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Raw 5D Notes - Part Six

Page 138
Criminals ruling a criminal regime fighting a criminal war to put Iraqi cities “accidentally" in chaos run by, well, more criminals.
Americans have let America down by their refusal to speak out and their willingness to be cowarded by an increasingly dictatorial and criminal police state. The world, all the free nations' governments, have let the world down by their refusal to do the same despite their citizens, those still unintimidated enough to do so more than Americans, who overwhelmingly have done so (voiced their disapproval) by and large to no avail (in affecting their governments support or lack of action against US aggression alone or by proxy, whether open and blatantly illegal (by International law) or covert and even more condemning than what is eagerly and boastfully admitted to.)
Those who have called Iraq Bush's Vietnam have underestimated him and the situation. Iraq is Bush's Chechnya. As long as he is in office, he will hold it at any cost while the cities are turned to (more) rubble and the people demoralized, impoverished, and destroyed while the rest of the world looks on helpless to do anything to intervene because they dare not get in the way.
Media (makes people) stupid (on purpose, this much disinformation and banality in the face of unprecedented serious world crisises cannot be accidental Please tell me which celebrity is screwing which other one who used to be screwing someone else. This is “news”. The wars are optional and a downer.)
Puff them up to shoot them down – how organizations build up the value of their critics to then embarrass and undermine their causes by the messengers they either put in place completely or helped (them) behind the scenes to have a voice to begin with.
Party purged State Dept. and CIA
Dumbing down the herd – Modern “educations”
Hub events of consciousness, experience, and perspective. Ring around the rotary of DeconU.

Time, probability, politics, and social customs.

Seeing your own life, all thoughts and experiences, as eternal to yourself, as a component of your environment, triggered by other events within that environment, that whole, is more difficult than seeing everything you interact with within your environment as just another component in your own life. This is the opposite of “that it is easier to see your environment as a reflection or necessary component to enable your physical self. The time definition (first sentence) vs. physical forms, a thing called a “life” vs. a thing called a “body” is probably the most integral (to a better understanding. How the 4 mentioned dual opposite points are reversed as different ones being easier to understand, with life (time) vs. physical reality.) To have a sense of self, you need time to look back on what you experience to remember it and (you) alter the experience by building up a newer revised identity out of what you remember and (by) the new act of remembering (it) (connecting them to new events you did not know at the time you were experiencing them which came later.) Without these new times stringing together multiple times, there can be no “reflective” self to be aware of beyond current perception. In regards to other people in your environment, it is inverted. There is only the current perceptions of them and experiences of them without directly accessing their memories (or their own sense of identity built up through their past memories of events), or sense of self they tell you, or you learn of them to attempt to gain predictability to their future potential events based upon your own remembered experiences of their supposed pasts. Ultimately without gleaming insight into their pasts via your own (building) past memories of them or of other similar people and events to associate them to, others in your environment exist only in the now, in relation to you, as you would exist only in the now if you had no memories of your own. By not having recollection of somethings past states, it becomes more externalized. The more memories and knowledge of the past (of it) shared and in common, the less distinctions between the “otherness” between you and others in your environment, or of the objects and the environment (as a whole) itself.

Page 139

Binaries, polarities, are to me gross oversimplifications. However when contemplating many things, they are useful and often sometimes hard to get away from. For my own (past) perceptions and desires about my own future, there was always the “good” reality where I fulfilled mostly external goals internalized through instruction to what I wanted the world to be. It was positive and sometimes noble, but positive for less than a majority for the sake of survival of “all”, all being in this case mostly those who would survive anyway, (whether) good people or not, and most are not and surviving longer would not necessarily make them more so (better). To follow that plan completely, even if those desires were more internal in me than externally taught, would in a sense not only make my life and all that would stem from it predictable, but (it) would negate most of what I experience as irrelevant were I to follow such an obvious predetermined course. To contrast that, there was always the “bad” reality, what I might become if I lost it (my moral bearings), became infatuated with power as almost anyone can be, and did wantonly horrible things, albeit for no doubt good reasons, at least as I would see it to myself at the time. Living too long no doubt moved me toward the latter, with less predictability and a far wider perspective, a gift of the bad things done to myself and others by my government, but it is not necessarily toward a bad end either. I can see and know where countless people did, might, or will go wrong, off-track, the mistakes are becoming obvious even if the morality is becoming necessarily obscured. Whose morality is always the question. Knowledge of other cultures, others' lives, others' minds and types of thinking, make morality more basic than “these people should do these things and not those things because “we” know they are bad to do.” Morality has to be based on future potential effects and most of the morality of what has become of Christianity is inadvertently to intentionally causing many to most of the effects (which) anyone else outside of that religion and many within it, would know to be bad things.
         So like the Universe we know and sometimes love, I try to stay in the middle somewhere between the zeros and the infinities, and try to find in each new moment (the birth of that) new road which leads to neither absolute path but one that best blends and brings out the best features in both. Both the world that I would relinquish all control to what I have been taught was “right” to be and to do, without the other extreme of falling into the trap of being so full of myself that I would wish my own definitions (of what is “right”) to need to be one day universally accepted by all to “prove” their value or my own worth. I may be forced by existing to need to do and to create, and of course want to as well, but neither will (what I do or create) it be all that I wanted nor all that it could be if I ignored all others' dissenting voices, no matter how ignorant they are, or in the case of those in power today, how ignorant they think they can make others to be.
Women have millennias worth of experience at keeping a part of themselves to themselves and not to reveal all even to their mates because doing so only leads to a complete domination and loss of self and identity, and (for some) what can only be described as cruel attempted decimation of their very souls by doing so, when to those who ultimately cannot be trusted not to take advantage of that. Everything else in their lives requires submission and compromise to survive. Their ability to give in but never give up, to keep hope stored away in a secret place untouchable and off-bounds to all, as frustrating as that can seem, in this feminine talent of breaking and remaining unbroken, there is the hope to stand up to a merciless government using psychology and the media to bend everyone every which way they want them, to serve their own purposes and goals. That is the ultimate male ego trip, to dominate, control, limit others means and methods to fight back and tell these twisted *ucks to go back into the hell they belong and quickly are trying to make the world become. To fight that requires the strength of will to keep your soul off-limits, that (something) must never be allowed to be crossed or compromised while also doing everything one can think of to neuter the abilities of those who would require (the development of) that ability, as a world where trust in the extreme is not a weakness or vulnerability, and would not lead to regret when more fully informed about those requiring from you such trust.


