......Political biologism, groups which may not even see themselves as related or acting in concert though each is reactive to the others and together comprise the "body" or organism (upon which their existence depends on or is inseparable from).  ......The point is you are who and what you are and outside of that time while you are, that all else is in a sense a different reflection of that time.......

The only in-between states are identification, even with past moments of your own life, and imagination in creating new realities or new lives (in which) you are a greater part of or directly connect back to your now. 

......Which direction (past or future) creates something is only a matter of perspective of which moment and direction you choose to look at it from. 

......Everything that you have experienced, could have experienced, what you are experiencing now or might have been experiencing now, and all that you will experience or could possibly, all of this is a part of you.......

......The irony is that which is wished to be passed on can never be forgotten or lost anyway, nor is any externalization of that potential any more real than the potential itself. 

Consider everything, believe absolutely (without reservation) not in anything. 

What you know is all that enables you to do anything. What you don't know is what drives you to do anything.......

Tree of life- its roots surround its reality (from outside of it) coming equally from the future, the past, and all points in-between. 

Forever chasing or straining to get what you always keep putting just beyond your reach, how the Universe works, dogs chasing their own tails, time. 
Dragonslayer's create their own dragons to slay 

Inheritor of your memories and your sense of identity, who you are today. 

A lot of future and past expectations to try to live up to. 

Would have thought would have wanted to move on by now. 

Every generation has the responsibility to remake the world as they see fit to be more just than the one they inherited (probably not original, must have been said zillions of times in millions languages over time). 

Universe's version of freewill- you can either do what you know or believe in your heart you should do, or you can (choose) not, and risk dying without getting a chance to.......

Got freewill? 

Reaching out to the future, passing through that reaching out to the past, where they overlap, perception of the present. 

Seemingly divert all down one path or another, though both roads exist obviously from a supra-universal view. The illusion though, is cool. 
To most people the future is what it will be and will be only one thing. To me the future is what it was, and was many things.
Ideologues are ideologues, it doesn't matter what their ideology is, sometimes not even to them. They are all willing to remake everyone's opinions to justify or "prove" their own. 
Whole process of tree, not its existence at any one point in time.

Cars colliding from the same forge, taking different paths to meet again.

No species or social structures will or even optimally should last forever, nor worse, act like they will or should.......

Any branch of any reality can be made to seem (like) the most optimal and prescribed to be. It is only a matter of willingness to embrace or use it as such. 

Becoming who you always have been 

The question "what are you" and the answer, "growing", I understand now far more fully than a year ago. "What" needs to be open ended and undefined. "More" is sufficient, and all that can ever be (accurately) anticipated. 

Having to make sense out of something that runs or cuts right through the core of what you are, yet must struggle to understand what it is or what it means. 

Improve everything else directly or continue to live, everything finds its level in-between. 

Being able or more able to step back a few steps conceptually speaking from your present time, culture, or world, new patterns come into focus that you could never see from within it, connecting more things and events that views only from within could never even begin to understand or explain how they could be connected to each other. 

The only rules for existence are that you have to be something, it has to be somewhere at some point in time. What that connects to or where each factor might lead is up to you and your imagination of what you can connect together to what else from there in a way that makes sense to you. 

Freedom means never being told what freedom means but to be able to define it for yourself as you wish and never be pressured to recant that or to accept a different definition or interpretation. 

I demand answers from life about my life though I know I know not how those answers, probably the furthest from what I wish them to be, would affect me, nor why I wish to know them. Such is life. 

Connecting with others outside and within, before you and behind you. 

Raising a past version of yourself to become yourself 

......We should live everyday as if it is our last not because then we would think of ourselves foremost, but because it is then we truly understand, empathize with, and completely love all others.

Comparative moral education is paramount above all science and educational and occupational concerns.......

Always consider everything at face value but never delude yourself even for a moment (into thinking that) you are seeing or may ever see the full picture. 

It is not what people are which captures my interests and imagination or attention, it is what they have the potential to become.......

If someone can take something away from you which you think is rightfully yours, it never was. Just be glad you were able to think so for awhile if it pleased you to think that. 

Freedom, like wisdom, cannot be given, it can only be taken. 

......Past is but a perspective on the present. 

Everything in the universe is just (a different form of) feedback. 

Blind men have a clearer view of the universe than physicists or cosmologists. 

Basically, if being is based partly on curiosity about existence, the Universe lured me back or re-engaged me by upping the ante of what it is, or showed my single being in (conjunction with) all else view is only partly correct if at all. Every string connects to every other, and any combination of harmonies are possible. 

If you want to exist as something, start with imagining something you are not. If you want to exist somewhere, start with imagining somewhere you are not. If you want to exist sometime, start with imagining sometime you are not. 

......Pretty much all of life and reasoning is based on intuition. Sometimes you are more correct in using it than you wanted or intended to be. Always give it respect, you don't know where ideas come from. "Don't touch that idea, you don't know where its been." 

Each moment in time is retrofitting or remaking what came before to grow beyond what it was before.......

......If you knew something is always going to come after, you would not get so attached to the way things are and share a little of the joy the Universe feels when it gets to start over again on a new project, even if that is how to replace the old one that was or contained you.......

The notion of purpose sucks. Without it, people could just enjoy being. If people weren't misbehaving toward others, no one would have to care to help them. 

Always a second away from the end and inserting time between. 

Physiological pattern and consciousness pattern, what do they have in common, how do they connect or interact with each other, and how do they feed and feed off of each other? 

If you don't leave you can't return. By going there, you bring there and here closer together, you unite them, more a part of each other through you.......

......As Inventor intimated, what you know prevents you from seeing or learning what you don't. Science has lost the ability to rethink all of its own assumptions and see them not as reality but as representations of reality and therefore limited, biased, and ultimately perceptual. 

Every person, being, thing, or point of view in the Universe redefines every other before, during, and after its existence in relation to itself.
More conscious of oneself externally and internally at the same time, sucks, but sometimes necessary. 

.......It may sound cliche but the presence of anything creates the non-existence of that thing. Before its existence it was never absent, therefore always was. Only by existing can or does anything create its own non-existence (at another seeming point in time).......

.......If you do deduce what you think is true, it is often best to keep it to yourself. Whether it is really true or not is irrelevant to most people unless it is their opinions also. 

"Its not the years, its the mileage." Odometer vs. clock. 

.......Growing means constantly moving beyond the land you know, yet looking back nostalgically at those who lived their whole lives there never having to learn of the world beyond it........

To be something more, always. To find new reasons or levels of explanation of my present and past existences to better define future ones. To discover the source of existences and experiences outside of myself yet seemingly inside myself at the same time. 

"Between" is always "by" (relational "by" not spacial). 

.......Some people's hearts are open and will know and give joy and CREATE a good environment for others, and find one for themselves. You can only point the way, they must discover how to open it themselves. 

How beings shape their environments while being shaped by them

.......Every door of perception we have is a wall, open at one point, closed at every other, yet both are that wall........

.......Mutual causation or multiple pasts as well as multiple futures may be difficult to comprehend but that everything in the past being the sole source of the present and the present having complete control over all futures which might spring from it is way too simplistic........

People look without seeing what seeing is. People think without knowing what thinking is. Without an outside perspective upon perspective, people are as programmed as birds migration, fish to where they must spawn, whales to where they hope to go to die. 

.......You can never detach fully from all else nor can anyone else, but you can perceive yourself as separate to later reunite and leave again........

Nothing that exists is provable beyond perception. No order exists beyond perceived relations........

.......Thoughts are merely fashions sold via advertising.

Anything that is understandable is so because it is predictable. Anything that is predictable is controllable. If not by directing it directly, then by altering its environment or surrounding factors.