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7/1/06 11:15 am
What keeps me focused and on-track is the opposite of what others might expect, far from a love of humanity or wish to do good, though it manifests itself as that. It is the probably erroneous view that I would, if given the option, prefer to be a beach bum and do nothing much, and concern myself without worry about the rest of the world. It is not true, but thinking that is my version of the humility aspect of “Morality: Individual and Social.” By transforming my aims to making a world where others or myself can not have to worry about anything, that is my way of straddling both sides of the line and dealing with time. If you cannot live in a better world yourself, if there is not enough time or resources, build that better world as best you can for those who will come after and enjoy it and live in it through them and their lives. Try to live and die not to maintain the world you inherited, but to create the kind of world you would like to have lived in yourself. Have them enjoy the things you could not, and definitely not in a material sense but in a freedom sense greater than you could imagine. If you can contribute to making a world you would wish to be what you would enjoy, believe that you will know it through them and their eyes and their lives, even if they do not know or remember (nor are necessarily even biologically related) to your own.
7/7/06 8:25 am
The more a political party says it stands for life, the more people it can kill. The more it says it stands for democracy and promoting it and enhancing it, the freer it is to erode it and consolidate power to itself. The more it says it stands for liberty and less government, the more it can pass draconian laws, monitor what you say, do, who you associate with, and take away whatever civic rights you might have had, publicly admitting to it, or behind your back you never know about until they want something from you. The only thing that keeps the government's lines, the rhetoric, in any relation whatsoever to the truth of what is happening, is the Press, the Media, and they have now lost all compass and credibility. Truth, journalistic truth, now belongs to the highest bidder, and the liars, the most hypocritical, will always have the most money and the most power without a referee. The media is no longer a referee. It writes whatever it is asked to write and accepts payoffs, knuckles under to corporate or political pressure, and puts out one-sided government press releases as “news”, and shamelessly distorts, swift-boats (the modern equivalent of tar and feathering) anyone who dares to interrupt the feeding frenzy at the trough of money and power. Journalism is now creating false histories purposely.
7/11/06 9:35 am
Truism- Religion based upon life being the only thing that is truth, the only thing that is holy, the only thing that is God. Because it is growing, changing, words, customs, beliefs, they all fail and are only interpretations of the only truth, your life and the lives of others.
Purpose of living is to communicate your thoughts and ideas to others, to grow your own consciousness as best you can in a way which does not have a negative effect on others, but instead helps them define and know life for themselves on their own terms free of the conditioning cultures put on them to guide them to be non-thinking autonomatons saying words not their own, believing in things which are ultimately propaganda in why your country or religion is better than others, your people closer to “God” or truth, your values and political institutions better than others. Seeing through all such conditioning to how they (the current world institutions and powers) affect others lives, cheapen them, degrade them, anyone anywhere by limiting their abilities to work, to feed themselves, stealing from them if they are poor, or to instead see which sets of conditioning benefit all others lives, cherish them, nurture them not to spout slogans or quotations but to grow strong, independent in thinking enough to shake the foundations of all thoughts and words of what came before them and dare to improve upon them.
Origin of the Universe- that time is circular in a multi-dimensional sense. Like Hawking's example of saying what came before the Big Bang is like trying to go further north than the North Pole, in a circular or repetitive time universe, any point in time and space would be the beginning and end point from some other perspective, any new consciousness born being the definitive new perspective's beginning, the end result of all creation before and after it. All perspectives, all consciousnesses, are equal in their rights to grow as independently from all others as they wish, and all others purposes in regard to themselves is merely to feed them the notions of the debates which they are and should be always free to accept, reject, or amend to themselves and in their own way as they see fit. Molding is cultural and necessary but upon reaching a certain age, regardless of political inferiority and standing, ALL ought to reach a level of understanding where they are free to challenge the rightness of current customs and laws by virtue of their interest and development in regards to such issues, and not because they are paid by others to maintain the status quo and keep as many as possible ignorant of their own voices, thus keeping them forever to be the work horses, the cogs in the wheels of systems intended to keep them ignorant and powerless. Each person ought to be seen as a potential king, a potential prophet, a potential Christ, if others would only help them become that, and ultimately each might or will if circumstances allow and demand that of them.
7/11/06 10:40 am
Problems with rule by committee- when something occurs which must be dealt with, all propose their own “solutions” which are at odds with each other so nothing gets done at all. The longer nothing being done goes on, the more people will say not doing anything is better. It has, after all, worked thus far. Generations may come saying, well this is tradition, this status quo is the way things should be. As long as the negatives are being shouldered by other peoples or in other nations, dragging out (stalling) any “solution” which would be costly to your own becomes the real goal never acknowledged while freeing them to earnestly “work on the problem.” Indeed, proposing alternative “solutions” merely for preventing any action to be taken, paid off or completely in the pocket of those feeding off of the crisis or imbalance. They ought to give gold stars for such disingenousness which the whole global socio-political system is built upon and thrives under. More than 3/4 of the world are defacto slaves with no ability write or influence laws they must live under and abide by, and those in so-called “democracies” are most often not exempt from that reality either. They just by and large are more deluded about that because there is more money concentrated there to go around to keep them unaware and distracted, disenfranchised or disinformed. So much money can be and is spent on such it is virtually one of the pillars of the American economy.
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7/11/06 11:11 am
Most politicians, cultures, societies, cannot help but view a little double-think as a good thing. Do as we say, not as we do. A little magical suspension of disbelief to keep the population happy and not likely to ask for more rights or less oppression. But too much of a good thing, people too well-trained in their “thinking” which defies logic and riddled with self-contradictions, and the whole of society can become delusional, that no problems exist if they are not acknowledged as such. America every day now sets a new record on how far that can go without coming apart at the seams. Wait long enough and not only will they shoot anyone who tries to sound a wake-up call, they would rip him or her to shreds like a pack of wolves on a defenseless prey.
Modern times and alternative media- If you read the truth, you have been compromised, tainted, and are suspect. If you speak the truth, you become an agitator and potential criminal propagandist. If you teach the truth, you are a seditious underminer of the legitimate government if it insists lies are truth.
No one realizes anything needs to be done because no one can tell them something needs to be done, and when someone does, they are free to ignore him or her, discredit them, and get rid of them.
Everyone, no matter who they are, how accomplished or successful, respected or learned, are but children, babes in the woods, if they do not realize there are limits on what they want to know about life and reality. These limits match closely more or less with what they do know. What they want to know is created by what they do know or ask or wonder about, (If not created because of it, then most certainly at the very least, the creation of the later experience of finding out about it because of that desire or expectation) and their minds not only are framed by those circumstances or experiences (they have lived through?) but also what those circumstances and experiences make them think they are lacking presently which might be more desirable to have (in the future) than that which they already think they have or know at the time they think they want them, or will want them, or will have them at some point in the future.


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7/22/06 12:30 am
Out of the impasses: Those power now who profit from war, lack of discussion or compromise, put on a facade of negotiations which are doomed to fail because their sole purpose is to obtrusify, stall, and provoke more anger at drawing out the conflicts to the last possible second to guarantee the maximum possible profit. Those who would replace these basically, to be fair to those whom their policies kill and maim, these murders, their replacements when compassion outweighs greed once again, if ever, will most likely be weak. Others will sense they can be walked over, made to compromise, agree to things to end the conflicts which should never be even discussed. Those running the show know this and use this as a shield. “See, we may get many people, thousands if not millions of people killed for no good reason, but we will save face, stand firm, and give not an inch to appease these “other” murderers who would try to take over as we are trying to expand our influence and control, or at least they would inconvenience this.” To quote that infamous political two-timer, Bill Clinton, there needs to be a true third way, not his misnomer for compromise of selling out those who you negotiate for as something it is not, as something other than a sell-out. What is needed is to put things on the table neither side would ever agree to or expect, not to slow, stall, or cripple the negotiations but to begin to reframe the debate beyond the polarity of either sides interests which both sides inevitably only seek to represent. The third party which should be included (in the settlements) is generations hence, ones who ascribe to neither's borders alone but will transverse both, belong to neither culture alone but whose culture includes tenets of both, one who will not see either side as a victor no matter how one-sided or grand a victory against the odds, but will be smart enough to feel only compassion for the dead (and those whose lives were ruined by the conflicts) and pity those who needlessly prolonged it for their own profits and political reputations. These potential peoples' views ought not only to frame the debates but ought to be the guidepost. It requires looking above the interests of present institutions, (present) countries and their corporate masters, to what will benefit those who are neither one of your side nor one of the other side, who will most probably despise both your sides and positions equally, but as a son or daughter despises the mistakes of the parents without despising the parents. For if these conflicts are settled now, others will be able to come to be, will be beholden and born out of that merging of beliefs and cultures into a common understanding, conflict and opposites (yielding) to cooperation and rebirth into new offspring. They will owe their lives to coming together or not know life by the present flying further apart. Either sides views and interests are always a zero-sum game, no matter the rhetoric, and never believe otherwise. Each side wants what is best for their own, and that is always less (control) for the other. But in the future, the children of both will literally be the progeny of both at the same time, and their aims are the only ones to lead forever away from an abyss in the present.
Environmentalist in a religions sense, product of environment and inseparable from, more or else.
Lack of otherness
LA riots foreign policy
Cult of celebrity
Licensed computer users
Bush trying to tie the hands of any successor (away from) any path other than all out war, destroying the US reputation as a legitimate government whose word can be trusted at all.
Mexico's Brown Revolution