.......Life is about the redirection of energy, not the creation of it. The Universe already has an over supply and everything that exists is to even out the balance. 

.......Life is on MANY levels with one foot on one ground, and the other on the opposite ground from one perspective. Attempt to stand on either side and you will topple........

Why shouldn't one always be trying to find new perspectives and definitions of what it means to be themselves? 

.......It is relational to how they are to you and how they seem to themselves over time that is what someone is to you, the potential for changes and experiences in both they and you. 

.......Life is change, not what form it takes at any given time, but what it is gaining and losing at any given time. 

Seeing into the heart of matter is empty space. Seeing into the heart of change is true form without form. It is the reaching, longing. 

Purgatory is really underrated in all the travel guides. Everywhere is ultimately just a pit stop on the way to somewhere else. 

Seeing life of species, not one, many (potential) children species from each. 

Life is found in whatever keeps beings alive long enough to grow and change into something more or else........

.......What is within us, what it is our capacity to become defines and sometimes makes the choices for us, and that is always both evil and good. The only thing which can shift is where the middle, the median lies, and in which direction it is currently moving towards........

From one angle, we control time. From the other we are controlled by it. From outside of it, neither applies. 

I am stuck between a door and on both sides I am, and on neither can I be. 

.......The opposite of that happening is greater control, less freedom, and dictatorship. The more it happens and the greater the factionalization, the more control people have over their own lives and destinies........

 Humanity, as it is now, is like any organism at one point in time. It is doomed to die unless it finds a way to grow into something else. Change, constant rebirth, is the only reality. 

One becomes linked to and synonymous with certain perceptions of the future when one believes them to be necessary. Nothing is necessary but the belief that something must be necessary. 

Since everything comes from one and goes back to one, people should not get upset with differences. Being different than you is everything's (else's) job. 

.......That it (a belief set) allows them to subjugate others tends to reinforce it and gives it an ability to spread, and eventually makes others unable or unwilling to question them or their validity. 

Your past notions, goals, and purposes are all that give you direction on one hand, and all that limit you or hold you back on the other. Both the limitations and the enabling (what you will do or what will happen) are the same thing. 

.......People can only accept peace when it is provisional to becoming and growing into more, and not confined or limited by the present. (If more of the same of the present is all one has to look forward to, no matter how good, one or those who come after will seek to destroy it to create something else, even intentionally something worse.).......

Learning to deal with rapid changes, finding new threads in faster currents in larger rivers. 

Everything that does requires what gets done to to enable that ability or it does not exist. 

Opposite of expectations used to mean freedom. 

Freedom is a dream and the right to dream what you wish. Democracy without strict spending limits on advertising and equal treatment in all media is a sick joke. 

Life at its most twisted is to make you care about things and then watch your reactions as something threatens them, takes them away, or destroys them. 

Even understanding everything is ultimately confining if you cannot find a way to move beyond it to something you don't know, or know how it will turn out. 

.......That ability will become key to all else and survival. It is to be able to see your life and circumstances dually simultaneously from within it and in time, and from an outside perspective upon it and time, from all other points and perspectives outside of it at once........

Once your mind learns to escape its box, you see it, then, the box, exists only in your mind. 

.......Experience is all that world has to give or teach you and all you have to give or teach it. 

Knowledge (by one) is not only dependent upon but reciprocal in time and in existence with what it knows. (Limited) knowledge (which is the only kind of knowledge) is subjective, and the subjectivity must also be reciprocal.

For those who have lost it, for those who never had it, hope for them as you would for yourself. 

None to dominate but all to survive.

I accept no limitations imposed by Man upon what I am "allowed" to know and few by God, and even those provisionally only during my willingness to agree upon them, and only for awhile. 

You have to do the now thing before you can do the later thing. 

Wherever you are, whatever you are, is your time away from everything else. You can't get any further away than that. See less, yes. Be less, no. 