Focus too much on future or too much on present. Feed people the seeds that could grow into crops of the future, or ignore them and their needs, not only for a future that may never come, but if it does, will require their deaths now as the fertilizer for people (later) who will be no better, no more alive, no more holy, than those who live and die to create that road and its steamroller which will mercilessly flatten them to build up and enable (maybe) some others (lives) some other day.
I consider myself a socialist because of all the types of political views at this time, it is the only one that speaks of creating social justice or at least lessening the injustices, not as a side-effect but as a matter of principle and as a principle goal. It is what is the future, and it is what is right. That being said, ALL those people who now call themselves socialists: extremists (communists), moderates, and pasty democrats, none have more comprehension about what I mean by the term than a pre-school child knows how to create a video game. They know what it should look like, and that it should do things they like, but literally do not have the first clue how to create one because they do not yet know the parts involved, the language of the terms, nor the amount of dedication required by countless other parts to constantly keep it not only in motion, but from flying apart at the seams. But they think they know what it is and superficially they are correct.
Swimming up into then down, buoyancy like backward gravity
8/5/06 10:35 am
I as me to interact with as an external vs. blur with other within you as defined by events yet to happen or as outlooks cutting across both, aware of events or third views which combine both perspectives, experiences or lives into another or others. Memories in common not happened yet or in past or in both past and future.


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8/8/06 10:35 am
When you interact with someone, especially meet them in person in real time, it is like two different time lines colliding, what I have called here “two cars made from the same forge colliding.” To know yourself as your interactions within your environment, you become defined by both the person's histories, each equally determining what will happen next, because of senses of identity based upon those (two different) histories. The less you need or want to control the interaction for effects for yourself or for others, the more you can learn about what is coming together because you are accepting it as a logical merging of two differing opinions of what events that merging of experiences and identities would create. The more you wish for a future state to become real, the more you selectively find in the present and in that person's past keys to spin that interaction to create the experiences or events you prefer to happen by trying to make them agree to prefer them as well based upon your knowledge of their histories and preferences for future events, or instead how to deceive or limit their choices by outright control over them. Stepping outside of both your preferences for future or concluding events and theirs, upon what will or should come from such a merger of timelines, of differing directions of differing identities, the more perspective you gain on what your own (individualized perspective) is and why, because it is only determined by conjunctions and interactions with others, both of like-mindedness and in opposition. Your own consciousness is something that only exists by and through (only in interaction with) other consciousnesses not yourself now, but also not that different, much the same as your body requires a physical outside environment identical in substance to interact with, full of and defined by others. Your mind exists only in a conceptual environment filled with others of the same substance and nature. Consciousness is a stepping out of the physical environment for perspective upon it. It is also possible to achieve an outside perspective upon the conceptual, or of consciousness as well. But too many only do this because they wish to control it, control others, and by doing so actually limit their own consciousness and perceptions in the process.
American genocide and wars of aggression
Fictitious intelligence, fictitious histories, and the wonders of compartmentalization in the Department of Truth.
8/12/06 10:15 am?
Rest stops analogy of time- like eating at different rest stops in different directions (choice) at different times. The people you see coming together at that different time and different place (coming from) different directions either yet to be or already did come together and now have dispersed, while you are eating depending upon which direction you go (or went) in.
8/12/06 10:20 am
Separating “did” from “might have” in others potentials pasts. Crosses from “might” to “will know” in your own future potential experiences.
Cross reference above with people leaving and never heard from, nor having communication with anyone they interact with, and those whose interactions affect nothing in your own life your whole lifetime long.
Diffusion and wider conceptualization
When governments make it clear they do not wish you to know about something, (and) that it is important and concerns you, don't think it may not be intentional. There is no easier way to get strong or independent-minded people to look into something.


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8/27/06 early afternoon
The idea that all races will put aside their prejudices, their dislikes of each other, drop their ethnic biases and look at each other all as equals, possessing equal rights, be equal to each's own in terms of intelligence or cultural non-superiority, all of this is a fantasy. The only thing that can unite humanity for long to even begin to put a facade of equality or even the mere tolerance of other races and nations differences and right to non-assimilation is necessity for survival. Once it is deemed optional, once one-sided nationalism prevails, that “we” are different, special, and do not have to play by the same rules as others, once racial or religious groups put forward that “we” are the true (the best or ideal) ethnicity or religion for a particular region, it will gain steam and release a new cycle of violence, hatred, and recrimination which will feed on itself. Put simply get along together or die together is becoming humanity's only two choices. While thinking your branch of humanity, whether by race, religion, or by nation, can dominate or survive while others perish, that view when Moore's Law (that computers will double in power and decrease in size every few years) is applied to weapons, will make mass genocides inevitable without accelerated international cooperation, new institutions, and common non-U.S. tainted “world culture” building as fast or faster than technological advancements proceed. Failure to do so, hatred, mass murder, religious intolerance, ethnic based superiority movements, these will dominate all else, whether openly proclaimed or subtly while double-thinkingly proclaiming to fight against it, such as xenophobia in Russian nationalism and race in U.S. politics.
8/27/06 3:27 pm
        For better or for worse people learn how to behave from mimicking those around them. I say for worse because much depends on how lucky you are with those around you to imitate and shape your identity. Most cultures, not the least of which my own, are pretty barbaric in what they optimistically call a “culture” and their thought processes are so riddled with inconsistencies and hypocrisy that it is a stretch to refer to it as “thinking” at all.
        Most people are controllable because somewhere down deep they are motivated by a desire to survive, to have nice or pleasant things happen to them at some point in the future, and to avoid or minimize the risk of very very bad things happening to them which they are afraid of. None of that means anything to me anymore, less than most before and non-existent now. The only thing I that motivates me is to expose the truth before I die, and the consequences of that are completely insignificant to my feelings one way or another. Machine-like, yes, but in a good way and for a good reason. The lies now are pervasive and completely self-destructive. Only letting the truth out in a regulated but massive way which can begin to enable people to see what they are doing and have done blindly and maliciously through their unwatched and lawless governments transgressions of all its own legal principles, precedents, and morality, that is the only thing I live for and the sole motivation. All else is merely the road from here to there.
That how you feel is dependent on your ability to feel

To see yourself or person as action only, not a body or what instigates that action.

Thought carrier wave signal, packet request, thoughts like radio programs, broadcast and tuners.
8/31/06 5:45 am
Like down(load?) for revised action plans through circumstantial landscapes.
Body = stress vessel
Positional relationships above what is positioned including body and self. Same with others capacity for and of interaction, more what they are (positionally, relationally) than what physically they are.