I don't have any opinions about a lot of things. What sets me apart is that I refuse to buy into others opinions which are not well thought out or based on reason. Most people are very sensitive to have foundationless points of views questioned even by merely not subscribing to them.......

Broken zipper between two circular sides, future coming together, past coming apart to wrap around and come together ahead again.

The only questions worth asking are the ones no one wants to answer and will retaliate against you for asking them.

Forgetting accepting the end comes with every step, each is the last. 

Experience involves objects but not into any one of them more than any other, through time but not in any one moment more than any other (combined only). 

Eating or absorbing the potential of whatever the future could be and shitting out a past, and the only thing that keeps you moving is the wind coming out of your ass. 

.......If people to some degree must be lead to believe things for any social cohesion or agreement, it takes pains to keep the notion of freedom from being completely overrun in the process.......

 The only real progress made in the last 30 years is the rhetoric about improving the world has improved. If you count hypocrisy as an achievement, solid indisputable gains have been made and are continuing apace. 

People believe what they want to believe and merely sift through history to find the "proofs" to justify their wants. Once in power, they make sure opposing "proofs" for other beliefs are discredited, and as much as possible, removed from history.......
(Notions of) reverse evolution (in religions and cults) and original sin and all its offspins. 

.......Until people can be totally manipulated without their knowledge covertly, the middle stage to getting there is the well worn path of secret police who are not so secret, just their methods and the public's lack of ability to keep check on their activities as even knowledge about it is criminal.

Only the weak want to always be the best, retire undefeated, and be remembered as the greatest. The strong love to be challenged more than anything, long to meet a worthy adversary who they can rise and improve against, and ultimately meet someone who can beat them. 

.......and that is the path of life, into the unknown, pulled up by hopes of what is most important to achieve, peace in ourselves, peace within ourselves as individuals as well as peace between nations and other groupings........

.......You take the world and time you get and make the best of it you can, yet religion, greed, and power keep the best in the shadows where they know they are safest........

Since I start with the assumption that life itself is inexplicably weird, everything surprises me equally, and nothing can surprise me. 

.......The problem is not encouraging growth and change, that is intrinsic to people's understanding and how they think. It is growing toward what, whose plan for the larger combined organism  of society to grow into.......

The best revolution will be when people do what Elvis did, take aim and shoot their TVs. Read as many different opinions in different newspapers when owned by competing interests (if ever) instead, and always even then trying to read between the lines on what views they are promoting, who stands to benefit, and who is paying their paychecks (above and below the table years later). 

Every month my mind grows more multi-dimensionally in my reasoning. How more and more people's lives fit together and overlap becomes more and more simple to understand. Even the patterns of rising and falling civilizations becomes logical and predictable. Perceiving through matter, peoples lives, processes, and time. 

If everything always occurs but in different realities, how can it make any difference in which realities they occur or do not occur in?

Levels of understanding must be added to constantly like layers of skin, each pushing the previous ones upwards to gain perspective on previous ones.

Everything that exists, everything that you experience or can, exists to make you wiser and to shape your own individual opinions and interpretations of them if you can, know how, and are permitted to do so. 

Some people are just born long distance trekkers and will always seek out the limits on where and what they can be and what they are allowed by Man or God to know........

.......Still, it is better to think you have something to do or accomplish than to think there is no point, but each must realize that the choice of what to think they ought to do with their lives is entirely their own, or there is no point to their reality........
.......Whenever anyone tries to tell you that you can only be this or you can only know that, just say "whatever dude" until they go away. Sooner or later, (for you or historically speaking) they always will. 

Events as waves, broken into objects, broken into you. You carry around copies of your events with you, objects where events took place, other people, also retain copies of events from different perspectives. 

Everyone and everything is an invention of everyone and everything else to be or give them what they cannot be or obtain by themselves. Experiences. 