Page 145

What past created your present is more out of your control. What future you choose as defining your present is all that you are interesting for, your perceptions of them, and your preferences for them. They are not created at some far-off time, they as past are a part of your present and a part of you.
Final sum consciousness track, looking back into components, part of all as each's DNA is comprised of many disparate life forms further removed away from you in time, yet all (those previous lives) exist in you today as yours will continue with others distant (from you) today, but will be equal together in another (person) tomorrow.
Ohana best possible future alternative, synthesis of Asia and West
Taking what abilities and knowledge others freely give, not forcing, consciousness savings bank.
GW messed up for me a perfectly good lifetime of doing nothing out of the way. I cannot really complain too much for he threatens to mess up several billion other peoples plans as well.
More in touch with the currents which created me and my life than most, expectations and hopes on both sides.
Neither A nor B- Pre-canned ways of thought dooms every country that cannot see past their cultural blindness and limited debates based on limited ways of thinking and viewing problems. If you are not growing politically, growing more democratic and decentralized, (then) you are dying, you just see the few on top and think your culture will prevail. They will simply move their assets abroad as even formerly rich countries become poorer and (their populations) clean someone else's toilets and suffer abuse by them as they did to others previously.
Where Sakharov meets IZ- You do what is expected of you so you can do what you wish or what you think is right, or do what is expected of you in a way that is of your own choosing and style so that it is not so apart from what you would have wanted to have done anyway, in sum or in total.
Insert remind myself

That there is more that people do not know than what they do know, why that is and isn't the case. There is what you are currently experiencing or perceiving, what you can currently perceive or experience through remembering and anticipating, and what you cannot currently experience as happening, or having happened, or will or could be happening, and what you cannot imagine or remember yet.

If you stay, they will kill you.”

Forced to play a rigged game, too many peoples' ultimate circumstances in life.

The media purposely reduces people to caricatures they create and control, and if they stand against the media, or the party (or business interests) the represent, their caricatures take the form of propaganda monsters to rally the public to destroy them on their behalf.

Not all waves about to break can be seen from arising in and out of the past. One must learn ways to see sideways in time from angles most cannot imagine seeing from to gain insight into things as easily as those who look at the past can connect that to other things that must happen in the future. Things are predictable but not preordained, and the patterns are simple but outside of most peoples' ways of perceiving and thinking about time.

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Sig last- (refers to the last line of my Sig, “You are at least as strong as whatever you choose to stand up to, and stronger than whatever cannot make you afraid”)Your life is or is framed by a set of expectations based upon past events you use to frame expectations of future events, and how you think you will deal with them when they might occur, and while they are occurring. Without such expectations, consciousness does not exist and we could not function in this world. Once you know your consciousness and attitudes (through these set-up expectations pre-dating the events) are shaping your reactions to this stimuli as much or more than the external events are, you can begin to lose your fear and take control of your life if you lose your fear of death and what others might do to you. That (fear) too is a part of your consciousness that only constrains your behavior to do good if you fear doing so will make avenues of expectations and events you are afraid of play out. When you lose your fear of potential negative reactions of everything else in the world any and all others might do to you for doing what you think is right, not for yourself but for others (I know everyone thinks that all the time, “I am really doing this for so and so or my children's future, etc. etc.” but when it costs you more than anyone else and benefits you not in the least, THAT doing things for others, no the hypocritical “I'm only doing this for...” BS people use as an excuse to get what they want), you literally surmount everything else that could be for the power to keep you from doing and improving, what holds you back, is simply fear of bad things (happening) to yourself and those you love, to be tortured, killed, or harmed. That is the only power others have over you and you enable it yourself.

Arrow of RCP  

9/20/06 8:08 am
In one single instant, my mind can grasp the most intricate of designs, entire articles or books I or others might write either in detail chapter by chapter and a general overview, or even greater detail. I can imagine instantly chains of events involving many people (more experienced than just thinking about something that could happen) which could play itself out over years and sometimes live to see parts of them actually did come to fruition exactly the same way. Imagination some might say. But we all have it and we all use it and we all share in it. It is not to know THE future, it is to have an idea what we or others might do with just one future and because of those realizations, we have many possible ones. (link to shattering time). In an instant I can see many chunks with many details, yet none of them ever has to actually happen, yet in some greater understanding of time than most have, all of them will some “where” some “when” (the “” are to show the lacking of a word to describe sideways time “places” because we don't have a word for it yet). Even mutually exclusive ones stand side by side in ways most don't see.
9/20/06 8:35 am
My wills obstinance at finding one thing which defies it, refuses to yield, locked outside my knowledge and potential until greater and greater expectations for the future become locked in (the) struggle. Descriptive of anythings value or self-destructiveness, the notion if in power that all must yield, that in the pursuit of knowledge that all must be known, at any and all cost because one thing or fact defies you and remains forever out of reach. We all long to be challenged but we create the hurdles we must climb because of that longing. The friction that is created when we discover something exists to be had or known, and then made to believe we cannot have or know it, or must do many things to reach it, this creates all else and makes us all puppets. We may not create what exists that we will want to know or possess, but we create the desire within us to meet those ends and by doing so, create all the roads of events which separate us from them. People manipulate others so completely and effectively hands unseen simply by manipulating what people want,now a science, and by doing so lay a claim over their very souls.
The only 3 issues: Weapons (race) accelerations, Black op psych programs, lack of government (systems)
9/24/06 10:12 am?
Democracy” used as a means for powers to overthrow regimes it does not like, then once getting a foothold (when the party they wanted wins) signs contracts turning over ownership to foreigners (who backed them), makes “constitutions” (to prevent this from being overturned) cementing the current “democratic” system in place (quotes there because the whole point is to make it impossible for people to change the system again), usually rigged to disenfranchise most of the poor, usually most of the people, from regaining power at the very least, or when they are “allowed” to do so, they most certainly are not allowed to change such past “agreements” or changing the constitution or the economic system of their country to improve it for greater economic justice and limiting elite control over the country against the US's wishes is considered an act of war (to us). All well and good some may say, but most of these “agreements” were signed by foreign imposed dictators and/or puppet regimes under occupation or influence of foreign troops. No one in the US or most Western countries would consider such “agreements” and “contracts” binding if imposed upon them under similar circumstances. Imagine if the USSR conquered us, had troops on our soil, appointed a leader for us who then sold to them all our resources at bargain-basement prices for their own “puppet leaders” personal bank accounts, set the rules for “elections” so that those who oppose this and would want to overturn it could never win. Seeing that would mean Americans could see the truth of what we expect from the rest of the world, and that is one mirror, an non-propaganda anti-distortion mirror too painful for many to dare gaze into. 
Fearlessness takes back power. Fear and complacency surrenders it.
What I think of, what I am capable of knowing or writing is completely determined (and limited) by everything else going on in the world. Could I withdraw forever, who knows what I could know? But if you interact, your actions, your knowledge is determined by the interaction and what you and/or others wish that interaction to be or to lead to. Of this I am not blind and can plainly see how these currents running through us all line up to improve the flow and how they are impeded, but eventually the clots are forced up.


Page 147

9/27/06 11:50 pm
I need not fulfill others expectations, the environment, nor deny them and refute them as others can. I must surmount them. I cannot fight the environment, I cannot deny what people in numbers think they have a right to expect, however sheepishly those expectations were instilled, yet I can no longer be bound by those expectations either. Too much to do and too little time. I must break free without leaving, surpass without exceeding, accept others views while spinning them so they do not limit my knowledge as much as my actions. To know and accept the environment and the views of those within it, limiting, confining, constricting, yet at the same time as internalizing this into my own sense of understanding, doing it in a way in which I can surmount it instead of just giving in, to be more than a product and tool of ones world, but less than making ones world a product of oneself or will.
10/5/06 12:03 pm
Time creates a record or tape of events. Events when recalled shapes identity. Identity is an imprint made by previous events to shape expectations and control future events. Desire also influences future events. Controlling remembered events and desires creates predictable future events, transforms men and women into non-variables, predictable, controllable. Only imagination, sudden new goals not based on or influenced by the real or supposed past which creates identity, new interpretations of ways of implementing new or previous goals, gives hope of humanity breaking free of entire structures of society constantly studying and refining how to influence and control them. Shatter past to build a better future. Begin anew today in hope.
10/5/06 12:22 pm
My mind is no longer solely a product of past events which happened to me alone nor recalled through exposure of knowledge of others life's events alone, nor a product of instilled or inherent desires of, or for, or on future events for myself or others to experience or make real. It is beginning to gain traction on potential alone, potential which I or others can do or experience or know and actualization need not occur before knowing and being known. It is rubber meeting a much different and wider road, yet still bound or revolving around in a sense what is most probable because of knowing how identities are still dominating the mix. Expectations no longer spin me in the same ways knowing other potentials and others' potentials they do not and in one lifetime, most will or still cannot.
10:5/06 2:55 pm
The government's way of spinning things, myself as an example, works because they can limit people's exposure to selective facts which creates interpretations in the direction they choose. The ability to control which “facts” are known destroys any objective attempts at hearing the truth of anything anymore so long as such a government manipulates what is known by hoarding relevant facts which are uncomfortable, and things they have done and continue to do without legal justifications.
Page 148
10/8/06 2:04 am
Are not all things which we come to believe not things which we have a propensity toward believing? If not known beforehand but created instant relativism to presupposed pasts.
Hanging around to get a simple answer long enough to watch the world begin to tear itself apart, as if my having been dead would have made a difference. I know too much to buy into that crap even as other religious shit gets dug up for no logical point whatsoever other than making bad people more rich a few times longer. I am not like them, just unresolved and not willing to let it end that way. Ok, probably makes sense then. Exert or leave. Sucks.
10/10/06 1:21 am
Self-fulfilling aspect of questions, if you want to know something you must have some idea about what it is and what you would experience leading up to and after knowing. The question and answers are bound, arise together, and are outside of linear causation.
10/12/06 3:05 am
For some reason I always focus on a period a few generations from now. It really is as pointless and arbitrary as my own time. It is near enough to know, familiar enough to relate to, yet it is a matter of choice or preference according to who or what may happen at that time. We have to focus on a future to work towards, either within our own time or usually near enough to it where we can connect to each other as relevant, our aspirations to their sense of history. Your death or the destruction of civilization or of humanity are just arbitrary lines in the sand to give what came before them perspective via one end, which is not always as sole and definitive as it seems when seeing time's larger canvas.
10/13/06 11:28 am
Because I tried I sort of failed and also did not. The only way to really fail is not to try. The effects of attempt are beyond my understanding at the moment and hopefully are not as fruitless as things seem today. The future seems more fluid and changeable, and that is good, as events begin to take a new shape.
Stalin or Bush? (Quotes)
10/13/06 9:55 pm
I'm capable on a fairly regular basis of looking at the littlest things in life or culture from perspectives most never have or will consider, not only due to rapidity and constant wish to alter and improve how I look at things continually, but because I am capable with each new person I am exposed to how they think, coming up with new mixes and new outside perspectives on both as well. Never settle for internal perspectives on how you or they see things but how someone different than you both would see you both judging and misjudging interacting with each other. All of life and beliefs are interactive, using time and continually changing via interacting with other people. Even staticism is a form of change and action, that of trying to hold back the inevitable.
10/15/06 1:26 am
Because I am me, I recognize the right of no one to tell me what I ought not to know. It used to be my government on paper said no one had the right to control another's access to knowledge and by doing so, control them. Oh how far the mighty have fallen!
Page 149
People trying to play me and others expectations for what I might do is like riding a big wave. It has gotten so big that I cannot do anything now except try to stay ahead of it and steer as best I can, and try to have a good time while doing so. The wave has taken me places I wanted to go, enabled me to do things that needed doing, and when I was not afraid or intimidated by things on the periphery which never really matter, I did indeed have a hell of a good time. I see now the wave enabled me to be and that my only existence is when riding it, and was meant to, and never really had any choice. Existence is part and parcel of expectations. Whose is always the question as well as who is really playing who. If you think you are the one in control, ask yourself, who made the wave you are riding? I can trace mine back to before I was born into many different peoples lives to see how it had to come together if at all, and even with that hindsight and foresight into others waves source, I know the events I ride, that knowledge cannot change them and for all the “power” others have, they are helplessly trapped on their own waves of events. At least I was afforded a “top down” look at the sea or wave machine others unfortunately did not have. Anguish and lack of understanding are my only real complaint about this Universe,and have tried to give comfort through knowledge as best I could.

Cc Back on Maui

Inverse 3D mirrors

What people knew and when they learned it.
What people experienced and when.
What people will know and when they will know it.
What people will do or experience and when they will know it. 
(Beyond getting into peoples’ or societies heads)

11/11/2006 11:55 pm 
Technology as fashion accessories (in a negative sense)

11/12/2006 12:00 am
Choice as who thinking like, perceiving and when or doing so without choice or choosing to be aware or not aware of (the) similarity or (of) perception of others [thinking ?? (nearly illegible)] (,) or perceiving the sameness.

 11/21/2006 1:46 am
A nation that does not know its own true past or its past from many different valid points of view is dangerous and imperiled. A nation that does not know this of its present is psychotic, delusional, schizophrenic, and ultimately lost riding upon luck and without either shame nor reason.

11/21/2006 2:00-2:30 am
          Americans basically may as well live on another planet than the rest of the world, one where our mistakes and transgressions of international law, elective wars benefiting us financially or in security, are born of good intentions when not righteous acts themselves.
          Other nations do not think it is our right to tell other sovereign nations such as themselves, and European nations are finally beginning to see themselves on that list, of who ought to be “allowed” to run their nations, what type of government or aims their societies ought to have or be working toward, and are not or becoming not tolerant of our outright expressed “right” or need to change their transgressions of our unilaterally imposed boundaries for them by intimidation, bribery of local political parties or businesses, by force, bombings or invasions, by assassination, by black ops within their borders aiming to destabilize their popular governments or movements, and funding by arms or weapons groups which will ferment violence or war with them or within them. 
          This double standard of our right to “guide” other nations development while never once imagining any other country would be right in doing such “criminal” or subversive things to us or to threaten our sovereignty, our peace, security, or right to self-determination, this began with the Monroe Doctrine, at once both noble in saying colonization (in the Americas) is off-limits, but also that it is our right to “guide” half the globe to how we saw fit, which lead to unprecedented interferences and interventions which in effect through our businesses made us powerful through exploitation no different than slavery when at last we no longer allowed actual slavery, far after the rest of the world abandoned it (milking it to the last drop, the last possible dollar, the last possible moment).
Not seeing ourselves as others might see us, not acknowledging how our blindness is intentional allowing us to transgress all of our supposed principles we preach that other nations must live by while we exempt ourselves from such civil behavior, free to wreck our will upon any nation on the globe as we had previously on the Americas, all the while profiting from it, it is now essential that we see ourselves as another nation may see us because, like it or not, they may one day not be so easy to brainwash as our own public is so eagerly willing to accept this deadly double-standard as right, true, God’s Will, or having any relation to any logical concept of justice for all, when it is judged by one nation operating in a vacuum of balance playing by rules if any other nation tried to apply to us, we would destroy them completely without mercy.
 This is why we seek to maintain an unmanageable military advantage, to keep living in a world where we are not bound by the standards or laws other nations are expected to live by in how they treat us. If only our public was allowed to see ourselves as other nations are beginning to see us, through how we destroy “unintentionally” countless others, we might redeem ourselves before it is too late.