If you were going to be most people in the future, what would you want your lives to be like? That is how people ought to think to create that future, for one way or another you will know it, and if you make it worse for others, if there is any justice, you will have to suffer it with each of them. 

The older you get, the more diverse cultures and mindsets you assimilate, the less you are bound, determined, and defined by the year and place you were born, as a typical generation XYZ'er pretty much thinking alike enough that the statistical differences are minimal and easily generalized. 

Identifying yourself by, in, and through everyone's' desires to achieve, be, or experience anything equally........

.......Killing their hopes and dreams can be to kill life itself more than just individuals, and justice is finding ways to make the most overlapping non-mutually exclusive ones to one day be realized for one and for all. 

While in existence, you are a part of others externalized in essence but internalized still through experience. Out of existence, you are in others more in essence though less through interaction with.

.......Each new generation must be as free to trash the world and do bad things as the one before them could. Giving them a good reason not to is the best we can do for them........

Mantra of governments including so-called democracies, of the 21st century: If people can't see it or read about it, it isn't there. The Control-The-Information Age. The only crime (governments can be guilty of) is when their strings are showing. 

Two things are constant about people. One is that they will never cease trying to find new ways of killing each other. The other is that they will never allow any person or organization to impede them from doing so. 

Unless there is a major paradigm shift, soon it seems events will bring more destruction than all other wars combined. Experience tells me time is short and the need to alter course is imminent now. 
Wind-leave people - when leaders believe (their) creationist myths as histories. 

Lasting peace is not good for the weapons industry or countries whose economies and position are dependent upon them. Pet monsters must be constantly fed or you will be their next meal. 

Money and the need for it to survive, makes people behave in ways they otherwise wouldn't giving those who have it power over them, and often to behave in ways they are debased and will feel disgraced afterwards. And this is not the exception, it is the rule and (this situation) rules. What people would only do for great sums of money is usually what ought not to be done at all. 

Experiences of others to you, experiences of you to others, experiences of others to others.

Remaking your environment through interaction with it as much as your environment controls and shapes your sense of identity. 

No object, being, or event which occurs was not willed into being by you, by someone, or by all combined. The rules of this Universe or any Universe are simply to provide channels, puppets, for that or those wills to move around by it, like gas molecules give form to the wind or a tornado. 

Time is short, people are morons, and I've got shit to do. 

Ideology (especially damning in journalism) means you can only see in one direction, and are forgiven for failing to look in the opposite direction, or worse, in any other direction. 
I am optimistic in that more are speaking out against a lethal status quo, pessimistic that fewer are listening, and horrified by corporations growing power (over media) to guarantee no one will ever be allowed to hear. 

While living any life, whatever weirdness you come across, if it becomes constant and lasts long enough, it becomes normal. Normal is just what your past expectations make you think each new moment can be and ought to conform with or match those expectations.

What those who have power are willing to do to stay in power quickly  becomes a race to the bottom of how low they are willing to go to remain there. The longer in power, the lower that bottom drops........

The central organizing factor of the consciousness is not the outside environment it interacts with, but the will. All else becomes secondary. Types of life, part 4. 

Unless you are prepared to kill a person or enslave him, you are eventually going to have to consider his point of view, and on occasion, even after you had. 
Dolphins raised by wolves. 

You are the experiences you had with others seen from your point of view and you are the experiences you had with others seen from their points of view. These experiences from all possible (person's) perspectives are what was you. The body is merely what the experiences form around, like frost attaches to a cold piece of metal on a warm winter morning. You are the process of condensation, not the metal. 

People should not get sold on the characters, not even their own. All power is in the play and how it unfolds. 

The center of trust, whether in yourself or in others, that you know what is right for them better than they do, when those times and on those issues, they do not match. That is difference between despots and those who truly believe in democracy and freewill beyond their own lies and minds. 

How you interact with what you find in your environment defines you in and over time. You are limited by and to that except when you try to create something new for you or others to interact with........