Messianic nationalism and double-think, Russian Nationalism and American Exceptionalism, the dreams that empires are made of.

Strong America, corruption NSI

11/22/2006 5:15 am
(mostly illegible)

11/24/2006 7:21 am
Eddy (Mary Eddy Museum's inverted Earth map), starglobe (a inverted globe of stars visible in heavens), periphery inversion and both at same time from 4D perspective between both 3D examples, sliding perspective along 3D space but (just) outside of it, like flying above a 2D plane equally above it.

(drawing of  two cones together with where they meet a 2d plane representing a 3D plane, “begin” at one cone point, “end” at other cone point, arrows around it and the word “inverse”)

11/28/2006 6:50 am
Tip world only when considered absolutely necessary. All other times as much as possible, humanity voyeur.

Pong? on ball, curved environment playing fields.

Measuring and plotting curvature of curved 4D spacetimes in 5D, anti-curvature arcs outside (of 4D models).

Neither cause nor cure of others suffering

1:10 am (late December)
I don't do “things”, I do events. Deobjectify time into participatory interactions instead of concrete actions at set points from (only) one point of view. No nouns, fuzzy verbs which do not occur at one single point in time but continue to affect multiple other times from all points of view of all affected by each event and subsequent events (which follow from initial ones). None happen without others participation so all effects and originating events are participatory. Single outlooks on them are limited and useless in understanding them on any level other than the most superficial. 

6:17 am (probably same day around Dec 19)
WIW not of this but need to use this to get it

12/24/2006 9:45 pm
Visualizing belief systems geometrically, how ideas of one person or culture stack up to others in same time and over time, core belief  “trunks” (tree analogy) of masses of people of unquestionable assumptions thought to be universal truths, cores, and branches in same time and other times.

Inverting environment of biological beings, seeing (it?) an extension of themselves as ranges to interact with and build concepts of themselves through (the external events located in the environment, not their “person”), a part (the components in the environment and events of interaction with them) of each (person, consciousness) to swim through as a fish and ocean are united to us from outside of both (outside the ocean, or the fishes environments) . Each part, fish, ocean, reacts to the movements of the other (fish make waves, must adjust to ocean's currents). Choices are all that is unpredictable, whims and wills and how they mix (with the environments and how they are created by it).

U-bend magnets, smooth transitions bending to inversions in polarity intertwined.

Asisfour's 3D Hangover Hallucination: Doing the space warp again, perpendicular style. (key to inversion explanation circles in/out and balls at front and antipoles and outside 3D space is (as?) relational.

12/26/2006 8:10 am
Not for things, experiences, knowledge, favor, power, nor to affect one outcome or another (getting beyond (common) motivational understanding limits)

12/26/2006 2:25 pm
The only things fated are those to which we relinquish our control over to others or to previous (past) versions or notions of ourselves, our convictions and purposes. When comfortable enough, hungry enough or desperate enough, to take the helm for a moment and own up to it, all else must deal with that, if not defer.

If you wait for the world to get better, you (almost?) assure it never will. You wither push it in the direction that you think it should be going in or watch while others choose their own directions, to usually their own personal advantages.

12/26/2006 9:41 pm
Carter's assessment (that the US is now the leading cause of nuclear proliferation, that other countries now think (rightfully so) they require nukes for protection from US first use (Bush) doctrine, “pre-emptive” wars against anyone we don't like or becoming a threat to our dominance) will stand if humanity long stands. It is fairly obvious to the un-misinformed. Because of ignorance, greed, and lust for greater power of a handful of men and the machinery of society that protected them unaccountable to any reach of law, it was the United States that at this time willingly, eagerly, and with utter disregard for humanity as a whole, opened the gates of Hell.

Post:Smokey the Burning Bush to George: Only you can prevent terrorist attacks or forest fires     12/29/06

12/28/2006 7:26 am
Most important bill, pardons, ordered to break law, anti-MCA, pardons in the air, political hitmen, blackmailers police ignore

12/28/2006 7:46 am
Consciousness, play, spontaneity, dreams, and the future past

12/28/2006 7:55 am
It could be said if I were brave in this environment, I would long ago be dead. Only the sycophants survive long. Some might think one can be brave and live long if one is clever. That is true, but always be wary of clever people. It is not long before they are fooling themselves.

1/4/2007 12:34 (am?)
To say that everything outside of yourself and your consciousness (at the moment, with (including other times or beyond the present, without in another sense) a time definition, you have no definition) is merely a trick to get you to know things, agree to things, actualize things, and become things you would not without that push, forgetting that such is how you came to be at that point to be pushed further by them now, is ultimately always a valid point of view, more grounded in truth than anything in physical “reality”.

1/5/2007 3:45 am
DeconU as existing in consciousness only

1/5/2007 3:50 am
On Falun Gong: Aside from it as a political movement being in a lack of political dialog one of the few lateral movements possible, though not exactly permitted, but possible, I am reminded of the potential of many more in the future to accept a deified Elvis Presley. Far be it from me in my time to say they in their time are wrong. Such is my pause in slamming Falun Gong as a bogus religion as it is not my culture, but a religion based on Elvis would be a corporate religion, with values like a menu comprised of what be considered that people might want to buy (or buy into). At best or to have a somewhat “solid foundation” there would be a core menu to build around and only minor changes over time. Elvis was no Jesus and Falun Gong's founder was no Lao Tzu (nor needless to say Jesus as he claims), but people should be free to find their inspiration where they choose, no matter how shallow the pool or patched together the ideals. At best a good theory or philosophy is built or founded on the best available sources at the time. On how or why it was conceived (as a religion) is important to me, but like even the corporatization of Christianity in many ways, its McReligions, it's origins are not as important to others, and as they can rightly point out on this, are always glossed over and mythologized anyway. Its social function politically and sociologically are more important than its origins, but it is nice when not a total patch job by wealthy interests from the start, even if they are all destined to finish on that note.

1?/16/07 12:41 am
Events of ones life, passed though in succession, remembered in sequence creating (our) identities (based upon externals) or coming from within oneself to create them out of thin air? Both are partially true, not just because others alter our plans and we choose from amongst external options. We are both part of a play, completely beyond our control in overriding, yet also then we are the reason and instigation of our experiences, (and) education or entertainment by it, the meaning (in a greater sense) is always made or found without (in and through our interactions with an external environment), but its purpose is always found within us. 

1/23/2007 8:34 am
That it should be any other way (US losing sight year by year) 

Art chance to emulate (fiction as inspiration)

EU and “losing” Iraq

Non-interference by definition not right. Those who choose to interfere.

1/27/07 3:36 am
I like to think I have risen above all possible mistakes in a given time and set of circumstances, and for awhile it is true, but always can find new ones not traveled yet

2nd church (commission), (who must) ask for

2/17/07 12:40 am
He who can stand steadfast and fearless amongst the worst storms nature can throw at you, to storms everywhere, he will seem the hurricane.

2/17/07 4:15 am
Pouch rooms. Room yds

2/22/07 12:54 am
When the goal becomes to help this person or that, you become susceptible to compromising your integrity and values. Focus on all or (you will put) one person above (all else) at the expense of helping others. You may not be able to help everyone, but once you select one, others have you dead to rights for manipulation, blackmail, and (illegible). Prepare yourself to help all equally or watch as you are repeatedly forced to make ever worsening choices because of love, admiration, or respect. (Illegible), all that is good used against you.

2/24/07 12:16 pm
Truth: (in/of) history, government, politics

Post:Ascension 4 years after    2/24/07

3/5/07 6:00 am
M.O.C. same view, before birth. If not, (if) gone, then same after. If (either), which (view is actual), why, once understood, relevance fades. Only the question, answer points only different interpretations.