.......when I take a few steps back, I remember there is nothing I would rather be doing and the bigger the challenge, the more you must rise to meet it, and when you allow yourself to think so, the more fun it is to have something nearly impossibly big to build or to destroy. .......

People as works of art, physical or temporal (performance art). Manipulating their experiences and knowledge to get them to behave, appear, and identify themselves by their thinking as you wish. Yet another outside view on life or the Universe. 

The stronger you are, the more power you have, the greater the desire to rule, the need to rule. I know that insatiable feeling too well. There is another to balance that, the desire to impart that power to others, to make them stronger, eventually your equals, to give them more control........

Created by nature for the purpose of going beyond it. If not constantly increasing the limits of what is possible, surprising and surpassing the rest of the Universe, you are ultimately uninteresting, predictable, and a victim or pawn of those who will take the initiative to do so if you don't first........

.......Limit the knowledge of others to see and they will simply grow eyes in new ways others will pick up generations later as leftovers like other species picking up new tricks of ways of perceiving ones environment. 

.......I have been fighting the idea I was made for ANY purpose, let alone anyone else's idea of what for. That is a fight that can't be won, eventually you must choose, but the choice should always be your own or freedom is a mirage. 

Selling food abroad at world prices instead of feeding own people (who now could not afford to compete with what other countries could pay), malnourished and starving. 

Having to do anything, story, being in one, sucks. 

When no one is allowed by law or public pressure, to argue the other side of ANY (particular) issue, it (that particular issue) gets progressively more and more extreme in position constantly unchallenged, and debate becomes more and more unthinkable until everyone is simply told what to believe by the most extremist people possible. 

.......The worst tendencies of Man keep pace with technologies, use them to the hilt, profit from them, and exploit the hell out everyone and everything else with them. The political and religious structures and institutions are intentionally designed to always be dinosaurs, unchangeable and unable to keep up so they will forever be co-opted and taken over by the worst groups in a society........

The United States government which I grew up with committed to without lies or hypocrisy, freedom, democracy, human rights, international law, and respect for its own constitutional principles, died not by losing the cold war, but by winning it.

.......We are like riding in an elevator that can only go down or not at all, a world civilization that for the moment can only get more greedy, nationalistic, and dictatorially militaristic, and to cover trying to profit from the situation rather than caring how to make it better or go away.

.......A culture is what those in power wish to say it is, and if they have the help of the media, always in the hands of the most wealthy, the most powerful with the most wealthy define what that culture is all about,  usually to keep those in power in power, and to make those wealthy even more wealthy, that becomes the unconscious purpose and rallying point of the society........

.......People don't get rewarded for doing more than what is necessary if what is necessary costs more. They get promoted for finding new ways to show what is thought to be necessary really isn't after all, as long as you always remember people's lives count less than dollars. 

The societies we have are they way they are because they are built around fear. Fear of thinking for yourself, fear of saying what you think is truth, fear of believing you know what others more powerful than you are doing is wrong and have the right to even just say so, let alone to work for a society not as dysfunctional. 

The more renowned, celebrated, or highly thought of in others minds a person becomes, the more they become prisoners of those expectations or that image........

Television teaches people how to behave. Reading teaches people how to think. Reading you can stop, rewind, replay at any time and inject your own thoughts (at the same time).......

.......Any content showing different faces, opposed to all your society finds acceptable "options", you will never see and never hear it was censored, except rarely when at all, that it was really bad or reverse propagandizing it, that you were only protected from its badness. No need to thank us, but you should. 

Every time you slow down enough to turn around (look behind you), history bites you in the ass. 

Beyond experiences, yours and others, nothing is real. What anyone can hope to achieve alone is nothing. What all combined can achieve other than happiness is inconsequential and unreal. The only power we have is to make others and ourselves suffer. Not doing so when able, our only possible noteworthy achievements. 