3/5/07 6:15 am
Living with both interpretations at (the) same time, seeing it both ways at once until one collapses

3/5/07 6:35 am
Postcard away, flattened, even 360 degree view (is) 2D except curved “away” dimension, how with (it?) see, hit things, view compressed at one moment in time, from another’s point of view, surround or from within, seeing (both) at same time

Post:Hawaii, my Natural Environment, the Perfect Environment, and Reset Points     


Post:Warnings are good, threats are bad, unless the same thing    3/22/07

Post:Rays of light, but before the dawn or darkness?     3/22/07

3/30/07 12:00 am
Consciousness and moving train of biology and evolution.

3/31/07 11:25 pm
One of the most simplistic things about how people think is that you can have truth over here on one hand, and what you believe over here on the other, that they are not connected and are autonomous. Not to say they are the same thing, quite often opposed, but never not inter-dependent and in a sense creating each other by opposition or by cooperation. It simply requires a greater complexity of thought than most would wish to consider, and many are not only so not disposed, their minds are not taught the required building block concepts. Zen (Buddhism) and some other (methods of thinking) can lay a basic foundation, but some types of understanding truth quite literally requires compartmentalizing all you know and think of, all you may yet, and interact with truth as something not apart from yourself or your life, but merely one interpretation on realities that go beyond existences and one set of histories, yet are reflected in them smooshed down as a 3D world is to a lake reflection or a mirror. 

Hawaii, Christianity, hostile takeovers, poison pill cultures

TV technologically inferior to reading

Ease, percent of difference, 0-1%, 50-51%, or 99-100%, lethargy or ball moving, or nearing completion, slowing or aiming beyond mark (100%)

Post :Without truth ammo, smear them with 'friends' who are their shrinks      4/4/07

4/5/07 8:33 am
Moving forward in perception through the pasts of others embodied in them and in the environment, books, films, objects of art, manufactured goods, etc., created by them, brought to you by others for future events of your life to interact and resonate with, creating your future built upon the pasts of others as your future events, from another point of view, are already the pavement others will have moved through to define themselves by (and through your own past as well, through all moments previous anticipation of and wishes for your present to give perspective and meaning to them)

TR Post: Wordplay-'s First Post    4/6/07

4/09/07 8:00 am
Call it arrogance if you will but I believe that any country would be lucky to have someone as smart and creatively intuitive as me among its peoples. But I do demand something in return for that level of allegiance. I demand that it work toward a more just global society and not for the benefit of its own at the expense of others. I demand that it be working to increase understanding and acceptance of human rights and not be actively eroding or disparaging them. I demand this because whatever mandates they (governments) may or may not have from their own people to do what I believe are negative things, preying on the weak, exploiting them, torturing, promoting torture or even failing to denounce it and stand up to nations that torture or rig their own elections, no matter who they are and how grave the repercussions may be for doing so, I would then not agree upon their right to rule for they would not be working in humanity's best interest and that would preclude as a maxim, not even in the best interest of their own citizens for they are no more, and no less, humanity. They (citizens) need to know and see things in this manner and they need governments who ask them to see their actions in such a light, to promote decency, rights, and true democracy at all times in all aspects of their governance. 

4/11/07 9:45 am
Sitting on explosive growth potential yet forever limited by (the) environment to let it out in small doses. Eventually (the) environment must begin to change to keep up or will redirect it else-whens. 

TR Post: The No Maas Moment Approacheth for the Washington Press Corps 

4/14/07 10:10 am
Only after you wake up was  a dream just a dream. Only after you die is a life a life. While ongoing and within them, they are something more, undefined, potentially anything else. Then what they are is not written yet, and inside, outside, or post perspectives do not apply. 

Post: My New Dodeca-Toy and How It Potentially Aligns My Futures and Past

4/16/07 3:24 am
Visualized squares of squares in squares (3 squared + 4 squared =  5 squared) (and then cubes of cubes in cubes) pictorially

4/20/07 12:25 pm
Amazing those who defend America's reputation blindly like a championship trophy that came about in a rigged tournament rather than try to make it true today. Essence of the War Against the Truth. Torture, humiliate, degrade, deprive.

4/22/07 9:45 am
Imagined relational purposes (imagined not in the sense of “I imagined“ as a verb but instead used as as an adjective)

TR Post: Little time to write for now, not the Dalai Lama post     4/27/07

TR Post  Pro-War Papers Say Bush Let Them Down, "Just wait," Bush thinks, "you'll see.      4/29/07

5/1/07 6:35 am
Joy to the world and bomb bomb bomb (GWB's kingdom come), bike ride (through city), apartment in city (dreams).

5/2/07 4:58 am
Democrats backing torture, preemptive war, worse than continuing, expanding Bush dictatorship (not that country would get a choice)

5/2/07 12:07 
Others can read what I wrote and see it as I once did, something new to their thinking, a seed for thought. Some things now to me I know as trees, too many perspectives upon them, no longer as potential alone but how it has or might develop in conjunction with circumstances. This is bad enough. A nightmare would be to know what it might unleash in others thoughts and actions, what their “trees” might be, at least in regards to the world I know and understand, never the same worlds, never the same potentials. Greater in some respects, lesser in others. However, actualization is always at the expense of potential. The more (control?) is concrete or actualized, the more you are trapped by it from being or doing something else. I built a house of cards as best I could knowing it ought to be knocked down, but because of that, made it more worthy to stand than those who seek to control change and convert it into sameness.

TR Post:  The Power and the Mana: Repression Vs. Human Spirit    5/2/07

5/3/07 12:10 pm
       I have stressed many times the need for people to think in terms of 4 or more dimensions. To me, this is self-evident. Those with sight (eyesight) tend to think in terms of "things" and of this "thing world" (Universe) and "thing beings." Geometry and how "things" are constructed is key to (understanding what lies behind) this type of thinking. But the experienced world goes far beyond 3 physical dimensions. Atoms are a quintessential 4 or more dimensional “object.” Only through 4 or more dimensions can electrons “movements” through “non-space” between orbits be adequately explained other than the standard non-explanation, which may as well just call it magical. Also, the interaction between time and movement (electrons) requires multi-dimensional thinking without getting into observer/observed paradoxes. Yet consciousness trumps them all requiring many more dimensions to try to explain what it is and how it functions, defying time, even at times causation. It seems unlikely that humanity will ever be able to explain all of the implications of this and better understand what Universe we inhabit and how it functions while all of science is ultimately subordinated and subservient to the military for “strategic” advantages, especially in trying to understand the mind, for such studies and insights are always joined hand in hand with how to control it. Our aggressive nature and incapacity to pursue a global means to eliminate such mechanisms for controlling thought and progress, seemingly dooms us from finding definite answers about ourselves, our minds, and our worlds, and keeps those professing the most ignorant, ideologically-based close-minded approaches firmly in power, seemingly indefinitely.It is no accident ideologues seek to control and harness the military, for it alone has the means to suppress proving them wrong by eliminating research, suppressing facts, and vanishing or breaking or silencing proponents of alternative types of thinking or means of lessening the ever-growing “restraint” of the thinking processes of “free” men and women.