People instinctively now, they are trained so well, automatically look for a profit angle on any idea they are exposed to, not any longer "is it true or not", but which is the more profitable opinion to take, believe, or propose.......

Those that are celebrated in history and those who are purposefully expunged from it serve the same function; one aspect is identified as useful and all others surrounding it get purged to create its pedestal........

Verbs of transformation virtually non-existent, focused on things movement instead of all changes at once. 

Whatever life circumstantially throws your way, you don't have to believe it, accept it, or like it. All you are required to do is deal with it and think whatever you want about how you are made or expected to react. Rise above the situations and look down on them. 

Consciousness is always reorganizing itself yet seeks always patterns (around which) to give it form and shape. All energy, matter, the same and shades of both, are basically just searches for new patterns. 

We are all prisoners of what we know or believe. Some kinds of knowledge are enabling, others are inhibiting or more confining. 

The great memory dump of the Universe, cleaning out the cache and all people and beings merely temporary pattern buffers.

Life in a streaming buffer 

Trapped in and by time, yet every trap has its walls and borders. Finding them may not lead to an exit, but gives one a sense of knowing the boundaries of where one can and cannot go. (or can or cannot know.) 

Seeing the same events from different angles in time (is) analogous to different angles in space, outside of context of linearity, slide ruler of potential into form across multiple times at once like space consists of multiple spaces (existing) at once. 

You are yourself only, or everything and everyone else. If you view time in its proper light, you are never not either. 

Directional increases and decreases of potential for desirable repeatable experiences or of a single occurrence of an event, one outcome of which is preferable. 

Viewing possession of material things in terms of increased potential for repeated pleasurable interactions with that object, owning an expensive car vs. renting or stealing, status centered vs. actual potential for use. 

Spiders through/by time seen as greatest and longest victims trapped within/by their own webs.

One only exists at all relative to the things and circumstances which appear to hold one back and only exist because of such. Needing something to push through, friction against the tide of what otherwise would not be, spinning it to you (to need to react to your intents) as you fight against its preferred path. Struggle or easy is up to you.

Still doing the being thing.

.......In the end, each's own ignorance is partly by choice as much as it is by circumstance and timing. Make happiness come alive. All who kill happiness in anyone harm all life, including their own. 

When every moment seems the last 
We are all like prisoners of the expectations upon us of the worlds we were born into, as much limited by them and as defined by them as our physical selves are rigidly defined........
.......that is where all reasonings must take you as often as possible. Going back to square one, routinely, incessantly, and without end is the only way to get a true and valid perspective on anything........
.......Anything you might ever wish to or hope to learn about anything, you are always just a heartbeat away from figuring out, and the path to get there inevitably crosses that point of where you must assume nothing before getting there........

.......It fundamentally raises the question, what if anything about your life belongs solely to you to decide what to give out and what to withhold, and is losing that ability (to meter out) a good thing or a bad thing.......

That all already know whatever you can teach them, experience brought out which already exists, potential as (a) form of events just not remembered yet.

.......Every possible combination of events unlocks some (sense of) identity, experience, or locked away piece of knowledge, just may or may not be valued to what you want to do, be, or have, or experience at that time. 

Downward pressure matched by upward and outward potential. Born in a pressure cooker. 

 Non-existence = potential shifted to (the) periphery outside of system or edge of system. Zero = infinity. 

Growth with and without height, with and without outside environment beings expectations (of what to grow into), with and without static environment rule changes in what is possible (changing or unchanging laws of nature). 

Smart enough to know futures and pasts and to walk away from both (distance oneself or identity) 

Parts of environment before being known about (external potential only) and after being know about, before they exist (before they are part of the environment (of actual things), non-actualized potential), and after they exist (outside of (total) environment or system you are currently in). 

All of that is what is good and bad about existence, you are a part of what you need and want to be, and equally at the same time, ultimately what those around you need you and want you to be. 

© 2003-2006 by Jared DuBois