Post:(The above paragraph was also posted to my blog the same day as...) Atoms, consciousness, and military control    5/3/07

Post: The best failure I can be- Beyond words there are shapes hinting at what can't be said outright     5/15/07

Post: Not down and out yet, and the perils of mile high blogging    5/16/07

TR Post: Fearlessness, Courage, Weakness and Strength    5/17/07

TR Post: Flashing the Future Institutionally: Part 1, Aqua-Ban     5/21/07
TR Post: Torturing Color Coded Terror Mice     5/23/07
5/23/07 7:47 am
Corporations as private governments with private police forces and private intelligence services and now private armies if/when necessary. The government ones are merely training ground for more lucrative “private” ones which require (the) influence of it (government) to keep these private ones legal and in control (the means of which by) through “after government (service)” job offers. What was considered “decentralization” (now instead) through growth and mergers has led to mini-economic dictatorships (within nations borders) with their own laws, ability to write nations laws, and above all else, to keep every nation, especially the “most powerful one”, crippled from developing an economic plan of international scope to regulate them. Eventually all “legitimate” governments risk obsolescence as they are too much grounded to have to operate in the open. When (corporate “governments” or entities) are linked to intelligence agencies, they truly are untouchable and everything they do is unquestionable and every criminal act of business, trafficking, or murder is “legal.”

TR Post: Empire Needs Redefinition & Transmutation, Not Dangerous Collapse

5/25/07 1:20 pm
Tetrahedral “rows” visible in 3D. Cube “rows” need 4th dimensional axis to visualize the “order” of the “row” added to the 3D axises we can more easily visualize and/or relate ourselves to/with 
(Note added 6/4/07 3:20 am to the above while typing up the notes... This dealt with visualizing stacked tesseracts, coincidentally or not something I have just finished working out today (June 3/4). So much required, put me sleepy even after lots of coffee. Did not think it was possible to pass out with that much caffeine in me. Almost damn near comatose at times. [exaggeration but 1) it is boring to think about and can make me extremely tired,  2) it takes so much out of me to sort through it when requires  literally stretching my ability to think or many radically new concepts are needed quickly to sort or reorganize thinking, my body just shuts down, and 3) I actually understand it better when semi-conscious anyway. Thinking blurs a bit, and then new concepts needed come into focus. “Guesses” made then will  usually turn out in right directions.] Worked out in last 24 hours that smallest “stack” would be 16 tesseracts (2x2x2x2) to maintain same shape with 4 of every 8 cubes on the “inside” used twice, and the other 4 the border to the “outside”. Damn near impossible to visualize since each tesseract is the equivalent of a self-enclosed 3D universe, each cube in the “stack” intermingled, and thus then thinking “outside” of all that. [Actually a bit easier with some practice to think about the edges and corners since edges and corners are less intermingled, but that's another story, still thinking “outside” of the edges and corners of intermingled stacked shapes the equivalent of intermingled 3D universes curved back on themselves, that is still a bit of outside most reference points easily imaginable and why I have put it off.] My game in 1/2 view mode of a tesseract was helpful in visualizing the “corners” of the tesseracts meeting the “outside” of curved universe edges to the “world” or “air” of a 4D “environment”. This thought on 5/25 reignited thinking which lead to restarting 2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple on June 2nd, about a week later. The concepts would not wait. Drawings on June 3rd show these concepts visually.)

5/25/07 1:28 pm
Dodecahedral “rows”  2 axises would be out of a 3D plane which makes it damn near impossible to visualize or relate to a 3 dimensional viewpoint or way of looking at things / seeing.

5/25/07 1:31 pm
In 2d, only triangle and square apply (stacking to recreate same shape). In 3D if dodecahedral “rows”  are impossible without a 4th dimension,  relates to pentagonal “rows”  (in a dodecahedron) impossible without a 3D curvature. With 4D curvature, dodecahedrons fit together snug and perfect.

Post: Outsiders Looking In, Sarkocrats, Russian Arks, and my Ark    5/31/07

TR Post:No Mercy: The Cheney Bush War Generation Graduates     6

Post: The Second Coming Outside of Causality: Book 2 Commences (For the Usual Fee Plus Expenses)      6/2/07
6/3/07 4:30 am
I can and do feel just in thinking I almost owe nothing to anyone anymore. More than most, I have been robbed of context, not knowing the Universe I inhabit in a fundamental way. I can know of countless others lives, why they might think me among the best or worst, know the value systems they will be raised in to think such ways, yet which ultimately are applicable even by such standards I do not agree with, I cannot even say. I can say I believe to be robbed of information vital to perspective on ones own life, forced to search through others lives for it forever inconclusively, this is bad enough when done through fate and happenstance (and it usually is done by definition). But when it is on purpose, when it is how others have consciously decided how it should or must be, you owe them nothing. By my religious beliefs, I can know of the idea that such a void or blockage, obstruction of knowledge or perspective, I share in (responsibility for) or ultimately is my own creation, and obviously any desire that life should be or should treat me any other way by definition would have to be my own perspective, but it matters not to the reality of the fact that my use to others (all others) is dependent upon keeping me down as much as those who keep people from being able to feed themselves to get them to labor for them or otherwise please them, or suffer or die because they cannot find a way to do either. This is to an extent my world, my creation, but not one I feel obligated to. I harmed myself I admit by giving others the power to disappoint me by making what I need to know, or believe I need to know,  something hard do reach, out of bounds, that others could use (give) or deny, that is my hand in this. Maybe somehow I chose a lack of context as my context, but others have yet to surpass my expectations and I doubt I can lower them much further.

6/3/07 4:52 am
Life is ultimately something done to yourself by yourself. Once the longing is over, the absence is filled, the feeling of incompleteness is at an end, so is what you need it for or need from it. Joy is found in small attainable goals. Too full realizations bring affinities to things beyond your life and sometimes beyond use for it. Try to find the good in what comes your way everyday, and when there is no good in it, try to make it better. There is ultimately nothing to lose in the attempt, for attempts are all that you are. You are only what you do, not what you perceive.

TR Post: For Two Soldiers     6/7/07

TR Post:Paul Craig Roberts Unglued: Dems Monster Too     6/9/07

TR Post:What We Factually Stand For Now Like It Or Not, Face Up To It     6/13/07

Post: Infinities Overlapping: Two to One to Two      6/14/07

Post: Politically dimensional and positively more and less pointless      6/14/07

Post: Triple Heartbreak: NY Beggars, Yoshoo, and Rotten Apples in Moscow
TR Post:How the Bad Superman's Reign Ends     6/27/07
Post: Breaking 'Stick of History' and Inventor's New Goodbye      7/4/07
TR Post:Constitution Cola Returns: Can the 'Real Thing' be far behind?     7/6/07
TR Post:The Truth Is Never "Off-the-table" In Any Redeemable Society     7/13/07

TR Post:Kangaroo Congress in Contempt: Decider alone "shall" be "serious"   7/28/07

TR Post:The World We Inherited, The World We Will Leave Behind     9/4/07

TR Post:New "Preferred Citizen Card" Program! Its Shiny! Its New! Its Way MORE Cool!!!      9/27/07

Post: Hazy beginnings, Abrupt Ends, Dreams Overshadowing, and Concentrated Notes      10/9/07

TR Post:Bike Me: Fat-Bottomed Girls You Make the Rockin' World Go Round


TR Post:The Rise of the Peacemakers     10/15/07

TR Post:Open House at US Torture Sites, If We Do It, It Is Not Torture Giuliani
TR Post:Scary Democracy Slurred, Fake Debates, and Zombie Stripper Newscasters     10/31/07
TR Post:RCP and Two Years After, the Very Changed World Continues     11/4/07
TR Post:What's Different: The New Norm, Your "Right" to remain silent while being Waterboarded     11/12/07
TR Post:The Lion, the Phoenix, and the Serpent: To Renew or Revive, Looking Back on One of Five     3/31/08
TR Post:Alcyone Over Cristo Redentor: Like Jesus in the Sky, All Seabirds Together Across Time and Flying In Formation     5/16/08


© 2006-2008 by Jared DuBois